230201 Meeting began at 18:38. * $6,154.94 bank account balance 37 paid members 180 people on our email list. If they don't pay their dues they'll be removed from the list. * Victoria made a bunch of contacts on CW on winter field day, Knapp Park * Thinking about catering field day and or a picnic using presto pasta catering. * Website needs to be updated to the correct PO box address. Update YouTube videos link so people can watch club meetings. * Is an in-person meeting showing people how to use their radio, how to be net control, netlogger, and winlink. * Randy has audio files of our clubs meeting on the radio. Including, Phil, kj6zi conducting as net control. * Have linked to the club's Facebook web page on our club web page. fb://group/585010018339738?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT * * * * * Meeting ended at 1934. * -END-