Meeting began at 231207@18:32. * $8,202.89 treasures report, but will take a hit because of the holiday party. We may break even or be slightly ahead financially with a holiday party. BJ's has a meeting room for about 45 people. * Membership, up to 95 members, 41 paid. * Tommy, K6YE, said he is willing to help out with anyone that needs help on the board. * Chris Kerrigan is willing to help out with the board, on planning, presenters, lecturers. * Randy, nets are going well, Zoom is still occurring. Field day we're going to start preparing for it in January. Maybe some mini Field Days. Barry may want to do a CW net. * Natalie, the tic toc lady, will do a presentation in January for our club on Zoom. * Ham Club online, $1 per member or $100 a year that allows you to track membership and track payments, sends out notices to renew, looks very complete, needs board approval. * Bill Stein's family made a gift to the club. The club has created the bill Stein award for members who have made outstanding service to the club. Alex nominating John Peyser, KM6LBW. * * Meeting ended at 1907. * -END-