Meeting began at 18:32. * First board meeting of the year, and Randy as president of the club. Eli is the new technical vice president. * If Pierce college is free for field day we should pin it down now, call Dr. Brian Silk soon. Dana was our original contact. Ask Dr self if there's a room where we could have club meetings? * Winter field day at the park at the West end of victory using the club call. January 27th-28th * Richard, N6NCW, volunteered to keep the QRZ club web page up to date and with new pictures. * Denny's, Sherman Way and havenhurst, has a room that can hold 100 people with a minimum purchase of $350. Talking about having a club meetings in person, possibly at the West Valley police station, Topanga police station, fire stations, or at Millie's. * $7, 048.80 Bank balance, treasurer's report. We lost no more than $100 on the holiday banquet, Maggiano's. * Getting new members that have recently received their license, free membership for the first year. * Create a new hams net and answer questions that new hams have. Do the first new hams meeting on Zoom see how many attend. Club members could share ideas and answer questions on air and on Zoom. * Call new members and ask them what they would like from the club. Have a checkbox for new hams and if they want to be contacted to answer questions. * Meeting ended at 1948. * -END-