Meeting began at 240306@18:30. * Dr. Brian Silk did not yet see the email from Randy regarding field day. He will look at it tomorrow. * A copy of the field day application to Pierce college was sent to All board members, not all received them however. * Treasurers report: $7,377.09 in the bank. * Randy's going to call Katherine to see if she's interested in helping out with field day. She has not renewed her membership. * We may have ARRL coverage for liability in building and using a pneumatic launcher for putting up antennas over trees. Multiple safety officers should be used when using this launcher. * Mark, k6fg, offered to look into the liability insurance policy and paperwork. * Mark sent an email to Cheryl Ludwig ARRL liability insurance liaison, and copies to some of the board members. * Created for new hams to sign up to the club membership for free for the first year. * Amazon has custom shirts for $12.88. Hats, t-shirts, badges * We will have club members at the April 6th Warner Center Park event. We can share the table with ARES. * John Portune, W6NBC, will be our next guest speaker at our club Zoom meeting. Yagi antenna, how to build one. * Sending a link to Alex to find the club meeting notes. * Meeting ended at 1950. * -END-