Meeting began at 240403@18:30. * The sylmar veterans Park notified Alex with a letter about field day. Randy is trying to get in touch with Dr. Silk and he has not returned his call. Randy will call Dr. Silk again tomorrow. * Treasurer's report, $7,486.87 bank balance. Maggiano's, December 1st, 8th, and 15th. Sunday, December 8th and the larger room. * Membership, we currently have 80 paid members. * Don Pettrick, wg6h, is currently the club trustee with the FCC. Don has moved to Bakersfield and is not currently a member of the club. Randy has volunteered to be the club trustee in the meantime. * Have a meeting for the new hams, possibly on some Saturday, maybe in a park. * Talking about having another meeting location other than zoom, Lulu's, Denny's, Police station, or an Assisted living facility. Or maybe, in addition to zoom have meetings at a park, bring your own chair. * * Meeting ended at 1929. * -END-