Arkansas Razorback Net
6:30 PM Central
3987.5 KHz

Greene Co. ARES Net
Tues 7:30 PM Central
145.470 W5BJR/R

.: Latest Update
03 March 2024

Welcome to Greene County Arkansas.


*443.825 DMR/Fusion/P25/D-Star capable

--W1KLM/R on Brandmeister
--TS-1 is Dynamic
--TS-2 is for local traffic (TG 314148)
--There are Static TG's on TS-1 at present

--D-Star is active. No default reflector connected

--NXDN is active. RAN 1
--FreeStar Network --116nxdn by default (if connected)

*442.825 This build is in proccess
-- Update in May

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Projects in the works.

  • Pictures
  • Shoutbox
  • Scripts
  • Misc Junk
Created by W1KLM
All Content © 2024 KLM Productions