Auxiliary Communications Emergency Service
Burnside Bridge Antietam Battlefield
Present Alert Status
Alert Status For Airports
Operators, remember you are running this net. You
should exercise your own individual style. Please
use the following script as a guide which would ensure that you cover all of the elements
of a good net. Keep the net interesting and
light ( a little humor wont hurt
anything). Work to build your check in
base. The express purpose of what you are
trying to accomplish is to establish a core of stations that will be available for
emergency communications purposes and also handle traffic should the need arise. Good luck and have fun! Calling the FOUR STATES Net calling the FOUR STATES Net . Your net control this evening is [your call sign] and my name is ____. Im operating from my (home or car) in [your location]. Is there a station willing act as a back up for net control? ________ (call) recognized as back up, thank you. This net is sponsored by the Antietam Radio Association of Washington County MD. It is open to all amateurs licensed to operate on this frequency. The purposes of this net are to: THE PURPOSES OF THIS NET ARE TO;
THIS IS [YOUR CALL]. BEFORE TAKING CHECK-INS, I WILL PAUSE FOR ANY STATION WISHING TO LIST TRAFFIC, NOTICES OR WHO MIGHT HAVE ANNOUNCEMENTS. (PAUSE AND HANDLE TRAFFIC OR OTHER ITEMS AS NEEDED This is a directed net. As you check in please identify your power source for example mobile, HT, or emergency power. If none is given it will be assumed that you are operating on commercial power. (At this point, if you have internet access as you are doing net control you can announce that you can take check-ins via email at [email protected] (see access instructions below)) This is [your call sign]. Before taking check-ins, I will pause for any stations wishing to list traffic, BULLETINS or who might have announcements. (PAUSE and handle traffic and notices as needed.) I will now stand by for stations from (Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland) (repeat for each State) (PAUSE and take check-ins.) Any other check-ins, call [your call sign] at this time. (Repeat as necessary.)
OK, here is the fun part. Take about 10 to 15 minutes to do one or more of
the following:
Amateur radio Newsline is at: (Radio Amateur Information Network: (ARRL Audio News:
(Ask for comments or questions from each station that checked in.) CLOSING THE NET This is [your call sign]. My thanks go to all stations who participated in this evenings net. Before I close the net, here are a few reminders: The A. R. A. generally meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room of the HAGERSTOWN REGIONAL AIRPORT. All amateurs and those having an interest in Amateur Radio or an interest in radio topics, are invited to attend. (Thursday ) The A. R. A. also operates the EMCOMM net on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. on the 146.940 repeater. If you are appropriately licensed we encourage you to check in to this interesting net. This concludes our net for this evening. This is [your call sign] the net is free and the frequency is open for other amateur use.. 73 and good night [your call sign] is clear. C |
Send mail to
[email protected] with
questions or comments about this web site.
The use of the ARES� symbol in any printed matter or in any electronic media, is registered mark of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated and is used by ARES groups with permission. |