GenLog Supported Contests/Activities -------------------------------------- 070 Club 160m Great Pumpkin Sprint 070 Club 31 Flavors Contest 070 Club 80m Autumn Sprint 070 Club Firecracker Sprint 070 Club High Band Challenge 070 Club Jamboree 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial Sprint 070 Club PSKFEST 070 Club St. Patrick`s Day Contest 070 Club Three Day Weekend 070 Club Valentine Sprint 10-10 Day Sprint 10-10 Fall QSO Party 10-10 Open Season PSK Contest 10-10 Spirit of 76 QSO Party 10-10 Spring QSO Party 10-10 Summer QSO Party 10-10 Winter QSO Party 10m NRAU Activity Contest 13 Colonies Special Event 15-Meter SSTV Dash Contest 2 Weekends for 6 Meters 2GHz+ WW Microwave Contest 7th Call Area QSO Party 9KCC 15-Meter Contest AGB NEMIGA Contest AGB NYSB Contest AGB PARTY Contest AGCW Happy New Year Contest AGCW QRP-QRP Party AGCW QRP Summer Contest AGCW QRP Winter Contest Alabama QSO Party Alaska QSO Party All Asian Contest CW All Asian Contest SSB All Austrian 160m Contest All-Band VHF/UHF Sprint ANARTS WW RTTY Contest Anatolian 160m RTTY Contest Anatolian ATA PSK31 Contest Anatolian WW RTTY Contest ARAM Concurso VHF/UHF ARI Contest delle Sezioni ARI International DX Contest Arizona QSO Party Arkansas QSO Party ARLC VHF-UHF Contest ARRL 10-Meter Contest ARRL 160-Meter Contest ARRL Centennial QSO Party ARRL Digital Contest ARRL Field Day ARRL International DX Contest CW ARRL International DX Contest SSB ARRL International EME Competition ARRL International Grid Chase ARRL National Parks on the Air ARRL November Sweepstakes CW ARRL November Sweepstakes SSB ARRL Rookie Roundup ARRL RTTY Roundup ARRL Straight Key Nite Asia-Pacific Fall Sprint Asia-Pacific Spring Sprint Asia-Pacific Summer Sprint Baltic Contest BARTG RTTY Contest BARTG Sprint Contest Battle of Carabobo Contest Bermuda World-Wide Contest Bill Windle QSO Party Black Sea Cup International British Columbia QSO Party California QSO Party Canadian National Parks OTA CCCC PSK31 Contest CDX Independence Day Brazil CIS DX Contest CW CIS DX Contest SSB CIS QPSK63 DX Contest Club QSO Party Colombia Independence Day Contest Colorado QSO Party Connecticut QSO Party Cosack's Honor VHF/UHF Contest County Hunting CQ World-Wide DX Contest CW CQ World-Wide DX Contest SSB CQ World-Wide WPX Contest SSB CQ World-Wide WPX RTTY Contest CQ WW 160-Meter DX Contest CW CQ WW 160-Meter DX Contest SSB CQ WW RTTY DX Contest CQ-M International DX Contest CQMM DX Contest (CWJF) CQ-WE Contest Croatian CW Contest, no longer supported Cupa Moldovei Contest CVA DX Contest CWops Mini-Test CWops Open Czebris QRP CW Contest DARC 10m Contest DDFM 50-MHz Contest Delaware QSO Party DIE Contest Digital Pentathlon DL DX RTTY Contest DX Colombian International Contest DXpedition Mode EA DX Contest Elecraft QSO Party EPC PSK63 QSO Party - QRT EPC WW DX Contest - QRT EPC WW DX Contest BPSK125 - QRT ES Open HF Championship ETDXA 144 MHz Sprint - QRT ETDXA 222 MHz Sprint - QRT ETDXA 432 MHz Sprint - QRT ETDXA 50 MHz Sprint - QRT ETDXA Microwave Sprint - QRT EU Autumn Sprint CW EU Autumn Sprint SSB EUDX Contest EU PSK DX Contest EU Spring Sprint CW EU Spring Sprint SSB European HF Championship eXtreme CW WW Challenge Fall 144-MHz Sprint OLD Fall 222-MHz Sprint OLD Fall 432-MHz Sprint OLD Fall 50-MHz Sprint OLD Fall Microwave Sprint OLD FELD HELL Contest FISTS Coast to Coast QP FISTS Fall Sprint FISTS Spring Sprint FISTS Summer Sprint FISTS Winter Sprint Flight of the Bumble Bees Florida QSO Party Florida State Parks OTA Flying Pigs Run For The Bacon FM Nasaud Cup FM Simplex Challenge FOC Marathon Contest FT8 DX Contest FT8 Roundup GACW WWSA DX Contest Gedebage DX Contest GEM Net World Wide Contest General Logging General SWL Logging General VHF/UHF Logging Generic 144-MHz Sprint OLD Generic 222-MHz Sprint OLD Generic 432-MHz Sprint OLD Generic 50-MHz Sprint OLD Generic 6-Digit Contest Generic 903-MHz & up Sprint OLD Generic Microwave Sprint OLD Georgia QSO Party German Telegraphy Contest Great Colorado Snowshoe Run Great Lakes QSO Party GridLoc HELL HA-QRP Contest Hawaii QSO Party Helvetia Contest High Speed Club CW Contest Holyland DX Contest Hungarian DX Contest IARU HF World Championship IARU R1 160-Meter Contest IARU R1 Field Day CW IARU R1 Field Day SSB IARU R1 VHF/UHF Contest Idaho QSO Party Illinois QSO Party Indiana QSO Party Internet 6-Meter DX Contest Iowa QSO Party Japan International DX Contest CW Japan International DX Contest SSB JARTS WW RTTY Contest JLRS Party Contest John Moyle Field Day K1USN Slow Speed Contest Kansas QSO Party KCJ TopBand Contest KDR Activity Week Kentucky QSO Party Kentucky Parks OTA Kids Roundup King of Spain Contest CW King of Spain Contest SSB Lario Six Meter Contest LoTW Contest Louisiana QSO Party Low Power Spring Sprint LZ DX Contest LZ Open CW Contest Maine QSO Party Major Six Club 6-Meter Contest MARAC County Hunters Contest Marconi Memorial Contest Maritimes QSO Party Maryland-DC QSO Party Massachusetts QSO Party MDXA PSK Death Match MDXC Members Trophy Medium Speed Test Mexico International RTTY Contest Michigan QRP 4th of July CW Sprint Michigan QRP January CW Contest Michigan QRP Labor Day CW Sprint Michigan QRP Memorial Day CW Sprint Michigan QSO Party Mid-Atlantic QSO Party Millennial Microwave Contest Minnesota QSO Party Mississippi QSO Party Missouri QSO Party Montana QSO Party Motorola QSO Party NA Meteor Scatter Contest NAQCC European Sprint NAQCC Sprint Nebraska QSO Party Nevada QSO Party New England QSO Party New Hampshire QSO Party New Jersey QSO Party New Mexico QSO Party New York QSO Party NJQRP Skeeter Hunt NNY Section QSO Party North American QSO Party CW North American QSO Party SSB North American RTTY Sprint North American Sprint CW North American Sprint SSB North Carolina QSO Party North Dakota QSO Party Novice Rig Roundup - old rules, do not use NRAU Baltic Contest NSARA Contest N-SSTV 20M Contest Oceania DX Contest CW Oceania DX Contest SSB Ohio QSO Party Ohio State Parks OTA Ohio Winter QSO Party OK DX RTTY Contest OK QRP Contest Oklahoma QSO Party OK-OM DX Contest Old New Year Contest OMISS QSO Party ON Contest 6M ON Contest CW ON Contest SSB Ontario QSO Party Open Ukraine RTTY Contest Oregon QSO Party Original QRP Contest PACC Contest Parks on the Air Peanut Power QRP Sprint Pennsylvania QSO Party Portugal Day DX Contest QCWA QSO Party QRP ARCI End of Summer PSK-31 Sprint QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party QRP ARCI Fireside SSB Sprint QRP ARCI HF Grid Square Sprint QRP ARCI Holiday Homebrew Sprint QRP ARCI Hootowl Sprint QRP ARCI Milliwatt Field Day QRP ARCI Newcomer`s Run QRP ARCI Pet Rock Sprint QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party QRP ARCI Summer Daze SSB Sprint QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint QRP ARCI Summer PSK-31 Sprint QRP ARCI TopBand Sprint QRP TAC Sprint Contest QRP To The Field Quebec QSO Party R1 Children`s Contest R1 Easter Contest R1 March Contest VHF RAC Canada Day Contest RAC Canada Winter Contest REF 160m Contest REF Contest CW REF Contest SSB Rememberence Day Contest Rhode Island QSO Party RMG Cumulative Contest RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest RSGB Commonwealth Contest RSGB IOTA Contest RSGB Jubilee Contest RSGB RoLo Contest CW RSGB RoLo Contest SSB Russian Digital + SSTV Contest Russian District Award Contest Russian DX Contest Russian PSK WW Contest Russian RTTY WW Contest Russian WW MultiMode Contest SA Sprint SARTG WW RTTY Contest Scandinavian Activity Contest CW Scandinavian Activity Contest SSB SCC RTTY Championship School Club Roundup Scottish DX Contest Scottish-Russian Marathon SEANET Contest Serbian CW Club Contest Six Club 6-Meter Sprint Six Club 6-Meter Winter Contest SKCC Sprints SMIRK 6-Meter QSO Party Solar Eclipse QSO Party South America 10m Contest South Carolina QSO Party South Dakota QSO Party SP DX Contest SP QRP Contest SPAR Winter Field Day Spartan Sprints Spring 144-MHz Sprint Spring 222-MHz Sprint Spring 432-MHz Sprint Spring 50-MHz Sprint Spring Microwave Sprint Stew Perry TopBand Challenge Summer FSK-441 MS Contest Summits OTA SYLRA Contest TARA Grid Dip Contest TARA PSK Rumble TARA RTTY Melee TARA Skirmish Tennessee QSO Party Tesla Cup CW Tesla Cup SSB Tesla Memorial HF Texas QSO Party Texas State Parks OTA TOEC World-Wide Grid Contest TRC DIGI Contest TRC DX Contest U.S. Counties QSO Party UBA DX Contest CW UBA DX Contest SSB UBA Spring Contest CW UBA Spring Contest SSB UK DX RTTY Contest UK/EI DX Contest CW UK/EI DX Contest SSB Ukrainian DX Contest Ukrainian DX Digi Contest Ukrainian Field Day UKSMG Sporadic-E Contest UN DX Contest US Prefix Award Venezuela Independence Day Contest CW Venezuela Independence Day Contest SSB Vermont QSO Party Virginia QSO Party VK Shires Contest Volta RTTY DX Contest W/VE Islands QSO Party Wake-Up! QRP Sprint WAL Contest WAPC DX Contest Washington Salmon Run Weak Signal Activity Weekend West Virginia QSO Party WFDA Winter Field Day Wisconsin Parks OTA Wisconsin QRP QSO Party Wisconsin QSO Party Worked All Europe DX Contest Worked All Germany Contest World QRP Federation QRP Party WSJT Winter Rally WW Flora and Fauna WW Locator DX Contest YO DX HF Contest - not supported YO International PSK31 Contest Youngsters on the Air YU DX Contest Yuri Gagarin DX Contest ZeroLand QSO Party To log new, or OLD and not supported contests, use the free N1MM+ logger.