W3KM`s KM Rover - Initial Use Instructions
              KM Rover Logger - Initial Use

Step-by-step hints to learn KM Rover Not a ROVER, use VHFLOG instead. 1. After installing the logger, run it from the desktop shortcut or the Start | Programs menu. ° Note: Do not drag KMRover328.exe to the desktop to make a shortcut. Right-mouse the .exe and select `Create shortcut`, then drag that shortcut to the desktop. 2. For now, enter your Call Sign and initial six-digit grid into the setup screen. Use urCall-R in the setup screen, as urCall/R would cause a Windows file write error. After writing the Cabrillo (urCall-R.log), verify the changes that the logger makes to your callsign in the log. Click <Continue>. 3. Load an existing file from the files box by clicking the filename. Change the current grid by clicking it. Use a 6-digit for accuracy. 4. Select HELP | Contents from the pull-down menu. Read some of the basic indexed items up top. If my WinHelp32 file does not open, you can get the WinHlp32.exe file from Microsoft`s WinHlp32 page. My older WinHelp file looks nicer, but the internet links may not work in newer OS. Or select the HTML help in the Help menu. 5. Change bands by entering 50, 14, 22, 43, 12 etc into the callsign input. Try other pull-down menus. There are other ways to change bands, plus, there are different ways to accomplish most of the logger`s functions without using the mouse. 6. Add a QSO. <Enter> a call sign. If that call is in any of the data files, the data is displayed: 6-digit, bearing, bands the station has and op`s name (if the `Bands` option is being used). ° Note: <Enter> means you either hit <Enter> or <Space> to accept the data typed in. <Tab> is only used to move between fields. Logging results are unknown if you do not use <Enter> or <Space> to input the data. This is true while editing in the `Edit log` form as well. 7. After you enter each field, the cursor goes to the next input. After entering the grid, hitting <Enter> or <Space> again will accept the QSO into the log. ° Note: You can select [QSO Accept(Auto)] using the pull-down menu. This skips the extra keystroke by accepting the QSO into the log after entering the grid. 8. Enter another QSO. After entering this one, <Enter> DL into the call input to delete the last QSO. This is a command you want to remember since you will use it often, especially when you enter a QSO on the wrong band. It is much easier to delete the last QSO if you accepted it by mistake, rather than editing it in the edit form. First make a mental note of the grid. Delete the QSO, then after changing to the correct band, <Enter> L for last call, and continue. 9. Use the Log pull-down menu and write each of the files available. Cabrillo log, summary, back-up file, etc. Follow the submission rules and view/edit your Cabrillo header. ° Note: If you copy (not move) NOTEPAD.exe from the Windows folder to c:\kmrover32 the files you write will open in NOTEPAD automatically. 10. Exit the logger and re-run it to start a new contest. The UTC offset should be automatic, but verify it to be sure. Verify your PC`s time zone setting as well. Use the auto time synchronization function in your PC`s system clock setup. ° Use the File pull-down menu or click the green [Contest] label and select a new contest. Double- clicking the contest works here. 11. Enter a filename using the File pull-down menu or click the blue [Enter new file] label to the left of the files box. Long filenames are OK, but keep them simple so they fit in the display windows. Hint: use a name that tells you what contest it is, 2015juneqso w3km2015uhf. 12. Enter QSOs. Enter a dupe to see this function. Enter a rover callsign (call/R) and log that QSO. Then, enter that rover`s call on the same band, but in a different grid. It logs without being a dupe. Do not log Rovers as call/grid - that callsign will not match what the station sends - in the sponsor`s cross checking procedure. Dupes are OK in the log, with no penalty. Always work a dupe station when requested to do so. The sponsor scores dupes as 0 pointers. When entering QSOs, if that callsign appears in the lookup files, the op`s name, bands and grid are displayed. New in v4.1: The optional VHF-History.txt lookup files is selectable in the File menu. When selected, the older look-up files are not used (ck2list.dat, logsort.dat, vhf4k.adi). 13. Move stations up the bands: change bands, then <Enter> S for same call. Advanced users can try changing bands with the PageUp/PageDown keys, and recall the last callsign when changing bands by selecting this in the Options Band Change... menu. 14. If you have a new radio with transverter frequency readout, you can skip #14. Use the LO.exe application to setup your transverter and PLL offsets and multipliers. When you change bands, the I.F. frequency for that band will be displayed - under the band display box. On microwave bands where you use PLL local oscillators - click the I.F. frequency display and input the PLL frequency just before making the QSO - all that`s required is an accurate VHF counter - which is used to verify your IF radio`s calibration. 15. Change your current grid. The logger keeps track of calls and grids per band, so you can work other stations and rovers as you move grids also. 16. Use the Log menu and select {Load last file...} to have the logger recall the last log file used, automatically when the screen loads. 17. If you connect the PC to a GPS on COM1 (or USB port), you can try the functions concerning GPS operation and beam pointing offset from 6-digit while driving. For mobile rovers: Your antenna system is calibrated for North in the direction of the front of your vehicle. The logger then displays the beam heading to 6-digit targets relative to your direction of travel. ° Note: When not using a GPS (or when parked), use the manual offset to display the beam heading. Calibration is done against known 6-digit stations or beacons. You can drive to a mountaintop and park facing in any direction. 18. Although networking is not provided, a 2-laptop rover operation can be done by merging the log files periodically. This is done in the Log menu. Write the log file to USB stick, then merge it into the other PC. This can be done to compile one file at the end of the contest. 19. Logging can be done without the mouse. Keyboard shortcuts entered into the callsign input are used to replace the mouse click functions. See `Keyboard shortcuts` and the `Printable shortcuts` in the HELP file. 20. Automatic file back-up is available. In the set-up screen, select the drive or enter the drive/path for your back-up file. USB flash-drives work too. Back-up can also be selected and turned ON/OFF in the Log menu. 21. USB to serial converters work for GPS and CW/PTT. Interfaces with the FTDI chips like the VScom USB to serial adapters work fine. Others may not. Use a PCI LPT board or external LPT board for band decoders. Win7 Win8 OS: Read the help file about bandswitching. 22. The DVK has an over-ride function - select `RIGblaster` mode in the DVK setup screen (even if not using a RIGblaster unit). Use <Esc>, <Space> or <Enter> to cancel the wave file being played. Playing the same or different wave file will also cancel file that is playing. 23. The logger writes a Cabrillo file for log submission using the Log menu. Read your log and verify/edit the Cabrillo header as required before submission.