Connect your GPS to the PC with a COM/USB serial cable and KMRover will show your Latitude and Longitude as well as the 6-digit grid square you are in. You can tell when you drive across a boundary into a new 4-digit grid square. Your current 6-digit grid is updated and displayed automatically as you drive, as is the actual beam heading to a target grid square. Direction to target while mobile: You can drive and log during the entire contest and the logger tells you where to point the antenna array. The normal direction heading is displayed in compass format and in text form while you are mobile. To display the beam heading-to-target, select the [Beam Heading] checkbox. Before using this feature, your rotor is calibrated to `North` in the driving direction of your rover vehicle. From GPS data, the actual beam heading relative to your driving heading will be displayed for the target. Rotor offset: A manual rotor offset allows using the heading-to-target function without a GPS unit or when your rover vehicle is parked (and no direction data is available from the GPS). With this feature, you can drive to a mountaintop and actually know where to point the antenna, without using a compass. After station setup, get a beacon or distant station`s beam heading from the 6-digit calculator by entering the station`s 6-digit into the grid field. Peak the antenna on the beacon or station. The manual offset is the difference between the calculated heading of the target 6-digit and what the rotor control box reads. After entering the offset, the station will peak at the heading given in the heading text display, as well as on the compass display. ET to target: Put the next grid square you are driving to in the `Next` field. Your current grid square is used as the start grid. The distance and estimated travel time are displayed while driving to this next grid. Travel time is based on your driving speed, if not 0. GPS tracking: Save GPS Tracking Data to a comma-delimited text file. The file can be viewed with NOTEPAD or opened with Excel or map software. The data filename is the same as your logging file, but with the extension {.trk}.