VHFLOG supports these contests: -------------------------- ARRL 10-GHz and Up Contest ARRL January VHF Contest ARRL June VHF Contest ARRL 222 MHz and up Distance Contest ARRL September VHF Contest CQ WW VHF Contest Fall Sprints Spring Sprints KM Rover supported contests: ------------------------------------------------------ ARRL January VHF Contest ARRL June VHF Contest ARRL 222 MHz and up Distance Contest ARRL September VHF Contest Use GenLog in >400 HF/VHF/UHF/QRP/Dig Contests. VHF/UHF activities/contests supported ---------------------------------------------------- 2GHz+ WW Microwave Contest 2 Weekends for 6 Meters All-Band VHF/UHF Sprint ARAM Concurso VHF/UHF ARLC VHF-UHF Contest ARRL International EME Competition DDFM 50-MHz Contest FM Nasaud Cup FM Simplex Challenge General VHF/UHF Logging Generic 6-Digit Contest Generic VHF/Microwave Sprints (7) IARU R1 VHF/UHF Contests (5) Internet 6-Meter DX Contest Lario Six Meter Contest Major Six Club 6-Meter Contest Millennial Microwave Contest NA Meteor Scatter Contest QRP ARCI VHF Contest RMG Cumulative Contest Six Club 6-Meter Sprint Six Club 6-Meter Winter Contest SMIRK 6-Meter QSO Party Summer FSK-441 MS Contest Ukrainian Field Day UKSMG Sporadic-E 6M Contest Weak Signal Activity Weekend WSJT Winter Rally Contests not supported, use the free N1MM+ logger.