SETX Ham Frequencies - a non-inclusive list          Oct. 5, 2010                                                              

Orange County, Texas                                                                                                                                          

VHF and UHF - Voice

VHF Primary Repeater          147.180 MHz +600 w/PL 103.5Hz (W5ND) Orange, TX @ IH-10 & 1442

VHF Secondary Repeater      147.060 MHz +600 w/PL 103.5Hz (AA5P) Orange, TX @ Dupont SRW

VHF Primary Simplex           147.420 MHz no tone

VHF Secondary Simplex       147.460 MHz no tone

VHF Secondary Simplex       147.440 MHz no tone - Mauriceville /North Orange Co. area.

VHF National simplex           146.520 MHz no tone    National calling frequency

VHF Simplex                         223.500 MHz no tone

UHF Simplex                         446.000 MHz no tone


VHF Packet 145.010 MHz 1200bps W5SSV-1 (alias BPT) digipeater in downtown Beaumont, TX

RMS Packet (Packet to internet) 145.010 MHz N5MTX-11 located in Orange, Texas @ IH-10 & MLK Pkwy

High Frequency - Voice

ARES Emergency and tactical traffic daytime: 7,285 kHz LSB nighttime: 3,873 kHz LSB

ARES Health and welfare traffic daytime: 7,290 kHz LSB nighttime: 3,935 kHz LSB

RACES - 7.255 kHz daytime and 3.975 kHz daytime - propagation may vary use of assigned frequencies.

Other Regional HF contact frequencies: check in times at 10:00AM, 2:00PM & 4:00PM CST

Daytime - 7.240 MHz +/- QRM - Comm. Check-ins at 10AM-12Noon-2PM-4PM-6PM

Nighttime - 3.853 MHz +/- QRM - propagation may vary use of assigned frequencies


PACTOR daytime: 7,092.50 kHz nighttime: 3,592.50 kHz

PACTOR is the preferred mode for point-to-point HF digital communications. Permitted frequencies

include 7080-7100 kHz and 3580-3620 kHz. 7092.5 and 3592.5 are recommended, with other

frequencies coordinated between the involved stations on voice net frequencies.


Jefferson County, Texas                                                                                                                                    

VHF Primary Repeater                       147.200 + 118.8 tone   PAPD rptr KC5YSM  IRLP Node #7645

VHF Secondary Repeater                   146.700 - 107.2 tone   Bmt ARC    W5RIN

VHF Linked Repeater                        146.760 - 107.2 tone    

UHF Linked Repeater                        444.700    107.2 tone  

VHF Primary Repeater                       145.470 + 103.5 tone   (W5SSV) JCARC repeater

VHF National Simplex                       146.520

VHF Simplex                           146.450    Mid-county simplex frequency

VHF Event Simplex Freq.      146.580    Special events frequency

VHF South Co. Repeater       146.860 – 103.5 tone     WD5GJP


VHF Packet                            145.010           W5SSV-1 (BPT alias) digipeater downtown Beaumont, TX

RMS packet                            145.050           KC5YSM-10    Port Arthur PD

RMS packet                            145.030           W5SSV-10       Nederland TX


Hardin County, Texas                                                 Jasper County, Texas                                  

145.230 + 103.5 tone - Echolink Node#351624                      Buna    145.390(-) (W5JAS) PL 118.8

147.570 Simplex                                                                     Buna    442.425     (W5JAS) PL 118.8

RMS packet 145.010 MHz N5ALE-10                                   Jasper  147.000(-)  (W5JAS) PL 118.8

Newton County, Texas                                                   Jasper   224.860      (K5PFE)   no PL

Mayflower 147.120(-) (W5JAS) PL 203.5                             Jasper   442.200     (W5JAS) PL 192.8

(Hwy 87 and 255 area)                                                           Jasper   444.550     (W5JAS) PL 118.8          

Sabine County, Texas                                                                                                                               

Hemphill   146.900(-) (KA5BQM) PL 141.3   RMS packet 145.010 MHz KA5BQM-10 East of Milam on 21                       

Geneva      146.740(-) (K5TBR)     PL 118.8