The International Morse Code

Table of Contents
[ Alphabet ] [ Numerals ] [ Punctuation ] [ Special Signals ] [ How To Study Code ]


LetterComposed of:Sounds Like LetterComposed of:Sounds Like
A. _didah N_ .dahdit
B_ . . .dahdididit O_ _ _dahdahdah
C_ . _ .dahdidahdit P. _ _ .didahdahdit
D_ . .dahdidit Q_ _ . _dahdahdidah
E.dit R. _ .didahdit
F. . _ .dididahdit S. . .dididit
G_ _ .dahdahdit T_dah
H. . . .didididit U. . _dididah
I. .didit V. . . _didididah
J. _ _ _didahdahdah W. _ _didahdah
K_ . _dahdidah X_ . . _dahdididah
L. _ . .didahdidit Y_ . _ _dahdidahdah
M_ _dahdah Z_ _ . .dahdahdidit


NumberComposed of:Sounds Like
1. _ _ _ _didahdahdahdah
2. . _ _ _dididahdahdah
3. . . _ _didididahdah
4. . . . _dididididah
5. . . . .dididididit
6_ . . . .dahdidididit
7_ _ . . .dahdahdididit
8_ _ _ . .dahdahdahdidit
9_ _ _ _ .dahdahdahdahdit
0_ _ _ _ _dahdahdahdahdah


CharacterComposed of:Sounds Like
Period .. _ . _ . _didahdidahdidah
Comma ,_ _ . . _ _dahdahdididahdah
Question mark ?. . _ _ . .dididahdahdidit
Parentheses ( )_ . _ _ . _dahdidahdahdidah
Apostrophe '. _ _ _ _ .didahdahdahdahdit
Semicolon ;_ . _ . _ .dahdidahdidahdit
Colon :_ _ _ . . .dahdahdahdididit
Quotation marks ". _ . . _ .didahdididahdit
Hyphen -_ . . . . _dahdididididah
Fraction bar /_ . . _ .dahdididahdit
Error. . . . . . . .didididididididit
Dollar sign $. . . _ . . _didididahdididah

Special Signals

Special Signals
CharacterComposed of:Sounds Like
AR (end of message). _ . _ .didahdidahdit
Attention_ . _ . _dahdidahdidah
Invitation to transmit
(go ahead)
_ . _dahdidah
End of work. . . _ . _didididahdidah
distress call (SOS)
. . . _ _ _ . . .didididahdahdahdididit
Test letter (V). . . _didididah
Received, ok. _ .didahdit
Wait sign (AS). _ . . .didahdididit

How To Study Code
On examination, the morse code characters (alphabet, numerals and punctuation marks) reveal no two are alike. Therefore, when you hear the "dits" and "dahs" in a particular combination, the character associated with that combination comes to mind immediately and you write it down.

Your daily practice session for morse code should be about one hour in duration. You may even split the practice session into two half hour sessions - one in the morning, and the remainder in the afternoon or evening. If tired or your mind wanders, stop - forget it - go back to it later.

There is no substitute for practice. When learning a new language, such as morse code, you must devote time to constant daily practice. The amount of time spent on code practice will determine how soon you reach a particular copying speed. At first, slow and careful copying is more important that speed. Do not make corrections to your copy : if you miss a letter forget it. Speed will take care of itself - accuracy is more important. Remember...practice, practice, practice!

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