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West Virginia

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A message from W8YS.....


  Hello, my name is Dennis Bombardiere, W8YS, and I live in Marion County, WV. We are maintaining this Web Site to keep amateur radio operators informed of various activities, and to provide information to those who might want to volunteer their services if and when an emergency situation develops. We hope that time never comes, but when it does, we must be prepared.

Let us not forget that amateur radio got its start as a public service. Amateur radio exists today because it is a public service.

Traffic and Training Nets

  • West Virginia Fone Net: Daily at 22:00 UTC on 3.810 MHz..
  • Don't forget--the West Virginia Ares/Races Net meets the first Thursday of every month, immediately following the 22:00 UTC WV Fone Net, on 3.810 Mhz.

  • Our Short Traffic Handling Tutorial

    Printable Traffic Forms

    NTS Routing Guide

    ARL Numbered Radiograms List

    If you want to save the list for later reference, "right"-click on this file: "arl_msgs.pdf" and choose, "Save Target As". Choose your desktop, or a convenient place to save this ARL Numbers list where you can find it whenever you need to reference it.

    We have noticed many mistakes on traffic received on the WV Fone Net. Most of those mistakes are caused by failure to use the proper traffic handling procedures. To handle traffic better and cut down on mistakes,
    Please use the

    National Traffic System Methods and Practice Guidelines

    Color Chart of Frequency Allocations

    Test Your Knowledge

    Traffic Handlers Crossword

    Suggestion Box!

    Let us know your upcoming events, or your comments & suggestions for this site.

    sky_warn.gif (4179 bytes)

    NWS Pitt Skywarn Program

    NWS Pitt Skywarn Training Program

    Timelapse of closest NEXRAD base reflectivity of the 29 June 2012 derecho. The timelapse moves from Davenport, Iowa to Richmond, Virginia over 14 hours.

    Callsign lookup

    Callsign: (Exact Callsign Only)

    For New Callsigns Click Here

    Callsign lookup courtesy of WM7D

    Enter your callsign to see if you have an eQSL waiting!

    Please Sign My Guestbook


    2012 Orange Bowl Postgame

    sm w8ys.gif

    , in Marion County, West Virginia
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