FAVORITE RIG: Something with tubes

PET PEEVE: Apparently having his picture taken

FAVORITE QUOTE: "I transmit, therefore I am"


The legendary W1GFH transmitter rack. Joe's Viking Ranger squirts 15 watts of RF into an Ameritron amplifier, but not before a tube preamp and EQ have their way with the audio.


Ah yes, it's the Golden Age Of Broadcasting all over again here at W1GFH. A Marshall MXL2001P studio condenser awaits the glow of the RCA on air light.


This Hallicrafters SX-28 Super Skyrider is the ne plus ultra of shortwave receivers. Joe painstakingly restored it to its former glory with the aid of vintage parts and plenty of positive affirmations.


Joe's BC-779 atop a vintage hi-fi speaker cabinet. What's that strange sound coming out of the speaker? It could be YOU!