Pioneer Amateur Radio Associatio

                                                                                  Pioneer Amateur Radio Association - History


                                      The Pioneer Amateur Radio Association known locally by "PARA", was formed in 1987.  Charter member and club

                                      trustee, G. Dave Ramezan, KA8ZXP formed the club after becoming an amateur himself and realizing that there was

                                      no real following of the hobby in central West Virginia.  Dave was able to coordinate and build two VHF and one UHF

                                      repeater and was able to locate a hilltop site to put them on the air.  By advertising and organizing meetings, he found

                                      a strong interest and offered training for these interested folks who many became amateur operators.  Although not

                                      active recently, Dave became a mentor to many beginning amateurs.


                                      As many as 25 amateurs became licensed and repeater activity flourished.  Over the years, activity has dwindled which

                                      is most likely blamed on technology improvements especially with cell phone coverage increasing.


                                     The club call KB8ZBF, was change to a vanity call and is now WB8WV.  This call is used for club field day activity and

                                     is now the call sign used for the 145.29 repeater.  The repeater coverage continues to spread over central West Virginia.


                                     For several years, a newsletter was produced called 'ParaPhrase".  The newsletter was mailed monthly to club members. 

                                     The newsletter, brought amateur radio news, repeater lists and other information to spark interests in the hobby. 

                                     Later, a webpage was created which demonstrated activities that club members were involved in.

                                    Over the years, membership has dwindled, there continues to be a strong base of active amateurs active.  With the
                                    numerous band & modes that the hobby offers, many local amateurs are still enjoying the hobby.

