These are some pictures that I captured on HF. mostly on 3.866.0 locally. some are from 20 meters on 14.230 & 14.233

The 80 meter SSTV clan consist of myself, KL7JHR, AL7HT, KL0CK, NL7WK, KL7AC, WL7VO, WL7BM, AL7DX. SSTV is picking up here. glad to see more folks getting into it. it's a lot of fun. I met a lot of neat friends through it. page may load up slow. so give it time. will be adding more pictures from time to time.

Click on thumb nails to enlarge. use back button to get back here.

Oh Baby!! How!! Bad Kitty The sstv man!! Help Me!! AL7HT Scary! Sexy Chick Only way to Ride. Beware Windows