


Diplomas, Awards, Certificates

My video projects on YouTube . . . . . . . My second YouTube channel

VHF Low Loss Helical Band-pass Filter for 2m Band

Mini-Whip - Excellent Active RX Antenna from 10 kHz to 30 MHz

Airspy SDR as a Scalar Network Analyzer using for Antenna Characterization

Homemade Accurate RF Power Meter and Dummy Load 50 Ohm (0 - 2 GHz) new

My Antennas in my backyard

Baofeng UV-5R VHF/UHF Handheld Transceiver Problem

Programmable Automatic QRP Radio-Beacon for 3.5 MHz (80 meters band)

Dunestar Band-pass Filter 300-14 (14 MHz / 200 W)

Dunestar Band-pass Filter 300-21 (21 MHz / 200 W)

Dunestar Band-pass FIlter 300-28 (28 MHz / 200 W)

Homemade Low-Pass Filter (fc=530kHz) for LF and VLF receiving

Antenna Tuner MFJ-945E (detailed inside view and schematic diagram)

Antenna Tuner (1.8 to 52 MHz) DIY

ТЕКО - Shtip, Macedonia - The First Private TV station in The Balkans (1990)

SDR (Software Defined Radio) Basics

SDR (Software Defined Radio) Dynamic Range

Excellent homemade SDR Frequency Controller made from an old PC mouse

RF-Converters (not finished yet)

ICOM IC-706mk2g TX expansion modification

ICOM IC-756 Pro2 TX expansion modification

Transverter 14 MHz for 2m Transceiver

Simple mini FM Transmitter for beginners (88-108 MHz)

DIY cheap and quality Laboratory Power Supply 0-30 V / 2mA - 3A

My homemade low cost high performance RF Step Attenuator

Mile Kokotov - Cable Distribution Systems Basics - CATV (2010) - *in macedonian language

Short Course of Electrotechnics for Radio Amateurs - Part 1 *(in macedonian language)

Radio Amateurs Meteor Scatter Burst Communications *(in macedonian language)

SSB QRP Transceiver "TAURUS" for 20 m Band *(in macedonian language)

UHF Low Loss Band-pass Filter for 70 cm Band *(in macedonian language)

Non-Directional radio Beacons (NDB`s) Hunting

Electronic Communication Networks Planning - Mile Kokotov - Masters thesis - Goce Delcev University

Using decibels (dB) to express amplification and attenuation of audio signals, as well as sound intensity

ANTENNA Pages new

QRM X-Phase Eliminator new

Simplest Battery Charger with current limiter and short circuit protectionnew

Does and how dangerous is electromagnetic radiation?

IRIS - TV, The second private TV station in Shtip, Macedonia (1994)

Radio Club Z37M, Stip, Macedonia

Radio Amateur Society of Macedonia

Radio Amateur Emergency Communications


My EX Call was Z32GW. The new one is Z33T

(click on image to see it in high resolution)

Z33T home page