Go QRP Night

An easier URL to remember and direct newcomers:   BIT.LY/ZLGQN
(equally effective in lower case)



ZL's one and only 12-month Endurance Contest
encouraging QRP and portable operation throughout the year.

Designed to earn contestants points in proportion to the effort they put in!



Held on the last Saturday of every month except February, when it takes place on the first Saturday in March, to avoid doubling with the Jock White Field Day.   

80 m only
  Starts winter months      1930 NZT,  ends 2100 NZT
Starts summer months     2030 NZT,  ends 2200 NZT

Winter and Summer switching is determined by Daylight-Saving status.

LSB  centered around   3.690 MHz,  then on 5 kHz channel spacing, mostly down.    

Please avoid using 3.700 MHz;   a VK slow Morse station in Sydney is permanently transmitting on 3.699 MHz


CW centered around  3.550 MHz  in four short periods beginning 2000 winter / 2100 summer,   then three more CQ calls at 15 min intervals,  viz.       2015/2115,      2030/2130,      and the final CW call will be  ~ 2045 winter / ~ 2145 summer.  

Thinking optimistically, CW channel spacing will also be ± 5 kHz.

These times are shown in New Zealand time for ease of planning,  though for international contest conformity, logs are written in UTC.



Common Sense Rules   ... 
designed with fairness as the overriding criterion:

1.    Points are earned only for QRP to QRP contacts,  meaning both stations must have transmitter output power less than 10 W PEP.  

2.    Stations worked do not have to be competing in GQN but must comply with Rule 1,   otherwise points cannot be claimed.  
Mains-powered home stations which conform with the power limit in Rule 1  are acceptable.

3.   Two modes:   LSB and CW  only. 
      Stations may be worked twice, once using each mode.

4.   Additional cumulative points may be earned by operating some distance away from your home station:

a)   Portable,   as a self-sufficient station running on battery supply.

b)   Back Country,   as a self-sufficient station running on battery supply from a site located more than a 2 km walk from the operator's motorised transport.  i.e. having walked/tramped to a tent or hut with the potential, though not-essential, to stay overnight.
Map coordinates must be sent to each station worked and recorded by that station.  Read the details-section on map coordinate options below.

c)   DX,   i.e.  either the station worked or the competitor must be located outside New Zealand territorial waters.  Both must be in compliance with the power limit in Rule 1.

d)   CW,   i.e.  the contact must be a two-way CW-only exchange of complete ciphers.


5.   QSY rule.    Optional,  but entirely fair and much appreciated by those who benefit from the unselfishness of others.   

a)   If a station calls CQ, and makes a contact, that station will then leave the frequency at the end of the contact, and move to a frequency at least 5 kHz away.

b)  In other words, no one should park on a frequency and work multiple stations.

c)   If you are the CQ station:  You can call CQ as many times as necessary on one frequency – but after you have made a contact, you should move to another frequency leaving it free for the station just worked.

d)   After a minimum two minute break, if the vacated frequency is not being used,  the previous CQ-calling station may return.


6.   Consecutive Contacts Rule  

a)    It is not permitted to log consecutive contacts with the same station, which in the GQN environment affects only CW operators.

b)    While working a station on phone, it is not permitted to arrange a CW contact, then immediately QSY to work the same station.
There must be an entirely separate QSO in either mode separating same-call sign QSOs. 

c)   It is acceptable to arrange a CW QSO for the next quarter-hour CW slot, though if late in the event,  i.e. in the final 15 minutes, it may mean a non-consecutive QSO is impossible.  The loss of an opportunity in such circumstances cannot be avoided.


7.   Points will be accumulated monthly until the end of each year,
      then the contest resets on 1 January for the new year.


8.   Hand-written log sheets constitute a legitimate claim only if
      entirely legible and have had the points calculated and totalled
      correctly.  In all other cases hand written logs are welcome
      but will be used for cross-checking only.


Recommended efficient
CW Protocol



Please email your log sheet
within seven calendar days of each event to

Easy to remember deadline: 
Please email your log on or before the following Saturday!


Newsletter  Archive

GQN  Log Sheets

GQN  Running Score Board  2024


Note:     A log sheet proforma is provided and can be printed, then filled in during the event. 

Afterwards, copy your written data into the interactive LibreOffice Calc log sheet which automatically calculates the points and score, then send the worksheet file (with .ods extension)  by email.  Excel worksheets using an identical format will also be accepted. PDFs and handwritten logs require too much work to process if there are errors.

Be advised:    Accuracy is of prime importance.  Responsibility for accuracy of data and the claiming of points is entirely that of the competitor.  No correspondence will be entered into.



Printable Log Sheets  PDF    JPG      

Example  Home Station  Log 

    Download Log Worksheet  
           Latest version 4.22 for LibreOffice Calc

Example  Back Country  Log

View Points Tables

Configuring your Back Country
                     Map Coordinates

The Magic of Repeat Requests for CW

Data Strings to Expect from Portable
 and Back Country Stations


Other Activities with QRP Potential

RandomGram     An easy and innovative introduction to random groups leading to Enigma encryption.

SAS Net     'Spooks and Security',
a CW traffic net dedicated to encryption.

Lots of QRPers to be found on Fists Down Under

SKCC offers an interesting sport, 'Start QRO,
then switch down to QRP'. 
There are lots of awards to chase.