Principles and Important Links



The German Enigma machine uses a symmetrical key cypher system, which means that for any given message, the same settings, or key, must be used at both the sending (encrypting) end and the receiving (decrypting) end of the data transfer.  Both the sending and receiving parties must be in possession of the same code page for configuring their machines uniquely for the unique date on which any particular message is handled.  This, of course, was one of Enigma's great weaknesses, leading to the eventual discovery of the asymmetrical key system, known today as the public-private key cypher.  The public key cypher eliminates the vulnerabilities created by regularly having to pass up-to-date key tables between all parties in a net. 

Though Enigma had some cryptographic weaknesses, in practice it was German procedural flaws, operator mistakes, laziness, failure to systematically introduce changes in encypherment procedures, and the Allied capture of key tables and hardware that, during the war, enabled Allied cryptologists to succeed in breaking all the German armed forces Enigma Traffic.  Even Lorenz was broken at Bletchley Park, and was read continuously until telephone lines, instead of radio, came into common use by the German teletype services. 

Full details on how to operate a whole range of Enigma machines may be found on  the splendid Enigma World Code Group website, with grateful acknowledgement to Bruce Culp N7CLH.

A fully-functioning, configurable Virtual Enigma Machine may be downloaded from Dirk Rijmenants' comprehensive website, either for educational purpose or for real-time use. This is by far the best working presentation of Arthur Scherbius' famous 1918 invention to be found on the internet (personal opinion).



Key pages

Key page structure

Key page archive

Amateur Enigma Message Configuration

Audio Oscillator for MCW

Enigma World Code Group

Radiocommunication (sic) Regulations   (NZ)


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Disclaimer:    This is a deliberately simple website and does not claim to be definitive or complete in any way.
There are numerous better resources presented by really clever people available for information, training and research purposes. 
Every partly-encrypted transmission from ZL3TK and respondents refers listeners to this website www.ZL3TK.TK  for recovering the daily key and decryption resources.