
I have not installed all my antennas yet as I have only moved to my current QTH in March 2000 and have been busy with too many other jobs in and around the house.

I will discuss all my systems, with or without pictures and will update the site once pictures becomes available (On installation).

For the 6 Meter band I am using the Cushcraft A50-5S 5 element antenna. This antenna delivers 10dBd with a Front to Back ratio of 24dB. I am currently using a HAM IV rotator to turn this antenna which is currently only mounted 6 meters high.

For HF (20m - 10M) I use the Hy-Gain TH3HR 3 element Tribander antenna. This antenna is rotated by a CD45 MKII rotator. The antenna is currently mounted at 6 meters.

This is a picture of my tower. I am not sure where this tower was manufactured but I believe it was imported from the States. It is made of aliminium and orginally was 21 meters high. It used to have 7 sections of 3 meters each. The top three sections has been sold off before I bought the bottom four sections. What you cannot see from the picture is the bottom 3 meter section which is not triangular but square. I am still battling to get someone to make me a section which houses the thrust bearing to enable me to put my TH3JR and A50-5S on this tower. Someday I will hopefully be able to update this picture. You can see my 40/80 meter dipoles' apex at about 10 meters up the tower.

This is a close-up shot of my 70cms crossed yagi that is directed at our local 70cms repeater and 70cms packet BBS. My other 70cm antenna which is a 19 element Hy-Gain yagi for SSB has not been erected yet.