Acid Lemon


I was born in 1954 in rural northeast Missouri. I have wanted a ham license since i was around 12 years old but the morse code requirement kept me from getting one until January 2014 when i picked up my Tech and General. I got my Extra in August of the same year.  I was a Laboratory Technologist in a local hospital laboratory for 34 years but retired in 2019.  Most of my hobbies have a technical slant. Astronomy, Photography, Zymurgy and recently I have became interested in 3d printing.

Now that I am retired most every day is a fun day working new contacts on HF or whatever tickles my fancy on any given day.

My Blog

it is super nerdy and mainly for my notekeeping of things I am tinkering with but you are welcome to take a look Christmas dinner photo circa 2015.

I am the on the far left. too many of the people from this picture have become silent keys I am sorry to say. 
