
KK4OBI Bent Dipoles

This is the 4NEC2 antenna bend model for: Standard OCF Wide L-Dipoles
To use this model:
4NEC2 is an NEC2, NEC4, Windows based antenna modeler and optimizer by Arie Voors.
It is available free of charge at:

CM Standardized OCF Wide L-Dipole model for comparison studies
CM #14 AWG.  Over Real ground,  28.4 mHz.  1/2 WL feedpoint
CM OFC ratio is adjustable based on Length
CM OFC Feed. Must use Auto-Segment
CM Each arm angle is adjustable 360 degrees
CM Dick Reid,KK4OBI, 2016
CM . 
SY hgh=5.282    '150/28.4 = 5.2817 = 1/2 wavelength feed height over ground at 28.4 mHz
SY L=5.240165    'Length of resonant straight wire - meters
SY R=0.4    'Enter feedpoint ratio  (0.5 = center, 0.6=Tall, 0.4=Wide
SY arm1=L*R    'Ratio length of arm1 - meters USE AUTO-SEG!
SY arm2=L*(1-R)    'Ratio length of arm2 - meters
SY ang1=0    'Arm1 angle  0=up 45=right 90=right 180=down
SY ang2=90    'Arm2 angle  0=up 45=right 90=right 180=down
GW    1    25    arm1*sin(ang1)    0    arm1*cos(ang1)+hgh    0    0    hgh    #14    'Arm1
GW    2    25    0    0    hgh    arm2*sin(ang2)    0    arm2*cos(ang2)+hgh    #14    'Arm2
GE    -1
GN    2    0    0    0    14    6.e-3
EX    0    1    25    0    1    0    0
EX    0    2    1    0    1    0    0
FR    0    0    0    0    28.4    0
