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Links For The Homebrewer

Alex's Electronic Resource Library
Crystal Grinding  by Ian, VK2TIP - grind to raise frequency. Also tells how to lower frequency.
Digital Modes USB Interface  Cheap and easy to build - by Kevin, KB9RLW
Eagle PCB Light Edition v7.6  Free PCB CAD software - Windows 2K thru Windows 7, Linux, or Mac
Eagle PCB Light Edition  Free PCB CAD software - older versions
ExpressPCB  Free PCB CAD software - Windows NT, 2000, XP thru Windows 7
FreePCB  Free, open-source PCB editor for Microsoft Windows
Front Panel Designer  Freeware for Winows, Mac OS X and Linux
G3YCC's Homebrew Corner
Homebrew QRP is GUD 4 U
Homebrew Radios - Vintage Radios
IK1KFH Homebrew Site
KØJD  John's amateur radio construction projects
K9KLT  Ron's creative solution to power line QRN
KZ4AK  Woody's homebrew radio gear (ex-WB4QXE)
NimbleSig III  100KHz - 200 MHz dual output DDS RF signal generator/power level meter by Tom, VA7TA
NTE Cross Reference Search  Replacements for over 470,000 industry devices
Screwdriver Antenna
SM6LKM  Johan's 80M DSB transceiver and linear amplifier
Spectogram v14  Audio spectrum analysis for Windows 2000/XP - Demo
Spectogram v5.1.17  Audio spectrum analysis for Windows 95/98 - Freeware
Target 3001  Free PCB CAD software by PCB Pool
Tech Info  for homebrewing, modifications, repairs, AM theory, and lots of schematics
TinyCAD  Freeware
WN5Y  David's amateur radio receivers
WinPic  PIC programmer for Windows 95/98/XP by DL4YHF
7N3WVM  Homebrewed radios in Japan - Great links too!