VK3VH Amateur Radio Station

Melbourne Australia


This is my DXer's Website

Since a pretty young age I have always had a thing for radio. I was first introduced to it back in 1980 when I was a cub scout. I then went on the boy scouts, then Venturers and Rovers. Ham Radio plays a big part within the Scouting Association. I guess the love for radio never escaped me.

A bit more about myself

After finishing up in the Scouting Association there were many things that kept me busy. Finishing school, starting an Apprenticeship as an Electrical Fitter, playing in lots of bands, surfing, then finally meeting the love of my life, getting married and having 3 beautiful boys. I am now 44 years old and only got my Ham License 3 years ago! Although I did dabble around on 27mhz chasing EU stations when I was in my early twenties. Although its a thrill to make contacts over seas on the 11 mtr band, I got bored very quickly and gave it away. In hindsight, I probably should of sat for my license back then, I'd would of made the "Honour Roll" by now. A few other things that keep me occupied are video production and audio voice over work. I've been filming and editing video for roughly the past 8 years and have also filmed and produced some 30 odd music videos as well. I currently film for two television shows which air on our local pay tv network called Foxtel. One is a Country Music show called Country Crossroads and the other is called Liquid Horsepower which showcases the sport of Supercharged powerboat circuit racing.
For pictures and my Equipment list, see my QRZ Page!!
De VK3MSD Shaun

Awards I've acheived

In the short amount of time i've been Dxing, I've managed to collect a few awards for my efforts!
Grid Square VK Open Award
Grid Square VK Phone Award
Grid Square VK CW Award
IARU Worked all continents Open, Phone and CW (mixed bands)
I'm actually one contact away from 5 Band IARU WAC, I still need Sth America on 80mtrs!
DXCC Multi mode Open Award
DXCC Multi mode CW Award
DXCC Multi mode Phone Award
DXCC Single band Open Award 20mtrs
DXCC 3 Band Open Award 10, 15 and 20mtrs
Worked 271 and confirmed 265

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