Silent Keys
Silent key - an amateur radio operator who is deceased. The term can be abbreviated 'SK', especially in morse code. The key in the term refers to a telegraph key, the instrument that all early amateur radio operators, as well as many contemporary amateur radio operators, have used to send Morse code. The term SK, used in telegraphy to indicate an end of transmission, is therefore also used to refer to any amateur radio operator who is deceased, regardless of whether or not they were known to have used a telegraph key or Morse code in their two-way personal communications.
# | Callsign | Name | Comment |
1 | W6VT | Bud Whiteman | Great CW person. Many years as a two radio technician in Orange County. His first call 6VT. Over the Hill Gang |
2 | W6ALO | TommyJentges | A great CW person. True gentleman. Also a good projectionist. Over the Hill Gang. |
3 | N6ME | Mike Sahadi | Sorry would take up a hundred web pages to tell the stories. Mike loved CW. |
4 | W6SYC | Leroy Sparks | My first radio contact on two meters. A technician for HP in Fullerton for years. A full radio repair shop in Santa Ana. |
5 | K6BBB | Bob Gilbertson | Lots of good times on VHF and UHF over the years. Bob was a charter member of DARC. |
6 | N6RJ | Jim Rafferty | HRO Anaheim Lot of good deals and good times with Jim. Also at WARA field day every year. |
7 | KØHWY | Tex Beneke | Many a good time at the Plaza Gardens Disneyland with Tex. Great, great, great person. |
8 | WB6MQS | Greg "Scott" Mills | Anaheim High Class of 1966. |
9 | KA6SOP | Irv Lans | The power man for WARA Field Days. Never met a generator he didn't like. |
10 | WA6UYB | Dick Holmes | WARA Good guy helped with many projects. |
11 | N6BVU | Karl Pagel | Member DARC Over the Hill Gang |
12 | WB6EFZ | Herman Heidel | Herman worked at Disneyland in the plumbing shop. Charter member of DARC. |
13 | W4XAA | Tom "Tomcat" Kneitel | Great writer, great magazines. |
14 | WA6X | Robert "Waxie" Hammmer | Many many hours on 146.445 with Waxie Over the Hill Gang |
15 | K6SV | George Varvitsiotes | HRO VP He was a technician, a salesman, a store manager. |
16 | WV6V | Cam Burke | Only got to work with Cam as a VE for a few times. Great person. His Club K6COV in Orange. |
17 | WD6EZE | Rudy Bermudes | Charter Member DARC |
18 | KK6KK | aka W6LKO Bobbo | WACKO Radio Club lots of good times in almost 40 years.... |
19 | KB6UJW | Wayne Barringer | Lots of good times at HRO with Wayne ... "Semper Fi" |
20 | K6OHM | John Thompson | Without Johns help never would have been a Disneyland ARC ... Lots of good times at HRO. |
21 | W6RJ | Robert "Bob" G. Ferrero Sr. | Founder of Ham Radio Outlet |
22 | WB6LYK | Ted Schumacher | One of my Elmers Got me into computers may years ago. |
23 | W6MHB | Riley Gaynor | Ex WB6QVY. Would take all day to tell abt Riley…. Owe everything I have to him. |
24 | WA6RXK | Jon Miller | Another person got me into computers. Lots of good breakfast meetings with WB6LYK. |
25 | N6ISY | Dick Burno | WCARC for many years. Helped getting me started as a VE with WCARC |
25 | K6HUU | Carl Dobrowolski | Original member WA6OWW remote base in SoCal. ATV expert. Good CW person. |
26 | K6KNR | Russ Farrell | Lots of great time talking to Russ at the YL Radio Shack Store. |
27 | W6SZH | John Stenbakken | Great instructor at Carson High School built many of his projects. |
28 | KE6FUZ | Rob Queen | Rob worked at Disneyland. Trustee for Disneyland repeater. Also worked at ACC |
29 | WA6KXU | Ken Gruber | Original ham in the Disney Radio Club. A true leather craftsman |