Blackdown Dogs: Pet Sitting

A puppy

Dog Walker Serving The Honiton Area

Andy Westcott - Blackdown Dogs
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Pet Sitting & Puppy Visits

Although dog walking is my main business, I also offer an evening pet sitting service and can occasionally fit in a puppy visit. Below I have dealt with these two services in separate sections.

Evening Pet Sitting

Evening Pet Sitting Fees:
  • £20 for the first 2 hours or part thereof - this is my minimum charge.
  • £10 per hour after the first 2 hours, charged in 15 minute increments.

A puppy I used to puppy-sit: Rusty

This is an evening-only or weekend service which I can provide once my daily dog walking has been completed. It is a sensibly-priced service offered primarily to support existing clients, but could be extended to dogs that I don't normally walk if there would be a need for regular pet sitting.

During my stay I will try to keep your dog reasonably entertained, and depending on how long you are away for, I'll take him outside at regular intervals for a wee, and to break up the evening for him.

If you're going to be away for a while, just show me where the coffee making apparatus is, and show me how to use the controls for the telly!

Please note that I don't take any dogs out for a long walk during evening sitting sessions; it is purely to keep the dog company and allow any toilet breaks which may be needed.

Puppy Visits

Puppy Visit Fees:
  • £5 for a 20 minute visit or short walk.

A puppy I used to puppy-sit: Budley

Puppy visits have been in high demand in recent times, the requirement being to pop in for a short time while you are out to let your puppy into the garden for a wee, and perhaps feed him or take him for a short walk. This breaks up the day for your pet and reduces the chances of you coming home to find yellow puddles on the floor and the sofa in shreds.

To assist with this, I try to make time to have one puppy on my books if possible, but as I spend much of my working day out walking with dogs, options are limited. Therefore I can only really help if you live in my immediate vicinity or near another client, which might allow me to shoe-horn in a visit between walks. If you are somewhat flexible with your time requirements we may be able to work something out between us, so get in touch anyway; if I can't help, I may know another professional who can.

For the sake of information, The Kennel Club recommends that puppies should not be over-exercised in the early months, as this could damage developing joints which may contribute to arthritis in later life. They recommend just five minutes exercise per month of age until the puppy is fully grown.

Dog Walking Fees:
    • £10 for an hour's walk for one dog.
    • £5 for each additional dog from the same household.

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