Simple block diagram of receivers
4f.1 Understand the block diagrams of the crystal diode receiver, tuned radio frequency (TRF) or straight receiver and superhet receiver.
4f.2 Understand the functions of the RF amplifier, mixer, local oscillator, IF amplifier, demodulator (detector), and audio amplifier. Intermediate frequency
4g.1 Recall that the intermediate frequency is the sum of or difference between the RF and local oscillator frequencies.
Frequency selection
4h.1 Understand that tuned circuits in RF and IF amplifiers select the wanted signal.
4i.1 Understand how a diode detector will recover the audio from amplitude modulated signals. Understand that to generate the audio from CW signals a beat frequency oscillator (BFO) is used; for the recovery of single side band audio, a carrier insertion oscillator (CIO) and product detector is used; for the recovery of FM audio, a discriminator is used.
4i Identify the waveforms produced in a diode AM detector.

This is a crystal diode receiver:
The tuning stage consists of a parallel inductor and variable capacitor between the antenna and earth.
The diode rectifies strong AM signals

The earphone converts the rectified electrical signal to sound.

Key features

  • No power supply required
  • Not very selective – receives several AM stations at the same time
  • Receives AM signals only
  • No amplification, so not very sensitive.
  • Only receives strong stations

This is a tuned radio frequency receiver
The first stage filters out the required band and amplifies the signals
The demodulator is still a diode which separates out the AF from the RF
The audio amplifier increases the gain
The BFO can be used to receive Morse and SSB

Key features over a crystal set:
  • More selectivity only receives one station at a time
  • More sensitivity
  • Can be used to drive a loud speaker
  • Needs a power supply
This is a superhet receiver
There may be an  RF amplifier between the antenna and the mixer. The RF signal from the antenna is amplified. It also has tuned circuits
to select signals on the received band.

The mixer combines the RF signal with a signal from the local oscillator to produce an
intermediate frequency (see previous slide on sum and difference)
The local oscillator generates the tuning frequency
After the mixer there is a filter, usually a crystal filter that selects IF signals only.
The IF is fixed at one frequency – for example 10.7 MHz. It further amplifies and filters the signal. As it works on one frequency there is no need for tuning each stage with variable capacitors. This is where most gain is achieved.

For CW and SSB receivers.The demodulator  is usually a transistor or an IC mixer that mixes the IF frequency with a signal close to the IF frequency produced by the BFO to produce an audio signal.
For FM receivers a discriminator is used.
For AM reception a diode is used. This rectifies the AC signal and then filters out the RF leaving the envelope which is an audio signal.

The BFO (Beat Frequency Oscillator) or CIO (Carrier Insertion Oscillator) is mixed with the IF to demodulate CW and SSB
The audio amplifier  increases the audio power to drive a  speaker or headphones


4j.1 Understand that the automatic gain control (AGC) of a receiver operates by sensing the strength of the received signals at the detector and adjusting the gain of the IF and sometimes the RF amplifiers to keep the audio output level fairly constant.

AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
Signals from a superhet receiver can vary from S1 to S9+60. This change can take place over several seconds. One way to cope with this is to constantly have your hand on the RF gain, turning it up and down to keep the audio signal constant. Fortunately an AGC circuit will do this automatically. This monitors the output from the detector, and turns it to a voltage which automatically controls the gain of the IF and sometimes the RF stages.

If the signal strength increases, the IF gain is turned down.
If the signal strength decreases, the IF gain is turned up.
