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GB3ZZ Repeater


Electronic Testcard Generation

Most Amateurs that transmit television pictures use some kind of test card or test signal generator to create a pressence on air.

A single board "Cropedy" Electronics Testcard Clone

Electronic Testcard Generator
The next generation of electronic, as opposed to computer generated pictures were a few more years coming in the form of a design by Colin Edwards (published first in Radio & Electronics World) the "Cropedy Electronics Testcard". This design would produce a full screen Black & White image which was held in a 2732 type EPROM. Being EPROM based meant that the Callsign and message information could be easily changed by anyone owning a computer and suitable EPROM programmer. It is possible to use a larger EPROM and have several testcard screens selectable with a simple switching system.

The next logical upgrade to this project was a colouriser circuit, so that we could at last transmit a colour testcard, most of these designs were based on a single chip from Philips semiconductors the "TEA2000" PAL Encoder.

Members of the British Amateur Television club have come up with numerous circuits over the years, so this is a good place to look if you want to build a circuit to ident your out going television pictures.

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