The Shack

HF Eqp..
            Icom IC-730 HF Transceiver
            Atlas 180 HF Transceiver
            RCI 2950 10 Meter Transceiver

VHF Eqp..
             Alinco DR-130   2 meter Transceiver
              Icom IC21a   2 meter Transceiver
              Regency HR-6    6 meter Transceiver

                TenTec 1210   10m - 2m (used on the 2950)
                TenTec 1208    20m - 6m (used on the Atlas 180)

                Motorola Radius

                Radio Shack DSP unit (not too impressive)
                MFJ Multi-Mode DSP filter (very impressive)
                MFJ-1276 Packet-Pactor Controller

                 Center fed, taped dipole at 20 feet
             10 meter
                   5/8 wave ground plane at 30 feet
                6 meter
                    J-pole at 20 feet
                2 meter
                    J-pole at 20 feet

Go back to the home page What I have in the shack Places to go and things to do A few pictures of the radios Repeater software