Acid Lemon

My Shack:

HF Equipment

My current HF rig is an ICOM 7610. I currently have 3 HF antenna's up at this QTH. A EFHW for 80-10 meters, An inverted vee doublet, and an A3S Yagi all mounted a 50 ft tower. I am primarily a digital mode station but dabble with SSB voice from time to time. I also own an ICOM 7300 and an ICOM 705 which i am very happy with.

VHF/UHF Equipment

My current  VHF/UHF rig is an ICOM 9700 using a jpole each for 2M and 70vm. I also own various HT's and mobile rigs

Radio Pictures 

Here is the 7610 

ICOM 7610      

Here are the  9700 and the 7300 affectionatly referred to as "the twins"

7300 and 9700

The 705 precariously perched on my work bench


Here is my tower with the a3s and eire antennas
