AD6AA gives the operator's table a quick once over.
George, W6YD, operating while Mike, AD6AA looks on.
K6TJS gets some needed help from his helpful son.
AD6AA at the operator's table
No, that's not a yellow vertical, waiting to sit in the chair. That's our center or the dipole anti-sag stick and nonmetallic chair to keep the twin lead section of the antenna from touching the ground.
AD6AA at the operator's table.
Todd and Yuly slaving over the BBQ to cook us dinner.
George checking on Mike's progress.
Out turn to look over Mike's shoulder.
A shot of our APRS computer.
You can see the APRS station operated all weekend on that 12 volt battery supply.
Radio Amateur Field Day Contest
What is Field Day?
Each June the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national non-profit agency representing amateur radio, sponsors Field Day. The purpose of Field Day is to test the emergency preparedness of radio amateurs throughout the United States, its possessions, and Canada.
Where is it held?
Radio Amateurs participating in Field Day set up temporary radio stations away from their homes and operate these stations under emergency electrical power for a 24 hour period. During this time these amateurs attempt to contact as many other Field Day stations as possible.
Amateurs are encouraged to put Field Day stations in areas accessible to the public so people can better understand the value of amateur radio in emergency situations. We were at Pacheco park, on the corner of 7th street and Pacheco Blvd (Highway 152).
The public is always invited to participate and are even be able to communicate via amateur radio because the "Control Operator" will be a FCC licensed amateur radio operator. This event is scheduled for the last full weekend in June each year.
This year (2004) we earned about 1100 points.
Contacts: AD6AA - Mike Germino, Club President KG6NUO - Dave Anderson, Webmaster, Club Vice-President
Los Banos Amateur Radio Club