Los Angeles County Disaster Communications Service South
Los Angeles, Lomita & Marina del Rey Stations –
Districts 3, 17 & 27
Please Sign Up for These
Important Participation Opportunities in Addition to
Monday Night Nets Minimum
Hour Requirements Have Been Reinstated For This Year
Check back for Other Events
November 16, 2023
2023 Medical Response and Surge Exercise
November 11, 2023
DCS Quarterly Training
Net Control Training for various situations
October 22, 2023
Prepared Peninsula Expo
Thanks go to Deane, Staff 50; Gary, T-222; Cindy,
T-223; and especially Bob, N-01 (Lakewood DCO) for staffing our DCS
There was good traffic and conversation with the visitors relevant to disaster communications
October 19, 2023
Great California Shakeout
@ 10:19
October 14, 2023 DCS
Fall Drill Voice-only
exercise inspired by the Great California
Thank you to those participating in last Saturday's
Countywide communication exercise that was based on a magnitude 5.8
earthquake off Santa Monica.
Saturday's exercise is in lieu of our usual Great
ShakeOut exercise
DCS members checked in locally with Mercalli
Scale reports & availability
District NC reported status
District NC took reports from
local operators & report information to County NC
District NC also tasked members responding to County
October 07, 2023
DCS Quarterly Training
Net Control Training for various situations
July 8, 2023
DCS Severe Weather Drill
0900-1400 hours
May 06, 2023
Gardena Public Safety Fair
1000 to 1400
Gardena City Hall Lawn
1670 W 162nd St Gardena
Our District participated as an exhibitor at the City
of Gardena Public
Safety Day. Members staffing our booth were: Vickie T-217, Steve T-227,
Diana S-60 & Deane S-50
We had a fair amount of interest at our booth and we
made important contacts with Gardena Emergency Coordinator and other
city leaders including the police chief.
This event was sponsored by the Gardena Police
Department along with L.A. County Fire Department which serves Gardena.
38th running of the Los Angeles Marathon went from
Dodger Stadium and finished on the Avenue of the Stars in Century City
Amateurs staff the water stations, medical aid
stations, the start and finish lines, and the Incident Command
There were 8 DCS Members who participated:
Ray L-113, Mile 2
Koichi B-01, Mile 4
Martin Z-504, Med 8
Chuck M-32, Med 12
Diana S-60, Net Control
Deane S-50, LA City EOC
Eric N108 LA City EMD Intern
March 18, 2023
County-wide Drill
Thank you to our 10 members and Manhattan Beach's
radio officer Paul, K6PEC, who participated in the DCS communication
exercise simulating area-wide electric grid outages affecting portions
of Los Angeles County. Besides voice traffic we also engaged in
multiple NBEMS messages and one Winlink message between Lomita Station
and the county command post for this exercise.
DCS voice and digital operators were operating on
portable power from district stations and from field locations
We led a successful radio operation at the Redondo
Beach Super Bowl Sunday 10K/5K.
Working with us were four Redondo Beach Police
Department Volunteers who are also licensed hams and several other city
radio group operators.
Serving from our DCS unit were: Diana, S-60, net
control; Deane, S-50,
Shadow to the Race Director; Ray, T-88, Rover in the
area; and Jeff, T-234, at Mile 4 on The Esplanade