

Technical Info


Mechanical Details

Control System


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This site was last updated 4/7/2002.


Overview of the Tank

I (N8MX) first heard about the tank around the end of the end of the 2000-2001 school year. Brandon (KG4NVK) and Justin (KC8OIO) were talking about it at a Radio Club meeting after school. They were planning the tracks and mechanics of it, and I wanted to be involved since I have long been interested in robotic platforms and radio controlled vehicles. I volunteered to help out, mainly with the control system, and I have been involved since that time.

The plans for the tank have evolved into greater and greater things since the first discussions. The idea for the tank is to have it be a radio controlled tracked vehicle that can be operated over long distances by means of a radio link. The visual feedback will be through Amateur Television (ATV). To accomplish this, it will be outfitted with a pan/tilt turret with two cameras mounted to it which will transmit live images back to the operator. The idea itself is pretty basic, but the implementation will be pretty complex. We keep thinking of spiffy new features to add. Check the other pages (Mechanical Details, Control System, Cameras) for more detail about the functioning of each subsystem.

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This page last updated 4/7/2002.
© 2002 N8MX.