International Space Station (ISS) Audio Recordings

ISS in contact with the
Euro Space Center in Belgium

Partial audio recording made received by Guy, ON6MU
in JO20AW, used a TM-255 with a 2x5/8wave vertical
MP3->NA1SS->Euro Space Center

About this contact:

US Astronaut Peggy Whitson, KC5ZTD, was the guest of honor via ham radio August 7 of more than 100 youngsters attending space camp in Belgium. The direct contact between NA1SS aboard the ISS and ON4ESC at the Euro Space Center, which is hosting the camp, was arranged and coordinated via the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program. "In the auditorium on a big screen, the children saw the ISS approaching Europe from over the Atlantic Ocean," said ARISS Vice Chairman Gaston Bertels, ON4WF. "They had been introduced to ham radio on the ISS, and now--a half an hour before the contact--they were putting dozens of questions to the ARISS representative and eagerly gathering answers."

US Astronaut Peggy Whitson, KC5ZTD, was the guest of honor via ham radio August 7 of more than 100 youngsters attending space camp in Belgium. The direct contact between NA1SS aboard the International Space Station and ON4ESC at the Euro Space Center (Transinne/Redu), which is hosting the camp, was arranged and coordinated via the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program.

ARISS Vice Chairman Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, said that because the youngsters spoke either Dutch or French, a computer program was used by
those translating the astronaut's English, which displayed the
translations on a screen. Campers ranged in age from 8 to 15.

Because the youngsters spoke either Dutch or French, a computer program was used by those translating the astronaut's English into Dutch and French to display the translations on the screen, Bertels said. Campers ranged in age from 8 to 15.

Among other things, Whitson talked about what got her interested in becoming an astronaut. "When I was nine, I watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon," she told the youngsters, "and I thought that it would be a very special job to be able to be an astronaut."

Bertels said two TV stations with national coverage as well as major newspapers covered the event.

The ARISS contact got widespread media coverage in Belgium.

Euro Space Center []

More ISS Recordings:


Software to receive ISS Packet:

UISS PCSat and ISS communication software
UIView webpage

ISS packet listings:

UISS Packet report 1 [on1cau]

UISS Packet report 2 [on1dht]

UISS Packet report 3 [on1dht]

UISS Packet report 4 [on1dht]

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