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Six Meters

ARRL ANTENNA Vol 5 COMPENDIUM contains an article I wrote providing details about two portable 6 meters antennas I developed, a two-element quad and a three-element yagi with telescoping elements.

Both antennas were designed for easy construction and quick assembly and disassembly. The quad provides a measured gain of 4.2 dB over a dipole and the yagi 5.8 dB over a dipole. Details are given describing the methods used to measure the gain of both antennas.

Here is a photo of the 2 element quad taken when camping by the ocean. I am looking for new grids.


The following picture was taken on a beautiful summer evening while operating portable.
The 6 meter portable yagi with collapable elements is clearly visible against the evening sky.

I have scanned a copy of the article "Two Portable 6-Meter Antennas" here Reprinted with the persmission of the ARRL. Copywrite ARRL. All rights reserved.

ARRL ANTENNA Vol 5 COMPENDIUM is still available (January 2003) from ARRL (208 pages. First edition, © 1996-99, The American Radio Relay League, Inc. (ISBN: 0-87259-562-5) #5625 -- $20.00 USD:

6 Meter 3 Element Quad Dimensions

I have been asked on several occasions if I had built a 3 element 6 meter quad using similiar building materials as the 2 element Quad.

Using #14 bare copper wire (stranded OK), the diamensions are as follows:

Reflector element diameter 6.2958 meters (247.8 inches),

Driven element diameter 6.125 meters (241.2 inches)

Director element diameter 5.8547 meters (230.5 inches).

The space between the Reflector and Driven element is 0.9398 meters (37 inches) and the space between the Driven element and the Director is 1.1684 meters (46 inches)

The SWR from 50 to 50.4 MHz. is under 1.26:1. The feed point impedance at 50.2 MHz is 48.75 -j0.13 so I fed it directly with 50 Ohm coax and a current balun right at the feed point.

Here is an EZNEC plot and data summary of the 3 element 6 meter quad.

To download a copy of the EZNEC file:

·  Click Here

G4AON has created a 4 element 6 meter quad based on using the same construction methods as my two element quad. The article is well written and includes some very good pictures of his antenna. Here is the link to his site: