Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society (AHARS)


Prepared by AHARS Historian Lloyd Butler VK5BR

Updated Feb 18, 2021

Establishment & Amalgamation (Including Early History)

The Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society was formed on the 10th February 1983 at the Blackwood War Memorial Hall. The Society was incorporated on July 21, 1983.

Whilst this was the formal date, it also considers that it has a historic link with the early, Blackwood Radio Club, formed in 1924, and which was active until around 1937.

Early in 1998, because of the problem of remaining viable with their falling membership, the Lower Murray Amateur Radio Club approached AHARS on the question of joining with AHARS. Later that year they became part of AHARS.

AHARS Meeting Venues

Blackwood War Memorial Hall February 1983 to Jan 1985
Blackwood Uniting Church February 1985 to March 1985
Blackwood Junior Primary School April 1985 to mid 1989
Blackwood High School June 1989 until June 2005
Masonic Hall, Blackwood August 2005 until June 2006
Belair Community Centre, Belair August 2006 to November 2011
Blackwood Senior Citizens Hall, Blackwood February 2012 Continuing

The Radio Shack

Early in 2011, AHARS made an agreement with the Girl Guides of Hannaford St. Blackwood to make use of their shed. Starting Saturday May 7, and continuing on many following Saturdays into August 2011, AHARS members fitted out the building to turn it into a comfortable room for the Club's amateur radio use. A series of photographs were taken recording the progressive work carried out by members. The photographs were displayed on the previous version of the AHARS web site, which existed up to early 2014.

The "Shack" was officially opened on Saturday September 3, 2011. An address was given by the AHARS President David Clegg VK5AMK, the Mayor of Mitcham Michael Picton, the State Commissioner for Guides Wendy Davis, and the WIA Director Chris Platt on behalf of the WIA. The opening was carried out by Christine Taylor VK5CTY in memory of her late husband Geoff Taylor VK5TY, the longest serving AHARS President.

On April 14 ,2012 an open day was held in connection with the WIA Field Day.

Since the Shack was officially opened it has been used for various practical activies on Saturday mornings, such as the workshop to convert computer power supplies to 13.8V at 20A. Another use is the PIC Programming Course held on a series of Wednesday evenings.
In 2013, a series of technical talks were set up monthly at the Radio Shack on one Saturday in the month. A list of the subjects of these talks is displayed in the Radio Shack sub-section of the Technical Talks section, further on in this report.

Membership Profile (February to February)

Year Membership Year Membership Year Membership Year Membership Year Membership
1983 14 1994 67 2003 95 2012 152 2021 -
1986 29 1995 69 2004 98 2013 155 - -
1987 29 1996 77 2005 83 2014 ** - -
1988 29 1997 87 2006 124 2015 165 - -
1989 54 1998 91 2007 147 2016 175 - -
1990 97 1999 93 2008 142 2017 ** - -
1991 47 2000 87 2009 148 2018 ** - -
1992 36 2001 73 2010 137 2019 ** - -
1993 53 2002 97 2011 161 2020 185 - -

** No information available from the Committee

Membership Fees

1983 - 1995 $10
1996 - 1998 $15
1999 - 2015 $20*
*2004 & onwards - Late Payment beyond end of March $25

Committee Records

Marshall Emm VK5FN Feb 1983 to Feb 1984
Rob Burton VK5ZAL Feb 1984 to Feb 1986
Marshall Emm VK5FN Feb 1986 to Feb 1988
Hans Smit VK5YX Feb 1988 to Feb 1989
Alan Haines VK5ZD Feb 1989 to Feb 1991
Geoff Taylor ** VK5TY Feb 1991 to June 2005 **
Jim Mclachlan VK5NB June 2005 to Feb 2006(acting)
Feb 2006 to Sept 2007 ***
John Elliott VK5EMI Sept 2007 to Feb 2008(acting) ***
Feb 2008 to Feb 2011
David Clegg VK5KC Feb 2011 to Feb 2014
Tony Hughes VK5KAT Feb 2014 to Feb 2015
Barry Williams VK5ZBQ,VK5BW Feb 2015 to Feb 2017
Phil Storr VK5SRP Feb 2017 continuing
David Green   Mar 1983 to Feb 1984
various . Feb 1984 to Feb 1985
Gordon Welsh VK5KGS March 1985 to Feb 1989
Meg Box VK5AOV Feb 1989 to Feb 1991
(Also Minute Secretary Feb 1991 to Feb 1992)
Alan Haines VK5ZD Feb 1991 to Feb 1992
Trevor Gower VK5BE Feb 1992 to Feb 1994
Alby Wood VK5TAW Feb 1994 to Feb 2003
Paul Hoffman VK5PH Feb 2003 to Feb 2005
Leith Mayfield VK5QH Feb 2005 to Feb 2006
David Clegg VK5AMK, VK5KC Feb 2007 to Feb 2011
Sue Southcott VK5AYL Feb 2011 to Feb 2012
Jean Kopp VK5TSX Feb 2012 to Feb 2018
Trevor Molde VK5NIX Feb 2018 to Feb 2021
Glen Moore VK5GLM Feb 2021 continuing
Alf May VK5ZHM March 1983 to Feb 1986
Doug Head VK5DUG Feb 1986 to Feb 1988
Bryan Trott VK5PBT,VK5SV Feb 1988 to Feb 2005
Hans Smit VK5YX Feb 2005 to Feb 2009
Richard Southcott VK5ZNC Feb 2009 to Feb 2012
Robert Clogg VK5ZHW Feb 2012 to Feb 2014
Peter Reichelt VK5APR Feb 2014 to May 25, 2019
Pat Storr
May 26, 2019 Continuing
Vice President
Peter Ravenscoff   Feb 1983 to Feb 1984
Alf May VK5ZWH Feb 1984
Hans Smit VK5YX Feb 1986 to Feb 1988
Alan Haines VK5ZD Feb 1988 to Feb 1989
Gordon Welsh VK5KGS 1989
Doug Head VK5DUG July 1989 to Feb 1991
Lloyd Butler VK5BR Feb 1992 to Feb 2005
Jim Mclauchlan VK5NB Feb 2005 to June 2005
John Elliott VK5EMI June 2005 to Feb 2006 (acting)
Feb 2006 to Sept 2007
Leigh Turner VK5KLT Feb 2008 to Feb 2012
Barry Williams VK5ZBQ,VK5BW Feb 2012 To Feb 2015
Feb 2019 continuing
Paul Simmonds VK5PAS Feb 2015 to Feb 2016
Jim Tregellas VK5TR Feb 2016 to Feb 2017
Gerard Rankin VK5ZQV Feb 2017 continuing
Barry Williams VK5BW Feb 2019 continuing
Others who served on the Committee
Rob Burton VK5ZAL 1984 & 1985
Gordon Welsh VK5KGS 1985
Alan Haines VK5ZD 1987
Ron Coat VK5RV 1988
Phil Day VK5QT 1989 to 1994
Rob Gurr VK5RG 1990
Don Nairn VK5DON 1991
Jenny Warrington VK5ANW
(Assist Secretary)
Jim Tregellas VK5XJT,VK5JST,
Feb 1992 to Feb 2005
Late 2005 to Feb 2011
Feb 2013 to Feb 2014
Feb 2014 to Feb 2015 (co-opted)
Feb 2015 to Feb 2016
Feb 2017 continuing
Robert Clogg VK5ZWH 1993, 1994
Robert Duncan VK5ZIK 1995
John Hall VK5GMH 1996 to 1998
Norm Lee VK5GI 1999 (2 meetings)
Geoff Bridgeland VK5JB 2000 to Feb 2005
John Elliott VK5EMI 2002 to Feb 2006
Dale Cavies VK5DC Feb 2005 to Feb 2007
Leigh Turner VK5KLT 2007
Barry Williams VK5ZBQ,VK5BW Feb 2005 to Feb 2012 & Feb 2017 to Feb 2019
Christine Taylor VK5CTY Late 2005 to Feb 2011
Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ Feb 2008 to Feb 2012
Hans Smitt VK5YX Feb 2009 to Feb 2010 (Adviser)
Denis Haseldine VK5HH Feb 2010 Plus
Rob Gurr VK5RG Feb 2011 to Feb 2012
Roy Gabriel VK5NRG Feb 2012 continuing
Wolf Langmair VK5HWL Feb 2012 to Feb 2013(co-opted)
Tina Clogg VK5TMC Feb 2012 to Feb 2013 (co-opted)
Paul Simmonds VK5PAS Feb 2013 to Feb 2017
David Clegg VK5KC Feb 2015 to Feb 2016
Plus Sec. & Pres. 2007 to 2013
Fubens Fernandes VK5FE Feb 2016 to Feb 2017
Patrick Morgan VK5MM Feb 2016 to Feb 2017
Trevor Molde VK5NIX Feb 2017 to Feb 2018 (Co-opted)
Trevor Wrigley VK5TW Feb 2019 continuing
Geof Southby VK5TAW Feb 2020 continuing
Greg Weaver VK5ZBO Feb 2013 to Feb 2014 (co-opted)
Greg Weaver VK5ZBD Feb 2020 continuing

** Geoff Taylor died on June 21, 2005 whilst still in office as President. For Geoff's history relative to the Club, Click Here. (Jim McLachlan acted as President from that date and was subsequently elected as President in February 2007).

*** Jim McLachlan died on Sept 19, 2007 whilst still in office as President. (John Elliote VK5EMI acted as President from that date and was subsequently elected as President in February 2008).

Other Appointments

Education & Examination Officer
Marshall Emm VK5FN 1983 to 1990
Richard Thiel VK5KRX 1983
Hans Smit VK5YX 1990 to 1992
Phil Day VK5QT 1990 to 1991
Alan Haines VK5ZD mid 1995 to Dec 2000
Geoff Bridgeland VK5JB Dec 2000 until Feb2005
Christine Taylor VK5CTY Feb 2005 continuing
also Foundation Licence in 2010
Sasi Nayar
Barry Williams
Jim Tregellis
Licence & Training 2010 continuing

The first non DOC exam was supervised by AHARS in November 1989. At that time, four members were appointed as Examiners, Marshall Emm, Hans Smit, Phil Day and Alan Haines. Marshall ceased when he moved back to USA and Alan ceased when he moved to Victor Harbor. More recently, examinations have been supervised by Geoff Bridgeland

Instruction courses have been carried out by Marshall Emm (Morse) & Richard Thiel (Theory) in 1993 and by Hans Smit in later years.

Newsletter Editor
Richard Thiel VK5KRX 1983
Robert Clogg VK5ZHW August 1992 to 1994
George Stewart VK5ALS October 1995 onward
Jeff Daly VK5MFR May 1997 until 2001
John Elliott VK5EMI Sept 2002 onwards (also introduced newsletter on web site)
Public Officer
Marshall Emm VK5FN 1983 to 1990
Rob Gurr VK5RG 1990 to 2006
David Clegg VK5AMK 2007 onwards
The library was started in1992. Supply of periodicals has been controlled by the AHARS committee with distribution being managed at the onset by Doug Head (now a silent key) with occasional assistance from John Hall (also now a silent key). More recently, John Edwards VK5TD is recorded as doing the job up to 2007.
Lesley Smit VK5LOL commenced in 2007 and has continued.
Lloyd Butler VK5BR VK5BR - 1989 onwards
Also in 2007, Geoff Southby VK5TAW was appointed to look after early Club records
Talks & Outing Visits Organiser
Rob Gurr VK5RG 1991 until 2000
Geoff Taylor VK5TY 2000 to June 2005
Denis Haseldine VK5HH 2011 onwards
Phil Storr VK5SRP 2017 onwards
Equipment Officer
Jim Tregellas VK5XJT,VK5JST,VK5TR Dates not recorded  
Repeater Manager
Barry Williams VK5ZBQ/VK5BW Continuous Since Jan 2005 when AHARS took over Mt Lofty Repeater maintenance from WIA
John Elliote VK5EMI From Start to Feb 2011
Richard Southcott VK5ZNC Feb 2011 to Feb 2014
Kim Hawtin VK5FJ Feb 2014 to Feb 2015
Paul Simmonds VK5PAS Feb 2017 continuing
Miscellaneous Other Appointments (List from 2011)
Christine Taylor
Phil Storr

Greg Weaver

David Clegg
Tony Hughes
Phil Storr

Rob Gurr

Graham Dicker

QSL Manager

Wolf Langmair

Tina Clogg

Jean Kopp

Jim Tregellas

John Dawes
Paul Simmons

Paul Simmons












AR Notes - Continuous Appointment until 2019
ditto from Feb 2019

Film Director - Continuous Appointment

WIA Local Recording - from 2011
ditto from 2014
ditto from 2017

Publicity from 2011 DVD Library Manager 2011

Valve Bank - Continuous Appointment

QSL Manager - from 2012

DVD Manager - from 2012

JST Kit Manufacture - from 2012

ALARA Rep - from 2011 to 2013
& JST Kits Bookkeeper from 2012

ALARA REP from 2014

Technical Specialist - from 2014

Card Signatories - from 2014,

Parks Awards

Note* Continuous Appointment generally indicates that the occupant has carried out the function for some years. If anyone can define a precise period, please notify the Historian.

Back to Directory Page

Life Members

  • Gordon Welsh VK5KGS - nominated at meeting May 1989 (Gordon died on December 14, 2011)
  • Marshall Emm VK5FN - nominated in late 1990 when he returned to USA
There were some thoughts within the Club, that Geoff Taylor VK5TY might have been a life member. He certainly was a life member of the SA Division of the WIA. But apparently no records of the General Meetings of the AHARS, during Geoff's membership period in the Club, have been seen, or offered for examination, and which endorse his nomination or appointment as Life Member in AHARS. Furthermore the writer was on the Club committee as Vice-President for most of the time that Geoff was President. The former has no recollection of any further Life Membership for anyone being discussed during that period.

Club Radio Licence and Radio Networks

A Club Amateur Radio Licence (call sign VK5BAR) was granted soon after the first meeting in Feb 1983.

The Club station first went on air on March 21, 1983 on 3597 kHz. A Club frequency was set up on 147.35 MHz at the Club meeting in June 1983 For many years, a Club network has been operated on week nights at 7.00pm local time on 28.345 Mhz

On March 31, 1993, a net commenced on the Adelaide VHF Repeater 147.00 MHz on Mondays at 8.00pm local time. This net still operates today.

During 1986, AHARS was involved in the South Australian Jubilee (J150) Celebrations operating an Amateur Station under the VK5BAR call sign and involving many AHARS operators led by John Hampel VK5SJ as Convenor.

Commencing in 1988, the Club has rostered operators using the Club VK5BAR call sign to provide the relay on 10 metres for the WIA Sunday Morning Broadcast and the call back which follows.

Following the re-organisation of the WIA and the winding up of the previous S.A. Division of the WIA, the ownership and maintenance of the WIA 2 Metre repeater station (VK5RAD) at Mt Lofty was accepted from WIA by AHARS in January 2005. Maintenance has been continued by Committee member Barry Williams VK5ZBQ/VK5BW.

Special Events

Yearly Electronics Sale

This was first established in November 1986 and has been held on a Saturday in November of each year up to 2007 at the Westbourne Park Community Hall, Goodwood Road.

However the venue was changed in 2008 to a November Sunday where it was held at the Goodwood Community Centre, Rosa Street, Goodwood (excluding 2009 when it was held on a September Sunday) .

The event was repeated at the same venue back to a November Sunday between 2010 to 2018.

Owen VK3KI (WIA President), Peter Wolfenden VK3RV (History & Beginnings of WIA), and AREG members (Project Horus, Recent Ballon Launches).
The 2011 event included a talk by Michael Carey VK5ZEA on his DStar activities.

In 2019, the event was carried out at the Mariion RSL, Norfolk Road, Marion on a Sunday

Co-ordination of this event has been led by the following:

Gordon Welsh 1988 to 1989
Alan Haines 1990
Doug Head 1991
Rob Gurr 1992
Lloyd Butler 1993 to 1996
Robert Clogg 1996 & 1997
Geoff Taylor 1998 to 2004
Combined Committee members 2005 to 2007
David Clegg 2008, 2009, 2010

Club Conventions

The first WIA organised Club Convention took place at "Parnanga" O'Sullivan's Beach in April 1984.

Delegates from AHARS were sent to this Convention and in following years. Delegates have included:

John Hampel 1997
Gordon Welsh 1986, 1987 & 1989
Rob Gurr 1989 & 1991
Phil Williams 1995
Geoff Taylor 1996 (other years?)
Jim Tregellas 1996 (other years?)

A Club Convention was held in 2009 and organised by Paul Hoffmann VK5PH.

Sat, Nov 19th, 2011 - A get together of all Clubs was held at the shack
- Attended by Club Reps and any others wishing to attend.
- Federal WIA President, Michael Owen, also attended.

John Moyle National Field Day

AHARS has participated in this March event in the field over a number of years:

  • At Upper Sturt in 1987 and 1988
  • At the up river venue of Womberoo. Geoff Taylor and his XYL Christine built their own home away from home on a scrub block near Swan Reach. This he called "Womberoo" and each year when the John Moyle National Field Day was held, he invited members of the Club to live in (or out) at Womberoo and operate in the name of the club call sign (VK5BAR) from that location.

    Since 2007, Womberoo has been owned by Rob and Tina Clogg (VK5ZHW and VK5TMC).

    The field Day has operated from Womberoo in 1992, inclusive years 1998 to 2007 and in March 2016.

Australian Sprint supervised by AHARS

This contest was initially named the "National Sprint" but was soon renamed the "Australian Sprint". There were separate sections for phone and CW, each of one hour duration, and held on consecutive Saturday nights in July.

The contest was first run in 1986 and then run every year following up to around 2001. It ceased when interest in its participation waned.

John Hample VK5SJ co-ordinated the event from 1986 to 1988. David Box VK5OV took over in 1989 and continued until it was last held.

Amateur Station Displays

Equipment and operators have been provided for amateur radio exhibits at the following:

  • The Blackwood Rotary Fair in November 1985, 1986 & 1989
  • Marion Library 1986
  • Leisure Activities Demonstration, Unley High School, May 1986
  • Hobbie Show at Mitcham 1986
  • Mitcham Rotary Club Leisure Activities Exhibition at the Unley High School in May 1988
  • A TH3 Jnr Yagi was purchased, refurbished by Alan, VK5ZD and given its first outing at the Walford Anglican School for Girls in Aug 1988.
  • The Mitcham Rotary Hobbies Fair in April 1989
  • Camp Quality (Child Cancer Sufferers) at Mylor in Sept 1990 & Sept/Oct 1991
  • An amateur radio exhibition was set up for four days at the Marion Shopping Centre in January 1991.
  • Hobby Show at the Showgrounds in 1991
  • Club stall at Belair Kalvra Retirement Village Fair - Oct. 27, 2012
  • "Back to the 60's" Exhibition at Blackwood Community Centre, 2013. Display provided by AHARS.
  • Amateur Radio Display and Amateur Radio Stations at the PR4 Amateur Radio Expo, Belair National Park, April 13, 2014

Scouting Radio Jamboree of the Air (JOTA)

AHARS have provided an amateur station and operators at Blackwood in a number of Octobers for this event. Some of the years are 1984, 1985, 1986, 1997, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 1996.

Club Dinners

Christmas end of year Club dinners and mid year dinners have been held each year at the Blackwood RSL Club since December 1991, except for mid year 2000 when it was held at the Country Club, Belair National Park. Bryan Scott, who was a member of the RSL Club, originally instigated the RSL as an on going venue.

In later years, Christmas Luncheons were held as an alternative to the previous Christmas Dinner functions at the following venues:
"Auntie Bet's" of Summertown in Dec 2007
The Mount Osborne Golf Course Clubrooms in Dec 2008, Dec 2010, Dec 2011 & Dec 2012.
Mt. Lofty House, Crafers in December 2009.
Hahndorf Inn, Hahndorf in December 2013
Marion Sports & Community Club on December 7, 2014
Belair Hotel on Dec. 13, 2015, Dec. 18, 2016, Dec 3, 2017, & Dec 2, 2018 ,Nov 24, 2019

Mid Year dinners were also held at the following:
Mt Osborne in July 2009
Fresh Choice Restaurant in July 2010.
Morphett Arms Hotel, Glengowrie, July 22, 2012.
Bridgewater Inn, July 14, 2013.
Marion Sports & Community Club July 20, 2014
Auchendarroch House in Mt. Barker, June 21, 2015
Victoria Hotel, O'Halloran Hill, July 17, 2016
Uraidla Hotel, July16, 2017

A Special Luncheon was held at the Blackwood RSL on November 28, 2010

Assistance to WICEN in Car and Cycle Rallies

For some years, members of AHARS have assisted the Wireless Institute Communications Emergency Network (WICEN) in providing radio communications in the field for various automobile and cycle rallies. In particular, since 1998, they have assisted with the Classic Adelaide Rally held over five days near the end of each year and since 2001 have assisted with the Coopers Car Rally held each mid year over a two day week-end.

HF Bulletin Board System

In 1998, the AHARS agreed to financially support Rob Gurr VK5RG in providing a HF gateway to the packet system. Due to the efforts of Rob and several other members of the Club, the equipment went on the air from Rob's QTH in March 1999. It was re-installed at the Water Tower (Hq. of Elizabeth Radio Club) as a more permanent location early in 2001. The facility was taken out of service early in 2002.

Outside Visits

  • Visit to the West Beach Flight Communications Centre, Radio Area & HF/VHF Radio Areas off Tapleys Hill Road in April 1984.
  • Visit to West Beach Computerised Radar Centre, Radar Transmitter & Traffic Control Tower in 1984
  • Visit to Lower Murray Amateur Radio Club & Talk by member of DOC on Aug 1985
  • BBQ at Corringa Park, Sheperds Hill Road in Feb 1987
  • Visit to ABC Studios at Collinswood November 1987
  • Visit to National TV and FM transmitter site at Mt Lofty in January 1989.
  • Club function at the home of David & Meg Box, Murray Bridge Nov 1987.
  • Barbecues held at the residence if Bryan Trott VK5PBT at Seacliff. These were held in Feb 1989, Feb 1990, Feb 1991, April 1995, April 1996, Jan 2002 & Jan 2005.
  • Practical Instruction Night - Home of Rob Gurr VK5RG - January 1990
  • Visit to Telecom Cellular Radio base at Waymouth St Adelaide in 1990.
  • Visit to St John Ambulance Centre July 1991
  • Visit to the Community Radio Station (5RPH) studios in Morphett St, Adelaide Jan 1992
  • Visit to the Meteorology Bureau at Kent Town - hosted by Phil Day VK5QT in Jan 1993
  • Barbecue on the Murray Bridge block of David Box VK5OV on April 24, 1994
  • Visit to the Military Vehicle Museum (& Military communication equipment ) at Port Adelaide & hosted by Tony Bell VK5UA on June 1994
  • Visit to the old OTC radio station at McLaren Vale in January 1995 hosted by Harro Krause VK5HK.
  • Practical evenings at Rob Gurr's home - Soldering & Recovery of mounted components April & Aug 1996
  • Tour of Mathew Flinders Theatre & Satellite TV Display at Flinders University Jan 1997
  • In January 1998, AHARS joined the Lower Murray Amateur Radio Club in a combined barbecue and technical talks at St Marks Lutheran Hall, Mt. Barker,
  • Barbecue at St Pauls, Glen Osmond, QTH of Jeff VK5MFR - January 1999 (3 Speakers)
  • In January 2000, AHARS joined the South Coast Amateur Radio Club in a combined barbecue at the South Coast club rooms.
  • In January 2001, AHARS visited the Water Tower at Salisbury, headquarters of the Elizabeth Radio Club for a tour of their radio installations, a barbecue and a technical address.
  • Visit to Entech (Printed Circuit Manufacturer) - July 2002
  • Barbecue at the home of Hans Smit VK5YX, Marble Hill - Jan 2003 & Jan 2006
  • Visit to Railway Signal Telegraph & Aviation Museum, West Richmond - May 2003.
  • Barbecue at the home of Robin & Carol De Vore, Myponga - January 2004
  • Visit to Dept of Transport Traffic Control Centre, Norwood, July & Oct 2006
  • Barbecue at the home of Barry & Shirley Williams, Bridgewater - January 2007
  • Club Picnic at Lions Park, Bridgewater - Jan 19-2008, Jan 17- 2009, Jan 17-2010, Jan 22-2012, Jan 20-2013, Jan 19-2014, Jan 18-2015, Jan 17-2016, Jan 15-2017, & Jan 21, 2018
  • Visits to Sea Rescue Squadron - Sept 20 & 27, 2008 - Host VK5SN
  • Visit to ETSA Museum - July 5, 2009
  • Strawberry Fair-National Field Day, Eden Hills Primary School - Oct 23, 2010 *
  • VK5BAR on WIA Centenary Trail - VK100WIA - At Blackwood Oval, Oct 26, 27, 28, 2010 *
    * A Club station was operated at each of these events.
  • Club Picnic at Swanport Picnic Area (At invitation of Lower Murray Club) - Jan 16, 2011.
  • Visit to Collinswood to view working commercial Video Recorders & Cameras - Oct 26 2011
  • In August 2012 a group of AHARS members visited Cape Willoughby, Kangaroo Island as part of the National
    Lighthouse Weekend. (That year was the 160th anniversary of the establishment of that lighthhouse.)
  • For the second year (August 16 to 19, 2013), Eleven Club members travelled again to Cape Willoughby, Kangaroo Island for the International Lighthouse Weekend (ILLW). It also corresponded to the Rememberence Day contest on August 17 to 18. As Cape Willoughby is a Conservation Park, operation there qualified for the Club National & Conservations Park Award as well as the Islands on the Air Award (IOTA). Over 400 radio contacts were logged.
  • A special activation weekend was held on October 19 & 20, 2013 for the VK5 National and Conservation Parks Award . Parks were activated in the Metropolitan Adelaide, the Adelaide Hills, the South East, the Mid North, the Clare Valley, the Riverland, and the Yorke Peninsula. In all, nine VK5 operators activated a total of 20 different Parks throughout South Australia.
  • Visit to South Australian Aviation Museum at Port Adelaide. Thurs. June 18, 2015.
  • Visit to Fablab in Adelaide Sat. June 24, 2017 with Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
  • International Lighthouse Weekend (ILLW) at Marino Lighthouse - August 17(Sat) &18(Sun), 2019
  • Club Picnic at Marion RSL - Jan 19, 2020

Members Construction Sessions and Activity Nights

  • Members Buy & Sell nights - One each of these has been organised on one Club night each year.
  • RTTY night - Siemens 100 Teletype & Glass RTTY, March 1984
  • VK5BAR on the air nights July & Sept 1984, June 1985, March 1986
  • Club Antenna repair night Oct 1984
  • Workshop Practice Instruction Feb 1985
  • Display of Vintage Equipment April 1993 & Feb 1995
  • Home Brew equipment nights 1985, Sept 1992, Sept 2000, Nov 2001, Oct 2002, Oct 2005
  • Construction Contest Feb 1986
  • Construction Night led by George Stewart Nov 1988
  • Practical Construction Night Aug 1989
  • Computer night 1989
  • Informal Forums to solve technical Problems Nov 1993 & Nov 1994
  • Night at the home of VK5RG for members to remove crystals from surplus transceivers given to the Club Jan 1994
  • Members Z Match display May 1994
  • Members Power Supply display April 1996
  • Soldering Instruction at the QTH of VK5RG April 1996
  • Open Talk Forum May 1996
  • Recovering components from Scrap Equipment Night at the QTH of VK5RG Aug 1996
  • Fault finding of printed circuit Boards conducted by Norm Rosenberg Feb 1998
  • Great Crystal Set Competition Sept 1998
  • Display of Homebuilt Amateur Shortwave Receivers May 1999
  • One Active Device Competition Aug 1999
  • Members Construction of QRP Transmitters by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Oct 2001
  • Members Equipment Display Oct 2002 & Oct 2003.
  • Members Construction of RF Dummy Load by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Nov 2003
  • Members Construction of simple B/C Radio by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Oct 2004
  • Members Construction by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Nov 2005 & Nov 2006
  • Members Construction of Multi-purpose tone gen, volt Inv, & Doubler by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Oct 2007
  • Antenna Workshop. - hosted by Jim Tregellis (VK5JST) and Barry Williams (VK5ZBQ), Sat 2 Aug 2008 .
  • Members Construction of Van Der Graaf Generator by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Nov 2008
  • Members Construction of Two Tone Test Oscillator by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Oct 2009
  • My Favoirite Device (or tool) brought along by AHARS members, Sept 16, 2010
  • Members Construction of Wideband Directional Coupler by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Oct 2010
  • Members equipment demonstration night - August 18, 2011.
  • Members Construction Night - Building a PIC programming PCB. - Oct 20, 2011.
  • The Shack- Converting Computer PSU to 13.8V, 20A - Barry VK5BW & David VK5KC - Sat Sept 17, 2011
  • Members Show and Tell Night - June 2012
  • Members Construction of Pre-Amp with 6BX6 by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Oct 2012
  • Members Construction Night - Nov 21, 2013 .
  • Display of Members gear - July 2014 - Refer article by Christine Taylor, Click Here.
  • Members Construction of 70cm collinear array by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Nov. 20 2014
  • Display of Members gear - July 2015 - Refer article by Christine Taylor, Click Here.
  • Display of Members gear - July 2016 - Refer article by Christine Taylor, Click Here.
  • Members Construction Night by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, Nov. 17, 2016
  • Display of Members gear - March 15, 2018, & October 18, 2018
  • Quiz Night - Conducted by Peter Watts VK5PX - July 19, 2018
  • Members Show &Tell & Construction Judging -. Nov 21.2019

Club Awards

During the period when Geoff Taylor was President, he gave an award at each AGM night for a member who he considered had given outstanding service to the society during the financial year which had just terminated. Unfortunately, the name of each nominee was not recorded in AGM Minutes and it has not been possible to include all of those who received the President's Award in the list which follows. If any member can give us more information, we will be pleased to add further detail to the list.

In latter years, an award was set up in memory of past member Dennis Greig by his widow and presented each year to a member for outstanding service.

In 2009, the club award arrangement returned to the original President's Award.

Not recorded President's Jeff Daly, VK5MFR
Not recorded President's Lloyd Butler, VK5BR
2002-03 President's Geoff Bridgland VK5JB
& Grant Willis VK5ZWI
2003-4 Denis Greig John Elliott, VK5EMI
2004-5 Denis Greig Bryan Trott, VK5SV
2005-6 Denis Greig Geoff Taylor, VK5TY
2006-7 Denis Greig Jim Tregellas,
2007-8 Denis Greig Graham Dicker, VK5ZFZ
2008-9 President's Barry Williams,
2009-10 President's Greg Weaver VK5ZBD
2010-11 President's David Clegg VK5KC
2011-12 President's Alan Raftery VK5AR

Technical Symposiums and Special Events

On September 19, 2010, the Club held aTechnical Symposium at the Belair Community Hall.

Key Speakers:
Drew Diamond VK3XU - Home Brew Ideas, LF & MF Experiments
Phil Harman VK6APH - HPSDR High Performance Software Designed Radio
Keith Gooley VK5OQ & Ian Crawford VK5ZD - Microwave Antenna Construction Techniques
Rob Gurr VK5RG - Early SSB Techniques

Hans Smit VK5YX - Working HPDSR setup
Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ - Front Panel Finishing

For a report on the Symposium by Christine Taylor Click Here.

A Symposium titled "Welcome to Amateur Radio" was held on November 23, 2014 at the Blackwood Community Centre - Subjects were:
History of ham radio – Trevor VK5ATQ
Operating legally & the model QSO – John VK5BJE
DX Code of Conduct – David VK5LSB
Ham jargon – Nigel VK5NIG – Stuart VK5STU
APRS – Larry VK5LY
DX cluster – Brian VK5BC
Contesting & Chasing Awards – Andy VK5AKH
QSL cards – John VK5EMI
Electronic logging programs – Stuart VK5STU
Antenna basics – John VK5BJE
Blogs/Wordpress/You Tube – Paul VK5PAS
Demystifying the learning of Morse Code – Doc VK5BUG
Summits on the Air (SOTA) – Ian VK5CZ
Operating QRP – David VK5KC
VK5 National & Conservation Parks Award & World Wide Flora Fauna program – Larry VK5LY

WIA AGM and Convention in Hahndorf in 2017
The 2017 WIA AGM was held in conjunction with a convention at Hahndorf, SA, over the week-end of May19 to 22. The event was organised
by a committee from the following SA radio clubs:

Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society
Amateur Radio Experimenters Group
Elizabeth Amateur Radio Club
North East Radio Club
South Coast Amateur Radio Club

Technical talks and displays of equipment were given by members of the various clubs including AHARS well represented.
Entertainment activities and tours into the country were arranged.

More detail is found of the activities can be found in the following:
WIA journal "Amateur Radio" July 2017 pages 6 to 19.

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Technical Talks at the Monthly General Meetings

May 1983 Beginnings of Radio in South Australia by Jack Trembath VK5KRX
March 1985 Direction Finding by Mitch Hamilton VK5AZM
Feb 1985 From Key to Computer by Marshall Emm VK5FN
April 1985 Antennas by John Hampel VK5SJ
May 1985 ATV & On Air Session by John Ingham VK5KG
July 1985 Working with Plastics by Ted McKenzie VK5PEB
Jan 1986 Power Supplies by Hans Smit VK5YX
April 1986 Amateur Radio & the Computer By Hans VK5YX & Marshall VK5FN
May 1986 Transmitter set-up Tutorial by Marshall Emm
July 1986 Role of the OTC by Fred Rowe, Manager at McLarenvale
Aug 1986 Who else uses RF Spectrum by Rob Gurr VK5RG (from DOC)
Sept 1986 Setting up an Amateur Station by Hans Smit VK5YX
Dec 1986 The Blackwood Radio Club etc by Gordon Ragless foundation member of the early club.
March 1987 CW Abreviations and Procedure by Marshall Emm VK5FN
May 1987 Amateur Contesting by Ian Hunt VK5QX
July 1987 Dip Oscillator & Noise Bridge by John Hampel VK5SJ
Aug 1987 Manufacturing Printed Circuit Boards by Neville Thomas
Sept 1987 Audio/Visual Fun Night by Marshall Emm VK5FN
Oct 1987 A Beginners Experience with Packet Radio by Hans Smit VK5YX
Nov 1987 Trip around Australia with John Lee VK5KJB & Bryan Scott VK5NOS
Dec 1987 Adelaide Darwin Telegraph Line in 1942 by Henry Scott
March 1988 Development of SSB by Rob Gurr VK5RG
May 1988 Home Brewing Techniques by Rob Gurr VK5RG & Clem Tilbrook VK5GL
June 1988 Restoring Collins Receivers - Rob Gurr VK5RG & Graham Evans VK5YR
July 1988 Pichi-Richi Railway by Brian Trott VK5PBT
Aug 1988 Superhet Receiver Design by Lloyd Butler VK5BR
Sept 1988 Crystal Manufacture by Clem Tilbrook VK5GL
Dec 1988 Early design experience valve transceiver by John Bulling VK5KX
July 1989 Noise Bridges by Lloyd Butler VK5BR
Aug 1989 Grid Dip Meter by Rob Gurr VK5RG
Nov 1989 Mobile Installations by Ian Hunt VK5QX
Dec 1989 Guest Speakers - Kevin May (VK5IV) and Wendy May
Feb 1990 Loaded & Trapped Dipoles by Dr Yardley Beers W0JF
March 1990 Questions & Answers (general) by Rob Gurr VK5RG
June 1990 XYZ of using the CRO by Graham Evans VK5YR
July 1990 Amateur Satellites in the 1990's by Graham Ratcliff VK5AGR
Aug 1990 Lockebie Disaster - Lessons for Emergency amateur radio nets by Stan GM4GUZ
Oct 1990 S.A. Police Radio Net by Snr. Sgt. Peter Mason
Dec 1990 Shop Front Radio by Rick Palmer, Eng. Manager 5UV
March 1991 Packet Radio by Garry Herden VK5ZK
April 1991 Talks by Lloyd Butler & Rob Gurr
May 1991 Gawler Satellite Repeater by Steve Johnson VK5ZNJ
June 1991 Erecting Masts & Towers by Geoff Taylor VK5TY
July 1991 Development of ATV by Rob Gurr VK5RG & Clem Tilbrook VK5GL
Sept 1991 Fox Hunting by Bevin Boden VK5TV
Nov 1991 The Ionoshere by Keith Gooly VK5BGZ
April 1992 Microwave Circuitry by Des Clift VK5ZO
May 1992 The Elizabeth Water Tower Club HQ by 4 members of the Elizabeth Radio Club
June 1992 Components for the Radio Amateur by Jim Tregellas VK5XJT
Aug 1992 RTTY by Rob Gurr VK5RG
Oct 1992 Proposed Lochiel Repeater VK5RLH by Paul Cooper VK5KPC
Nov 1992 The Breath Analyser Unit by David Banner VK5NU
May 1993 Display of 35mm Motion Picture Projectors by Barry White VK5YB
June 1993 The WIA QSL system by John Vaiciuslis VK5FOX
Aug 1993 Artificial Respiration & Cardiac Massage by Phil Dunkley & Helen Hart of St Johns Ambulance
Sept 1993 The Ionoshere by John Butler VK5NX
Oct 1993 3 Lecturettes by Lloyd Butler VK5BR, Rob Gurr VK5RG & Geoff Taylor VK5TY
April 1994 Approvals of Electrical Appliances by Max Steen
Aug 1994 Radio Communication from Meteor Trails by John Hackworth VK5QZ
Sept 1994 Many ways of feeding a Dipole by Rog Gurr VK5RG
Oct 1994 Australian Standards for Radio Towers by Geoff Taylor VK5TY
April 1995 The Oscilloscope by Jim Tregellas VK5XJT
May 1995 Test Equipment & Measuring Standards by Geoff Taylor VK5TY
June 1995 The QRP Club by Steve Mahoney VK5AIM
Aug 1995 The Pichi Richi Railway by Brian Trott VK5PBT
Sept 1995 NICAD Batteries by Garry Stevens from Sommerville Enterprises
Nov 1995 The Spectrum Access Tax by Ian Hunt VK5QX
Jan 1996 Solar Power in the Bush by Keith & Marion McLeod at the home of Rob VK5RG
March 1996 AC Wiring & the Radio Shack by Geoff Taylor VK5TY
June 1996 History of Amateur Radio & Satellite Communication by Ray Dobson VK5DI
Aug 1996 Radio Construction from Scrap Equipment by Robb Gurr VK5RG
Sept 1996 Synthetic Radio by B Roberts VK5VI
Oct 1996 RTTY by Grant Willis VK5ZWI
Nov 1996 Cheap Home Made Gear by Geoff Taylor, Prototyping by Jim Tregellas & Magic Tricks by Geoff Daly
April 1997 Amateur TV (&video) by Frank Dorogi VK5ZFD
May 1997 Pactor by Rob Gurr, Direct Digital Synthesis by Michael Wagner & Report on Packet Radio by Alan Haines
June 1997 Radio & TV Interference by Rob Gurr VK5RG
Aug 1997 Computers, Construction & Alterations by Jim Tregellas VK5XJT
Sept 1997 Australia's part in Radar by Phil Williams VK5NN
Oct 1997 VK5RAD Voice Repeater by Neil Abraham VK5ZJA
Nov 1997 Colpitts & Hartley Oscillators by Jim Tregellas VK5XJT
Jan 1998 3 Speakers - Dale Cavies VK5AFO -Stacked Arrays
Clift Desmond VK5ZO -VHF Experiments
Neil Peake -Radio Controlled Model Aeroplanes
March 1998 VHF Propagation by Grant Willis VK5ZWI
May 1998 Switched Mode Power Supplies by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
June 1998 Communications in Antarctica by Rob Gurr VK5RG
Aug 1998 TV Transmitting Antennas by John Harris VK5EV
Sept 1998 Classic Car rally forthcoming & the Morse Debate - Grant Willis VK5ZWI
Oct 1998 Reloading Hard Drives when they Crash by Graham Dicker & Mystery Magic by Geoff Daly
Nov 1998 GPS Satellite Systems by John Elliott VK5KMI
Jan 1999 3 Speakers - Michael Wegner VK5ADN - Inductance Meter
Christine Taylor VK5CTY - YLs in Amateur Radio
Jeff Daly VK5MHR - Living Without Technology
Feb 1999 Micro Engineering - Impact Comms & Computers by Malcolm Haskard VK5BA
March 1999 Understanding SWR Measurements by Peter Reichelt VK5ZPR
June 1999 Home built Test Equipment by Lloyd Butler VK5BR
Sept 1999 Cable TV Technicalities by Barry Williams VK5ZBQ
Oct 1999 Experience at ETSA by Geoff Taylor & Radio experience in Adelaide,New Guinea & Antarctica by Rob Gurr
Nov 1999 WIA Equipment Supply Projects by David Minchin VK5KK of WIA Equipment Supplies Committee
Feb 2000 Manufacture of Loud Speakers by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
March 2000 Future of VHF/UHF in Amateur Radio By Joe Kasser VK5WU
May 2000 Short Wave Radio Listening by Jerome Van Der Linden
June 2000 Video Presentation Andy Thomas VK5MIR - presented by Greg Weaver VK5ZBD
Aug 2000 Computer Power Supply Conversions by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
Oct 2000 IARU Conference Video Tape presented by Grant Willis VK5WI
Nov 2000 My Most Useful Workshop Items by 5 guest speakers
Jan 2001 Presentation Olympic Games Electrical Control System by Murray Taylor
Feb 2001 Tower Climbing & Safety by members of Amateur Radio & Experimenters Group (AREG)
April 2000 Olympic Games TV Production by Arro Attema VK5ZAR
May 2001 Interference Suppression Techniques by Rob Gurr VK5RG
June 2001 Accumulator Batteries by Geoff Taylor VK5TY
Aug 2001 Subscriber Facilities from Television Providers by Grant Willis VK5ZWI
Sept 2001 Stepper Motors by Jim Tregellas VK5JST
Feb 2002 Antenna Rotators by Steve Mahoney VK5AIM
April 2002 ARISS Project and USA Space Program by Tony Hutchinson VK5ZAS
May 2002 Linear Amplifiers made easy by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
Aug 2002 What to Do When asked to provide Public Address System by Geoff Taylor VK5TY
Sept 2002 Digital Television in South Australia by John Harris VK5EV
Feb 2003 Talk on The Historical Radio Society of Australia by Peter Holland
April 2003 Early Days of Adelaide Electricity Supply Co by Phil Williams VK5NN
June 2003 History of Burly Griffin Building (WIA SA Region HQ) by Geoff Taylor VK5TY
Aug 2003 Printer Cartridges & Inks by Steve Wray of Cartridge World
Sept 2003 Printers, Scanners & other Peripherals by Jim Tregellas VK5JST
Feb 2004 VK DXCC Award by John Elliott VK5EMI
April 2004 Pickax Chips by Jim Tregallas VK5JST
May 2004 Recycling Components by Rog Gurr VK5RG
June 2004 The First Australian Amateur Satellite by Geoff Taylor VK5TY
Aug 2004 Amateur Radio in U.S.A. by Robin De Vore VK5ATT (ex N5UUG)
Sept 2004 Computer Tricks by Dean Probert VK5LB
Nov 2004 Broadcast Monitoring by Paul Hoffman VK5PH
Feb 2005 Tower Height & ACA Electromag. Rad. Regs. by Rob Gurr VK5RG
April 2005 Broadcasting (TV Transmitters etc.) by Paul Lawson VK5SL
May 2005 How to make a Yagi by Steve Mahoney VK5AIM
June 2005 Enjoying Radio Activity In North America by John Elliott VK5EMI
Aug 2005 Satellite Communications by Victor Steiner
Sept 2005 Expedition to St. Johns Island, Singapore by Sasi Naya VK5SN
Feb 2006 Amateur Radio Publication Review by Rob Gurr VK5RG
April 2006 Electro Quantum Dynamics, by Allan Dickson, VK5TC
and Construction of the Elecraft K2 Transceiver, by Hans Smit, VK5YX.
May 2006 Theory & Operation of Digital Cameras, by Lyle Whyatt, VK5ZNB & John Elliott, VK5EMI
June 2006 Broadband Power Line (PBL) Communications experiments in Tasmania, by Julian Giles-Clark, VK7TW.
Aug 2006 Over the Horizon Radar, Keith Gooly, VK5OQ.
Sept 2006 The Ampliphase System, Graham Dicker, VK5ZFZ.
Oct 2006 Amateur Radio for the Novice, Jim Tregellas VK5JST.
Feb 2007 Improvements to the local FM Repeater, Barry Williams VK5ZBQ. Also short talk on AHARS history by Christine Taylor
May 2007 The Electric Car Mystery by Chuck Waite VK5CQ
June 2007 Linux by Stef Daniels VK5HSX
July 2007 Technical Concepts in Foreign Affairs Operations by Denis Haseldine
Aug 2007 Communications re. Bushfire Management by Vince Monterola & assistants
Sept 2007 The G5RV and other antennas by Rob Gurr VK5RG & Powerline Interference by Lyle Whyatt
Oct 2007 Maintenance of Communications of the East-West Railway by Malcolm Williams
Feb 4, 2008 Special talk on Small Antennas by Prof. Mike Underhill G3LHZ
Feb 22, 2008 Talk on Friedrichshafen Ham Radio Exhibition by Paul Hoffman VK5PH
April, 2008 Clever Valve Radio Receiver Design by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
also Presentation "25 Years of AHARS" prepared by John Elliott VK5EMI
May, 2008 Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards, Big Transmitters and Tall Towers by Arthur Weedon
June, 2008 The Heart at Radio Frequencies by Andrew Russell VK5ZUC
August, 2008 The State Broadcast: -How it's Done and its History by Brian Roberts, VK5VI
and Accuracy & Measurement of Power Mains - ETSA v/s DDVM by Robin DeVore VK5ATT
Sept, 2008 Sea Rescue Operations by Sasi Nayar VK5SN
Oct, 2008 "Airstream" - A Club which supports a Wide Area Wireless Network by Kim Hawtin VK5FNET
April, 2009 An Overview of RFID Technology by Leigh Turner VK5KLT
May, 2009 Internet Security by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
June 2009 Wire Antennas that Work by Dean Probert VK5LB
July 2009 Evolution of Legislation & Rules for AR since WW2 by Rob Gurr VK5RG
Aug 2009 Setting up a Repeater Network in the Flinders Ranges by Hank Prunckun VK5JAZ
Sept 2009 Designing a Broadcast System by Tony Hughes VK5KAT
Nov 2009 Optical Link Equipment (High Power LEDS) by Justin Vincent Giles-Clark VK7TW
Feb 2010 AGM Short Talk -Some History on Receiver Principles by Steve Mahoney VK5AIM
Feb 2010 Special Luncheon - Visiting Canadian, Robin Haigton VE3FRH/VE3IOI - History of Amateur Satellites
March 2010 Software Defined Radio by Hans Smit VK5YX & Dean Probert VK5LB
June 2010 Safety in the Radio Shack by various speakers including Graham Dicker and an Ambulance Officer
July 2010 Restoration of Old Radio Gear by Phil Storr (Historic Radio Society)
Aug 2010 Brainstorming - Future Directions of AHARS by John Dawes VK5BJE
Nov 7, 2010 At Electronics Sale - History & Beginnings of WIA by Peter Wolfenden VK3RV
Nov 18, 2010 Short Talks - Rewiring Microwave Oven Transformers - Jim Tregellas VK5TR
& The New Website - Richard Southcott VK5ZNC
Feb 2011 AGM - Short Talk - Hydraulic Hole Punch by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
March 2011 Microwave Technology (& demo) by Iain Crawford VK5ZD
May 2011 Amateur Seismology by John Harris VK5EV
June 2011 Solar Power by PeterCockburn VK5CV
July 2011 Similarities between Human Cardiovascular System & Radio Transmission by Andrew Russell VK5CV
Also, My life in Amateur Radio by Wally Giles-Clark
Sept. 2011 VNA (Vector Network Analysers) with demos by Barry Williams VK5BW , Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, and others
. Also, My life in Amateur Radio by Trevor Quick VK5ATQ
Nov. 2011 Time & Frequency Measurement by Rob Culver VK5RC,
and also My life in Amateur Radio by Christine Taylor VK5CTY
Nov 20, 2011 At Electronics Sale - Talk by Michael Carey on his DStar activities
Feb, 2012 AGM & Short talk on Valve History by Steve Mahoney VK5AIM
March, 2012 Power Tetrodes used as Triodes in a Linear Amplifier by Dean Probert VK5LB
May, 2012 High Power Antenna Measurements & related subjects by Paul Lawson VK5SL
July, 2012 Computer Controlled Milling Machines for PCB engraving by David Leigh VK5DAC
August, 2012 Talk by Keith Gooley on his visit to Blechley Park (UK) - [known for breaking German Enigma Code]
Sept, 2012 Development of the CODEC2 protocol by David Rowe VK5DGR
Nov. 2012 Satellite comms projects including a low cost cubesat & use of 70cm band by Bill Cowley
Feb. 2013 AGM & Talks by Dave Symonds of Aztronics, Georg Woods of Emona (on Test Equipment)
& Adam Webb who visited Shenzhen Electronics in China
March. 2013 Mark Tell from ACMA - Amateur station licencing, interference, & etc.
May. 2013 Trip to Cape Willoughby, Kangaroo Island for "Islands on the Air" 2012 by Paul Simmonds VK5PAS
June 2013 Antennas in Site Restricted Location by Leigh Turner VK5KLT
July 2013 Show &Tell mini talks & demonstrations by Daryl Simpson, Bill Cowley, Jim Tregellas, Ian Crawford,Steve Mahoney,
Graham Dicker, Rob Gurr, & Lyle Whyatt.
Aug 2013 Talk by David Rowe on his Electric Car
Sept 13, 2013 Impossible Antennas & Propagation by Frof. Mike Underhill G3LHZ
(Special talk at St. Andrews Church Hall, Walkerville)
Sept. 2013 Talk on Crystals by Jim Tregellas VK5TR and Talk by John Dawes VK5BJE on some of his mobile gear
Feb. 2014 AGM & address by Paul Simmons VK5PAS on "WIA Award System"
March 2014 Experiences of Andrew Smeades VK5OS as a merchant marine radio operator
May 2014 Presentation on the "Summits of the Air Award" by Paul Simmons VK5PAS
June. 2014 The Great Train Robbery by Brian Hearn
Aug. 2014 Digital modes of Radio Comunication by John Dawes VK5BJE
Sept. 2014 Cell Phone Network from a generic view point by Grant Willis
Oct. 2014 Aspects of Telegraphy by Ian Redding
March, 2014 Computer & Internet Safety & Scams by Sen. Det. Sergeant Barry Blundell
May, 2015 Session on WWFF Awards and State Conservation and Parks Awards by Paul Simmons VK5PAS
Aug. 2015 Bob Nutt, ex Comms Officer with British Foriegn Office - Talk on his previous occupation
& the Piccolo System (Multi Frequency Shift Keying)
Sept. 2015 Use of cheap Dongles for transmission & receiving SDR monitoring by Bill Cowley
Oct. 2015 Managing and Policing our roads & Laws by officer from SAPOL Traffic Management Unit
Feb. 2016 Solar Challenge Race Darwin-Adelaide David Clegg Vk5KC and his role in the event
March 2016 Talk on the National Broadband Network (NBN) roll out by Stewart Bates from the NBN
May 2016 Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ gave review of his forthcoming lectures on Arduino Microprocessors
at the Radio Shack & gave an overview of the new Windows 11
June 2016 Transmitting Magnetic Loop Antennas for the lower HF bands by Paul Lawson VK5SL & Steve Adler
Aug. 2016 Yaesu's Fusion Digital System by Peter Jung & also Yaesu's range of C4FM equipment with demos through C4FM Repeater at Willunga
Sept 2016 Interpretation of Propagation Charts on HF by Paul Lawson VK5SL
Oct 2016 Presentation by Brendan VK5FBFB on DMR digital radio, an alternative Digital radio system.
Feb 2017 Presentation by Rod Spurrier VK5ZRK on Exploring the VLF or Whistlers & other VLF Signals.
March 2017 Fishing for DX by Joe Kasser VK5WU
May 2017 A visit to Friedrichshafen hamfest in Germany by Gerard Rankin VK5ZQV
July 2017 Coax Cables by Barry Williams VK5BW
August 2017 Krix theatre loudspeakers by David Murphy
Sept 2017 Batteries for field trip use by Rod Spurrier VK5ZRK
Oct 2017 Boat Anchor Restoration by Phil Storr VK5SRP
Nov 2017 Operating Amateur Radio Blind by Joseph Steven VK5LDR
Feb 2018 Demonstration by Rod Spurrier VK5ZRK on WSPR, the Weak Signal Reporting Network.
April 2018 Microwaves by David Minchin VK5KK & Ian Crawford VK5ZD.
June 2018 21 cm Astronomy by Bill Cowley & PHilip Lock
Aug 2018 Earth - Moon -Earth: Talk by Wayne Pearson VK5APN
Sept. 2018 History of Mt. Lofty Beacons
Feb. 2019 AGM & Changes to Training Regime by Sasi Nayar VK5SN - also talk on AHARS web site by Paul Simmonds VK5PAS
Nov. 2018 Shack Earthing & Short Wave Radio by Paul Lawson VK5SL
April 2019 Australia & World War 1 by Trevor Molde VK5NIX
May 2019 Digital Communicaions by Ben Broadbent VK5BB
June 2019 Parks & Peaks by Sue Southcott VK5AYL
July 2019 Talk - History of Amateur Radio
Feb 2020 AGM & Talk - Involvement with Bushfires &SES by Louis VK5FLY & Peter Reichell VK5PAR

March 2020 - Further meetings cancelled because of coronavirus

Next Meeting February 18, 2021 - AGM

Technical Talks at the Radio Shack

Feb. 23, 2013 How to use the CRO by JimTregellas VK5TR
March 23, 2013 Digital Modes JT65 & Dstar by John Dawes VK5BJE
April 27, 2013 Home Brew Card Interfaces for Digital Modes by Rob Gurr VK5RG
May 25, 2013 Basic Life Support & CPR, & Defibrillator demo by Paul Simmons VK5PAS
June 22, 2013 QSLing in the past, present, & future by John Elliote VK5EMI
July 27, 2013 Demonstration of Valve Driven Mixer by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
Aug 24, 2013 Echolink Setup & Demonstration by Lyle Whyatt VK5WL
Sept 28, 2013 Circuit Board Construction By Jim Tregellas VK5TR/VK5JST
Oct 26, 2013 International RadioCom Systems prior to Satellite era by Rob Gurr VK5RG
Nov 23, 2013 Spice Analyser by Frank Benden VK5BF
Jan 25 & Feb 1, 2014 Frequency Meter by Jim Tregellas VK5TR
Feb 23, 2014 Use of CRO By Jim Tregellas VK5TR
March 9, 2014 Summits on the Air (SOTA) & Parks Award Symposium
March 23, 2014 Digital Modes for newbies, JT65 & Dstar by John Dawes VK5BJE
April 26, 2014 Demonstation of High Performance Software Defined Radios by Hans Smit VK5YX and Graham Whiteside VK5GW
May 24, 2014 Log Book of the World by Paul Simmons VK5PAS
June, 2014 Back to basics Lectures:
7th - Resistors by Phil Storr VK5SRP
14th - Capacitors by Phil Storr VK5SRP
21st - Soldering by Jim Tregelles VK5TR
28th - Connectors by Barry Williams VK5BW
July 26, 2014 Evaluating QRP Kits & Building QRP Equipment by Phil Storr VK5SRP
Aug 23, 2014 The UBUNTA software operating system by Hans Smit VK5YX
Sept 27, 2014 Satellite Communication for Hams by Damian Clissold VK5FDEC
Oct. 25, 2014 USB Tuners for software defined radios by Bill Cowley
April. 25, 2015 Arduino Nano construction & programming - Tech session by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
May 23, 2015 Practical Park & Portable Operating by Paul Simmons VK5PAS
June 27, 2015 Conversion of Codan (and other commercial) Transceivers to DDS control by Barry Williams VK5BW
July 25, 2015 Lecture by Graham Dicker on new released items: Internet of Things, New Intel PC Stick, IntelEdison, Intel Galileo, Windows 10
Aug 22, 2015 Practical testing and measuring on Valve Radios by Phil Storr VK5SRP
Sept 26, 2015 How to make your own Printed Circuit Boards by Phil Storr VK5SRP
Feb. 13, 2016 Presentation on Operational Amplifiers 101 by Jim Tregellas VK5TR
April 25, 2016 Lecture and demonstration on Electron Tubes by Phil Storr VK5SRP
June 25, 2016 Third technical session on Arduino Microprocessors by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ
July 25, 2016 Magnetic Loops & Skin Effects by Jim Tregellas VK5TR
Aug 27, 2016 Second session on Arduino Microprocessors by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ, covering Smart LEDs, Stepper & DC Control Motors, & Control DDS.
Sept 24, 2016 Lecture on Logsearch & Contesting by Paul Simmons VK5PAS
Oct 22, 2016 Third session on Arduino Microprocessors by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ,
Nov 26, 2016 Time Delay Reflectometer (TDR) measurements by Barry Williams VK5BW,
March 25, 2017 Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Amateurs by Brian Roberts VK5VI & Phill Storr VK5SRP
April 29, 2017 Semi-Tech meeting with John Nunan - Demonstration CodanHF gear, Remote HF operation including that with Internet
May 27 2017 Windows Security by Graham Dicker VK5FZF
Aug 26 2017 Antenna Analysers by Jim Tregelles VK5TR
April 27/28, 2019 QSL Party - Digital FreeDV - Station controlled by Peter Reichelt VK5APR
Sept 23, 2017 Introduction to Arduino Microprocessors by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ,
Oct 28, 2017 VLF/LF Receiving Equipment by Rod Spurrier VK5ZRK
Nov 28, 2017 Valve Radio Practical session by Phil Storr VK5SRP
March 24, 2018 Presentation on the Arduino Tiny Basic interpreter by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ,
April 28, 2018 Talk on Clandesina End Feed Antennas by Phil Storr VK5SRP plus video on lightning strike prevention
July 22, 2018 Power Supplies for Radio Equipment
Sep 22, 2018 Presentation on the new ESP8266 CPU and Wifi processors by Graham Dicker VK5ZFZ,
Nov 24, 2018 Valve Radio Practical - Technical Session,
April 27/28, 2019 QSL Party - Digital FreeDV - Station controlled by Peter Reichelt VK5APR
June 22, 2019 Oscillators by Jim Tregelles VK5TR

March 2020 - Further meetings cancelled because of coronavirus

Other References
(Written by Lloyd Butler VK5BR)

(1) The Blackwood Radio Club - Early History of the first radio Club to be established in South Australia. (Refer beginning of this article)
(2) Background on the Lower Murray Amateur Radio Club (Refer beginning of this article)
(3) The Murray Bridge Amateur Radio Story. (Refer to main "ldbutler" index)

History of the Wireless Institute of Australia, SA Division:
(1) **(1) 1910-1980 (by Marlene Austin & re-arranged by Lloyd)
(2) **(2) 1980-2004 (by Lloyd Butler)

Last modified: Feb 18, 2021

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