To start scoring logs:

The Cabrillo log format must be correct and error free with columns/fields that follow the scoring software. A re-formatter that uses the Spaces between fields is included in CabEvaluator. Besides putting the logs in the column format used by the software, the re-formatter performs a dozen error checks. Checks for start date, contest name, field at column 31, invalid 3-character modes, non-US keyboard characters (diacritic combinations like Â Ê É), slashed zeros(Ø), missing END-OF-LOG: tag (could mean an incomplete log), missing/extra columns and missing EOL terminations.

Load the contest Ini file if not loaded. For sure, explicitly load the Ini if your test logs don`t score correctly.
Reformat the logs:
a. Do File, Sponsor Setup, and click the [Re-format Logs] button.
b. Make sure the re-format Ini file for that contest is loaded and the folder paths to the log files (and results files) are correct.
c. Click the [Re-format] button.
d. Handle any error pop-ups that occur. To see columns and possible errors, in the Re-format screen use the Modify Logs, Modify Columns menus. Select the 2 check-boxes. Use this form to add or delete to format the log.
Click a log file to see the column format. Use the down arrow to see each one. If an EOL error or QSO too long error occurs, follow the pop-up text.
e. To fix these errors, use the Log Tools menu. Click the [Do it] button. On an error, WordPad pops up. Click the [Save] icon to re-save that log file, which will clear the errors. Or - follow the other pop-ups.
f. Look for non-Cabrillo format errors as explained in the Invalid Cabrillo formats section of the Help file.
g. Try the re-formatter again.