About Cabrillo Evaluator

Cabrillo Evaluator is used to score and evaluate Cabrillo format log files. The application was written for contest sponsors and log checkers, but is also useful for contesters.

Cab Evaluator scores hundreds of contests and uses separate profile Ini files for each contest. Hundreds of profiles and data files are available - see below. See application speed below.

Important: Read about Checkbox programming

If you don`t see what you are looking for in the quick links below, use the browser `Find` function, Ctrl+F.

               Hints for easy use
ASCII data/output files  |  Multipliers
Auto Load Ini Files  |  Multiplier look-up
Batch Evaluations  |  Multiplier exceptions
Bonus points  |  Options Ini Setup
Cabrillo Log Editing Tools  |  Other multiplier look-ups
Checkbox programming  |  Preferred file paths
Contest names  |  Period Scoring  |  QSO points
Contest Profiles  |  QSO points from distance
Cross Checking  |  Reformat Cabrillo columns
Duping  |  Results output file
DXCC lookup and DXCC Exceptions  |  Special function codes
Exchange data QSO points  |  Sponsor/Log checker setup
Hard-coded scoring  |  Summary outputs and scoring results
Include menu  |  Table1 summary outputs
Invalid Cabrillo formats  |  Table2 summary text files
Invalid QSOs and invalid Bands  |  Test logs
Keystroke Functions  |  UTC Date and Time
Load A Profile  |  View ASCII files
Log Tools function  |  Where in the Cabrillo
Make a new contest profile

The software may seem overwhelming at first. No problem, I can provide a ready-to-run setup for your contest.
It is imortant that you know how to navigate files and folders in Windows Explorer (MyComputer). After the SW is installed and runs, send me an email requesting the setup files. Please include the contest rules link.

Important Notes:
1. Except for the main screen, upper-right-X close is purposely disabled so the data in forms remains loaded.
The AResize Icon indicates that the form can be re-sized. Upper-right-X click is used to save the size and position, {Done} is used to close the form. So the menu items up top do not wrap around to the second line, drag the lower-right corner of the main screen and make it larger. You don`t want to double-click the title bar, since this makes a full screen. You need to be able to see other windows to click them to the front.
2. If you make changes to any contest setup - re-save the Ini file for that contest. What you currently have setup is saved to the startup Ini file - but these changes are only saved to the specific contest profile Ini when you do File Save Contest Profile to re-save them. When other forms are on the screen and you inadvertently select an option button or check-box by mistake when you bring the main screen to the front, this setup mistake will be propagated to the next instance of the software. Always explicitly re-load your actual contest Ini file before scoring logs.
3. If you are not using the options in the Sponsors setup form, un-check the 4 options on the left. For example: If you are a contester just scoring your own Cabrillo logs and you have the `Use the N QSO Rule` selected, your score will be calculated wrong - may even be zero.
4. Make sure the optional folder paths to Cabrillo logs and to the `Results` files are set/saved to where you want them.
5. Check the Cabrillo file columns and make sure they are consistent with the columns identified in the ini file being used. Use the re-format function to put the Cabrillo in proper columnar format if necessary.
6. To handle the more complex contests, very specific codes are used.
7. Some contest use hard coded functions and or/specific look-up files to determine Q-points, bonus points, multipliers and QSO validity.
8. After successfully setting up your contest to score logs properly, back-up your CabEvaluator folder to a USB stick, for example, in case you get a new PC or HardDrive. The CabEvaluator folder will have the sub-folders that are required. This way you only need to re-install the software at the latest revision and copy your contest`s setup files and sub-folders to the new PC or HD.

Tool-Tips: Parking the cursor over some buttons or controls for more than 1 second will display the `Tool-tip` for that button or control.

For information, the path to the Cabrillo logs is shown in the program`s title bar.

An Options setup form was added to use additional functions not available in the scoring setup forms.

Setup the software on a known test log file that was evaluated manually. If the evaluation requires other than just counting QSO points and DXCC multipliers, you probably need to use {Other} datafiles. The {Other} look-up files can be made by copy/pasting lines from my GenLog datafiles. For example: QSO Party county multipliers can be copy/pasted from { all_coun.dat }.

Scoring functions that cannot be handled with the main screen selectors are handled using `extra` forms that are accessed via the File menu.

When a contest profile is loaded, a check mark is displayed in front of the `extra` menu items that are being used with that contest.
The `extra` files are loaded with the main profile Ini file. To initialize this, you must load the `extra` Ini files and re-save the contest Ini file. The next time the contest is loaded, the `extra` files will also load. Since the `extra` files are loaded with the main profile Ini file, an auto load function was also added. Use Write this contest Ini summary to see the text and Ini files required by that contest.

Text editors:
If NotePad or EditPad resides in the CabEvaluator folder, files written by the Evaluator will be opened automatically for viewing. EditPad Lite is a great replacement for NotePad. If you change to EditPad, just re-name NotePad.exe and copy EditPad to the CabEvaluator folder.

EditPad allows easy font size selection (fixed width and variable width - variable shows the difference between O and 0).
You can have as many files open in one instance of EditPad as you need in a tabbed interface.
The cursor row and column is displayed in the Status bar, so the number of items in a datafile is easily counted and it is easy to determine the column number in the Cabrillo file.
Change screen font size with <Ctrl> + thumbwheel.
Printout of files has easily selected options - font size, fonts, mouse-drag to re-size margins etc.

EditPadPro can convert TABs to Spaces and will alphabetize text files. Or - go here to alphabetize your text file.

Sample files are available:
This software is very complex, but the HELP file has an example of every function available to the user. If the WinHelp32 HELP file does not open, you can open the HTML version by selecting that option by clicking the bottom menu of the Help menu list. To keep this option, re-save your contest Ini file. See the FAQ about `Help` for more information.

In addition, the hundreds of contest profile Ini files and datafiles that I used to write CabEval are available at
http://www.qsl.net/w3km/evalfiles.zip and sample Cabrillo log files are available at: http://www.qsl.net/w3km/cabfiles.zip. In the downloaded WinZip window, select files by name. Extract (unzip) the files you want to the CabEvaluator folder. Use them as a starting point and edit as necessary.

Contest sponsors:
A looping sequence that runs a Batch evaluation can be selected to evaluate all Cabrillo files at one time - up to 2000 logs. Continue with a partial batch sequence after cancelling. Summary output files are available for the results of all logs evaluated.

Despite the Cabrillo contest templates published by the sponsor, log files will no doubt be submitted in the wrong columnar format - which will not score or Cross Check. The software uses specific columns. Be sure to use the built-in Cabrillo re-formatting function, which uses the white spaces between data columns before scoring.

If you currently are not using a Cabrillo file, I probably have a sample Cabrillo file for your contest. I can also supply you with the setup Ini files and supporting files to run `batch` judging of your log submissions. I can also supply a Cabrillo template. A Cabrillo format template should always be published with your contest rules, which will increase the number of properly formatted logs being submitted.

You want to be running a fast machine with lots of RAM. A PC with multi-core processors makes it even faster. Regardless of the speed, using CabEval can save weeks of work scoring contest logs and preparing results files.

An idea of how long it takes to dupe, actual score, do full cross checking and check the 3-QSO rule:
On my old 2.8GHz PC:
Contest type A: 428 logs and 70,000 QSOs = 6.8 hours.
Contest type B: 205 logs and 25,000 QSOs = 2 hours.
On a 350MHz PC:
Contest type B: 205 logs and 25,000 QSOs = 6 hours.
On my I3 3GHz PC:
Contest type A: 428 logs and 70,000 QSOs = 3.1 hours.
On an HP PC with dual core 1.9GHz processors:
Contest type A: 428 logs and 70,000 QSOs = 4.7 hours.
Contest type B: 205 logs and 25,000 QSOs = 1 hour.

While no software is 100%, CabEval is very accurate with basic points/mults scoring and probably 98% or better when all functions are being done (actual score, Cross Checking, 5-minute QSO delta, n-QSO rule etc). Quirks in the Cabrillo logs can influence the results - most of which are handled by the SW. In order for the cross checking function to work properly with diacritic combinations like in the callsign ÊÃ3ÉÊ - the callsign is changed to EA3EE, since the characters Ê Ã and É do not match any US keyboard characters used by VB. The slashed-zero Ø character is changed for the same reason.

Extra characters like the block character (ASCII 160 or ASCII 9 TABs) above can cause problems.

Also, wrong data in columns. ie: RST in the serial number column will cause cross checking errors not only for the log being evaluated, but for all other logs being cross checked as well. Use the
column modifier to move columns.

Except for specific sponsors, not handled in cross checking:
Incorrectly exchanged information with stations that did not submit a log can still score points and multipliers.

Callsign errors:
If a callsign is mis-copied or typed incorrectly, the QSO may still be scored for points and multiplier. Cross checking most likely will not catch this - since the callsign will not match a submitted log. The erroneous callsign may be identified and thrown out if the n-QSO rule is used. In State QSO Parties, where DXCC prefixes are scored as multipliers, the callsign may also be identified if you run the Check Invalid DXCC/State mults function from the File Tools menu.


Disclaimer: As with any of my free software - use CabEvaluator at your own risk. I write all my applications for the fun of it - and for Amateur Radio. CabEvaluator will not be coded to reduce scores based on % of errors.

This HELP file was written using HelpScribble.

Use EditPad to replace NotePad.

Also criteria QSO points

Some flexibility is available with the use of the {Also} selections. The {Also} point values take precedence, followed by default point values. In the first example, the field is setup around DXCC prefixes. For example, QSOs with the contest sponsor`s `home` country have increased point values.

To keep the {Also} function from being bypassed, use the QSO points {by Continent} setup instead of {All the same}. Use {All the same} only when no other points criteria are being used. Set the 3 continental field values to 3 points (or use By Mode = 3) - in the RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest example.

10 QSO points are scored for QSOs with Italian I and IS stations.

If the `home` country stations are not allowed to work other `home` country stations, then the {Also} point value for that prefix is set to 0. In contests like this however, 2 Ini files are required for contest sponsors. Contesters would use the appropriate Ini file for their situation. Following the same rules, the DXCC exception for that country would also be used in the `home` Ini file so the `home` mult is not scored.

To score QSO points with only one DXCC country, use zero for the continent points and a point value for the {Also} country prefix - KCJ 160m non JA stations example.

Or - score points for a particular continent:
5 QSO points are scored for QSOs with all European continent stations. The X part of the continent distinguishes the field from DXCC prefixes - EU (Belarus) will not be the same as XEU (continent of Europe).

There are a few special case functions that are used when the QSO points are different than what can normally be set, as shown in the examples below.

1st row: 10 QSO points are scored for DX QSOs (non-W, non-VE, non-KL7 and non-KH6 stations). 2nd row: 2 points for CW QSOs and 3rd row: 2 points for DIG (RY and PS) QSOs. The DX, CW and DIG function codes can only be used in the field positions shown. ie: `DX` will not work in the second row.

Other special cases with coded functions:
CW on 160m and 80m both score 2 QSO points in this Pennsylvania QSO Party example. As in the case above, the function codes only work in the rows shown. C160 and C80 can only be used in the rows shown. C40 can only be used in the 3rd row and only C (CW) works for now.

Another special case with coded function:
Extra QSO points are scored when a multiplier (or other exchange) is worked the first time, ie: the RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest. The code FT is used to call the {FirstTime} function looking for the first time a District was worked.

The FT function gets the Cabrillo column=84 and width=2 from the settings shown, which is part of the {From file} setup - the values are set even if you are not using the {From File} look-up function.

ARCI contests - power mult

The total score is multiplied by the power level multiplier. This mult is determined from the power level code. It must be the last letter of the CATEGORY: tag. "CATEGORY: Single-Op B" for example.

Code     power     mult
 A  55mW - >250mW  X15
 B  250mW - <1.0W  X10
 C  1W - 5.0W      X7
 D  >5W            X1
 E  <55mW          X20
The power codes come from my GenLog logger and are out of order because ARCI contest rules added <55mW later.

Before scoring logs, do Summary Write Cabrillo File list. Non-member logs have the power level listed, so the summary write function determines the power code. Edit the CATEGORY: tag of logs that do not have a power level code. On the non-member logs, use the code as indicated by <-add code B for example. Member logs that do not have a power mult code are harder to edit. An e-mail to the contester may be required - or leave them blank - D is the default = x1 multiplier.

The multiplication factor for each code is set in the Bonus setup found via the File Extra Setups Bonus Setup menus.

ASCII Data/Output Files

All files used and written by Cab Eval are standard ASCII text files. They are normally written to the application folder, but preferred folders are used by sponsors and log checkers. Files can be viewed/edited in NotePad, EditPad or other text editor. Files written can be auto-opened for view in either NotePad or EditPad. Copy one to the CabEvaluator folder, or rename the unused editor. To use NotePad++ or other editor, just copy the .exe to the CabEvaluator folder and rename it to NotePad.exe.

In addition to using the menus to view files,

you can view or edit the look-up files by right-mouse clicking the {Set} buttons.

To manipulate and view these files in Explorer (My Computer), uncheck the `Hide extensions for known file types` option in the Tools, Folder Options, View menu. This will allow you to see the file extensions - since some files can have the same name, but with different extensions. Using different extensions allows separation in the view menus as well as when loading and writing the files using the pop-up dialog windows.

When you write files, it helps to add some descriptive information in the filename. See Default files... below. This `description` is used to flag files of different types when you load them. For example: when you load a Continent/Bands Ini file but selected {cqwpx_cw.ini}, a message will appear prompting you that this may not be a Cont/Bands Ini file.

Setting the folder view in the {Open or Save File} dialog windows to be in alpha order (or by newest-date) is very helpful, making it easier to find them in the list. Click the little folder icon and select {Details}, then select by {Name} or {Date}.

Setting up the list alphabetically allows you to see that `extra` files are also used with the contest setup. And - this also shows the reason for naming files beginning with the contest name - or at least a partial contest name - as shown in the list above.

Check for updated datafiles from time-to-time. When I get datafile updates from sponsors or an updated datafile is available, I will make it available in the evalfiles.zip file on my web site.

If you view the WinZip archive by date, the latest files will be easy to identify.

List of files that you can write:
Cabrillo log re-formatting Ini files: contestname_Reformat.ini
Callsign bonus points Ini files: contestname_Bonus.ini
Category extra points Ini files: contestname_ExtraPoints.ini
Contest profile setup Ini files: contestname.ini
Continent/Bands Ini files: contestname_ContBands.ini
Cross Check Ini files: contestname_CrossCheck.ini
DXCC/Bands Ini files: contestname_DXCCBands.ini
Extra Multiplier Ini files: contestname_ExtraMults.ini
Multiplier, state and county files: contestname_Mults.dat
Multiplier (counties only) - contestname_Counties.dat
Preferred Table2 results files - 7 files that you name in the setup form.
Do not write datafiles with the .txt extension, as they will be confused with the results files.

Default files used and/or written by Cab Evaluator:
Cabrillo log column re-format Ini: CabFormatter.ini
Cabrillo files list: CabFilesList.sum
Callsign bonus points: EvalBonus.ini
Category extra QSO points Ini file: ExtraPoints.ini
Complete Ini files list: IniFilesList.sum
Contest list file: Cab_Eval_Contests.dat
Contest profile file: Cab_Evaluator.ini
Continent/Bands Ini file: ContBands.ini
Cross Check Ini file: CrossCheck.ini
Cross Check results file: logfilename.crs
Cross Check Summary file: CCSummaryFile.sum
Currently loaded Ini Summary: ContestName-Summary.dat
Detailed UBN reports: callsign__UBN.txt
DXCC/bands Ini file: DXCCBands.ini
DXCC callsign exceptions file: DXCC_Exceptions.dat
DXCC/other multiplier list: filename_DXCC_Other.sum
DXCC prefix lookup file: dxcc_pre.dat
Evaluation results files: logfilename.txt
Extra Multiplier Ini file: ExtraMults.ini
Generic full results summary: SummaryFile.sum
Mode summary: Mode-Summary.sum
NIL QSOs summary: NIL_QSOs.txt
N-QSO rule <N QSOs file: LessThan(n)QSOs.txt
N-QSO rule <N full QSOs line file: LessThan(n)QSOs-Full.txt
Overall summary of results files: OverallSummary.sum
Preferred Table1 score table: ScoreSummaryFile.sum
QSO Party contests list: QSO-Party-List.dat
SoapBox summary file: All-SoapBox.txt Verify NILs summary file: Verify-NIL-QSOs.txt

Auto Load Ini Files

Since you can have many contest Ini files in the Cab Evaluator folder - or in my case I have hundreds of Ini files for contests I tried - it would be nice to have some way of auto loading the Ini file that matches the Cabrillo log being evaluated.

Use <Ctrl> and click the Cabrillo log file in the files list-box. It is not necessary to hold the <Ctrl> key while clicking. The initial <Ctrl> press sets the left-mouse click to be the auto Ini search, not a Cabrillo Evaluation process. The first Ini file found that matches the search criteria is loaded - the Cabrillo contest name is the `match data`. Sponsors can have 2 Ini files for a contest.

The {Cabrillo Contest Name} is unique to each different contest. The contest Ini files are searched for the Cabrillo contest name. For example, when an RSGB IOTA Cabrillo log file is <Ctrl> + clicked, the contest name {RSGB-IOTA} is found in the Ini file for IOTA. The Ini file is loaded and Cab Evaluator is ready to evaluate the RSGB IOTA Cabrillo log file using the normal `Click file to Run` function.

Selecting a contest in the above combo-box field does not load that Ini file. It is just a display of what is loaded.

Here are the standard file open procedures to load Ini files.

Contest sponsors:
When you have more than one Ini file for a contest type, use <F7> and click a file in the Cabrillo files box to find the next associated Ini file. The Ini file name or other message is displayed. It is not necessary to hold the <F7> key while clicking. The initial <F7> press sets the left-mouse click to be the auto Ini search, not a Cabrillo Evaluation process.

When 2 Ini files are required to score `Home` and DX logs, CabEval can be configured to automatically load the proper Ini file during a `Batch` run. Actually when the 2 Ini files setup is used, the proper Ini file is also loaded when a single log is scored - like when you re-score one log after the `Batch` run.

Auto Open and View ASCII files

If NotePad or EditPad resides in the Cabrillo Evaluation folder, ASCII text files that are written will open in the selected text editor automatically.

Select {View Cab files} to view any of the Cabrillo submission log files.
Select {View Results files} to view any of the eval results text files.

When using any of the View ... menus, the appropriate ASCII text files will open for viewing. The first 6 files (by alphabet) are stored in the pull-down menus.

If more than 6 files are available, the Load more ... Files menu is provided to open the files via a standard {Open File} dialog window.

To load a file from a list of many files, enter a few characters of the filename to be loaded.

When you select {View CC files}, a Windows `Open File` dialog window opens.

Right-mouse clicking the {Set} button is another way of viewing look-up data files.

Batch Evaluations

The `Batch` option is activated in the File, Sponsor Setup menu. Re-save the contest Ini file after making changes to any setup.

Contest sponsors can use a `Batch` sequence to automatically run log checking evaluation on all contest logs received - up to 2000 logs. Running a `Batch` uses the same log checking functions as clicking one file at a time - except a looping sequence is used to score all of them. Depending on the number of logs, a batch run could take hours to complete. Lots of logs = the need for a faster PC.

Separate folders must be used for 1) the Cabrillo submission files and 2) for the results, cross check and summary files.

1. Only Cabrillo logs for the current contest are in the evaluation folder. The software checks to see if there are logs for more than 1 contest type in the folder, or if the contest name in the Cabrillo header does not match the `Cabrillo Contest Name` in the combo-box at the top of the screen. An error message is displayed if there are log files for different contests. Contesters will sometimes send an old Cabrillo log file - this function flags these outdated log files.

If the `Cabrillo Contest Name` you use causes all logs to throw the error message, you can change it in the combo-box and re-save your Ini file. You can also turn off the Contest Name checking in the Sponsor setup form. Change the check-box selector to `Don`t check contest name`.

Other errors in the log file can cause batch running errors and even cause the batch software to loop endlessly. This will be evident if the progress messages are not changing and/or when the blue progress bar does not move for a long period of time. Cabrillo re-formatting is required and possibly log edits too.

Writing a text file list of all Cabrillo files in the folder is helpful - it can be your check-off list when reviewing the results files of each submission. Use the Summary Write Cabrillo Files list menu item to write the file.

After checking the contest type, the SW checks the logs against the Start Date and Start Time fields.

If you are testing the setup and don`t care about the exact date and times, select `Yes` at each prompt to continue - otherwise you can exit the `Batch` function by selecting `No` at any of the screen prompts.

If you do not care whether the log times are valid, or whether times are local time or UTC and want to turn off this function, set the `Disable the Date and Time checking routine` to `Yes`, using the Options Ini Setup.

2. In the main setup, select the options you want from the Include menu. Select whether you want the `Results` files to be auto opened after the evaluation of each log. Since NotePad opens a separate instance for each file, you do not want to the use the auto open functions during `Batch` runs. Also in the Include menu, select including Mults and QSO points in the results files, since the summary outputs use the Mult and QSO data.

3. In the File, Sponsor Setup menu, select {Setup for Sponsor} to activate the `Batch` function, the batch button is below the log filenames list.

4. Select whether you want to use the N-QSO rule and whether you want to score based on the Cross Checking results.

5. Load the contest Ini profiles and verify that Cab Eval is working properly by checking test logs first. Move the tests log to another folder before running the `Batch` sequence. Or - put the test logs in another folder and use test Ini files that point to the appropriate test folder paths and Ini filenames.

In some contests, `Home` and DX logs have different scoring criteria. This is handled by using 2 different Ini files and setting up their use in the 2 Ini file setup. For DX contests, the DXCC prefix of the log filename is used to determine which Ini file is loaded. In U.S. QSO Parties, the ARRL SECTION: field (or LOCATION: field) is used for `Home` and `Away` determination. Only ARRL sections can be in this field for the function to work (counties cannot be used). Be sure that both of the Ini files are saved with the optional folder paths - if not, the software will not find the appropriate Cabrillo logs and you may write the results files to an unwanted folder.

6. Turn on Cross Checking if you are using this function.

7. Post batch run, verify the results by writing the summary files. The claimed score can sometimes be used as an indication of whether to scrutinize the score results.

The file containing all NIL QSOs found {NIL_QSOs.txt} is written during Cross Checking. Also, the callsigns in <N-logs are written to file {LessThan(n)QSOs.txt}. Each time you run the batch sequence from the beginning, these files are erased and a new ones written.

Partial Batch Run:
You can stop a batch run and continue where you left off. Use <Esc> or F-key <F3> to stop the batch run. Note the log file being run when cancel is selected. To continue, hit F-key <F8> and click the log file that you canceled. Then hit the `Click here to Run Partial Batch` button to run scoring on the selected log and all that follow. At any time you can start the partial batch run - beginning on any log. If you look at the results files sorted by date, you can determine which log was cancelled - open it to see the incomplete results.

Notes: Since the files {NIL_QSOs.txt} and {LessThan(n)QSOs.txt} are compiled from all evaluated logs, they are not overwritten when you use the partial batch run - to reduce processing time.

Bonus and other QSO points
Several bonus value functions have been coded:
1. Power multipliers from the Cabrillo Category: power level (Low, High, QRP, QRPP) (A, B, C, D).
2. QSO point bonus from working certain callsigns. The Bonus setup form is opened using the File Extra Setups menu. Selecting the appropriate check-box turns `ON` either function.
3. A separate bonus points setup is available in the Exchange data extra QSO points setup.
4. Bonus points are scored from log exchange data (what would normally be multipliers) in the {Other Multiplier Lookup} section.
5. Bonus points can be scored for QSO Party `home` state stations operating in multiple counties. Using the new Options Ini setup takes precedence over previously hard-coded scoring, so code changes won`t be required when rules change or sponsors want to score using this method.
6. From callsign and mode look-up file.

Power Multiplier bonus:
The Category: line in the Cabrillo file usually has the power level listed in that line. The characters are compared to 1 of 4 Category power levels. If there is a match, the total score is multiplied by the Bonus Value associated with that power level.


South Carolina QSO Party log example:
For a {Low = 150W or less} category, the calculated score is multiplied by 2.


QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party (and others) log example:
For a {A = 55mW - <250mW} category, the calculated score is multiplied by 15.

QSO points bonus:
Read about my check-box programming.

Working certain bonus stations can score different QSO points. Up to 15 callsigns can be entered into the look-up table. These callsigns are compared to QSOs in the log. If there is a match, the bonus points are added. If more than 15 callsigns are used - use the bonus points from lookup file - explained below.

RAC Contest example:
Selected callsigns score 20 bonus points. The secondary option buttons are used to determine how the QSO points are added. Either the points are added to the QSO points total before being multiplied by the number of multipliers

or the total bonus points are added after the score has been calculated ie: (QSO points X mults) + bonus.

Sponsors that allow callsigns to be logged as call/county or other suffix cannot use the above function - since there will not be a match.

Other options select how often the bonus station(s) are counted - each time worked or 1 time only. When `Bonus added 1 time` is selected, the bonus value for working the station(s) is added 1 time to the total score.

Working in conjunction with the `Bonus added 1 time` selector, a different bonus value can be used for working all bonus stations - 150 pts in this NCQP example. If there is no bonus from working all the bonus stations, then 0 is entered in the `points for working all` field.

Note: The check-box text indicates the function being used. The check mark is only a toggle of the check-box control. Click the check-box to see the 2 selections and select the one you want. Most check-boxes are coded to change the text when clicked.

To score a 50 point bonus value (for all stations submitting an electronic log for example), enter `ANY` in the first callsign position. Set `Bonus added 1 time` and `Added to the total score`.
Note: All unused callsign fields must be empty.

If the Callsign bonus is being used, select this checkbox for electronic submissions - also added to the total score.

To score bonus points based on working a `bonus station` by mode only, select the `by Mode` check-box as in this Salmon Run example. The modes are hard coded - PH, CW and RY.

To score bonus points based on working a `bonus station` by band and mode, select the `by Band and Mode` check-box as in this MCC QP example. The modes are hard coded - PH, CW and RY.

Bonus Points from look-up:
Here are several examples of added bonus points from file look-up.

1. This {From File} look-up works the same as the QSO Bonus points setup above and there isn`t a limit to the number of entries in the datafile.

2. From callsign: Bonus QSO points {From File} can also come from specific callsigns as in this example. The look-up filename must begin with { $calls } and tells Cab Eval to use the callsign from the look-up file to set the QSO bonus point values.
Partial look-up file is shown below:

Data in this file is comma delimited. From left to right: Bonus Callsign, bonus points for PH QSOs and lastly points for all other modes. These bonus points are added to the total after (QSO points X mults) calculation. This type of bonus look-up is used when the bonus points are different per mode.

Start with my datafile and save it to your filename - then edit the file.

3. From callsign: The bonus points {From File} look-up are used as QSO points per mode - and come from specific callsigns as in this NHQP example. The look-up filename must begin with { $calls-QP } and as in the above example tells Cab Eval to use the callsign from the look-up file to set the QSO bonus point values.

Data in this file is the same as the above bonus points example. From left to right: Bonus Callsign, QSO points for PH mode and lastly points for all other modes.

4. 10m NRAU Contest example:
Bonus points can come from log exchange data. Although this function is setup in the {Other} lookup section, {None.dat} is used for the lookup datafile, since the lookup comes from the log file.

This function is based on the exchange that would normally be a multiplier - the 4-digit grid locator in this example - and is turned on by using the `Points` code. P500 means 500 additional points are added to the total score for each new grid locator worked. Notes: This function only works on the {Mults per log} setting. The SW cannot count grid locator multipliers and count bonus points for each instance - one or the other.

The default bonus points initialization file is named {EvalBonus.ini}, which loads at startup. Make a copy using Save Bonus File and re-name it. It must be named with an {.ini} extension. If you name the file with `BonusPoints` in the filename, it will be easier to identify later. To have your `BonusPoints` file autoloaded with the contest Ini file, use the Load Points File menu to load your `BonusPoints` file, making sure it is setup correctly, then re-save your contest Ini file.
Just as the currently loaded contest profile is saved to the default file {Cab_Evaluator.ini} on program exit, the currently loaded extra points file will be saved to {EvalBonus.ini} when you exit the bonus points setup.

Cabrillo column modifier

Accessed using the Modify Logs menu, or using the Sponsor/Log checker`s setup form under the Modify Logs menu or while in the other log modifier screens.

This setup inserts spaces, adds missing placeholder columns, deletes extra non-compliant columns and fills blank placeholders in existing columns, which is used in conjunction with the column re-formatter already in use. Not having the proper number of columns (missing fields) will cause the log scoring and log re-formatting to fail.

This setup also allows you to look at the format of all logs quickly to see issues like missing columns and columns not in the correct position. On problem logs (they don`t re-format or score properly) you can see the mis-aligned QSO data, which might mean the contester edited the log and used TABs instead of SPACEs.

1. You can easily view the QSOs format of each log - first click a log, then use the arrow keys. If a format error is detected, a pop-up tells you some possibilites.
2. Click the `R` button to refresh the files list after file add or delete outside of CabEvaluator.
3. As in all other screens, right-mouse clicking a selected log file will open that file in your editor.
4. After a conversion, when you say `No` to the `Save` question, the file reverts back to before the conversion.
5. Use File Print Setup screen to print the screen for a column-width worksheet if needed.
6. Drag the lower right-corner of the form to resize it to fit the log data. Adjusting the form height by moving the bottom will allow changes to the font size as well. Use upper-right-X to save screen settings.

Some contests have different exchanges based on the station`s QTH. The logging software should replace the missing exchange data with a placeholder, a double-dash for example, and it should write the appropriate number of columns based on the sponsor`s template.

Click a log file to see if it needs the added column. If you are using EditPad, you can place the cursor where the added column would be inserted. The column position is displayed in EditPad`s status bar. Enter this column number and enter the text that you want inserted. These values are stored in the {Modify-Columns.ini} file for next time.

Click {Insert column}. The new column (field) is placed at the selected position in the log file and the selected text is written to that field. The re-formatted log is displayed and you are prompted to Save the file (writes over the original).

If you re-formatted a log and the fields are run together, add a space at the appropriate column using the insert function. The vertical bar in this pix is the flashing cursor indicating a space was typed, not a bar character.

To delete a column, do delete on the column #, and set the width to the # of characters being deleted.
To remove excessive <Spaces> at the end of each QSO line, enter "trim" in the number of characters field, then do the delete.

Note: The exact placement of columns can be re-formatted to the correct positions in the column re-formatter. This setup is just used to change the file so it will re-format - in the re-formatting screen.

The column fill function allows filling in the blank fields with placeholders - a double-dash for example as used in the UBA-DX Contest. This allows the column re-formatter to move the columns. This may also be required depending on the scoring functions.

After adding, deleting and filling columns in all logs that require it, go to the column formatting screen and do a column re-format on the logs. Come back to the modify columns setup and check the logs.

Select `Show tic-marks at re-format columns` to place tic-marks in the log window.

Select `Show column values` to place the column values in the log window.

Or select both.

The marks and values are set to the columns identified in the re-format form and offer a quick visual of the log columns.

In addition, check the QSO columns that are not aligned after reformatting. There is something wrong with the second QSO below.

Place your editor cursor on the RST column and hit the left arrow until you get to the callsign. If the cursor jumps more than 1 space each time, this indicates a <Tab> instead of a <Space>. Probably the contester improperly edited the QSO. Fix it to insure only <Spaces> are used. EditPad Pro can be used to convert <Tabs> to <Spaces>. EditPad Pro also has the {View file in Hex} feature, Ctrl+H. Search for Hex 09 (Tab) for example. After fixing the log, use the re-formatter and verify columns again.

Cabrillo log re-formatting
The column formatting of log files is easily handled by the re-format function. CabEval was written in 2000 when contests used column templates, but uses the white spaces between exchange fields to format logs. The software literally has hundreds of scoring functions based on the various setup screens, plus some hard coded routines. It would be impossible to use just white spaces to parse data. CabEval uses specific columns and # of characters to parse the exchanged data. This why the log re-formatter is used.

Regardless, a function similar to the re-formatter is required to find out why logs do not score correctly. Additionally, the formatter also checks for field at column 31, date, contest name, invalid 3-character modes, non-US keyboard characters (diacritic combinations like Â Ê É), slashed zeros(Ø), missing END-OF-LOG: tag (could mean an incomplete log), missing/extra columns, improper column order (2 columns of the same data), missing EOL terminations and other quirks that cause scoring errors.

Sponsors using their own scoring software tell me they find CabEval`s reformatting tools useful for identifying and fixing Cabrillo format problems before scoring.

See about invalid Cabrillo formats.

Cabrillo file tools:
Column modifier
Log date/time sorting
Log tools
Swap columns

You can select `re-format 1 log` file, which allows the use of the default c:\CabEvaluator folder to store logs. Obviously, you need to rename your Cabrillo log when saving more than 1 log to this folder. Click a file to be formatted and select `Reformat 1 log`. Use my re-format ini file or make your own. Set the column positions that are used in the contest Ini file being used. Note: A space must be maintained between columns of data after re-format. Re-format the file - view it and check the columns. Click a file, then right-mouse to open it in NotePad.

See How to do it below.
Hints on determining what`s wrong with the Cabrillo log.

Contest sponsors and log checkers:
In the Sponsor`s setup, make a folder for the Cabrillo files and another folder for the scoring results files. Move the Cabrillo logs into the Cab folder. Set this folder in the re-format form. Set the column positions that are used in the contest Ini file being used. Note: A space must be maintained between columns of data after re-format. Select the re-format function - take note of any logs that don`t re-format. The option to `re-format 1 log` is available when you click that log file. Click a file, then right-mouse to open it in NotePad.

Important notes:
  • Back-up the original logs.
  • If you use this function, look at all files that were re-formatted. Do not assume they are correct as some files may not re-format properly. Note: all logs can be opened at the same time using EditPad Lite. I am always available for assistance and can re-format and `fix` Cabrillo logs if you have a problem - just ask.
  • Ignore column data out past the last column being evaluated. Do not reformat these added columns. Example:
    QSO:  ... 599 011    IT9AAA 599 AG    10  AG
    QSO:  ... 599 012    RW4AA 599 002    1   R1-6
    10  AG,  1  R1-6 are 2 extra columns of data.

    The Cabrillo format up to the sent callsign is well established, and should be followed by logging software.

    Contest templates are specific as to which exchange data goes in which column - even so, submitted log files may not follow the template. A Cabrillo format template should always be published with your contest rules, which will increase the number of properly formatted logs being submitted. Cab Eval can re-format, modify and swap the Cabrillo log data. All logs can be easily viewed to see the columnar format in each of these log modifier forms. Click a log, then use the arrow keys to view each one. It is easy to see at a glance if the format is correct. Verify that the format does not change toward the end of the log.

    Why specific columns:
    Even though CabEval was written in 2000 when contests used specific column templates, the re-formatter uses the white spaces to put logs in the expected columns. A function similar to the re-formatter is required anyway to find out why so many logs do not score correctly (if at all).

    The re-format function doesn`t just reformat the log files. Many Cabrillo logs are actually not Cabrillo compliant, the result of `rolling their own`. The re-format function fixes some header problems and flags logs with problems.

    And - logs are also checked during re-format for date, contest name, invalid 3-character modes, slashed zeros, some non-US keyboard characters (diacritic combinations - Â Ã Ê É), missing EOL terminations and other quirks explained below.

    And - the re-formatter flags logs that do not have the END-OF-LOG: tag. This may sound trivial, but this could mean that the log file is incomplete - which will cause NIL for the `other station` for those QSOs during cross-checking. It could have been truncated in the logging program, e-mail submission, e-mail extraction or manual file edits. Since logs being submitted have many forms of the words END-OF-LOG, the software was coded to not flag logs with END -OF-LOG, END-OF -LOG, END-LOG and END OF LOG text - as examples.

    Lastly, to handle all the special functions used to score specific points, extra points and extra mults, it would be difficult-to-impossible to program the user interface and scoring functions if space parsed data was used.

    See the Invalid Cabrillo formats topic for hints on determining what`s wrong with the Cabrillo log.

    How to do it:
    In the Sponsor setup, click {Reformat Logs} to open the re-formatting screen.

    The filename used is shown in the blue title bar.

  • Set the path to the Cabrillo logs to be re-formatted.
  • Click the `R` button to refresh the files list after file add or delete outside of CabEvaluator.
  • Select a file in either list and right-mouse click to open that file in your editor. EditPad works best because it displays the cursor column position.
  • Enter the column values for each field after the 6th column so they match 1) the Cabrillo contest template and 2) the column values saved in the contest profile being used. Leave fields blank that do not apply. Re-formatting is only done on columns after the Cabrillo owner`s callsign, ie: All fields up to an including the sent callsign use normal field columns.

    Note: Do not enter column values that will format 2 fields together without a <space>, as below. If you do, the re-formatter cannot undo this - it needs at least 1 space to key on.

    However, the column modifier setup can add spaces if needed.

    For example: The EPC-PSK63 Contest needs 9 characters at column 49 for the 8 character EPC number and 1 <space>. Therefore Column 9 must be set to at least 58 (49 + 9).
  • Click re-format. When the re-formatter is run, the error files are listed in the right window. The formatter displays n out of N reformatted. Edit the offending logs to have all logs re-formatted successfully. To view a log, left click a filename, then right-click that file (in either window) and have it open for editing. EditPad is a more useful editor since it displays the column numbers. All logs are re-formatted when the formatter displays 0 out of N reformatted and no files are displayed in the right window. You may need to do the re-format function a few times to achieve this.
  • To re-format just 1 log, click the log file, then click the `Re-format 1 log` button. Contesters will find this useful, since the default folder can be used to store logs - and score the log for 1 contest.
  • In Explorer (My Computer), the files that have the current date and time are files that were just re-formatted. Check the re-formatted logs to see that they are formatted correctly - just as you would if you were editing them manually.

  • Files already in the correct format are not edited nor re-saved.

    Files that cannot be re-formatted - for one reason or another - are flagged and displayed in the right window. Select a file and right-mouse click it to open for view/edit in your editor.
  • Some logs do not load line-by-line. If the log file does not have the normal CR/LF characters at the end of each QSO line - they will not re-format. If you try to score this log, it will usually score as 1 QSO and 1 multiplier - since the whole log is loaded as the first QSO line.

       When you view this log in NotePad, a block character can be seen - between what should be the last field of the QSO and what should be the start of a new QSO: line - as shown below.

       All PC`s have WordPad - load this log into WordPad and re-save it - this will write the CR/LF characters at the end of each line. Then re-format the log file.

       In the re-format function, the software will run WordPad.exe for you, so you can re-save the file and then re-format the offending logs. If WordPad does not open, then copy WordPad.exe from the c:\windows folder to the c:\CabEvaluator folder.
  • Files that have a field missing (RST for example), added extra fields or 2 fields that run together without a space, will not re-format. Some contests that have different exchange criteria based on the DXCC prefix or QTH can be a problem.

  • Some logs can have a field (column) missing. Depending on the contest, some stations will not transmit a member number, a section or a province - for examples. The software that writes the Cabrillo should fill this field with a placeholder like a dash {-} or double-dash {--} for examples. This way CabEval`s re-formatter will see the same fields in all logs. This can be a problem for scoring software that uses space parsed data as well. These logs can be column modified using the column modifier function.
  • In portable log files, the filename will have either an underscore character or a dash separating the call from the portable part. If the CALLSIGN: is W3KM-5 or A25_G3SEM for examples, the re-format function changes these to W3KM/5 and A25/G3SEM and re-writes the log file. This is done because the SW uses this field and it must be in standard callsign format. The SW only replaces the - or _ with a slash - it does not verify the ITU callsign format.
  • Files with 3 character modes are also flagged - as they will not be scored or cross-checked correctly. Use the `Find & Replace` feature of your text editor to change this field (make use of spaces in the `Find & Replace` search so `PSK` in callsigns does not get changed! ) - or request a fixed log from the contester.
  • During the re-format function, log multipliers are searched for the Ø character and the re-format function changes these to 0 and re-writes the log file. This is done since Ø and 0 do not match in the Cross Check function.
  • Also during the format function, the callsign in the CALLSIGN: field is checked against the callsign in the log. Mismatched callsigns are flagged because this can cause Cross Check errors.

    This message is displayed when the callsigns do not match. For whatever reason, some logs have an extra space-like character after many lines in the header. CabEvaluator strips off trailing spaces, but ASCII character 160 isn`t a normal ASCII character 32. Open the log and back-space the extra characters in the header and re-save the log. You can open the log while in the reformat function. Park the mouse over the files list to see how.

    After re-formatting, if `0 out of N total` is displayed and there are still files listed in the right window, but you can`t see the error, try scoring the log anyway.
  • See the Invalid Cabrillo formats topic for hints on determining what`s wrong with the Cabrillo log.
  • The default re-formatting Ini is saved as {CabFormatter.ini}. If you want more than one re-formatting Ini file, select the Save As menu in the re-formatting setup and name a different filename. Use a filename with `Reformat` in the name, ie: {GACW_WWSA_Reformat.ini}. When you want to re-load the file later, it will be easier to identify.

    Cabrillo template

    A template should be published with the contest rules so software authors can output the correct Cabrillo log format - header and exchange data order. The number of correctly formatted logs will increase if templates are used. The template should have a sample log, which shows the header format and the order of the log fields. Log white spaces are used when reformatting logs.

    Logs that have fields reversed may not score properly, plus if cross checking is being done, the other station could be penalized as well. Request a correcltly formatted log. The Cabrillo swap columns function can be used to reverse 2 column fields.

    Templates in PDF will insure columnar format on your web page. See a sample PDF template.

    Check boxes

    Don`t assume that when you select the check-box `ON` that the initial text is what is being done. The check-mark changes the displayed text to show what is being done (or not being done). Click the check box to view the 2 text selections and select the function you want - regardless of check-mark On/Off status. The check-mark On/Off status is saved to the appropriate Ini file. This type of programming provides more information than standard Off-On check-marked boxes.


    In the Category/Zone setup screen, the function being done is displayed, regardless of the check-mark.

    and the text changes with the check-mark.

    In the sponsor`s setup, the function being done is displayed, again - regardless of the check-mark.

    and the text changes with the check-mark

    In the QSO bonus points setup, the function being done is displayed.

    and the text changes with the check-mark.

    Claimed score

    Most sponsors realize that claimed QSOs and claimed Mults mean nothing, and is a waste of time. However, the CLAIMED-SCORE: in the Cabrillo header is useful. Other than CLAIMED-SCORE: 0, a big difference deserves some looking into. It could be a log format issue or something is missing in the header that configures the software to score based on QTH for example.

    The evaluated log status displays the claimed and actual score:

    Note: The `Claimed Score` field can remain in the Table1 setup, since this value comes directly from the Cabrillo header and does not add processing time.

    Contest names

    The Cabrillo Contest Name combo-box holds a list of contests and is used to display the loaded profile. Selecting a Cabrillo contest in the pull-down combo-box is only used when making a new profile - it does not load Ini files.

    The Full Contest Name is the title of the contest being evaluated. Add useful information when saving a profile. ie: {Alabama QSO Party - non AL} and {Alabama QSO Party - AL Stns} are descriptive titles for the 2 profiles needed for the Alabama QP. This title is not used by the evaluation software.

    The Cabrillo Contest Name is the string used by the evaluation software.
    If the contest name in the file being evaluated does not match the Cabrillo Contest Name, a dialog message is displayed - if this option is selected in the sponsor`s setup.

    If contest sponsors request special summaries or specific scoring, the Cabrillo Contest Name initializes these special functions.

    To help load a contest profile, the Title of the {File Load} dialog box displays some information.

    Other Load procedures will display the appropriate file type information to help distinguish file types.

    Each contest uses 2 lines of the file as shown in the example:

    Contest participants

    While the software is setup mainly for log checkers and sponsors, contest participants can score their Cabrillo logs as well. This software will score correctly if a file or something required is missing. NotePad.exe needs to be in the CabEvaluator folder to have files opened for viewing. c:\CabEvaluator is the default folder at installation.

    1. Copy your Cabrillo log to the CabEval folder.

    2. Any log being scored requires that the correct Ini file(s) be loaded and support look-up files are stored in the CabEvaluator start-up folder. The hundreds of Ini files are available for download at: http://www.qsl.net/w3km/evalfiles.zip.

    If you sort the WinZip files list by `Name`, you can at least extract the required Ini files.

    They are named with the `contest name` as part of the filename. This may be confusing since many contests use 2 Ini files - for `home` and `away`. For example: {NMQP_nonNM.ini} is the New Mexico QP Ini file for non-New Mexico stations. Extract all the files with the `contest name` as part of the filename. Run CabEval and load the contest Ini file. You can right-click the files list and select the Ini file from the dialog box list. Or - hit the `Ctrl` key, then click your Cabrillo log file. If the Ini exists in the CabEval folder, it will load. If you know you are not a `home` station, then hit F-key <F7> and click your log file to load the `away` Ini file for that contest.

    3. All logs need to be in proper column format to be scored by the software. You can select to re-format just one log so the default CabEvaluator folder can be used as the source folder. Read more.

    4. Select the options that you want in the Include menu. Score your log by clicking it in the files list. A results text file is written to the CabEval folder.

    5. Some other look-up files needed are identified like this example:

    Other setup files may be used and are loaded in the File Extra Setups menu. The options that are used are identified with a check-mark.

    You can see what other files are required by doing Summary Write this Contest Ini summary.

    6. In scoring setups where a `Set` button is in use (like above) - if you right-click the `Set` button, that file will open in NotePad. A blank file means no file exists. Get it from the WinZip archive above.

    Contest profiles

    The contest profiles {.ini} store the information for the different contests. The file {Cab_Evaluator.ini} is the default file that loads at application startup. This file is updated each time the application is closed. If an ARI-DX profile was in memory when you exit, the ARI-DX information is saved in the {Cab_Evaluator.ini} file, which will be loaded at program startup. In fact - any `extra` Ini files associated with that contest profile Ini are also loaded.

    When starting to score logs, explicitly load the contest Ini file. Why - if you change the setup by mistake (un-checked a check box for example) and exit the software, the next time you run the software that bad change will be loaded. Running a large `test` log first may indicate a setup issue if the `Actual` and CLAIMED-SCORE: don`t agree.

    Other files can be saved and named to suit the particular contest you are evaluating. This allows the user to have multiple files for `home` and `away` log submissions. For example, the exchanges, multipliers and scoring are different for many contests between the `home` and the `non-home` submissions. See the 2 Ini file setup in the Sponsor setup form.

    Two ini file examples for one contest.

    I have hundreds of contest Ini files (and datafiles) that were used to try the Evaluator with various contests. They are at: http://www.qsl.net/w3km/evalfiles.zip.
    If you wish, save them to a sub folder and use them as a starting point. View the files by alphabet so you can see what `extra` files go with each contest Ini file.

    Some contests use `other` look-up files that may not be named using the contest name. Make sure you have these files saved to the CabEvaluator startup folder as well.

    If necessary, use Write this contest Ini summary to see the additional files required.

    `Extra`  ini files required are indicated by a checkmark in the File Extra Setups menu.

    After you load or save a profile, the filename is displayed in the frame title shown above - so you can verify the titles of what you just loaded or saved. The software will save whatever changes you make - including wrong titles and wrong filenames.

    To help save the right profile to the right filename, the Title of the {Save File} dialog box displays the file information.

    When re-saving Ini files, this dialog box displays the loaded filename - so you don`t save over the wrong Ini file with the currently loaded profile.

    Cross Check logs

    Some contests that are not CC candidates are state QSO parties that require multiple logs from rovers/mobiles or have loose requirements for what is logged - for ex: where logging the multiplier of an Ontario station as ON, ONT or VE3 is acceptable. Stations moving between counties often transmit their callsign as call/county - so callsigns may or may not be entered into the log as transmitted - and this may be OK per the rules as well. Logs in this format cannot be cross checked and sometimes require human interaction to weed out these differences.

    If you are a sponsor that doesn`t care about the modes in Cross Check, then disable mode CC in the Options Ini setup, #21.

    If you want to check for NILs only, you can use a dummy setup and set the fields to a column where there is always a blank space in all logs. The other check-box is unselected, but you do need the callsign column identified as usual.

    On NILs:
    It is difficult to determine with software who is at fault for NILs. If a station logs the wrong call, the other station can get a NIL penalty. If a station forgets to enter a QSO into his logging program, you get the NIL. CabEval cannot penalize both stations for NIL, since there is no way to link 2 logs and score them together. The only possibility would be to manually edit the results files post scoring. This is a lot of extra work for you.

    Read this if you edit test logs to verify the cross-checking function.

    There are 2 CC routines - HF and VHF - the VHF routine handles rovers better (no rovers to speak of in HF contests). When VHF/UHF QSO points are used, the VHF CC rountine is called, otherwise the HF routine is called.

    Open the CC setup screen using the No CC or Do CC menu. If cross checking is being done, the results are written to the {logfilename.crs} file, even if score changes aren`t implemented.

    Cross Check ON/OFF:
    To turn ON CC, select the No CC menu, then load your Cross Check Ini file. Select desired check-marks on the left. Select `Done`.
    To turn OFF CC, select the Do CC menu, then un-check the boxes. Select `Done`. Some Summary menus are disabled when CC is turned OFF.

    You select whether or not the software makes score changes due to cross-checking.

    Turn on the {Cross Checking} function by selecting either {Cross check Multipliers} or {Cross check Number/RST} - or both.

    The option to use CC is saved in the Contest Ini files - if CC was in use when the application is closed, then it will be activated when Cab Eval is re-run. The CrossCheck Ini filename being used is displayed in the CC setup title bar.

    Save changes to the CC Ini file of choice and do {Save As} - use a filename that reflects the contest being scored. Save the use of CC to the contest Ini file. Do a re-load of the contest Ini file to make sure the CC Ini file loads as expected. Save both Ini files if 2 Ini files are used.

    If you are using 2 Ini setups to score `home` and `away/DX` logs, load each Ini and use the Summary, Write this Contest Ini summary menu to write a summary file for each Ini. The 2 output files should be the same except for scoring differences (Q-points, mults, look-up files etc). These files are written to the application startup folder - where CabEvaluator.exe resides.

    Log callsign:
    The callsign from the CALLSIGN: field of the Cabrillo log being evaluated is used in the cross checking function. Example: When the callsign is W3KM, then QSOs with W3KM are searched in all the logs and the results written to a cross check results file.

    In portable logs where the filename is w3km-5.log for example, the CALLSIGN: W3KM/5 field must be the same as the sent callsign in the log for several functions to work properly.

    Some QRP stations will sign their callsign as call/QRP during the contest. Their sent callsign should be call/QRP to cross check correctly and the CALLSIGN: field must be call/QRP for CabEval functions to work properly.

    Multiplier checking:

    At the left is the column in the Cross Check files that contains the {sent} multiplier data.
    Next is the column in the evaluation Cabrillo file that is the {received} multiplier data being verified. At right is the width (number of characters) in the Cabrillo data.

    Number/RST cross checking:

    This section is used to check serial numbers, RST - or zones for example. Select either the {Numbers} or {RST} option-button. Cross Checking of the columns selected is the same regardless of which option-button you select - BUT - select the correct field `name` so RST errors show as RST in the results, not number errors.

    Since serial `numbers` can be in the same field as `string` multipliers, the software checks for a match using a val(number)=val(number) or string=string algorithm. The exact format of the serial numbers is therefore not important. In this example, the serial numbers are a match using the value(num) function.
    QSO: 21000 RY 2006-09-28 2256 W3KM  006 599    W1AW    599   23
    QSO: 21000 RY 2006-09-28 2256 W1AW  023 599    W3KM    599   6

    When {Numbers} is selected, the first character of the field is first determined to be a number or a letter. Numbers are checked using the {number=number} alogrithm, which means the value of the string 004 matches the value of string 0004.

    At the left is the column in the CC files that contains the {sent} number or RST.
    Next is the column in the evaluated file that contains the {received} number.
    At right is the width (number of characters) in the Cabrillo data.

    This column is where the received CallSign (worked station) is in the Cabrillo file. The sent callsign is always in column 31 of Cabrillo files.

    The default cross check initialization file is named {CrossCheck.ini}, which loads at startup. If you want more than one cross check initialization file, then make a copy using {Save CC File} and re-name it. It must be named with an {.ini} extension. If you use the contest name and `CrossCheck` in the filename, it will be easier to identify later. After saving a new CC filename, use the Load CC File menu to load a CC file, then re-save your contest profile Ini file(s).

    Just as the currently loaded contest profile is saved to the default file {Cab_Evaluator.ini} on program exit, the currently loaded cross check file will be saved to {CrossCheck.ini} when you exit the cross check setup.

    Result output files:
    In addition to the scoring/duping results text file, a cross-check text file is written when cross checking is completed. The filename is {evaluationlogfilename.crs} ex: {KB9IVA.crs} as below.

    1. Check some of the larger cross check files - larger in bytes - as these large files may show an error in the log file. In Explorer, select the |Type| column and scroll down the list of *.crs files and open the larger sized cross checking files. Look for errors like QSO dates not on the contest weekend, all UTC times 0000, different exchange data (RST instead of serial number), improperly formatted `sent` data etc.
    2. The reformat function flags logs that do not have the END-OF-LOG: tag. This may sound trivial, but this could mean that the log file is incomplete - which will cause NIL for the `other guy` for e missing QSOs during cross-checking. It could have been truncated in the logging program, e-mail submission, e-mail extraction or manual file edits.

    Cross checking is done first, then scoring/duping evaluation is done next. The evaluation log will be cross-checked against each log file in the files list-box. Select the N-QSO option in the Sponsor setup if you are judging logs using this criteria, and select whether the CC results are used to make score changes.

    Any multipliers or numbers that do not match are saved to the cross-check file. NIL QSOs are also reported in this file. Note that NIL may be caused by a station mis-copying the callsign, forgetting to log the QSO or by deleting a QSO by mistake. For information and reference, all NIL QSOs are also saved to the {NIL_QSOs.txt} file.

    Since dupes are allowed in the log, but the dupe QSOs may not be in both logs - a dupe may also show as NIL as shown above. Dupes score 0 points, so this extra displayed NIL is a `don`t care`. Same goes for QSOs that were thrown out due to the N-QSO rule.

    Although it is advisable for contesters to sync their PC clocks to WWV or a web based time standard, many do not. But there should not be a penalty for slightly inaccurate PC clocks. The CC software uses a 5-minute rule for UTC time difference between QSOs - more than 5 minutes, the QSO will be NIL. A different value can be selected in the new Ini setup form - use the Ini options menu.

    Microsoft VB does not recognize slashed zeros, example: GMØ5,  when comparing exchange data in the Cross Checker. CabEval changes the Ø characters to 0 during CrossChecking as well as during the re-formatting function. The Ø character in callsigns is also changed to 0.

    However when letter O is typed instead of zero, this is an error. When viewing cross check files and UBN, select a text editor font that displays the difference between O and 0. In EditPad for example you can switch between Fixed Font width

    and Variable Font width.

    Wrong number example, when the number cross-check mode is used.

    If you are only doing Cross Checking of number/RST, the actual error QSO will not be written the CC results files. This is just the lack of a 3rd combination of code to write the number errors only. Just select to CC the multiplier field and set the column values to a column that is always blank - 1 character - as below.

    QSOs that have extra characters will cause Cross Checking errors - a no match condition. Unfortunately these characters are not visible in all text editors - some are visible in XP`s NotePad. Also, letters with diacritic combinations like Ã Ê É Î Ö and Ü will cause CC errors. CabEval changes these characters to normal letters before cross checking. No doubt I have not coded for all of these characters - just the ones I have seen so far. Stations should read their Cabrillo file before submission and edit text that will cause problems in the CrossChecker.

    Frequency errata:
    Since the HF frequency designator can be either the `KHz` (28000) or the actual frequency in KHz (28354), when the 2 HF log files to be cross-checked are loaded, the frequencies are set to `thousands of KHz` (1800, 7000, 28000) so that they can be compared properly. Also, the 33cm Cabrillo QSO designator can be either 902 or 903, therefore when VHF/UHF logs are cross-checked, the frequency is set to `903` MHz. Lastly, microwave bands designated as #G are converted to the MHz value first.

    UTC date/time errata:
    An invalid date or time caused by the contester`s log edits will cause the cross checker to fail. The date of the second QSO has the letter O instead of 0.

    When an error occurs, the error popup text may or may not be correct. I cannot possibly code for all errors that contesters may cause. Determine the problem log or logs by watching the cross-checking status window. Or look at the last logs that did cross check (as indicated by date and time in the results folder). Open the logs that might be the offenders in one instance of EditPad. Change the font to Arial, so you can see the difference between O and 0. View the date/times for each QSO in each log.

    Callsign errata:
    The software does nothing special when cross checking callsigns ending in /MM, /QRP, /M etc. Stations should always log what is sent. Stations submitting logs should always submit them using the correct sent callsign in the Cabrillo file.

    Call/County - Contest sponsors that intend to do log cross checking should not encourage the use of callsign suffixes related to temporary mobile locations. County-line and rover stations that sign with call/county for example must also enter that suffix into their log submission - otherwise these suffix calls most certainly will not match in cross check. Possibly a better suggestion would be for mobile and rovers to sign /M and /R instead and periodically announce their county as well.

    Stations that log QSOs with Call.. and Call/?? will certainly never match the callsign in any submitted log. Do not QSL a contact unless you have the entire exchange received as sent. Typo callsigns and exchanges are a different problem.

    Editing logs to verify Cross Checking:
    If you edit a log while CabEval is running, for whatever reason, the edited log may not be re-loaded when scored immediately after the edit. It seems that the Windows OS or VB code does not re-load the same file if deemed unchanged, even though the software explicitly re-loads every log. Maybe the number of bytes are the same after edit? Either score a different log first, then the edited log - which definitely loads the new log - or exit CabEval and re-run it to test new log data. Back to top.

    In VHF/UHF contests only, select the option to allow callsigns without /R or to accept only call/R before NIL is determined. If you selected the option to not make score changes due to CC, then this option really does not matter. When the checkbox is checked, the CC/NIL results will show QSOs not in the other log. This un-checked example is the default and means that rover QSOs with call or call/R are both accepted.

    Cross checking candidates:
    Many contest sponsors use CC when judging logs. These contests are well established and log formats are specific.

    Some contests that are not CC candidates are state QSO parties that require multiple logs from rovers/mobiles or have loose requirements for what is logged - for ex: where logging the multiplier of an Ontario station as ON, ONT or VE3 is acceptable. Stations moving between counties often transmit their callsign as call/county - so callsigns may or may not be entered into the log as transmitted - and this may be OK per the rules as well. Logs in this format cannot be cross checked and sometimes require human interaction to weed out these differences. Back to top.

    See Check Invalid DXCC/State mults - a tool to catch some typos that result in un-earned multipliers.


    Dupes are checked in the log file based on the selected option. These are grouped so only one option can be selected at a time. Dupe QSOs (original QSO and dupe) are written to the evaluation text file. Dupes are zero point QSOs. Only one QSO is counted for points. Multipliers are evaluated on dupe QSOs as they count towards the total.

    In contests that allow PH, CW and non-CW digital QSOs for example, all digital QSOs must be one mode in Cabrillo for duping to be handled correctly. Sponsors should use the standard `RY` in Cabrillo and publish this in the rules.

    Or - if a digital contest uses RTTY and PSK for example, stations may not always change the logger`s mode when they change the radio mode. The logging software may not always convert the digital modes to what you expect in Cabrillo, especially if the Cabrillo modes are not spelled out in the contest rules.

    UR-DX-DIGI examples: RTTY=>RY and PSK=>PK. The incorrect modes will cause duping and scoring errors for the submission station - and cross-check errors for the submission station and the other station as well.

    New in 2014:
    Some contests allow dupes within specified time periods. See more on Period scoring.

    If CC or N-QSO rule are used, a QSO may be thrown out in these procedures, so a dupe may not show up in the results files. In either case, the dupe or invalid Q scores 0 points.

    Duping in VHF contests is done with rovers in mind. The TX grid square in VHF contests is set to col=49, width=4 as the default.

    To change the values, first make note of whether you are using `Classic Rover` scoring or not, so you can set it properly when done. Select the check-box, then right-mouse on the control. Then left-mouse select the menu item to be changed. Save your Ini file if you want the changes. This function is accessed when {VHF/UHF} point values are selected.

    Duping also based on mult exchange:
    For proper duping of mobile or rover QSOs (ex: State QSO Party - in different counties or on county lines), the {Exch} option switch was added. If the exchange is different - is not a dupe QSO.

    When the exchange option is checked,

    the RCVD multiplier field selected in {Other column and Width} will be considered as part of the duping process. In this example, the county multipliers are checked as part of the dupe function.

    In addition, so that mobiles moving thru different counties can get credit for working the same station(s), the SENT multiplier field is also considered in this duping process.
    The column position and width are entered into the Work Only `Where in Cabrillo file` field as shown. These 2 setups are possible since you are using 2 different Ini files - for `home` and `away`.

    {Exch} switch not checked:

    QSOs on duplicate band and mode are flagged.

    {Exch} switch is checked:

    QSOs in different counties are not flagged as dupes and count in the score.

    Contest period duping is here.

    VHF band contests:
    VHF band Sprints and contests are duped using a different routine than HF contests. This routine handles the rover activity by scoring QSOs with different received multipliers. Same rover QSOs on the same band, but different grids, are not dupes.
    Note: Selecting `Dupe by band` in single band Sprints allows this function to work properly - without selecting the {Exch} duping option described above.

    DXCC prefix exceptions

    Used in conjunction with the DXCC prefix file {dxcc_pre.dat} is a second datafile that contains the exceptions callsigns. {DXCC_Exceptions.dat} is searched before the main DXCC prefix file. The {dxcc_pre.dat} file is formatted with prefixes up to 4 characters - which is the maximum character length of DXCC country identifiers. A DXCC lookup file like CTY.dat is not used since the code comes from my GenLog software which was written in the 80`s (before CT?). Also, a DXCC lookup like CTY.dat is not used because DXCC prefixes can be confused with States and Provinces. These are CT, PA, OH, OK, ON, LA, HI and TN - and are followed by ! in this file for this reason.

    The exceptions file allows full callsigns to be added, and provides a way to tag callsigns of stations living in countries other than their `Home` DXCC country. The FCC allows U.S. stations to apply for DX callsigns - NP2CB, KG6K, KH6QAI as examples.

    As in the main DXCC prefix file, the exceptions file is also format specific. The order of entries is not specific - it is just alpha ordered to make it easier to add/delete entries.
    CabEval uses 2 fields.
    1) The left-most data is the callsign, followed by at least 1 <Space> - not <Tabs>.
    2) The data field at the end of each row is the DXCC country identifier - fielded for 4 characters as shown below.
    Example: the 4 character U.S. identifier would be 3 <Spaces> followed by W. Prefix VP2E is already 4 characters.
    4U1WB  [USA]<NA>08   W
    KH6QAI [USA]<NA>06   W
    VP8/MM0TJR/P [Antarctica]<SA>74  CE9

    Adding exception callsigns is easy - copy and paste a similar country entry either from the exceptions file itself or from the {dxcc_pre.dat} file if necessary. Maintain the format described above. Edit the entry and re-save the file. Although I formatted the file alphabetically using EditPadPro - alphabetical entries are not necessary. I periodically update this file, but you can add or remove callsigns as necessary.

    Add as many exceptions to the file as you wish. The <Space> after the callsign forces the search to be exactly what is entered in the callsign field. Without the <Space> delimiter, the search function would find KH6QA in the exceptions callsign KH6QAI - for example.

    Also - as in the main DXCC prefix file - DXCC prefixes that can be confused with States or RAC provinces are CT, PA, OH, OK, ON, LA, HI and TN - and are followed by ! in this file.
    Ex: OH0JJS/1 [Finland]<EU>18  OH!
    To maintain this format, copy the appropriate line from either the exceptions file or the [dxcc_pre.dat] file and edit it when adding callsigns.

    QSO Party log checkers:
    After scoring logs, if DXCC prefixes are scored as multipliers, use the File Tools Check Invalid DXCC/State mults menu to write a file of multipliers that should be verified. The list of QSOs are not all errors - rather a list of multipliers to be checked. Use the examples at the end of the output file to help determine validity. This output file also tells you what callsigns may need to be added to (or removed from) the exceptions file. Re-run the listed logs after editing the {DXCC_Exceptions.dat} file. All other invalid mults require manual edit of the `results` file for the listed callsign - ie: remove the offending Mult: line and edit the summary and total score to reflect the changes.

    See DXCC/State/Prov/County abbreviations for more information.

    DXCC/State/Province/county abbreviations

    In many contests, logs can have DXCC prefixes in the same field with State, Province and county abbreviations. This is a problem since one QSO may score a DXCC mult (from the callsign) and a state mult (from the exchange mult lookup). I have resolved this problem by adding code to fix this in state QSO parties. {QSO-Party-List.dat} is the look-up file that `turns on` this function. Non-state QSO party sponsors having this problem can add the Cabrillo contest name to the look-up file to see if the problem can be solved.

    DXCC prefixes that can be confused with States or RAC provinces are CT, HI, PA, OH, OK, ON, LA and TN. These DXCC prefixes are followed by ! in the {dxcc_pre.dat} datafile. Therefore this requires that the ! be used in all Ini file fields that use the prefixes listed above.
    UBA-DX examples:
    2-Ini files setup form.

    DXCC/Bands points form.

    Related State QSO party scoring:
    1. State QSO parties have different rules for `home` state and `non-home` state logs, which requires 2 Ini files. The correct Ini file is loaded automatically based on the ARRL-SECTION: or LOCATION: tags. See the 2 Ini files setup.
    2. Mobiles in different counties are not dupes, or can be selected as dupes.
    3. For `home state` logs, the first `home state` QSO can be scored as county and state multipliers or just the county multiplier.
    4. Where a DXCC prefix and state/province abbreviation are the same, the QSOs are scored properly. Portugal=CT and Connecticut=CT is one example of 8 abbreviations in question. DXCC mults are tagged with ! to separate them in the counting function.
    5. Either the actual DXCC prefix or `DX` can be in the Exchange/QTH field, since the DXCC multiplier is taken from the callsign, not the Exchange/QTH field.
    6. VE can be scored as a DXCC multiplier and a province mult, or just the province mult.

    Partial NMQP results shows the variations described above.

    State/Prov/County abbreviation spelling:
    The other problem will be the spelling of State, RAC Province and County abbreviations. The contest sponsor should always supply a list of abbreviations in their rules, so contesters send and receive only these abbreviations. Early versions of CabEval could only match the log data with abbreviations contained in the sponsor`s lookup file. But, if cross-checking was used and the spelling didn`t match, the QSO didn`t count.

    New routines allow different county abbreviation spellings.

    EU HF Championship

    Scoring in this contest uses a Europe prefix look-up file {European_HF-Countries.dat} for the `Work Only` option. The software has some hard-coded components that keys on the length of the prefix in the look-up file.

    The EU-HFC tools screen is accessed in the Summary menu. Or use <F5> to open and close the `tools` screen.

    File locations: App folder = where CabEvaluator.exe resides
    {Band-Mode-Change.txt} - `results` folder
    {call-EUHFC-QRG.txt} - `results` folder
    {European_HF-Countries.dat} - App folder
    {EUHFC_Validated_Calls-Mults.sum} - App folder
    {EUHFC_Valid_Mults.dat} - App folder
    {EUHFC_Work_Only.dat} - App folder
    {EUHFC_temp-Valid-Mults.txt} - App folder
    {EUHFC_Check-Root-Calls.txt} - App folder
    {European_Calls.dat} - `results` folder
    {EU_Unique_Calls.dat} - `results` folder
    {QRG-Awards-Summary.sum} - `results` folder
    {ReverseLog.sum} - `results` folder
    {Scores-By-DXCC.sum} - `results` folder
    {UniquesReverseLog.sum} - `results` folder
    {Validated_Calls.sum} - `results` folder

    Cross check functions: These 3 additional functions are selected in the Cross Check menu and the On/Off states are saved to the Ini file. Be careful when viewing or selecting the `checked` menu items, since you can inadvertantly de-select an item when you let go of the mouse while still on a menu item.
    1. Band and Mode changes - Except for CHECKLOG or CHECK-LOG in the CATEGORY: tag, the band/mode change checking function counts the number of changes in each hour. Changes >10 are flagged and any additional QSOs made in that hour are scored as invalid. Band and mode change at the same time are considered 1 change. The invalid band/mode changes and invalid QSOs are written to the {Band-Mode-Change.txt} file. At batch run, the {Band-Mode-Change.txt} file is re-written from scratch. This file is appended at continuation of a batch run after cancelling, or when a single log is re-tested. Additionally, the invalid QSOs in that hour are written to the `results` file as well.
    2. Busted Calls check - The worked callsign is compared to the submitted logs first. If not found, then the software looks for a match in the {EUHFC_Work_Only.dat} file next.
    3. Multiplier checking - This `dual CC` function first checks the multiplier (year) against the submitted logs, and secondly against the {EUHFC_Valid_Mults.dat} look-up datafile. This lookup file is limited in the software to 25,000 callsigns. Busted calls are flagged and score 0 points.
    Other functions:
    1. Write Validated Calls - The original function (either sorted my number of QSOs or by alphabet). The N= number can be changed. Filename is {Validated_Calls.sum}.
    2. Write Sent Mults - This option outputs a file of sent multipliers based on 1) the Cabrillo logs and 2) most frequent multipliers from non-Cabrillo logs. The {EUHFC_Validated_Calls-Mults.sum} file lists the Cabrillo logs first, then the non-Cabrillo logs in the format: 9M6XRO   60 (71)   68 (1)   67 (1). From this first list, a second temporary file {EUHFC_temp-Valid-Mults.txt} is created. The multiplier from non-logs comes from the `most often` received value. Only `most often` values >3 are written to the output file.
    3. Update Valid Mults file is accessed from the File menu. This function reads the {EUHFC_temp-Valid-Mults.txt} and is used to update the {EUHFC_Valid_Mults.dat} lookup file - used in the `dual CC` function. Added callsigns are appended to the end of the file. `Dual CC` is selected in the Cross Check menu - a check-mark indicates that `dual CC` will be done during the normal Cross Check process.
    4. Check mult file format (check1) reads {EUHFC_Valid_Mults.dat} and checks each line for `=` character followed by a 2-digit year. Error line message is displayed if error. Run it again after editing.
    Next a message prompt is displayed - to continue or not - to the next longer looping sequences.
    The second part of this function (check2) is used to flag duplicate entries. A message prompt is displayed on the first dupe entry - to remind you to check the output file. The output file {EUHFC_Check-Root-Calls.txt} shows the dupes lines.
    The third part of this function (check3) is used to identify multiple `root` callsigns and compares the multiplier years. A message prompt is displayed on the first possible year error - to remind you to check the output file. The output file {EUHFC_Check-Root-Calls.txt} shows the possible multiple `root` calls. Hit <Esc> to cancel.
    5. Write QRG file - The default `file sort` is set to `by log size` - the list of logs will be in file size order, which makes it easier when running QRG on the high scoring logs. This list also allows multiple-select of the 40-50 logs (for example) at the top of the list. When you click {Write QRG file} with multiple logs selected, the QRG runs in batch mode. After a `batch run`, the QRG summary is written and opened in the editor. File is {call-EUHFC-QRG.txt}.
    Note: The QRG callsign being checked comes from the log filename. Portable log filenames must be the same as the sent callsign of that log, otherwise all QRG file entries will appear as LOG N/A. A dash or underscore is used in place of the slash in filenames.
    Or - un-check the `file sort` check-box for `Alpha logs`. Select a QRG log from the list-box, then click the label to `do-it` - double-clicking works too.
    Integer frequencies are also flagged in the QRG file. The frequency delta can be changed and is saved to the Ini file. Summary results appear at the end of each file. Click a log file and do right-mouse to open the file in your editor.
    6. Write QRG summary - reads all the QRG text files and summarizes the results. Filename is: {QRG-Awards-Summary.sum} and is written to the `results` folder.
    7. Write DXCC scores - outputs total scores for each DXCC country - minus CHECKLOGs. File: {Scores-By-DXCC.sum}. Uses the modified AD1C file {Country-Modified.dat}, if that option is selected in the {Ini Options}.
    8. Export to Excel is the same function as accessed in the File menu. It can load *.sum, *.dat and *.txt files by first selecting the `File type` in the combo box.
    9. The Check European Calls tool accessed in the File menu outputs callsigns that are EU using {Country-Modified.dat} and do not match the prefixes in the {European_HF-Countries.dat} file.
    Some are typos - all letters, some are not ITU callsigns, etc. They will score as invalid-Qs. Others need to be checked against the `Validated Calls` file - alphabetically sorted, the {Country-Modified.dat} or QRZ.com. Russian callsigns - selected full callsigns can be entered into the {European_HF-Countries.dat} file if necessary. Changing the #Char to 12 in both instances will encompass the longest callsign.
    Output files are written to the results folder. The callsigns to check file is {European_Calls.dat}. The EU unique calls file, used to speed up the sorting process is {EU_Unique_Calls.dat}.
    10. Check Category - verifies the claimed mode by comparing modes in the log to the data in the CATEGORY: or CATEGORY-MODE: tags.
    11. Table1 heading CQ Zones uses AD1C`s country.dat file, modified with all entries on a single line and saved as {Country-Modified.dat}.
    12. Write Uniques Reverse Log is similar to #2 Busted Calls check above, but a different format - uses the UNIQUES.dat lookup file.
    13. Write Reverse Log is similar to Summary Write all QSOs with station, but uses the Reverse.dat lookup file instead of the 1 callsign input.

    Exchange data Extra QSO points

    Some contests use the power level category or a status code to setup the different QSO points. Others use Zones/Continents for QSO points criteria. Use the File menu to select the Extra QSO Points setup. Select the `Use ...` check-box in the setup form to enable this function.

    There are 8 functions that can be setup in this form. The log data is searched and compared to define the QSO points and added bonus points for each QSO.

    1. The first setup contains search and compare criteria on the right side only.

    When the QSO points are based on the QSO received category only, just fill in the right side of the setup form. Kids Roundup Contest example.

    Also using just the right side for lookup, is this IARU Region1 FD example.

    Cab Evaluator scores 4 points for all /P stations worked - the user must manually adjust the QSO points for non-European /P QSOs to 6 points. More work is needed to score the non-European portable stations. Partial results file below.

    In order to score normal Q-points, Q-Points by lookup file and extra bonus points at the same time, you need to assign dummy values on the left side - just to satisfy the precedence scoring flow.

    NNY Section QSO Party example. The dummy lookup values must be true - the string `QSO` is in every QSO line.

    2. This setup compares data on the left with data on the right to determine the QSO point values.

    When the QSO points are based on both the transmitted and received categories, fill in both sides of the setup form. AGCW Winter Contest example.

    In this ARRL Field Day example, this setup is used to score 0 points when Class 1D stations work each other, since this is the current rule.

    In the AGCW contest, {by Continent} is used in conjunction with the QSO points schedule defined in the Extra points form. All QSOs not falling in the Extra points setup are assigned 2 points. {All the Same} QSO points scoring may not work when the Extra points setup is used - due to `precedence` flow of the software code. The {by Continent} scoring method does work since the Continent function is outside the normal `precedence` structure.

    3. This ANARTS RTTY Contest example for a `World station` scores extra points for working VK stations on various bands. The setup uses the left and the right column data as the look-up criteria.

    The first row from left to right would be:
    Callsign prefix VK at position 58 in the Cabrillo file - 2-characters.
    At position 6 is the band worked in MHz - 2-characters.
    Lastly, the extra points value.

    Read about my check-box programming.

    The secondary checkbox determines how the points will be used. When not checked - the points are used as Q-points per QSO. When checked - the extra points are added to the total score after the score was calculated - as it is in ANARTS RTTY.

    Different continent QSO points can come from the prefix of the station worked, so the {Extra Points} setup #3 is used in conjunction with the {QSO points from Continent} setup in the main screen.

    4. This setup contains the criteria on the right. When scoring QSOs on 80m, the X code tells Cab Eval to multiply the QSO points by 2 - in this Ukrainian DX DIGI example. Category field set to 3 for 80m (3-MHz), 7 for 40m, 14 for 20m etc. In case the frequency designators are in different columns, the setup shown captures the 3-MHz band at either of the 2 possible columns. The `Multiply total...` check-box is left un-checked for this to procedure to work as described above.

    Note: This X function only works with {by Continent} and the {Also} point routines.

    5. This SSA Portabeltest example also contains the criteria only on the right. A power multiplier is part of the contest exchange. This function multiplies the total score by the X value when the `Multiply total points by X below` check-box is checked. This is a different function than #4.

    6. In this {Extra Points} setup, Zones and Continents are used to determine QSO points.

    QSO points not derived from the functions in the main screen are derived in this category/zone setup. Special codes {sz, dz, sc} are used to setup the search/compare functions for zone/continent. Case is not sensitive.

    IARU HF example:

    If data on the left and data on the right are the same zone {sz}, then the point value is 1.

    If the data on the left is a different zone {dz} and same continent {sc} when compared to the data on the right, then the point value is 3. ie: Pennsylvania and Alaska are different zones, but both are North America = 3 points.

    In addition to the above, use the look-up {From File} option to determine QSO points not falling in the extra points setups above.

    7. This {Extra Points} setup uses the $ and X codes to setup the compare data of blank vs non-blank fields in the SOC Marathon and an older rules version of TOPS Activity for example.

    The first line uses the $ code. If both the left side [col 53] and the right side [col 81] string fields are non-blank, then the bonus point value is 6 --> TOPS member`s log being evaluated and working a TOPS member QSO.
    The second line uses the X code in the left side field. If the left side field is blank and the right side contains a member`s number, then the bonus point value is 2 --> non-TOPS member working a TOPS member QSO. As in the functions above, the secondary check-box determines how the extra points are used - in this case the bonus points are added to the calculated score total.

    8. This partial setup for the new rules of the TOPS Activity Contest shows the use of the EX code to add extra QSO points to the Q-points by continent. 8 entries are required to capture the various member and non-member combinations.

    Ex: Members working members get 6 additional points added to the continent QSO points.

    The default extra points file is named {ExtraPoints.ini}, which loads at startup. Make a copy using Save Points File and re-name it. It must be named with an {.ini} extension. If you name the file with `ExtraPoints` in the filename, it will be easier to identify later. To have your Extra Points file autoloaded with the contest Ini file, use the Load Points File menu to load your `extra` Ini file, making sure it is setup correctly, then re-save your contest Ini file.

    Just as the currently loaded contest profile is saved to the default file {Cab_Evaluator.ini} on program exit, the currently loaded extra points file will be saved to {ExtraPoints.ini} when you exit the Category/Zone extra points setup.

    Files required by a contest

    Use the Summary Write this contest Ini summary menu to see what `other` and `extra` files are required - as in the partial text file below.

    Ini Summary for contest:  NNY Section QSO Party - nonNNY stn

    Full contest name: NNY Section QSO Party - nonNNY stn
    Cabrillo contest name: NNY-QSO-PARTY
    Extra QSO points Ini: NNY_QSOParty_ExtraPoints.ini
    QSO points from file lookup: Yes
    QSO points look-up file: nny_mults.dat
    DXCC multiplier file: dxcc_pre.dat - Not used
    Other multiplier file: nny_mults.dat
    Work only look-up file: nny_mults.dat

    Hard coded scoring

    For selected contests, code is run based on the Cabrillo Contest Name or the Full Contest Name to score mults and QSO points not selectable in the normal setup options. The Options Ini setup form was added to setup these options. It is accessed using the Ini options menu. This form allows setting and testing the option(s) without re-loading the Ini.

    State QSO Parties and other contests:
    A function separates the DXCC prefix mults from State/Prov mults that are in the same exchange field. Ex: Portugal=CT and Connecticut=CT. This function prevents duplicate scoring of DXCC mults (from callsign) and State/Prov mults (from datafile look-up) and is activated using lookup file {QSO-Party-List.dat}.

    Previous to this function, in the example above, the dual scored mults were easy to spot, but required some manual editing of the mults and score in the results files. This function is a better (and automatic) way of preventing the problem.

    State QSO Parties:
    Bonus points from operating in multiple counties were initially hard coded for these contests - COQP, KYQP, PAQP, NEQP, NMQP, VAQP, WIQP and WVAQP. The bonus points are added to the total score, after calculations, based on working N QSOs from more than 1 county. The sent QTH of the log is searched to determine multiple county operation. Only `home` state stations change locations.

    These rover/mobile multi-county activated bonus points are setup in the Options Ini form, #23. Since this setup takes precedence over the previously hard-coded scoring, code changes won`t be required when rules change or sponsors want to score using this method.

    Period Scoring: The period setup button in the Options Ini form, #22 is activated by specific code and score per the period rules. This is triggerd by the Cabrillo contest name.

    The sent exchange field is identified in the `Work Only` column box, even though the `Work Only` scoring is not in use. Sent exchange column values <=55 `turn ON` this bonus function.

    A1A Club CW Contest: Scores Spain district mults EA1-EA9 (except for station`s own district) and EA Provinces (except for station`s own Province) per band.

    African International DX Contest: Total score = the sum of all band totals.

    ARLC VHF UHF: Use the period setup an routines for `FM only` and `6 Hour` category logs.

    ARR PSK63: All Portugese stations score a multiplier. The value $CT! in the extra multipliers setup scores the Portugal, Madeira and Azores station mults. The {$ plus DXCC country prefix combination} initializes this function.

    ARRL 10GHz and up: Unique callsigns score extra QSO points. QSO point value and function settings are set in the Options Ini form. Any 2 character portable designators (/R /3 etc) are removed during this function. In the {kM Distance Setup}, if the {Same grids} are set to 0, the kM distance and points are scored as 0.

    Balkan HF Contest: Category B stations send call/QRP. Call/QRP scores 2 QSO points. Total score = 80m score + 40m score.

    QSO points are based on the sent and received zones and are taken from the matrix lookup file {anarts_volta.txt}. The received zone column is taken from the `From File` Cab column field. The sent zone column is taken from the `Work Only` Cab column field - even though the `Work Only` function is not being used for these contests.

    BSB VHF: Code to handle 2m and 432 normal points X mults, plus distance scoring between 6-digit locators on 6m. The total 6m distances are added to the score, not multiplied by multipliers.

    CDX Independence Day Brasil: Score = total number of QSOs  X  total QSO points.

    Canadian Prairies QSO Party: Setup to score Province mults (from Districts) for AB, MB and SK logs.

    CQ Civitas Fidelissima Diploma: Setup for Period scoring. Mults by mode/period and dupes by mode/period.

    Cupa Moldovei Contest: Setup for Period scoring. Mults per period. Dupes by mode/period. Total score = period 1 score + period 2 score.

    CWops Mini-test: Total score = number of QSOs  X  number of unique callsigns worked.

    DRCC Olivia: Multipliers are base on received member numbers <100 and QSOs with non-NA continent stations. These multiplier values are multiplied times the total QSO points.

    EUHFC: Besides the many special scoring and CC functions called in the EUHF Tools setup, in the re-formatter, the received license year exchange is converted to the leading zero format on numbers 0-9. Ex: "5" is converted in the log to "05" to follow the 2-digit year specified in the sponsors rules.

    Feld Hell:
    1: Bonus QSO points added to normal QSO points for working QRP stations - call/QRP.
    2: In Grid Loc, QSO points come from the RX grid numeral, except "00" that scores 100 points.
    3: Extra bonus points based on the exchange and lookup file listed in the Options Ini Setup.

    Flight of the Bumble Bees: BB calls are scored OK both as call and call/BB.

    Hungarian Straight Key Contest: Scores 1 prefix mult for own call.

    IRTS HF Field Day: Scores QSO points for callsigns ending in /P, /M, /MM and /AM.

    KTSCWC: Scores multipliers and perform duping in each period. The period setup button is in the Options Ini form. Requires code added to trigger and score per the rules.

    LABRE QRS-10: Added Category-LABRE to Table1 summary, sorts by the 5 categories.

    LY Activity Tests, NRAU 10M and NAC Activity Contests: Unique exchanges score extra QSO points. QSO point value, per band/log, exchange data column and exchange data # characters are setup in the Options Ini form.

    Mongolian DX RTTY: Non-JT logs score 1 mult for each JT station worked, not just the 1st one.

    NAQCC European Sprint: Only EU DXCC mults and non-EU continents are counted as mults.

    NJQP: This contest is on the same weekend as the MARAC contest. The exchange for NJ stations is NJ+county (NJCMDN, NJMERC). Special code scores the 49 state multipliers from MARAC exchanges (PABUCK, NYQUEE).

    NRRL Telefonitest, Fylketest and Vintertest: These score multipliers and perform duping in each period. The period setup button is in the Options Ini form. Requires code added to trigger and score per the rules. The period setup button is in the Options Ini form. Requires code added to trigger and score per the rules. In Cross Check, QSOs that have a wrong exchange score 1 Q-point, instead of 0. NILs still score 0-points/0-mults.

    NVQP: This contest is on a weekend with other contests. Since sections are multipliers instead of states, an invalid sections file is used to not score mults from exchanges like CA, TX, FL etc.

    OK1WC Memorial Contest: Multipliers are the last letter of the suffix of the worked callsign - per band and mode. Used with the values in the `Other multipliers` setup.

    For PA stations, EPA and WPA sections are counted as mults when a county in those areas is first worked - since only the county is received. Plus, Canadian provinces are often sent in different formats - ex: ON and VE3 - special code is used to count ON and VE3 as the same multiplier. Lastly, since KP2 and KP4 are scored as sections multipliers, not DXCC mults, a hard-coded function scores the PR and VI mults when KP2 and KP4 are set as DXCC exceptions.

    Pears VHF-UHF Contest: The {Work Only} function is used with a special lookup file of DXCC prefixes. Stations worked that are not these prefixes are scored as 0-points.

    PMC Contest: QSO points are based on exchanged PMC references and zone data. 

    SA Sprint: Sponsor wanted a 1-KHz QRG verification added. >1-KHz, QSO scores 0-points/mults. N-QSO rule QSOs and the Cross Check summary are written to the results files.

    SBMS 2.3GHz and up: Unique callsigns score extra QSO points. QSO point value and function settings are set in the Options Ini form. Any 2 character portable designators (/R /6 etc) are removed during this function. In the {kM Distance Setup}, if the {Same grids} are set to 0, the kM distance and points are scored as 0.

    SCC-RTTY  EU-HF  VAQP and MotQP have hard coded functions also.

    SC-QSO-PARTY: SC station log QSO points for working non-SC stations are handled with a lookup file and hard coding.

    SV-Triathlon DX Contest:

    Extra QSO points scored for working Greek stations, depending on your Continent. This is activated in the `Also` setup.

    An extra mult is scored once for working each Greek station. This is activated in the `Extra Mults` setup.

    TORTUGAS CW Contest scores valid QSOs per period.

    TRC DX Contest scores DXCC mults with TRC stations only using `other option string` value = TRC, setup in the Options Ini Setup form.

    UBA-DX Contest:

    When DXCC countries are not multipliers and the {Other lookup} is being used, a second look-up can be used - the {DXCC lookup}. A special look-up file is used that has some formatting like the {dxcc_pre.dat} file. A hard-coded selector activates this function when UBA-DX is the loaded contest. 0 points are scored for invalid or missing Provinces in ON received exchange, Provinces in non-ON received exchange, serial numbers=0 and serial numbers not a number.

    UK/EI DX Contest: QSO points scored by band, by DXCC country and by Continent. Multipliers are UK/EI Districts and non-UK/EI DXCC prefixes.

    UKSMG Sporadic-E Contest: Code scores grid mults, DXCC mults and member mults (X500).

    UR-DX-DIGI Contest: Europe stations working Ukraine score 5 points. In the 2 Ini files for UKR and non-UKR stations, non-UKR scores 10 points, so Europe is a special case. A special Table2 function outputs the 27 category files.

    W/VE Islands QSO Party counts State and Island mults.

    Code added to output both QSOs in the UBN NIL reports. NIL occurs when the modes in the 2 QSOs do not match. Multi-mode digital have this problem, since 1) contesters do not always change modes in the logger and 2) logging programs do not always write the correct mode to Cabrillo, ie: PSK is PK in UR-DX-DIGI, but different loggers will write PK, PS, PM, QP, QM and even RY.

    If you are a sponsor that doesn`t care about the modes in Cross Check, then disable mode CC in the New Options Ini setup, #21.

    VOLTA-RTTY also scores:
    1) 0 points for working the same call area in the same VK, JA, VE or ZL entity - ie: VK2AA works VK2YY = 0 points.
    2) 0 points for working same DXCC (not VK, JA, VE, W or ZL).
    3) double Q-points for 80m and 10m QSOs.
    4) DXCC multipliers (not VK, JA, VE, W or ZL) per band and VK, JA, VE, W and ZL call areas per band.
    5) total score = (QSO points x Multipliers) x Total number of QSOs. This is setup using the contant function in the Options Ini form.
    The format is: VOLTA-RTTY=QSOs

    Some sponsors have requested functions and scoring not already available. 24 hour contests that have 12 and 24 hour categories need to have the 12 hour categories verified. This can be a problem with some logs. Contesters will submit logs in reverse UTC time sequence, in scrambled UTC time sequence (obviously manually edited by the contester) or where the time and date change at midnight occurs more than once in the 24 hour contest log! If contesters do not read their logs before submission, anything is possible.

    Hints for easy use
    Batch Evaluations
    Preferred file paths
    2 Ini file setup to score `home` and `non-home/DX` logs.

    The list of contests supported in the pull-down combo-box list up top does not open any files. It just displays the loaded contest, which is very helpful especially during log checker`s `Batch` scoring with 2 Ini files.

    1: Get the EditPad Lite free editor that has features not found in NotePad. Cursor row/column position, open as many files as you want in a tabbed interface, search all open files at once, change screen font and font size. When you write some Table1 summaries, multiple files are written, that will open in separate Tabs in EditPad. You can drag and drop multiple log or results files into EditPad - viewed in separate tabs. EditPad Pro has a convert <Tabs> to Spaces> function which is also useful when working with troublesome logs. EditPad Pro also has the {View file in Hex} feature Ctrl+H. Search for Hex 09 for example.

    2: Read this easy-to-learn text at http://qsl.net/w3km/easy_cab.htm to learn using the SW.

    3: If you use a contest setup from the zipped archive at http://www.qsl.net/w3km/evalfiles.zip, sort the list of files alphabetically and extract all the files for that contest to the Cab Evaluator folder. Make sure you have all the associated files for that contest. Use the Summary Write this Contest Ini Summary menus to output the contest Ini summary. The filename will be {ContestName-Ini-Summary.dat} and will be written to the Cab Evaluator folder. It opens in NotePad when NotePad.exe resides in the Cab Evaluator folder. This file shows the `extra` setups and their filenames and other information.

    To load an Ini file for a contest, you can use the File Load... method or right-mouse click the files list-box and select one. A third method: first hit the <Ctrl> key, then click a log file. The software keys on the Cabrillo CONTEST: tag and the Ini file is loaded if one exists for that contest. If the status window shows an Ini file was loaded, you can click the log file again to score it.

    If you are using one of my sample logs from my web download at http://www.qsl.net/w3km/cabfiles.zip, do <Ctrl> then click the log file. Click the log file again to score it - the actual and claimed scores are displayed, which should be the same. If not, maybe you don't have an `extra` ini setup file loaded. Use the Summary Write this Contest Ini Summary menus to output the contest Ini summary, which shows the `extra` setups and their filenames and other information. I try to get all the sample logs and contest setups correct before uploading them, but things happen, Hi.

    4: If you are a sponsor that is serious about using my software:
    a) Only Cabrillo logs are supported and the Cabrillo template must be published in the contest rules, so logging software authors can write the correct format.
    b) All scoring must come from the log and possibly from look-up files based on the exchange data.
    c) Duping, multipliers and log scoring must be explicitly called out in the contest rules - for logging software authors.

    5: After successfully setting up the software using test logs, save all your Ini and other files to another folder for back-up. Also save your CabEvaluator folder to a USB stick, for example, in case you get a new PC or HardDrive. This way you only need to copy the CabEvaluator folder to the new PC or HD, re-install the software and get the latest revision.

    6: Before scoring submitted logs, all logs need to be reformatted first. If errors popup follow the pop-ups. If logs still have an issue (errors or they don`t score) then run the Log Tools function and fix any suggestions. Then re-formatted again. If necessary, view the problem logs using the Modify Columns function, where you can `arrow` thru the list of files and check for errors in columns.

    Always explicitly load your contest Ini file when you start the software to score logs. Why? - If you changed the setup by mistake (un-checked a check box for example), the change will be propagated to the next session when you run the software. This can happen when you have other forms open on the screen and you inadvertently click a check-box or option button when you click the form to bring it to the front. The current setup is saved on exit to the default Ini file - Cab_Evaluator.ini - which is re-loaded the next time you run the software.

    If you think the setup has changed (the test logs do not score correctly as before), then re-load your contest Ini file and verify scoring. An easy way to load an Ini file is to right-mouse click the list of log files and select your Ini file. If you have lots of files in the CabEvaluator folder, enter the first few characters of the Ini filename, then select from the list.

    You can capture the main screen by doing `Alt` + `Print Screen` and paste the copied picture into Word, Excel, PSP or Paint etc. and use the picture to remind you of the setup.

    7: If NotePad.exe resides in the CabEvaluator App folder, files written by CabEval will open for view. If you change to EditPad, remove or rename NotePad.exe in the CabEvaluator folder and copy EditPad.exe there. Some `Tools` in the software use WordPad - so copy WordPad.exe from the Windows folder as well. To use NotePad++ or other editor, just copy the .exe to the CabEvaluator folder and rename the .exe to NotePad.exe.

    Except for the main screen, form upper-right `X` close is purposely disabled.
    The AResize Icon indicates that the form can be re-sized. Upper-right `X` click is used to save the size and position, {Done} is used to close the form.

    Check CabEvaluator`s revision history to see if you want the new features. When you upgrade to a newer version, load and re-save the contest profile Ini file(s) that you are using - otherwise the new version setup functions may not be available.

    <Esc> or <F3> stops the evaluation being run. <F1> opens the HELP file. <Ctrl> and click a filename to auto load the profile Ini. Use the Help pull-down menu in any of the `extra` setup forms for information on that setup.

    Load contest Ini files via standard Windows `File Open` dialog by using the File Load menu - or by right-mouse clicking the Cabrillo files list-box - or find the Ini file automatically by doing <Ctrl> and clicking a Cabrillo log file in the Cabrillo files list-box. Ini and support files are at: http://www.qsl.net/w3km/evalfiles.zip.

    The files are named by contest, so view the files in the WinZip archive by alphabet and extract the files you want to the CabEval folder.

    Other look-up files may be required that are not named by contest - but are also available in the described above zipped Ini archive.

    Some of my Ini files may point to 2 folders that I named (for logs and results files). When these folders do not exist, the folder paths are set to the CabEvaluator startup folder. Edit the preferred folder paths to point to your folders and re-save the Ini file(s).

    Look-up files:
    Left-mouse click a {Set} button to set the datafiles to be used. Right-mouse clicking the {Set} button opens the file in your editor. If a blank file opens, it probably has zero bytes. Check the file in your file manager.

    The DXCC look-up data file is {dxcc_pre.dat} and contains ARRL DXCC countries. The format and the order of this file must be maintained (not in alpha order). Log checkers can add other countries not in this list (and use a different filename) - the format must be the same however. Rather than using a different file, it may be easier to put your additions/exceptions in the {DXCC_Exceptions.dat} file - which is searched first, before the {dxcc_pre.dat} lookup is done.

    Some contests use extra Ini setups to handle scoring not handled in the main setup - accessed under the File Extra setups menu.
    QSO points by Cont/Band
    QSO points by DXCC/Band
    QSO points from WWL distance
    Extra QSO points and QSO points from exchange data
    Bonus points
    Extra multipliers
    Multiplier by File lookup

    After you setup the `extra` setups and save them to the contest Ini file, a menu-item checkmark highlights the `extra` setups being used - so you can make sure they are loaded before scoring begins.

    The file {Cab_Evaluator.ini} is the default file that loads at application startup. This file is updated each time the application is closed - the last contest Ini file will be loaded the next time the software is run.

    Keep in mind that if you change the setup by mistake (uncheck a check-box for example), that change will be propagated to the setup when you close the software and re-start it - since the default Ini is loaded. If you have a problem and you think it`s related to the setup Ini, re-load your actual contest Ini and check it against a `test` log. When you have a known good setup, make a back-up copy of your Ini files and look-up files and put them in a back-up folder. Also saving the CabEvaluator folder to a USB stick will make setting up a new PC or new HD a lot easier.

    Sponsors and log checkers evaluating log submissions:
    A quick overview of how the SW works: Cabrillo logs are saved to a preferred folder. Results and summary files are written to a second preferred folder. If scoring is different for `home` and `away/DX`, then 2 Ini files are required and are setup in the 2-Ini files setup form.

    If you are using 2 Ini files to score `home` and `away/DX` logs, then make sure you save the optional folder paths and other setup information to both contest profile Ini files. Usually other than the points/mults scoring differences, all else should be the same.

    The SW keys on the following to load the correct Ini file(s):
    1. In DX contests - the DXCC prefix of the Cabrillo filename.
    2. In State QSO Parties - either the LOCATION: or ARRL-SECTION: tags.
    Do Summary Write Cabrillo Files list and verify the identity of each log. In most contests, you can use the `Fill in Cabrillo State/Prov` process accessed via the Sponsor Setup Modify Logs menu to edit the LOCATION: tags if necessary.

    Once all the Ini files are setup for the 2-Ini option and saved to each `home` and `away/DX` profile, run the re-format function to put logs in correct column format and to flag logs with issues. After that, the logs can be scored in an automatic `batch` run - the correct Ini files are auto-loaded during batch evaluation. The correct Ini files are also auto-loaded when a log is re-scored by clicking a log filename.

    Scoring totals, cross-checking results, column outputs and UBN reports use data from the results text files that are written during `batch` run. Turn `On` the include {Multiplier ...} and {QSO points ...} using the Include menu. Save this in the Ini file for next use.

    If you are doing a full scoring process with cross checking, N-QSO rule etc., after doing a batch run write a Table1 summary and look for issues. To include UBN reports, first use the Summary menu to write an overall summary file. If at any time you re-score a log (or logs) write an new overall summary file.

    Logs can be evaluated for dupes, actual score, cross checking, N-QSO rule, 5-minute QSO rule etc. A scoring results file and a cross-check results file are written for each log scored. Summary files can be written for total scores and for cross-checking results.

    If you do not want to penalize entries for NIL and bad exchange data based on the cross-checking, un-check the option in the {Sponsor setup} form. The cross-checking results will still be written.
  • Two Optional folder paths are set for Cabrillo logs and for `results` files, in the File. Sponsor Setup menu. This is a must for sponsor judging. Cabrillo logs and `results` files must be in different folders.
  • Contest Ini files and datafiles are available on my web site. Go to: http://www.qsl.net/w3km/cabfiles.zip for sample Cabrillo files and http://www.qsl.net/w3km/evalfiles.zip for the Ini files. Extract the file(s) you want and use them as a starting point.
  • Select `Setup for Sponsor` in the File, Sponsor Setup menu to activate the Batch evaluation sequence.
  • Turn off `auto opening` of the Results and Cross Check files in the Include menu, otherwise the results files will open in multiple instances of NotePad while running the `Batch`. When viewing the various `results` and cross check files, using EditPad is the alternative - this editor SW allows opening as many files as you want in one instance of the application, each loaded to a separate {Tab}.
  • Load the contest Ini file and check that the required `extra` files were loaded. If CC is being used, load the CC Ini file for that contest and turn on the CC functions you want. The CC file will load with the main profile Ini file - if the CC file setup was previously saved to the main Ini file.
  • Note: If you are a sponsor/log checker that judges more than 1 contest, you can copy the contents of the C:\CabEvaluator folder to a new folder where you can have the second contest setup. This will reduce time needed to setup and verify the SW before running `batch` scoring. This will also allow you to modify look-up files of the same filename for each contest. Make a valid shortcut to run the SW from the new location.
  • An option to score QSOs only on valid bands is turned on in the options setup form. This Ini setup form allows you to test the `results` of the selected option without exiting and re-loading the Ini.
  • State QSO party scoring:
    1. State QSO parties have different rules for `home` state and `non-home` state logs, which requires 2 Ini files. The correct Ini file is loaded automatically based on the ARRL-SECTION: or LOCATION: tags. See the 2 Ini files setup.
    2. Mobiles in different counties are not dupes, or can be selected as dupes.
    3. For `home state` logs, the first `home state` QSO can be scored as county and state multipliers or just as a state multiplier.
    4. Where a DXCC prefix and state/province abbreviation are the same, the QSOs are scored properly. Portugal=CT and Connecticut=CT is one example of 8 abbreviations in question. DXCC mults are tagged with ! to separate them in the counting function.
    5. Either the actual DXCC prefix or `DX` can be in the Exchange/QTH field, since the DXCC multiplier is taken from the callsign, not the Exchange/QTH field.
    6. VE can be scored as a DXCC multiplier and a province mult, or just the province mult.

       Partial NMQP results shows some of the variations described in 1 to 6 above.

    7. After scoring logs, if DXCC prefixes are being scored as multipliers, use the File Tools Check Invalid DXCC/State mults menu to write a file of multipliers to be checked. Log typos, wrong exchanges and `wrong contest` QSOs will produce variable results that can cause `un-earned` multipliers. This output file also identifies callsigns that should be added (or removed) from the DXCC exceptions look-up file. Re-run the listed logs after adding/removing callsigns from the exceptions file. Any multipliers verified as invalid are manually removed from the `results` file and the scoring summary is edited to correct the results and score total.
  • In the Sponsor setup you can select the use of the N-QSO rule and the use of scoring based on the cross check results, checking the ARRL section, checking the contest name etc.

    Insure that all logs are in the correct column format. Even though contest sponsors have a Cabrillo template, many logs submitted do not follow the correct column format. Some log checker software may use parsing of the space delimited data. CabEval does not, as it was written in 2000 when the Cabrillo log specification called-out specific columns for data, but does use the <Spaced> data in the re-formatter function. CabEval will not work properly if logs are not formatted correctly. As can be seen in the front-panel setup, the SW uses column specific fields and widths.

    All logs must be in the same columnar format for cross-checking exchange data to match. Also be aware that if a log does not have the correct sent exchange for each QSO (serial used instead of province for example), the other stations can be penalized. These logs must be fixed - or rejected and removed from the logs folder.
  • Use the re-format function to get all logs in the correct field columns. During the re-formatting sequence the log Date and time are compared to the Contest Start date and time - set in the upper right corner of the main setup form. During the re-format function, 3-character modes like PSK are flagged, sent callsign at column 31 is verified, QSOs are checked for slashed zeros, diacritic characters (Âá é), and other errors.
  • Tools to modify and convert Cabrillo logs require the use of a text editor that displays the column position when the cursor is placed on the line of text - EditPad for example. See the column modifier and swap Columns functions. Plus in State QSO Parties use the `Fill in Cabrillo State/Prov` accessed via the Sponsor Setup Modify Logs menu.
  • Hit the `Click here to Run Batch` button to score all logs in an automatic sequence. If this button is not available, you either do not have the 2 preferred folders set in the sponsor form or you do not have the {Setup for Sponsor/Log checker} check-box selected.
  • Partial Batch Run:
       You can stop a batch run and continue where you left off. Use <Esc> or F-key <F3> to stop the batch run. Note the log file being run when cancel is selected. To continue, hit F-key <F8> and click the log file that you cancelled. Then hit the `Click here to Run Partial Batch` button to run scoring on the selected log and all that follow.
        Notes: At any time you can start the partial batch run - beginning on any log.
        If you look at the results files sorted by date, you can determine which log was cancelled - open it to see the incomplete results.
  • Cab Eval will write summaries of all logs evaluated. Generic summaries were written in initial versions of the software. Later, 2 preferred table formats were made available in the Summary menu. The Table1 summaries are most commonly used and are user configured. The scoring and results summary information comes from the {callsign.txt} results files and the {callsign.crs} cross check files that are in the `results` folder.
  • Also in the Summary menu, use Write this Contest Ini Summary to output the contest Ini summary. The filename will be {ContestName-Ini-Summary.dat} and will be written to the Cab Eval application folder. This file shows what `extra` setups were used and their filenames and other information that can be used to check the setup after loading it. When requesting help with a problem, send me your {ContestName-Ini-Summary.dat} file.
  • Extracting logs from Outlook e-mail:
       If you use Outlook e-mail and need a way to easily get the submitted logs to a harddrive folder, my ExtractCBR software can extract any Outlook attachment to a desired folder. 

    Include in results text file

    Include menu.
    Summary outputs use data from the scoring results files. Multipliers and QSO points must be included for summary outouts to show this data. Select the options from the Include menu.

    1. Select {Multiplier QSOs in Eval text file} to include multipliers in the results file. Shows exactly what mults are counted. Needed for summary outputs.

    2. Select {Not counted QSOs in Eval file} to have the QSOs not counted as normal multipliers or invalid QSOs saved to the Eval text file. For example: DXCC multipliers are counted from the callsign, not from the normal multiplier look-up.

    3. Select {QSO points in Eval file} to have the QSOs point values saved to the Eval results text file. Needed for summary outputs.

    4. Select {Microwave Bands as MHz} to have the Microwave Bands listed in their MHz values in the Results text output file - rather than the GHz values. In both cases, LIGHT QSOs are listed as `Laser` rather than the Cabrillo value of `300` (GHz.).

    5. If you want the CC results files to open automatically in your editor like other files that CabEvaluator writes, then select the Open CC Results after Write menu option. This menu is visible only when CC is selected. Normally this will be turned OFF.

    6. If you want the Evaluation scoring/results files to open automatically in your editor like other files that CabEvaluator writes, then select the Open Eval Results after Write menu option. F-key <F9> toggles On/Off this function - as it would if you clicked the menu item.

    7. When QSO points are derived from WWL (Grid Squares), some information can be displayed in the Results text file.

    *W are the weight values when applicable.

    Dupe QSOs are displayed in the results file by default.

    Invalid Cabrillo formats

    Cabrillo logs will be received in many formats - some that cannot be corrected by CabEval. There will be logs that are not even in a Cabrillo format (Excel, Word, homemade text files, standard logger ASCII files etc). When viewing the files that do not re-format, this will be evident. It is very hard to get contesters to re-submit logs in the proper format. If it is OK with your organization, try editing some as described below.

    ! It is wise to save all original logs to a back-up folder before editing !

    EditPad is the text editor used in the examples below. The cursor position is displayed when placed on a column.

    The format for the first 31 columns is well established in the Cabrillo specs and should be followed by logging software. All fields in Cabrillo are left-justified except the band/frequency. HF logs are usually correct because the frequencies are up to 5 characters - ie: 14000. The formatting in the first 31 columns must be correct with one space between each field and only the frequency field is right-justified.

    The new Cabrillo specification in 2019 no longer defines the file as just a <Space> delimited file. So you may receive logs with <Tabs> as well. I use EditPad Pro to convert the <Tabs> to <Spaces>. Reformat the logs after fixing them.

    The re-formatter checks to see if column 31 is blank - which indicates the first 31 columns are not in the correct format. Read this about using Tools to fix logs.

    Use the column modifier function to shift columns in this area, then use the reformatter. After reformatting, use the column modifier to view logs again. Also, use the Log Tools function to check for format errors.

    When the frequencies are VHF, the logging software may not have written a properly formatted file with right-justified frequencies, as indicated by the sent callsign not starting at column 31. This means that all columns may be shifted to the left. Use the column modifier function.
    QSO: 50  PH 2010-02-27 1201 LA2AA         59      G3AAA     59       002
    QSO: 144 PH 2010-02-27 1205 LA2AA         59      LA1BB      59       005

    The sent callsign is always at column 31 in a valid Cabrillo log.

    What about the logs that do not format - or score ?
    Below are the first QSO lines of some logs (and some non-Cabrillo QSO lines) that cause the re-formatter to flag a log file - and what to do. After editing, try the re-formatter again.

    QSO: 14000 RY 2010-06-15 1320 W3KM        599  PA    WB0XYZ        599  599  CO
    This log has an extra RST column. Use the column modifier function to remove the extra column.

    QSO: 14000RY 2010-06-15 1320 W3KM        599  PA    WB0XYZ        599 CO
    Log has 2 fields run together in the first 31 columns, so the format of the fields out to and including the sent callsign are probably wrong. Use the column modifier to insert a space column to change to 14000 RY. Now, verify that the sent callsign is at column 31.

    QSO: 14000 RY 15-Jun-10 1320  W3KM        599  PA    WB0XYZ        599 CO
    This log uses a non-Cabrillo date format. If the contester made his own log, why not at least check the Cabrillo specification for the correct format? If logging software wrote the log, then there is no excuse for this. Use the `Find and Replace` procedure and change 15-Jun-10 to 2010-06-15. But first, verify that the sent callsign will be at column 31 when the replace is done, and add/remove spaces where necessary as part of the ** `replace` text.

    QSO: 14000 RY 09-11-2013 1320  W3XYZ      599  PA    KB4NKA        599 NC
    As above, an invalid Cabrillo date format. Use the `Find and Replace` procedure and change 09-11-2013 to 2013-09-11. As above, the sent callsign must be at column 31 after editing.

    QSO: 14000 RY 2010-06-15 1320 W3KM        599PA    WB0XYZ        599 CO
    Wrong format - log has 2 fields run together in a column out past the sent callsign. The re-formatter keys on the spaces between fields. Use the column modifier to insert a space in the column following 599 to change to 599 PA.

    QSO: 14000 PH 2010-01-25 1036 PA5AA        59  056  --     ON7A       59  1232AN
    The last 2 columns are run together, maybe the logger was not formatted properly for serial numbers above 999. Even if only one column runs into the next, the re-formatting will fail. Edit a space between the 2 columns or use the column modifier to insert a space at the appropriate column position.

    These lines are from the results text file:
    Mult: 14000 RY 2010-06-15 1320 W3KM      599  001   EA3EEE    599  004 - dxcc  A3
    Mult: 14000 RY 2010-06-15 1323 W3KM      599  002   IK3AAA     599  121 - dxcc  W
    The RX Callsign (possibly others) is shifted 1 column to the left, therefore the DXCC prefixes are incorrect. Reformat all logs.

    QSO: 14000 RY 2010-06-15 1320 W3KM<Tab>599  PA    WB0XYZ        599 CO
    File has a <Tab> character instead of <Space>. These are tougher to identify and certainly will cause re-formatting problems. EditPad Pro will convert <Tabs> to <Spaces>. EditPad Pro also has a {View in Hex} feature, Ctrl+H. Search for Hex 09 (Tab), for example. Verify that the sent callsign is at column 31. Reformat the log again. Read about <Tabs> at the bottom of the column modifier help page.

    The new Cabrillo specification in 2019 no longer defines the file as just a <Space> delimited file. So you may receive logs with <Tabs> as well. I use EditPad Pro to convert the <Tabs> to <Spaces>. Reformat the logs after fixing them.

    QSO: 14000 RY 2010-06-15 1320 W3KM       599  PA    WB0XYZ        599 CO(no end-of-line termination)
    Possibly the file was edited and written by MS Word, or it may be ISP server or e-mail program related. The end of each line of text in a normal file is terminated by CR/LF. If not, then the re-formatter displays an EOL error (text line length xxxxx characters). This causes the whole log to be read into memory as one data line.

    To verify this, opening the log in some versions of NotePad will show the block characters (ASCII character 160) - and the text lines go way out past 80 or 90 columns. All PC`s have WordPad - load the file into WordPad (right-mouse the file and select `Open in WordPad`) and re-save the file - this writes the EOL terminating CR/LF on each line. When you re-save it, select `File type as text` - and verify the filename has the same extension as the initial file - call.log or call.cbr for example.

    In the re-format function, the software will run WordPad.exe for you, so you can re-save the file and then re-format the offending logs. If WordPad does not open, then you need to copy WordPad.exe from the c:\windows folder to the c:\CabEvaluator folder.

    In addition, the Log Tools procedure can be used to find logs with the EOL errors and open that log in WordPad so you can re-save it. Blank lines are also removed at this time.

    QSO: 14000 RY 2010-06-15 1320 W3KM       599  PA    WB0XYZ        599 CO(excessive spaces out past the last column)
    Use the column modifier to remove the extra spaces. When you click the log, a prompt tells you that there are possible extra spaces on each QSO: line. After you click OK, the spaces are removed, the log is re-saved and the log text is displayed in the window, like other `good` logs. Do the re-format again.

    QSO: 14000 RY 2010-02-27 1201 LA2AA         599       UT7FP         599  002
    QSO: 07000 RY 2010-02-27 1201 LA2AA         599       UT1ZZ         599  012
    Some bands do not score. The 4-digit frequencies are prefixed with a leading 0. Edit these out manually or by using ** `Find and Replace`.

    QSO:14000  RY 2010-02-27 1201 LA2AA         599       UT7FP         599  002
    The frequencies must have at least one space after QSO: Also the mode may or may not be at column 12. Use the column modifier to add and remove spaces as required. Or - carefully use ** `Find and Replace` to properly space each column.

    QSO 14000  RY 2010-02-27 1201 LA2AA         599       UT7FP         599  002
    This error is infrequent but will cause reformat and scoring problems. The start of the QSO line is incorrect. Also the mode may or may not be at column 12. Use the column modifier to add the colon and properly space each column. Or - carefully use ** `Find and Replace` to add the colon and properly space each column.

    QSO: 14000 RY 2010-06-15 1320 W3KM       PA  0001    WB0XYZ     SCO 0023
    The log has the serial and QTH fields reversed. If the log has a few QSOs, just edit it in NotePad using cut/paste and then reformat it. Or - use the swap column function.

    QSO: 14000 RY 2010-02-27 1201 LA2AA         599            UT7FP         599  002
    QSO: 14000 RY 2010-02-27 1203 LA2AA         599   002    CT1SZ        599  005
    The first QSO does not have the sent serial number field, which flags the re-formatter and the pop-up message says `the file might not have the required fields`. Edit 001 into the QSO and re-format the log. This happens in the first QSO in many logs of digital contests - possibly logging software related.

    QSO: 14000 QM 2010-02-27 1201 LA2AA
    QSO: 14000 QP 2010-02-27 1201 LA2AA
    Normal Cabrillo modes are PH, CW and RY, but logging programs can write non-Cabrillo modes, and some contest sponsors will use other Cabrillo modes to allow duping and mult scoring - FM, PK etc. When you find a log that does not score properly because of incorrect modes, use the ** `Find and Replace` function of an editor to change the mode.

    The invalid mode is usually a digital mode and most sponsors use `RY` for all non-CW digital QSOs. If the contest is a dual mode digital contest like UR-DX-DIGI for example, the valid modes must be RY and PK. The valid modes in dual mode contests present a big problem. Contesters do not always change modes in their logging program when they change modes on the air. They may not select the right mode when operating only one of the 2 modes.

    If the Cabrillo modes are not explicitly called out in the contest rules, logging programs may write different variations of PSK modes; PM, PS, PK, QP, QM and even RY. This causes dupe errors for the submission station and cross-checking NIL errors for the submission station and for the other stations as well.

    QSO:   80M RY 2010-02-27 1201 LA2AA         599      UT7FP      599      002
    Bands in Meters does not follow the Cabrillo spec and will not score. In this example use `Find and Replace` to change to the integer band value. Do Find: "QSO:<Space><Space><Space>80M" and Replace with "QSO:<Space><Space>3500". This is necessary so the column positions after the band are not changed. Replace the first instance, if correct, then select `Replace All`. Edit the other error bands in a similar manner.

    QSO:   160 CW 2010-02-27 1201 W2AAA         599      KB4NKA      599      023
    As above. Replace <Space>160<Space>CW with 1800<Space>CW and make sure the format up to column 31 (the sent callsign) is correct.

    QSO: 3500 PH 2010-02-27 1201 LA2AA         59       W7UGA     59       002
    EditPad`s cursor position shows that the sent callsign is not at column 31. In this 80M contest, the frequency is not formatted correctly, therefore all fields up to and including the sent callsign are shifted 1 column position to the left. Use the column modifier to insert 1 space.

    40CW  15-Jun-10 12:04    1  K0XYZ      599  599 Lar    Lar    2
    Not a Cabrillo file. Request a Cabrillo log from the contester.

    22-May-2010 12:22:53  14070.0  BPSK63  ZP9XYZ   599  599  001  001
    Although this log had a Cabrillo header, the QSOs are not in Cabrillo format. Maybe the contester rolled his own with copy/paste? Request a `real` Cabrillo log.

    There are certainly other problems with Cabrillo log submissions that can cause the re-formatter to flag a file. If you can`t find the problem with a Cabrillo file - and it looks to be correct - try scoring the log anyway and check the results file.

    When the re-formatter is run, the error files are listed in the right window. The formatter displays n out of N reformatted. Edit logs as required to have all logs re-formatted successfully. All logs are re-formatted when the formatter displays 0 out of N reformatted and no files are displayed in the right window. You may need to run the re-format function a few times to achieve this.

    Log was edited in MS Word:
    Why would anyone open/edit a text file in Word when NotePad and EditPad are available. Editing logs in Word can leave some formatting characters when saved. Or the wrong format is selected - TAB delimited instead of SPACE delimited. I use EditPad for everything except converting <TABs> to <SPACEs> - in this case, EditPad Pro is used. Reformat the log after fixing it.

    Also recently in Word:
    Logs have shown up that score 0 points, but they look fine when viewed. With CabEvaluator in the design mode, I saw that some variables were not being parsed for <Spaces>. It turned out that the blank spaces between the QSO data were actually hidden ASCII 160 block characters. Viewing the log in EditPad Pro`s Hexadecimal viewer showed Hex A0 instead of Hex 20 for the Spaces. I used `Find` A0 and `Replace All` with 20. Problem fixed. Back-up the log first.
    New: ASCII 160 characters are replaced with normal Spaces in the Re-format and Tools procedures.

    Last resort:
    If you tried scoring the log anyway and still no luck, you can send me the offending logs and I`ll fix them. This also gives me logs to work with to add code to possibly fix them - or at least provide a pop-up describing the error.

    ** Important:
    To prevent changing the wrong text in the log, make use of <Spaces> (or similar text in all QSOs) in the `Find & Replace` editing.
    QSO: 14071 PM 2010-05-22
    To change the mode PM to RY without changing PM in another field - select by dragging the mouse across <1 Space>PM<1 Space>2010. Do <Ctrl+C> (copy). Select the `Replace` function in the editor. Do <Ctrl + V> (paste) into the `Find what:` field. Do <Ctrl + V> (paste) into the `Replace with:` field. Edit the `Replace with:` field PM to RY without disturbing the spaces. Click `Replace`. If OK, then select `Replace All`. Verify the edited file. This is how all `Find` and `Replace` editing is done.

    Invalid QSOs

    Select the {Work Only} checkbox and a worked criteria datafile to check whether QSOs were valid.

    This function would be used in State QSO parties for example - non-State stations work only State stations - the county received is compared to the look-up datafile.

    As with the {DXCC} and the {Other} look-up functions, the {Work Only} function compares the {column and # Char} string in the Cabrillo file with the {# Char} string in the look-up file. If there isn`t a match, the QSO is skipped and not scored.

    Dutch PACC Contest example:
    In the evaluation of a non-Dutch station`s log, the evaluator found a `typo` QSO with a non-Dutch station  - which does not count. The string `WA` (col=56, width=2) was compared to each of the Dutch DXCC prefixes in the file and the invalid Q was written to the results file as shown.

    The sample datafile shown below contains the Netherlands prefixes taken from the {dxcc_pre.dat} file. Prefix `WA` is not one of them.

    The {Work Only} function can also verify the valid Cabrillo modes as in the Russian WW MultiMode Contest.
    The lookup file contains the 4 Cabrillo modes - CW, PH, PM and RY. QSOs on other modes are invalid and not scored.
    QPts: 3500 PK 2016-01-04 0042 W3KM   599 0013  F9FTI   599 013 Pt = 0
    ** Invalid QSO(s) not counted: 1

    Hawaii QSO Party example:

    Another variation of the {Work Only} function is based on 1 DXCC prefix, instead of using a prefix file as above, which does not include exceptions callsigns. Only QSOs with the selected DXCC country are valid,
    Hawaii in this example. The use of a newer CTY type file was requested by sponsors, since it has the exception callsigns. The DXCC prefix is entered into the DXCC multiplier limit field, which was easier to implement without adding another input box. For now, this function is only active when {Multipliers are: by Band} is selected.

    Normally, the #Char fields work fine for State QSO parties and the above example. In one case, the lookup field is compared to the worked callsign to verify working only European stations.

    In the EU HF Championship, the function has a hard-coded component that uses the length of the lookup prefix instead of the #Char field. The lookup file has 2, 3 and 4 character EU prefixes. The #Char fields are set to 4 to speed-up the comparison process.

    The number of Invalid Qs are reported in the {logfilename.txt} results file. This number includes invalid Qs from the N-QSO rule and Cross Checking if make score changes due to CC is selected in the Sponsor setup.

    SEANET Contest - non-SEANET stations example:

    The {Work Only} function can be used to score only QSOs with certain DXCC prefixes. Select the {Work Only} checkbox and {none.dat} for the datafile. For now, this only works with {by Band}. Invalid QSOs would be non-SEANET stations working non-SEANET stations. When the DXCC prefix is not found in the {seanet_dxcc.dat} file, no mults or QSO points are scored.
    Note: The DXCC lookup file must be in the {dxcc_pre.dat} format only.

    NRRL Vintertest contests:
    In contests where participants can work only specific locator grids and score multipliers on these grids, a {Work Only} file can contain all the 4-digit grids. The same file is used to score the {Other} locator multipliers.

    Valid bands:
    To score invalid band QSOs as 0 points, use a valid bands lookup file like: CE-Valid-Bands.dat, selected in the Options Ini Setup form. Use the Ini Options menu. Use one of my valid bands data files, or make your own. See the frequency list in the Options Ini Setup #8.

    Keystroke Functions

  • <Ctrl> + click a Cabrillo log filename loads the associated Ini file.
  • F-key <F7> + click a Cabrillo log filename loads the next associated Ini file.
    This is useful when you have more than one Ini file for a contest type. The Ini file name or other message is displayed.

    When using the <Ctrl> or <F7> keys to find the Ini file, the <Ctrl> or <F7> key does not need to be held down while clicking the filename.
  • F-key <F1> opens the HELP file. Select the HTML (.chm) version in the Help menu if the WinHelp32 file won`t open in your OS.
  • <Esc> closes the HELP window.
  • <Esc> stops the evaluation.
  • F-key <F3> stops the evaluation.
  • F-key <F8> is used to setup the partial batch run sequence - after canceling the `batch run`. After hitting <F8>, click the filename of the log that was canceled, and continue.
  • F-key <F9> toggles On/Off the Include Open Eval Results after Write menu. If you want to have the results file opened for viewing after an evaluation, hit <F9> and re-score the log file.

    Loading Evaluator profiles

    There are 5 ways to load contest profile Ini files. Selecting a contest using the pull-down combo box at the top of the application does not load that profile. This is only the list of contests and the display of what is loaded.

    If you use any of the `extra` files/forms to evaluate logs (and saved to the profile Ini), the `extra` files and forms will also load when you load the contest profile Ini file.

    Always explicitly load your contest Ini file when you score logs. Why? - If you change the setup by mistake (un-check a checkbox for example), that change will be propagated to the next session of the software. When you exit the software, the current setup is saved to the default Ini - Cab_Evaluator.ini. When you run the software again, Cab_Evaluator.ini is loaded. When you think something is wrong (your test log doesn`t score as before) - reload your contest Ini file.

    1. Right-mouse click the Cabrillo files list-box in the middle of the screen. The {Load File} dialog box is displayed. Type a few letters of the filename to display the files beginning with those letters.

    2. Auto Ini file loading. Use the <Ctrl> key and click the log in the Cabrillo files list-box. The Ini file that matches the selected Cabrillo file is loaded. This load function is useful for contesters that may have many Ini profiles in the Cab Eval folder.

    Double-clicking the [Click a File to Run] label updates the list of files (if files were added or deleted in Explorer while CabEval is running).

    3. Use the File Load contest profile menu to load a contest profile.

    Use the File Extra Setups menu to load other Ini files.

    Bonus setup   Cont/Band setup   DXCC/Band setup    Extra Mults Setup    Extra QSO points
    In the File Extra Setups menu, the `extra` files that you use with the contest profile are highlighted with check marks as a reminder. After you load the `extra` file(s) and re-save the contest profile, the next time that contest profile is loaded, the `extra` file(s) will load also.

    4. The last contest profile loaded when Cab Evaluator is closed will open automatically on application start-up.

    Keep in mind that if you change the setup by mistake (uncheck a check-box for example), that change will be propagated to the setup when you close the software and re-start it - since the default Ini is loaded. If you have a problem and you think it`s related to the setup Ini, re-load your actual contest Ini and check it. When you have a known good setup, make a back-up copy of your Ini files and put them in a back-up folder. Put a copy of the look-up files in that back-up folder as well.

    5. Sponsors/Log checkers: Since some contests require 2 Ini profiles to score `Home` or `DX` logs, CabEval will automatically load the `Home` or `DX` Ini file for each log being scored, either in a `Batch` run or when scored individually using Cabrillo file click. Use the 2 Ini file setup to set this up. Re-save the 2 Ini files with the appropriate setup before running the `Batch`, ie: the correct optional folder path for the Cabrillo logs and the folder path to the results files.

    The profile filename is displayed in the frame title shown above - so you can verify what you just loaded.

    There are 6 different types of Ini files used by Cab Evaluator. When loading a {Contest profile} Ini file (or other types of Ini files), a dialog box lets you know if the file selected is not the correct file type.

    This example shows loading an {ExtraPoints} Ini file, when a {Contest Profile} Ini file was the intended file type. A similar message lets you know information about files being {Saved}.

    If you want to make an new evaluation profile, check the list of contests first. This will at least give you the Contest title and Cabrillo contest name to start with.

    If you name your Ini files with the contest name and the `extra` description, you will be able to find them easily when you alpha sort the {Load File} dialog window as shown.

    When you exit the Cab Eval software, your current setup is saved to {CabEvaluator.ini} and to the other default Ini files, which are all re-loaded when you run the software.

    Sponsor/log checker note:
    All profile Ini files are loaded and saved to the default folder - where the application was run - usually c:\CabEvaluator. However, preferred folders are set for:
    1. The location of the Cabrillo logs *.log  *.cbr  (*.txt if used).
    2. The location of the `results` files *.txt, Cross Check files *.crs and summary files *.sum.

    Log Date/Time Sort

    Many contesters will edit their logs introducing errors that affect scoring results and summary outputs.

    QSOs out of date/time order can be an issue.
    1. When the software calculates the operating time, a negative value can result.
    2. When visually checking NILs in cross checking, it can be time consuming if the log is not in ascending date/time order.

    The Date/Time sort function puts the log in ascending date/time order, accessed using File Sponsor setup Modify Logs Date/Time Sort.

    Click a log to check for bad format.
    If a pop-up is displayed, the log is not in date/time ascending order

    Click [OK], then Click [Sort Log]. The log is sorted and the re-saved log is displayed.

    You can press and hold the `down arrow` key to speed thru the checking process of all logs.
    If a pop-up appears, select [OK], then select [Sort Log].

    Contester edited dates or times that are invalid will cause a different pop-up.
    Ex: a time could have been edited as 2O13 instead of 2013.
    Or - an invalid time will throw this error, ie: 2400

    The problem log is already selected in the files list. Do right-mouse to open the log in your editor and check the date/time of each QSO.

    Log Tools

    Various log formats will be submitted that are not Cabrillo compliant. Several log editing functions are available to fix bad log formats. Sometimes it is just easier to fix logs than to try to get a valid log from the contester.

    A Cabrillo log re-formatter puts all logs in columnar format so CabEval can score them.
    The column modifier allows you to modify the columns.
    A swap column function swaps 2 columns of exchange data.
    A log date/time sorting function sorts logs in ascending date/time order.

    The `Fill in Cabrillo State/Prov` function is accessed via the File, Sponsor setup, Modify Logs menu.

    After you tried all the normal tricks to edit the log and it still will not re-format, try the `Log Tools` function. Use the File, Sponsor setup, Modify Logs, Log Tools menus to access this form. The Log Tools menu is also accessible in other Cabrillo editing forms.

    Log Tools function:
    Running the Log Tools is useful to check for various problems that may cause Cross Check and summary output errors.
    1. Checks for a missing CALLSIGN: tag
    2. Checks for CALLSIGN: that does not match the sent call field in the log.
    3. Checks for <Space> in log filenames.

    4. Checks for hidden characters, block characters and {Tabs}.
    5. New - removes 2 added spaces written by N1MM+ in the Cabrillo log. Sent call is at column 33 instead of 31.

    Some log files have extra line-feeds that produce blank lines in the log file. This in itself is OK because CabEval uses the QSO: tag when scoring. But, many of these logs also have QSO lines without a `carriage return and line-feed` or hidden block characters that cause errors. These logs were possibly edited and saved with MS Word. The `Log Tools` function can find some errors and remove them - and removes the blank lines at the same time.

    Depending on the error, the log is opened in WordPad or other editor. Re-saving logs in WordPad will often remove the invalid characters. Click the Save icon, then close WordPad. Click OK to continue. If NotePad or EditPad opens, check the indicated line for the error and fix it.

    Note: WordPad.exe and either NotePad.exe or EditPad.exe must reside in the CabEvaluator folder for the auto-open function to work. EditPad is preferred over NotePad since EditPad has the row and column indicators in the status bar.

    When a log is found that has more problems than can be fixed by just re-saving it, a dialog box may tell you to look for something else. After fixing the logs, re-run all logs thru the re-formatter.

    Logs with no CALLSIGN: field or spaces in the filename are flagged since this can cause problems in scoring and cross checking.

    Making a new contest profile

    First download the Ini zipped file and see if the Ini files already exist for the contest. The file is at: http://www.qsl.net/w3km/evalfiles.zip. View the files by alphabet so you can see what `extra` files go with each contest Ini file. After the contest Ini is loaded into CabEvaluator, you can see if any `other` look-up files (not named with the contest name) need to be saved to the CabEvaluator folder as well.

    1. Manually evaluate and score a robust test log - one that has all the possible exchange data, invalid multipliers and maybe some errors. Select {Check ARRL section} in the File, Sponsor Setup menu if you want to flag a blank field or invalid ARRL section.

    2. To start a new profile, see if the Cabrillo Contest name exists in the pull-down combo box. If so, select the Cabrillo Contest name that you want. Modify any loaded profile so it evaluates the Cabrillo log file correctly - giving the correct predicted score and results.

    Remove references to `Extra points` and `Extra mults` in the File Extra Setups menu and clear the Options Ini Setup as required. Save the new profile by selecting Save profile from the File menu. It is very helpful to use a filename that identifies which contest it is.

    Long filenames are OK, but don`t make them ridiculously long.

    3. If the Cabrillo contest name does not exist in the combo-box, then edit any Full Contest Name and the Cabrillo Contest Name in the 2 fields up top. The full name is just that - and not used in the evaluation. This lets you use the name to identify the profile. The Cabrillo Contest name is what appears in the Cabrillo file - 10-10-SUMMER, BARTG-RTTY, EU-PSK-DX etc. Look in the File Extra Setups menu and remove any references to `Extra` stuff not required. Save the new profile. Also check the Ini options form and click [Clear/Default]. Save your new profile Ini.

    After you load or save a profile, the filename is displayed in the frame title shown above - so you can verify the titles of what you just saved. The software will save whatever changes you make - including wrong titles and wrong filenames.

    To help save the right profile to the right filename, the Title of the {Save File} dialog box displays the file information.

    When re-saving Ini files, this dialog box displays the loaded filename - so you don`t save over the wrong Ini file with the currently loaded profile.

    Use test logs to check setups.
    Manually score a Cabrillo test log and verify the Cab Eval results - then edit the score in the test log header. Test logs should make use of any `extra` points or multiplier setups to insure that the proper `extra` Ini files are loaded with the contest profile. In the future when you load that contest profile - check the setup - the evaluated score of the test log should be the same as the score saved in the Cabrillo header as shown below. You can use test Ini files that point to the test log and test results paths.

    Multiplier exceptions

    This setup is for exceptions to the normal multiplier scoring function. If the loaded contest is not scoring DXCC multipliers, then the 5 {Skip} fields are set to blanks and the 2 check-boxes are set to OFF.

    Read about the callsign exceptions look-up file.

    The 5 {Skip} functions set-up the evaluation to not count the selected multipliers (DXCC - I and IS prefixes in this case). In this ARI DX Contest example, Italian DXCC prefixes are not counted as multipliers - the 2-character Italian provinces are being counted instead.

    Next to the 5 skip fields are check-boxes for the {DXCC} and {Other} sorting functions. These check-boxes tell CabEval how to handle the DXCC exceptions in the fields to the left.

    This is the exception most often used. VE provinces are multipliers, but VE is not scored as a DXCC mult. If VE is to be scored, this exceptions setup is not used. KL7 and KH6 are almost always counted as states, so this exception is automatic within the function that separates DXCC and state/province multipliers.

    In this setup, base DXCC country prefixes are counted for multipliers - except HK. The HK callsign prefixes 0 to 9 are counted instead and are read from the {Other look-up} datafile {hk_callareas.dat}. In this case, up to 5 exceptions can be entered. The C in the character type field tells CabEval to use the Callsign prefixes function in conjunction with the {Other lookup} datafile.

    When there are more than 5 exceptions, leave the fields to the left blank and select the {Other} check-box. DXCC countries are counted - except the DXCC countries where the callsign prefixes 0 to 9 were already counted. SARTG New Year RTTY as an example - all Scandinavian callsign prefixes are counted, not the base DXCC country prefixes.

    The {Count Home State} switch is used for QSO Party contests, where `home state` stations count states and provinces as multipliers, but not counties (even though only counties are exchanged between `home state` stations). This switch allows the `home state` to be counted as a multiplier. The California QSO Party is one of many scored this way.

    In contests where the station submitting the log does not count his own country as a multiplier, leave this option switch unchecked. In contests where his own country counts as a multiplier, check this option.

    This switch is used to force the number of characters that are used in the multiplier look-up and counting functions. In contests with 2 different length exchanges in column 74 of the Cabrillo file, this switch forces the look-up/scoring to be done on the # characters specified in the {Where in the Cabrillo} setup. Since the software does the trim( ) function to strip off spaces - the {Force # Char} function prevents trimmed strings from being used in look-up/scoring functions.

    This {Force # Char} setup may not be needed, if valid multipliers are normally verified using the {Other} look-up function.


    Cab Evaluator can score Rover category logs in VHF/UHF contests and Sprints using 2 methods.
    1. The ARRL method where the multiplier total is the number of unique grids worked regardless of the Rover`s grid location, plus the number of grids activated. This is the default method.

    2. The Classic Rover method where mults are the sum of all unique grids worked in each activated grid.

    Method 2 is activated using the {Classic Rover} option switch in the Multiplier Exceptions frame.

    Select the check-box, then right-mouse click the control to set the column and field width of the sent grid square.

    Multiplier Look-up files

    There are two multiplier look-up functions - {DXCC lookup} and {Other lookup}.

    DXCC vs DX Country:
    DXCC multiplier scoring uses the {dxcc_pre.dat} lookup file. Some contests use only DX multipliers from the ARRL DXCC list, while others can use DX and WAE countries. If you are a sponsor that doesn`t want TA1, IT9 etc. scored as DXCC multipliers, you can remove those lines from the look-up file and rename your new file.

    To not score the `Home` country or other DXCC mult - use the multiplier exceptions setup.

    A new function allows different multiplier spelling for counties and prov in state QSO parties.

    The ARRL sections have changed from 80 total to 83 total. In the {sections.dat} look-up file, the Ontario section has been replaced with 4 separate sections - ONN, ONE, ONS and GTA.

    State QSO Party note:
    If sponsors allow callsigns with portable suffixes related to the county, this can cause errors in DXCC multiplier scoring. Log checkers can use the File Tools Check Invalid DXCC/State mults option to see some of these errors. Manual adjustments to the `results` file is required to `not count` any problem QSOs.

    Several hundred of what would normally be `DX callsigns` were issued to U.S. stations by the FCC. AL7, KL7, KH6, KG4-6, NP4 etc are the most prevalent. Use the DXCC prefix exceptions file.

    This option runs the log file against my {dxcc_pre.dat } prefix look-up file. Using the callsign as the search string, the DXCC prefix is extracted from the look-up file. A similar file could be used with additional multipliers as long as the format is the same - like the {dxcc_r150s.dat} file used for the CQ-M DX Contest evaluation. See Where in the Cabrillo to see how to select the data in the Cabrillo file.

    From left to right:
    The check-box options selector turns On/Off the {DXCC} look-up function.
    The {Set} button displays an {Open File} dialog window so you can change to another file. Only my {dxcc_pre.dat} file (or another file with similar format) can be used.
    The next window is the actual search/look-up filename.
    {# Char} is the length of the search string in the look-up file. The value is not selectable and always set to zero - the default.
    Next is the data type field. This field is also not selectable and $ is the default.

    You can view or edit the look-up file being used by right-mouse clicking the {Set} button. This function works on any of the {Set} buttons.

    Even if the DXCC mult look-up function is not used, you need to identify the column and width of the received callsign in the Cabrillo file. The evaluator uses this data when determining the station`s country origin - plus the {by Continent} QSO points, {by Callsign} QSO points, {by callsign} WPX multipliers - etc.

    In some cases, a superfluous DXCC or other mult may be scored. Using the {none.dat} dummy file with the selected check-box will prevent inadvertent mult scoring.

    This option runs the log file against a look-up file for other multipliers - states & section files, county files, club number files, etc. The multiplier can be verified against these search/look-up files. Invalid multipliers are flagged - and not counted.

    From left to right:
    This option selector turns On/Off the {Other} look-up function.
    The {Set} button allows changing to another file.
    The next window is the search/look-up filename.
    {# Char} is the length of the search string in the look-up file. Search files must be formatted with the appropriate data as the first characters on each line. The {Other} look-up files can be made by copy/pasting lines from my other data files, for example: {all_coun.dat}.

    Next is the data type field, of which there are 2 types. $ = string  and # = numbers. This field is used because some logs will have $ multipliers and serial numbers in the same field in the Cabrillo file. If the scoring of the log depends on multipliers {$ type} in a column where serial numbers {# type} are also stored, you would select $ - so only the county, state, section, etc would be counted as a multiplier. The serial numbers would be ignored for scoring purposes.

    A partial {Other} multiplier file is shown below. In all cases, only the left column characters in the datafile are used - in this case: states and provinces. The {# Char} would be 2. <Spaces> are used between the left column of characters and whatever you have to the right. Data in the right column is not used by the Evaluator (it was part of GenLog`s county file).

    In State QSO Parties where Maritime Mobile regions are multipliers and the region is entered as the QTH in the Cabrillo file -

    add the 3 regions to the `Home` station`s multipliers list as in the partial file below.

    As stated above, only the left column characters are used - data in the right column is not used by the Evaluator.

    `Home state` multipliers:
    In many State QSO Party contests, where `home state` stations count states and provinces as multipliers, but not counties (even though only counties are exchanged between `home state` stations), a function is needed to count the `home` state.

    Selecting the {Count Home State} check-box turns on the function that reads the secondary portion of the sequential multiplier datafile which contains the counties for that QSO party. The specific code //--- in the datafile separates the data. The first half of the data file contains the states, RAC provinces and what is a normal multiplier for `home` stations. In this Florida QSO Party example, the {FLQP_Mults.dat} file has the code //--- that separates the normal multipliers from the counties.

    As an example, when scoring a `home state` station log, the county abbreviation - DAD - is compared to the counties in the secondary portion of the multiplier datafile. If a match is found, the state for that QSO party - FL - is counted as a multiplier as shown in the partial results output below.

    `FL` is displayed as the multiplier in the results output file and this text is taken from the Cabrillo contest name, which is more reliable than the ARRL-Section:, CATEGORY-LOCATION: or LOCATION: fields; FL-QSO-PARTY in this example.

    In State QSO Party contests, where the county is exchanged by `home state` stations and counties are multipliers and the `home` state can also be claimed as a multiplier, just select the {Count Home State} check-box. No changes need to be done to the multiplier datafiles. TN QSO Party for example.


    New - QSO Party changes
    Normally the first characters on each line of the lookup datafile are used to determine multipliers. The software allows different spelling for counties and provinces. The county/province abbreviations are listed in the contest rules, but sometimes not followed exactly. If you are a sponsor that doesn`t do cross checking and doesn`t care that the county of Ferry is logged as FER, FERR or FERRY, then this change is for your contest.

    On your end, the changes are simple. The datafiles need to be edited, and the number of characters in the {Other lookup} and {Work Only} setups may need to be changed. Not all lookup file entries need to be edited. The original county abbreviation lookup still works as before. I suggest copying your original files to back-up filenames before editing.
    A few lines in the original file were:
    ADA  Adams
    FER  Ferry
    SNO  Snohomish

    The new datafile would have entries in this format:

    The restrictions and format for extra spelling abbreviations in the lookup file are:
    The first item is the abbreviation spelling from the rules.
    Use no more than 3 different spellings.
    Use no spaces.
    Each alternate spelling item can be 5 characters maximum.
    The number of characters in the {Other lookup} (and Work Only if used) must be set to the maximum characters used.
    The last "=" sign is needed so the software can capture the different values.

    State QSO Parties use 2 different multiplier look-up files. Edit the counties in one of the files, then copy the similar county entries to the other file.

    This special function also applies to the {Work Only} multiplier lookup - where the same lookup file is normally used in state QSO parties.

    Two contests might be running on the same weekend that have `similar`county abbreviations, so it is possible to score a QSO that should not be scored.
    Ex: In the Delaware QSO Party, KEN is the county designator for Kent, while in another contest KEND is the designator for Kendall. In the scoring function comparisons, the string "KEN" is found in the string "KEND".

    The easy `fix` requires no software changes. The line in the counties multiplier lookup file is edited with a space after the designator in this example:
    KDE=KEN=Kent  is edited to this  KDE=KEN=KEN=Kent


    This setup shows that {Other} multipliers are being counted, but not checked for validity. The {Other lookup} check-box is selected and {none.dat} is selected for the filename. The software will count the different multipliers in column 74, width 2, of the Cabrillo file. In the case of the {European HF Championship}, the multipliers are different years exchanged during the contest. Validity can be verified by cross checking logs.

    This setup shows that {Other} multipliers are being counted, but the U code sets it up for per log. In the case of the {DIG QSO Party}, unique Digital club member numbers are counted once per log, even though the DXCC multipliers may be counted per band. The {Other lookup} check-box is selected and {none.dat} is selected for the filename. The software will count the unique multipliers in column 73, width 5 characters.

    Although not a multiplier look-up as such, you can use the Work Only look-up function to verify that only QSOs with specific stations were worked. Invalid QSOs are not scored and can be written to the results file.

    Prefix `WA` is not a Netherlands prefix.

    The {Work Only} function can also verify the valid Cabrillo modes as in the Russian WW MultiMode Contest.
    The lookup file contains the 4 Cabrillo modes - CW, PH, PM and RY. QSOs on other modes are invalid and not scored.
    QPts: 3500 PK 2016-01-04 0042 W3KM   599 0013  F9FTI   599 013 Pt = 0
    ** Invalid QSO(s) not counted: 1

    In this UBA-DX example, the {Other lookup} is being used to score Belgium provinces. To score the ON callsign prefixes and Europe Union countries as multipliers, the DXCC lookup function is used. A special look-up file is used by the sponsor that has formatting like the {dxcc_pre.dat} file. A hard-coded function activates this function when UBA-DX is the loaded contest.


    The four main functions on the left are grouped, so only one selection can be made at one time. In addition, other criteria on the right can also be selected. Look-up files and exceptions can apply to this selection.

    DXCC vs DX Country:
    DXCC multiplier scoring uses the {dxcc_pre.dat} lookup file. Some contests use only DX multipliers from the ARRL DXCC list, while others can use DX and WAE countries. If you are a sponsor that doesn`t want TA1, IT9 etc. scored as DXCC multipliers, you can remove those lines from the look-up file and rename your new file.

    Scoring not covered using existing setup selections and file look-up are handled by:
    Hard-coded functions
    Additional Options Ini settings
    Contest period scoring scoring
    Special function codes
    Sponsor requested code changes - example

    {Extra Mults}:

    Some contests use additional Cabrillo data as multipliers. Use the File Extra Setups Extra Mults Setup menu to `select` and set up the column and data width for the multipliers. In this DDFM 50-MHz Contest example, the look-up text field is left blank - the French department numbers are multipliers, in addition to 4-digit grid locators. Leave the lower checkbox un-checked to count extra multipliers only once. Check it to count the extra multipliers each time the selected callsign or `data` is found.

    The number of `Mults per` can be changed as needed, as in this QCWA QSO Party setup.

    This `Extra Mults` option only works in the {by Log} and {by Band} multiplier modes for now.

    In the case of the 9KCC 15m Contest,

    the `Count each instance` checkbox is selected - multipliers are counted each time they are found in the log. The DXCC prefix 9K is the look-up text in this example.

    As above, but instead DXCC prefixes from the dxcc_pre.dat file

    determine the multipliers. All Portuguese QSOs score a multiplier in this ARR PSK63 Contest example. The {$ plus DXCC country prefix combination} initializes this function, while some code based on the value $CT! scores the Portugal, Madeira and Azores station mults.

    The Data type field separates the number (#) exchange data from the letter ($) exchange data. Contests can have serial numbers and other exchange data in the same field. Selecting $ in this EA RTTY example counts Provinces as multipliers - in the field with serial numbers. The data type applies to the 1st character only (character 74 in this example).

    {Extra mult points by band}:

    This setup is the other half of the `Extra Mults` form. More than 1 point can be scored for each multiplier - and the points can be different per band. The normal DXCC multiplier routines are used, but different values are applied to the mult totals based on this setup.

    As with other Extra functions, select the {Use this ...} check-box to activate the setup. The function scores additional mult points for all DXCC mults by using `ALL` in the combo-box field. To score only additional mult points for specific DXCC mults, click `Clear` to clear the combo-box field. Then add the specific DXCC country prefixes using the `Add` button. Save your work.
    The default extra mults points initialization file is named {ExtraMults.ini}, which loads at startup. Make a copy using Save ExtraMults and re-name it. It must be named with an {.ini} extension. If you name the file with `ExtraMults` in the filename, it will be easier to identify later. To have your `ExtraMults` file autoloaded with the contest Ini file, use the Load Points File menu to load your `ExtraMults` file, making sure it is setup correctly, then re-save your contest Ini file.

    {WPX} multipliers:

    This function evaluates the callsign, so the column and width need to be set in the {Where in Cabrillo} field - across from the DXCC look-up field. The {WPX} option works on OK/OM DX Contest, Asia-Pacific type contests. Special events callsigns are also handled - R7378TM for example. To count WPX mults for just 1 continent, enter the continent as shown in this CWJF Contest example.

    {WPX} by band & mode:

    This scoring requires extra code for your contest. Send me the rules and sample logs with your request.

    {1 DXCC} WPX multipliers:

    This option counts the WPX multipliers for 1 DXCC. In this example, only Indonesia WPX prefixes are counted.

    {3 Char} Number of WPX characters:

    This option scores WPX mults based on a limited number of PFX characters as in this Balkan HF contest example. Currently other contests score all PFX numerals to handle special events stations. If you are interested in this feature for your contest, send me an email with the contest rules and a sample log.

    The complex scoring of the CQ World-Wide WPX Contest can be handled by the evaluator - the QSO points are based on band and continent.

    {1 continent} DXCC multipliers:

    This option works with the {WPX} check-box OFF and counts the DXCC multipliers for 1 continent. Only South American DXCC mults are counted in this CQ SA SSB Contest example.

    {Number Letter} prefix multipliers:

    This option works with the {WPX} check-box OFF and counts Number Letter prefixes as multipliers as in this Hungarian Straight Key Contest example. One mult is also scored for your own call.

    {Continent} mults:

    Continents worked in the log can be counted as extra multipliers (6 max.) - BARTG, DLDC and ANARTS RTTY Contests. The total score is calculated as: (Q-points X mults) X continent mults. This `overall multiplier` option is selected in the Options Ini form. The default scoring is calculated as: Q-points X (mults + continent mults) and is normally in effect unless the Ini file is manually changed.

    In contests where the Continent is an exchanged multiplier as above, this function is not necessary - KCJ 160m Contest example.

    {no /MM} mults:

    When martime mobile QSOs do not count as multipliers, select no /MM. When the checkbox is selected, all callsigns ending in /MM are not counted as multipliers.

    In the GACW WWSA DX Contest, all callsigns ending in /MM are not counted as DXCC multipliers - only Zone multipliers. This scoring exception is hard coded into the {Mult by Band} function for this contest only.

    If {None} is selected, the score is the total of all the QSO points. In contests where multipliers are scored and a station did not work any mults, the score will be the total QSO points instead of the score being 0.

    If a limited number of DXCC countries are multipliers (ex: some State QSO Parties), the number is entered in this field. Zero (0) is the default value, which means the software disregards this field.

    Note: When DXCC multipliers are counted from the callsign, the look-up file is {dxcc_pre.dat}.  A similar file could be used with additional multipliers as long as the format is the same. For example, I combined the R-150S multipliers with the DXCC file in a file named {dxcc_r150s.dat}, which is an alternate DXCC look-up file used for the CQ-M DX Contest multiplier look-up.

    In some contests (no DXCC mults) it is necessary to select the DXCC mults check-box and set the look-up file to {none.dat} to prevent the `Other mults` from being skipped and mis-counted.

    New in 2014:
    Some contests allow dupes within a specified time period. There are 3 periods in NRRL TelefoniTest. A new function allows duping and multiplier scoring per period - or just duping per period. See more on Period scoring.

    Rover category:
    In VHF/UHF contests (where the QSO points are set to VHF/UHF), Rover category logs are scored appropriately - using either of 2 methods.

    State QSO Parties only:
    Accessed in the File Tools Check Invalid DXCC/State mults menu, an information summary file is written and provides a way to weed out `un-earned` multipliers from:
    1) mis-copied callsigns.
    2) invalid callsign formats.
    3) QSOs worked with stations in a different contest.
    4) DX callsigns assigned to state-side stations by the FCC.

    5) Scoring problem resolved. State/Prov and DXCC abreviations would sometimes score 2 multipliers -  State/Prov and DXCC prefix. ex: Netherlands-PA and Pennsylvania-PA. A new function was added to prevent this scoring problem. See the hard-coded section and DXCC/State/Prov/County abbreviations for more information.

    The output file comes from data in the results files. Any changes that need to be made as a result of this output file, are made manually to the results file of the listed callsign - including removing MULT: lines and editing the total score.

    Any `DX type` callsigns that you find - that are state-side stations - or stations that are not operating from the `home country` - should be added to the {DXCC_Exceptions.dat} exceptions datafile. Any callsigns that were added to the exceptions file that are now expired, should be removed from the file.

    Options Ini Setup

    This additional Ini setup form allows using the settings below. Since there are many users of the software, lots of options were requested. It is accessed using the Ini options menu and allows setting and testing the options without re-loading the Ini. After changing settings re-save the contest ini file to keep the new options.

    Use the `Clear/Default` button to clear this setup. Just re-load your Ini file if you clicked it by mistake.

    1.To disable the Date and Time checking routine:
    //Invalid QSOs times checker
    [Turn OFF this function1]
    The date and time of Cabrillo QSOs can be checked - to indicate local time, last year`s log, etc. To disable this check function, change `No` to `Yes`.

    2. Auto open of Excel.exe after writing an Excel export:
    //Find Excel.exe and copy/paste the path into the field below
    [Path to Excel.exe]
    ex: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office
    Find Excel.exe using Explorer, and copy/paste the path from Explorer`s address window to this field.

    3. //DXCC mults based on other option string
    [Exceptions Option string]

    4. The 5-minute QSO delta over-ride can be changed to a different value:
    //Log Checkers - UTC QSO delta
    //Enter new delta value below
    [Over-ride normal 5-minute delta]

    5. //UBA Log Checkers - section CC
    //Yes = for ON > non-ON only CC number/RST
    [Over-ride normal ON to non-ON section CC]

    6. //Count Continents as overall multiplier
    //`Yes` = (QSO points X Mults ) X Continents
    [Turn ON this Continent mult function]

    7. //Multiply the calculated score by a constant
    //Use format: Cabrillo contestname=value
    [Score Multiplier]

    or - use the number of QSOs as the constant. The value is set to `QSOs`.
    //Use format: Cabrillo contestname=value
    [Score Multiplier]

    The "QSOs" text initializes the software to use the total QSOs as the constant.

    8. //To check valid bands in the log, use a valid
    // bands lookup file like: CE-Valid-Bands.dat
    [Check valid bands]
    [Bands Look-up filename]

    The scored bands are designated as follows:
    1800   902
    3500   1.2
    7000   2.3
    14000  3.4
    21000  5.7
    28000  10
    50     24
    144    47
    222    75
    432    300

    Use one of my valid bands files or make your own and set that file as the look-up filename.

    9. //Some contests have text (area/dist/codes etc)
    //and serial numbers in the same exchange field
    [Use text and numbers in same exchange field]
    When `Yes` is selected, the software disregards the number exchange as a multiplier.

    10. //The logging software puts a TX Id
    //in the serial/exchange field
    [Remove TX Id]
    [Exchange field starts at column]
    When `Yes` is selected, the TX Id 0, written to the exchange field by some loggers, is removed. This function is used in the Re-formatter function. Make sure you look at the date of the re-formatted logs (latest date & time are re-formatted logs) and determine if the number being deleted is a bogus value not needed.

    Last columns of example QSOs:
    599 RUMOVS
    599 123 0 - the field after the RST is the exchange field. The field is set for 6-characters, so "123 0" will not match serial number "123" in the other station`s log. The bogus "0" must be removed. If the re-formatter does not work properly, open all logs in EditPad and do Find "<Space>0" and Replace with "<Space><Space>". You cannot do Replace All ! Check each instance before replacing the "<Space>0" text.

    11. When Multipliers are `by Band`, the software loops thru all the HF bands and some VHF bands during scoring. To speed up the process the number of loops can be set in the `Number of HF Bands to score` option. This option was added in an early version for slower PCs.
    For bands up to 10m, enter 6.
    For bands up to 2m, enter 8.
    For bands up to 432, enter 10.
    All others, use the default, 13.

    12. If want to output e-mail addresses only from the Write Certificate summary menu, you can set this up in the Options Ini Setup form. Select `Yes` to turn on this function. Enter the Cabrillo header tag, ex: HQ-FROM or EMAIL. When you select the menu Summary, Write Certificate summary, you are prompted to output only the e-mails from this tag.

    13. When importing summary data into Excel, columns of data with spaces in summary outputs cause Excel to split the data into multiple cells. To replace the spaces with the underscore character, select `Yes` to the `Replace summary spaces with underscore` option. Of course you can always combine multiple cells to one cell within Excel - or edit the spaces to underscores before Excel import, then remove them.

    14. UKSMG - Select `Yes` to turn off the current member check.

    15. To Auto write the Overall summary file required for UBN reports, select `Yes`. As before, the summary file opens in NotePad after the write function. If you are doing a selected UBN write, after checking the summary output, you have to close it or move it to see the results file load dialog window. If you are doing the write all UBN, you have to close it or move it to see the UBN file path pop-up message.

    16. Verify CC NILs - select `Yes` to run the secondary routine to check the other station`s log to see if the operator logged the wrong callsign. When the wrong call is logged, this routine prevents the log being scored from being penalized with NIL. The other log is loaded and the band, mode (in HF contests), date, time (within the QSO time delta) and exchange are verified. Verified = not a NIL. This function may require some human intervention, so the file {Verify-NIL-QSOs.txt} is written to the results folder for this purpose. Use the N-QSO rule (n=2 or 3) to score the busted calls as uniques. In contests where a large number of logs from a particular area are received, a 3 minute QSO rule delta makes this option work very well. Longer times may produce "like" callsigns that are not valid.

    Unfortunately, if the other operator forgets to log your QSO and submits a log, NIL will occur for the log being scored.

    If information in both logs "matches" as above, the new routine uses variations of other station`s copied callsign to see if it is "like" the intended callsign.

    Batch run: A new {Verify-NIL-QSOs.txt} file is started.
    Single log scoring: New verification QSOs are appended to the bottom of the file.

    17. To score 0-points for missing exchange/mult data - select "Yes". The data column and # characters used is in the Multiplier, Other lookup setup, even if it is not being used.

    18. QSOs outside the contest period can be changed to X-QSO: which are ignored in scoring. When selected, this function runs when a full re-format is done. Back-up the logs first.

    19. To write a combined UBN and score summary file - select "Yes". Selecting `Yes` to the "Full" option appends the full results file to the UBN files, otherwise only a partial summary is added.

    20. Write/Open summary after batch scoring run - select `Yes`.

    21. To disable the checking of modes during Cross Checking, select `Yes`. Some digital contest sponsors will receive PSK mode logs, but identified in Cabrillo as PK, PM, PS and even RY. Logging programs do not always follow the contest sponsor`s rules regarding modes in Cabrillo. This leads to lots of NILs in Cross Checking.

    22. The
    Period setup is used if the contest is duped and multipliers scored per period. Each contest requires its own hard coded functions that are called by the Cabrillo Contest name. This code activates the {Open Period Form} button. If you want to use Period scoring, send me sample Cabrillo logs and the URL to the rules.

    23. The multiple-activated counties bonus can now be setup in this form. Select `Yes` to activate the multiple county bonus scoring. Set the bonus points per county and the minimum number of QSOs required for the additional points. Selecting the multiple counties bonus scoring in this form will take precedence over the hard coded bonus functions so code changes won`t be required when rules change or sponsors want to score using this method.

    24. To score 0 points for exchange not a specific length, select `Yes`. For example: if the exchange is 4 characters, then 0 points are scored for less than 4 characters, which would also include no text, "?", "-", etc.

    25. To multiply the calculated score by a constant for working a bonus station at least 1 time, fill in the constant value and bonus callsign fields. Usually this function is for `non-Home` station logs. Load the `non-Home` Ini file, make the changes and re-save the Ini file.

    26. To score extra QSO points for unique callsigns, select `Yes`. Enter the QSO points per callsign and whether scoring is by band or by log. Some code is needed to setup contests using this function.

    27. To score extra QSO points for unique exchanges, select `Yes`. Enter the QSO points per exchange, score by band or by log, exchange data column and exchange # characters.

    28. To score QSO points based on submitted logs, select `Yes`. QSOs score points only when the worked callsign is one of the submitted logs.

    29. To Add bonus points from Cabrillo Bonus tag, select `Yes`.

    30. When writing the Table1 summaries, a `Generic` menu item can be selected when you move the mouse slightly. Select `Yes` to turn OFF the `Generic` menu.

    31. The Cabrillo Files list summary is setup by selecting "Yes" to turn it on. This allows you to see what specific exchange was sent, instead of a general sent info.

    32. To use the modified country lookup file {Country-Modified.dat}, select `Yes`.
    Specific sponsors have requested this option. As an example, zone lookup for summary outputs uses the CTY file. The default country lookup routine (using the dxcc_pre.dat file) has some contest specific code, therefore using this option for your contest may not produce the expected results.

    When scoring US states and RAC Provinces in addition to countries, using the modified CTY file will not produce the expected results, since some states and provinces have the same abbreviation. ex: CT=Portugal  CT=Connecticut. This is why the default country lookup file {dxcc_pre.dat} has an exclamation following the 8 country prefixes in question - CT! ON! PA! etc. To handle DXCC prefix exceptions, the {DXCC_Exceptions.dat} look-up file is used and takes precedence over the {dxcc_pre.dat} file.

    Other Look-up files

    Although my multiplier files are available, you can make your own. If you make your own datafiles, be sure to change slashed zeros Ø to standard zeros 0, otherwise matching strings will not be found - since Ø does not match 0.

    Multiplier field types:
    Since the received multiplier field type in some contests depends on the operator`s QTH, some logs will have `text` and serial numbers in the same field. You select this option in Ini options setup form by selecting the File, Sponsor Setup, Ini options menus. If the received multiplier field has both `text` and numbers, select the check-box for this option.

    The {Other} look-up files are sequential text files with the multiplier as the first characters of each line of text. You can copy/paste from my GenLog datafiles. File format example:

    <Spaces> are used in all files used by and written by CabEvaluator - no TABs.

    Making a multiplier look-up file for Florida QP for example:
    Florida stations and non-Florida stations use different multipliers.
    Open the {all_coun.dat} file in your editor. Either scroll down the list to find the Florida QSO Party - or do Edit Find and search for `Florida`.

    Copy <Ctrl+C> the counties list and paste <Ctrl+V> them into a `new` NotePad file. Name the file so you know what it is. {FLQP_Counties.dat} for example. Verify the multipliers per the contest rules.

    Make a separate multiplier file for Florida stations, which will include 50 states, District of Columbia and 10 VE provinces. Look thru the different {statesx.dat} files in the GenLog folder. Find the file that has 50 states and 10 VE Provinces. Copy and paste the multipliers to a {FLQP_Mults.dat} file. Add DC (District of Columbia) manually if necessary. Verify the multipliers per the contest rules. Reference the appropriate multiplier file when you make the 2 FLQP evaluation profiles.

    See the new function that allows different spelling of county and Province abbreviations.

    The {Other} look-up datafile can have different width data. For example, the multiplier datafile for the New England QSO Party (NE stations) has 5 character county/states and 2 character state/provinces in the list. The look-up width is set to 5. The extra <spaces> for the states and VE provinces are trimmed off during the string search.

    Using both the {DXCC} look-up and the {Other} look-up allows the evaluator to count HK as a DXCC multiplier, in addition to the different callsign areas as well. To count callsign areas, HK(0-9) for example, make a datafile with a 3-character callsign prefix for each one 0-9 as below and use the data file in the {Other} look-up field. My example files use 0-9, although some DXCC callsign areas would be limited.

    To score a multiplier for each mode on each band, use a mode lookup file in the `Multiplier Look-up Files: Other` setup. Set the `Multipliers are:` `by Band & Mode`.

    In this BCC-QP contest example, using the {$bcc_qp.dat} lookup file, QSOs with BCC stations score 10 multiplier points, otherwise the default is 1 multiplier point.

    This setup allows you to score the W(0-9), VE(0-9), JA(0-9) and VK(0-9) callsign areas in the JARTS RTTY contest for example. The excluded prefixes prevent counting the DXCC country itself as a multiplier. The special code character C entered into the data type field sets up the evaluator to score multipliers on callsign Call areas.

    I only coded special functions for contests that I have scored so far. Rather than add code for all senarios, it is possible for the needed special function to score correctly when other {Multipliers are:} checkboxes are selected. For example: even though a contest is only 1 band and 1 mode, the {Multipliers are:} checkbox for {By Band} can be selected that allows the above {Call areas} function to score correctly. The single band can be forced by using the {Check valid bands in the log} function of the Options Ini Setup. Use a file that has the 1 band saved. All other bands will score 0 points.

    Anatolian contests example:

    This setup also allows you to score the different callsign areas. Unlike the JARTS contest, leaving the exceptions boxes blank allows an additional multiplier for each country to be counted.

    Period scoring

    New in 2014:
    Duping and multiplier scoring can be done per contest period. The setup is accessed in the Ini Options form top/right.

    Each contest requires hard coded functions that are based on the Cabrillo Contest name. If you want your contest supported, send me the URL to the rules and some sample Cabrillo logs so I can code these changes.

    The period multipliers are identified in the results files as - other# - period # is from 1 to N. "Other" is the same tag as in all contests, and is used to distinguish between DXCC and "other" mult types.

    The Period setup is used to configure 2 different functions.
    1) The contest is duped and multipliers scored per period like NRRL Telefonitest. In the setup form, enter the start and stop date/times of each period. If you experience lots of dupes and incorrect multiplier counts, check the date and time periods. Possibly the list has not been updated from last year.

    The NRRL contests require duping and multiplier scoring per period. There are 3 periods in Telefonitest.

    The ARLC VHF-UHF contest uses Period 1 only and scores 6 hours of the contest log based on the CATEGORY: 6 HORAS.

    2) Duplicate QSOs are allowed after N minutes. The date/time entries are left blank and the check-box is used to initialize the function.

    Program shortcuts

    Do not drag applications .exe`s from Explorer (My Computer) to the desktop to make shortcuts. Right-mouse click the .exe filename and select `Create shortcut`. Drag that shortcut to the desktop. When using an improper shortcut, the program will use the desktop as the application startup location. Datafiles that the program uses will not be found in the c:\desktop folder and the application will not work correctly! This is just another `feature` in Microsoft`s newer OS`s.

    Proper ways to make desktop shortcuts:
    1) Find the executable in Explorer (My Computer). Select the file with right-mouse and select `Create Shortcut`. Now drag this shortcut to your desktop.
    2) Right-mouse click an empty spot on the desktop. Select New, Shortcut. Browse to the application folder and find the executable file. Click it and click OK.

    Rename the shortcut if you wish. Make a folder in the same manner, that you can place all your ham/logging shortcuts into, which will unclutter your desktop.

    Program Menu shortcuts:
    Go thru the |Start| menu.
    Start | Settings | Taskbar & Start Menu
    Select the Start Menu Programs Tab.
    Select the Advanced Tab. Select the Advanced... button in newer systems.
    Use the Explorer file system to locate where you want to put the shortcut. If you want it in the Programs Menu, then select the Programs folder, highlighting it. Select File | New | Shortcut. Browse  to the application folder and find the executable file. Click it and click OK. Rename the shortcut if you wish.

    QSO points

    The options in this setup field set the QSO points based on the contest rules. The five main functions are grouped (radio option buttons), so only one selection can be made at a time. In addition, an often used function to determine QSO points uses datafile look-up.

    Scoring points not covered using special functions or the normal setup options are handled by hard-coded functions.

    An option to score QSOs only on valid bands is turned on by changing the setting in the Ini file. A new Ini setup form is used to select and test the newer functions, previously changed manually in the Ini file. Use the Ini options menu.

    All QSOs with received callsigns less than 3 characters (*, ?, ??, -- etc.) are scored as 0 points and 0 mults.

    In addition to the normal grouped functions, other criteria can also be selected. Use the Extra Points and Bonus criteria functions in addition to the normal QSO points functions below.

    To score by bands not covered in the main screen, use the Cont/Band points setup - PSK Death Match for example. This setup is used when the main screen scoring is by `Mode` for example.

    In contests like CQ WPX where the points are based on Continent and bands, use the Cont/Band points setup.

    In contests like King of Spain (old 2005 rules) and SCC RTTY where the points are based on specific DXCC prefixes and bands, use the DXCC/Band points setup.

    Use the Also QSO points setup to determine QSO points in addition to the normal QSO points setup. i.e. for DX stations, for a few prefixes, etc.

    Use the Distance Setup to determine QSO points based on the distance between the exchanged WWLs (grid squares).

    Most VHF/UHF contest points use different routines than HF contests.

    Normal QSO points setups:
    1. This is the setup for {QSO points by Continent}.

    Always set the column and width of the Cabrillo callsign data. Multiplier and QSO points use this data.

    2. To score 1 point for all QSOs except a particular DXCC country, use a setup like this.

    3. When all QSOs are scored as the same point value and no other criteria, select this option.

    Do not use the {All the same} setup when using the {Also} QSO points or when using {From File} lookup as in the NAQCC Sprints example above. Instead use the QSO points {by Continent} and set the 3 fields to the same default value. Or when using {From File} lookup in single band contests (10-10), set all band Q-points to zero except 10m.

    Or use {by Mode} and set the default values as in this RSGB IOTA Contest example. {by Mode} will be faster than {by Continent} when evaluating large log files. However, {by Mode} cannot be used with {From File} lookup when many modes are being scored/duped. Example: the 10-10 Spirit of 76 QSO Party, where 6 modes are allowed - many more than can be covered by the {by Mode} function. In this case, you can set all band Q-points to zero except 10m.

    4. By Mode. In state QSO parties in particular, extra points are scored for QSOs with mobiles - when callsign is call/M. If the QSO point value is not different for mobile QSOs, the value is set to zero - 0. The `Mobile` function works if {by Mode} is not selected. {by Mode} works with {From File} look-ups.  {by Mode} is set as the default point value(s). The DG mode in Cabrillo is scored by setting the PSK points.

    Also in `By Mode` when station worked is call/M, 1 or 2 points are added to the mode points. Enter `+1` or `+2` in the Mobile points field. In the above WVAQP example, a mobile worked on CW scores 3 Q-points.

    To score points for QSOs with Maritime mobile stations, use `M` preceeding the point value. Select {by Mode} and enter the M#, then select the QSO points function you want - the `Maritime Mobile` function works at any time.


    5. ARRL VHF/UHF contests and VHF Sprints are scored by VHF band groups.The example shown is for the ARRL January VHF SS. Point values shown left to right are:
    6m and 2m, 1 pt.
    222 and 432 MHz, 2 pts.
    903 and 1296 MHz, 4 pts.
    2304 MHz and up, 8 pts.
    Extra - not used, 0 pts.

    Sprints score 1 point per QSO and are setup as above.

    This setup scores 2 points for 144MHz QSOs and is used when VHF points are selected. CQ VHF Contest example.

    Also when VHF/UHF points are selected, you can setup the {Extra Points} function to assign different points to `Rover` QSOs - SWOT Hot-Rocks Shootout example.

    This partial setup for the TOPS Activity Contest shows the use of the EX code to add extra QSO points to the Q-points by continent.

    Ex: Members working members get 6 additional points added to the continent QSO points.
    8 entries are required to capture the various member and non-member combinations.

    From look-up files:

    The {From file} sets up the function to count the QSO points scored for club members, club stations, callsign areas etc. Where the matching criteria is not found in the look-up file, the normal QSO points are used.

    From left to right:
    The check box turns on the function.
    The number of points for each QSO is next.
    The look-up filename is next. Click {Set} to select the file from the dialog window.
    Next is the number of characters in the left-most column of the look-up file.

    Followed by the column position in the Cabrillo field where the matching criteria is found.
    Lastly, the number of characters of the Cabrillo file, starting at the column position above.

    Using a special functions code in the filename, QSO points per mode from specific callsigns can be scored, as in this NHQP example.

    The look-up filename must begin with { $calls-QP } which tells Cab Eval to use the callsign from the look-up file to set the QSO bonus point values.

    Data in this file is from left to right: Bonus Callsign, QSO points for PH mode and lastly points for all other modes.

    Lookup without an exact match:
    If QSO points are different based on member QSOs for example and a complete datafile of members is not being used, you can use a partial lookup as in this SMIRK Contest example:

    The datafile is simply integers from 0-9.

    If column 83 is not blank and starts with a number from 0-9, 2 points are scored instead of 1 point as shown in the partial results file.

    It is possible to use the same datafile for {From File} QSO points look-up and for {Other} multiplier look-up - as long as the required data for both look-ups is in the file.

    The format for all look-up files except the {$log} function below are the same as multiplier files. The look-up data is the left-most data on each line. In the case below, the callsigns are the look-up criteria. The data to the right is ignored. The example file was copy/pasted from a GenLog datafile.

    Any received data can be added and counted as QSO points, like ages for example. QSO points come from the Cabrillo file as in this Volta RTTY DX Contest example, where GenLog`s QSO points came from a 40 x 40 matrix table look-up - based on CQ zones. The point values were saved to column 86 (3-characters) of the Cabrillo log file. The filename {$log} tells Cab Eval to use the Cabrillo file for the QSO points look-up.

    In a more recent Volta RTTY example, QSO points are not written to the Cabrillo log file, rather QSO scoring uses the sponsor`s 40 x 40 matrix table for lookup. The function also uses the sent and received CQ zones.

    Also using the {$log} function, this example for the 070 Club Jamboree scores 1 default QSO point for non-member QSOs where a member number was not exchanged.

    {From File} QSO points can come from specfic callsign areas as in this example. The look-up filename must begin with { $dxcc } and tells Cab Eval to use call areas from the look-up file to set the QSO point values. The look-up file is similar to the multiplier look-up file for W, VE, JA, VK etc. call areas.
    Another method would be to use the DXCC/Band QSO points function, since the DXCC prefix is used for lookup/compare instead of each individual callsign area W1, W2, JA1, JA2 etc).

    {From File} QSO points can come from the band and mode worked as in the Hawaii QSO Party. The look-up filename must begin with {$qsos} and tells Cab Eval to use the QSO band and mode from the look-up file to set the QSO point values. Rather than coding for the exact column for the band, the variant data can be entered as shown in the partial file below.

    Software looks at Cabrillo column=6, field width=2
    Data line 1: {space1} = 1800 or 1900 KHz.
    line 2: {space3} = 3MHz.
    3: {space7} = 7MHz.
    4: {14} = 14MHz
    and so on...

    Data in this file is comma delimited. From left to right: Band, Q-points for PH QSOs, Q-points for CW QSOs and Q-points for all other modes (digital).

    {From File} QSO points come from working portable and mobile stations as in this UBA HF Fieldday example. Q-points for ON callsign/P and callsign/M score 10 points, other non-ON /P and /M score 4 points.The look-up filename must begin with {$port} and tells Cab Eval to use the portable part of callsigns to set the QSO point values.

    {From File} QSO points can also come from working club members - using 2 different point values depending on the continent of the station worked. The QSO point values are entered as S#D#. The above example is for the Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon Contest. First - if the QSO is with a club member (the received number matches a datafile member number), then the point value is determined based on the continent of the worked station. If the continents are the {S}ame, the point value is 3. If the continents are {D}ifferent, then the QSO point value is 5. QSOs not matching member numbers are scored using the default values.

    Yet another example of QSO points from lookup file is this CIS DX Contest example. QSOs with specific Russian callsign prefixes score 5 points, instead of the normal {by Continent} point values. The first 2 characters of the callsign are compared to the prefixes in the lookup file. The `except a particular DXCC country setup` described in #2 above cannot be used since more than 1 base DXCC prefix is required for Russian stations - as shown in the partial file below.

    If you make your own datafiles, be sure to change slashed zeros Ø in callsigns to standard zeros 0, otherwise matching callsigns may not be found - since Ø does not match 0. Also - use spaces between left and right column data - not <Tabs>.

    A few contests do not score QSO points correctly - IARU HF is one. QSO points for any IARU HQ station should be 1 point regardless of continent and zone. I did not hard code this contest to cover this exception since the sponsor has their own scoring software.

    QSO points by Continent/Band

    In contest where QSO points are derived from Continent and band, use the Cont/Band QSO points setup. The continent comes from look-up in the {dxcc_pre.dat} file. Select the Cont/Band points menu to show the setup form. Turn ON the use of the {Cont/Bands} points by checking the check-box.

    Some contests score zero QSO points for working the station`s own entity - regardless of band. In the All Asian Contest, entering `Z` into the field allows setting the value to 0. Something other than a zero is required to activate the field - as zeros are used as the `skip` value.

    The following Cont/Band examples are for the CQ WW WPX Contest.
    We want to skip this function - therefore a zero is used.

    QSOs within the same DXCC country.

    QSOs are in different continents.

    QSOs in same continent, but not in NA in this example.

    QSOs in same continent, and within NA in this example.

    If Alaska and Hawaii are to be counted as US states, then leave the 2 boxes un-checked. The software treats KL7 and KH6 as DXCC countries in North America.

    EA RTTY example:

    Use this setup to score points by band for stations in the same continent, regardless of the continent. To skip the `not` part of the function, the `not` part is left blank.

    Ohio QSO Party example:

    Use this setup to score points by band regardless of the continent.

    MDXA PSK Death Match example:

    Use this setup to score points by band for all stations regardless of continent. The precedence field is 0 = `skip function`. This setup is used when the `By band` points scoring setup in the main screen can`t be used.

    The default extra points file is named {ContBands.ini}, which loads at startup. Make a copy using Save Points File and re-name it. It must be named with an {.ini} extension. If you name the file with `Cont` and `Bands` in the filename, it will be easier to identify later. To have your Cont/Band Points file autoloaded with the contest Ini file, use the Load Points File menu to load your Cont/Band Points file, making sure it is setup correctly, then re-save your contest Ini file.

    The currently loaded continent and band QSO points file will be saved to {ContBands.ini} when you exit the `continent and band` setup.

    QSO points by DXCC/Band

    In contest where QSO points are derived from DXCC prefix and band, use the DXCC/Band QSO points setup. The country prefix comes from the {dxcc_pre.dat} file look-up. Select the DXCC/Band points menu to show the setup form. Turn ON the use of the {DXCC/Bands} points by checking the check-box.

    The following DXCC/Band examples are for the non-EA King of Spain Contest profile (old 2005 rules).

    QSOs with specific DXCC countries are scored. Use the {Add} button to fill the prefixes combo-box, and the {Clear} button to erase all prefixes in the combo-box. Up to 50 DXCC prefixes can be entered. UBA-DX uses 48 for the European Union countries being scored.

    Since the prefixes look-up file is {dxcc_pre.dat}, you must use the exact prefixes listed for each country. ie: CT!, ON! etc. prefixes have the ! suffix, which is used to separate DXCC from the US State/Canadian Province abbreviations. The DXCC prefixes entered can be verified easily by doing Summary, Write this Contest Ini summary.

    The SCC RTTY contest uses a special variation of this setup - some routines are hard-coded into the software.

    QSOs with the same DXCC country.

    QSOs with different DXCC countries.

    Some contests use both the DXCC/Band and Cont/Band functions.

    The default DXCC/bands QSO points initialization file is named {DXCCBands.ini}, which loads at startup. Make a copy using Save Points File and re-name it. It must be named with an {.ini} extension. If you name the file with `DXCCBands` in the filename, it will be easier to identify later. To have your DXCC/Band Points file autoloaded with the contest Ini file, use the Load Points File menu to load your DXCC/Band Points file, making sure it is setup correctly, then re-save your contest Ini file.

    The currently loaded DXCC/Band QSO points file will be saved to {DXCCBands.ini} when you exit the `DXCC and band` setup.

    QSO points from distance

    Contests using the kilometer distance between exchanged grid squares can be scored using the distance calculator.

    Select the {kM} check-box in the QSO points section of the main screen to turn this function ON. This option is enabled when the VHF/UHF option is not selected.

    When you click the {kM} check-box, a secondary form is displayed where you setup the Cabrillo column data and the points to be scored.

    Stew Perry example:

    RX and TX data is taken from the columns shown. Scoring for the same grids locators can be set independently. The points per distance is set using the fields at the middle-right. ie: 1 point per 500 kM.

    Makrothen WWL example:

    In some contests, the points per kM value is multiplied by a weighted factor. ie: 1 point scored for each kM of distance is multiplied by 2 on 80m and 1.5 on 40m in the TMC - Makrothen WWL Contest.

    If the weight values are non-zero, the value will be applied to the point value. Enter zeros to turn off the weight multipliers, otherwise all *W# weights will show in the results file. Partial TMC results file:

    An invalid grid square in the calculation will produce the minimum points per km. The number of km is replaced by the grid square to serve as a flag when viewing the results files.

    The numeral part of this 6-digit was entered as 2-Oh (not 2-zero). Although not evident in a `fixed font` editor screen, it can be verified when a `variable font` is selected.

    ARAM Concurso VHF/UHF example:

    In this example, the points per kM distance - per band - is taken from a lookup file. Replace the `points per` field with the word `File`. Initially, left-mouse click the filename box to input the look-up filename. After a file is selected, right-mouse click the filename to view/edit the file.
    Band and point value are separated by at least 2 spaces.
    File format example:
    144  1
    432  2
    1.2  5
    Non integer values can also be used:
    50  .1
    144 .5
    222 1
    432 1
    The band indentifiers are:
    50, 144, 222, 432, 903, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 5.7, 10, 24, 47, 75 and 300.

    New in 2022 - weighted values from data file.
    All bands not in the lookup file score normally.

    The space delimited format of the lookup data file is:
    6 characters for the left-justified band, followed by the weight value, 1 band per line.
    50     2
    144   3
    432   4

    In the results file:
    50 - OI33 Pt = 38 - 992 kM
    144 - OI33 Pt = 57 - 992 kM
    432 - OI33 Pt = 76 - 992 kM

    The Distance Setup information is stored in the Contest Profile Ini file, so separate Ini files for the WWL distance points setup are not needed.

    Results output text file

    A results text file is written for each log file evaluated. When a log is re-run, that file will be over-written with the new results. The file can be opened automatically in your editor if you select this option in the Include menu.

    During the evaluation, pertinent information is written to the results file.
    1. Cabrillo file being evaluated {callsign.log, callsign.cbr - or callsign.txt if used}.
    2. The CATEGORY  See ** below.
    3. Any look-up files used.
    4. The Cabrillo file header information (including the claimed score).
    5. Any dupe QSOs.
    6. Any invalid or not counted multipliers.
    7. Valid multipliers - using the Include menu option.
    8. Invalid QSOs - using the Include menu option.
    9. QSO points per QSO - using the Include menu option.
    10. Comments regarding special evaluation functions.
    11. The scoring summary - see ## below.
    12. Total score.

    Results output regarding multipliers:
    3 partial QSOs from a Texas QP Cabrillo starting at RST sent:

    The State/Province/County multipliers are in column 74 - the software will verify these using the { texas_mults.dat } file. Because DXCC mults are based on the callsign, the Sweden prefix {SM} will not be found in the S/P/C multiplier look-up file and the message below is written to the results file.
    * Not counted or invalid mults: 1

    If you include the multipliers in the results file, you will see that SM was counted as a DXCC multiplier.

    Normal DXCC multipliers (1 point per mult) are shown as:

    When the multiplier value is related to the band, the mult value is displayed as shown:

    4 multiplier points are scored on 40m, while 1 mult point is scored on 20m.

    Quirks related to multipliers:
    If the callsign is copied incorrectly - in a State QSO Party for example - as indicated in the COQP QSOs below, a DXCC multiplier can be scored. Use the File Tools Check Invalid DXCC mults menu to write the {DXCC-Mults-2Check.txt} file. The results files are scanned to write the check file.

    Even if the callsign was copied correctly, the exchange for this contest is wrong - and the QSO should be scored as 0 points and 0 mults. The appropriate lines in the results file are manually removed by the log checker - and the score summary table and total score fields at the bottom of the results file are edited.

    If the results file was edited after summary files were written, the summary files must be re-written after edit.

    ** Category in the results file:
    The CATEGORY: or v3 CATEGORY is use for sorting the Table summary outputs - so this must be in the format used by your summary setup before `batch` judging is run.

    1. Make sure all Categories are what you want before `batch` run. If you Write Cabrillo files List you will see the CATEGORY: of each log and determine which log files need to be edited.

    2. Re-run the `batch` after editing the categories.
    3. Or - edit the categories in the results .txt files after the `batch` run.

    See more about Table2 sorting on the CATEGORY: field.

    ## - Scoring summary:
    The number of QSOs per band are initially counted the first time the QSO is encountered in the scoring procedure. During the 0-pointers and cross-check routines, the QSOs per band numbers are modified.

    However, it is difficult to verify the QSOs per band shown in the score summary based on the numbers in the overall summary output, since a QSO can be flagged for multiple bad exchange elements.

    SCC RTTY Championship

    Scoring in this contest uses a special DXCC/Band QSO points setup and some hard-coded routines. QSO point scoring for working the W, VE, JA etc countries is handled different than any other contest. See other SCC-RTTY tools below.

    In addition to filling the DXCC combo-list with the 9 DXCC prefixes, the `QSOs between these countries only` check-box is selected which tells the software to run a different routine than normal.

    The results files have some added text to further explain the QSO point values.

    Contest sponsor:
    An exceptions file {SCC-Call-Exceptions.dat} is used to score US stations that do not live in their normal call area. The file resides in the application start-up folder and is sized for 50 exceptions.The callsign used in the exceptions file - and used by the scoring routine - is taken from the log filename - w3km.log or k1dy_4.log as examples.
    The format of this text file is:

    Below is a scoring example for a W3 station living in the W4 call area.

    Before log adjudication, edit the exceptions file to contain the stations living out of their original call area. This is easiest done by opening all the US logs at once (in EditPad) and looking at the header address or ARRL-SECTION. Since these 2 fields may not be filled (or present) in the log file, CabEval cannot be coded to find these exceptions.

    The SCC-RTTY tools screen is accessed in the main screen Summary menu. Or use <F5> to open and close the `tools` screen.

    File locations: App folder = where CabEvaluator.exe resides
    {Band-Mode-Change.txt} - `results` folder
    {call-SCC--QRG.txt} - `results` folder
    {Check-Category-Summary.sum} - `results` folder
    {QRG-Awards-Summary.sum} - `results` folder
    {ReverseLog.sum} - `results` folder
    {SCC-Call-Exceptions.dat} - App folder
    {SCC-RTTY_Validated_Calls-Mults.sum} - App folder
    {SCC-RTTY_Valid_Mults.dat} - App folder
    {SCC-RTTY_Work_Only.dat} - App folder
    {SCC-RTTY_temp-Valid-Mults.txt} - App folder
    {SCC-RTTY_Check-Root-Calls.txt} - App folder
    {Scores-By-DXCC.sum} - `results` folder
    {UniquesReverseLog.sum} - `results` folder
    {Validated_Calls.sum} - `results` folder

    Cross check functions: These 3 additional functions are selected in the Cross Check menu and the On/Off states are saved to the Ini file. Be careful when viewing or selecting the `checked` menu items, since you can inadvertantly de-select an item when you let go of the mouse while still on a menu item.
    1. Band and Mode changes - Except for ASSISTED in the CATEGORY: tag, the band/mode change checking function counts the number of changes in each hour. Changes >10 are flagged and any additional QSOs made in that hour are scored as invalid. Band and mode change at the same time are considered 1 change. The invalid band/mode changes and invalid QSOs are written to the {Band-Mode-Change.txt} file. Additionally, the invalid QSOs in that hour are written to the `results` file as well.
    2. Busted Calls check - The worked callsign is compared to the submitted logs first. If not found, then the software looks for a match in the {SCC-RTTY_Work_Only.dat} file next.
    3. Multiplier checking -  This `dual CC` function first checks the multiplier (year) against the submitted logs, and secondly against the {SCC-RTTY_Valid_Mults.dat} look-up datafile. This lookup file is limited in the software to 25,000 callsigns. Busted calls are flagged and score 0 points.
    Other functions:
    1. Write Validated Calls - The original function (either sorted my number of QSOs or by alphabet). The N= number can be changed. Filename is {Validated_Calls.sum}.
    2. Write Sent Mults - This option outputs a file of sent multiplier based on 1) the Cabrillo logs and 2) most frequent multipliers from non-Cabrillo logs. The {SCC-RTTY_Validated_Calls-Mults.sum} file lists the Cabrillo logs first, then the non-Cabrillo logs in the format: 9M6XRO   1960 (71)   1968 (1)   1967 (1). From this first list, a second temporary file {SCC-RTTY_temp-Valid-Mults.txt} is created. The multiplier from non-logs comes from the `most often` received value. Only `most often` values >3 are written to the output file.
    3. Update Valid Mults file is accessed from the File menu. This function reads the {SCC-RTTY_temp-Valid-Mults.txt} and is used to update the {SCC-RTTY_Valid_Mults.dat} lookup file - used in the `dual CC` function. Added callsigns are appended to the end of the file. `Dual CC` is selected in the Cross Check menu - a check-mark indicates that `dual CC` will be done during the normal Cross Check process.
    4. Check mult file format (check1) reads {SCC-RTTY_Valid_Mults.dat} and checks each line for `=` character followed by a 4-digit year. Error line message is displayed if error. Run it again after editing.
    Next a message prompt is displayed - to continue or not - to the next longer looping sequences.
    The second part of this function (check2) is used to flag duplicate entries. A message prompt is displayed on the first dupe entry - to remind you to check the output file. The output file {SCC-RTTY_Check-Root-Calls.txt} shows the dupes lines.
    The third part of this function (check3) is used to identify multiple `root` callsigns and compares the multiplier years. A message prompt is displayed on the first possible year error - to remind you to check the output file. The output file {SCC-RTTY_Check-Root-Calls.txt} shows the possible multiple `root` calls. Hit <Esc> to cancel.
    5. Write QRG file - The default `file sort` is set to `by log size` - the list of logs will be in file size order, which makes it easier when running QRG on the high scoring logs. This list also allows multiple-select of the 40-50 logs (for example) at the top of the list. When you click {Write QRG file} with multiple logs selected, the QRG runs in batch mode. After a `batch run`, the QRG summary is written and opened in the editor. File is {call-SCC--QRG.txt}.
    Note: The QRG callsign being checked comes from the log filename. Portable log filenames must be the same as the sent callsign of that log, otherwise all QRG file entries will appear as LOG N/A. A dash or underscore is used in place of the slash in filenames.
    Or - un-check the `file sort` check-box for `Alpha logs`. Select a QRG log from the list-box, then click the label to `do-it` - double-clicking works too.
    Integer frequencies are also flagged in the QRG file. The frequency delta can be changed and is saved to the Ini file. Summary results appear at the end of each file. Click a log file and do right-mouse to open the file in your editor.
    6. Write QRG summary - reads all the QRG text files and summarizes the results. Filename is: {QRG-Awards-Summary.sum} and is written to the `results` folder.
    7. Write DXCC scores - outputs total scores for each DXCC country - minus CHECKLOGs. File: {Scores-By-DXCC.sum}. Uses the modified AD1C file {Country-Modified.dat}, if that option is selected in the {Ini Options}.
    8. Export to Excel is the same function as accessed in the Summary menu. It can load *.sum, *.dat and *.txt files by first selecting the `File type` in the combo box.
    9. Check Category - verifies claimed single-band by comparing the bands in the log to the data in the CATEGORY: or CATEGORY-BAND: tags.
    10. Table1 heading CQ Zones uses AD1C`s country.dat file, modified with all entries on a single line and saved as {Country-Modified.dat}.
    11. Write Uniques Reverse Log is similar to #2 Busted Calls check above, but a different format - uses the UNIQUES.dat lookup file.
    12. Write Reverse Log is similar to Summary Write all QSOs with station, but uses the Reverse.dat lookup file instead of the 1 callsign input.

    Special function codes

    To score the more complex contests, special functions are called by using codes in various fields. These codes allow QSO point scoring and multiplier counting that does not follow the normal structures initiated by check-boxes or numeric field values.

    Note: These codes are very field specific - most only work when entered in specific boxes of the Cab Eval setup forms. The functions called by the special codes always take precedence over the normal QSO points and multiplier settings.

    These functions are explained in the Also criteria section.
    Code Function sets up what... 
    C160 QSO points for CW QSOs on 160m band.
    C80 QSO points for CW QSOs on 80m band.
    C40 QSO points for CW QSOs on 40m band.
    CW QSO points for all CW mode QSOs.
    DIG QSO points for all PSK and RTTY mode QSOs.
    DX QSO points for all DX QSOs (non W, VE, KH6 & KL7).
    FT Extra QSO points the first time a DXCC prefix is worked.
    X QSO points for stations in a specific continent (XEU = Europe).

    Code Function...
    //--- Scores `home state` as multiplier for `home` stations.

    Explained in the Other lookup section.
    Code Function...
    $BCC Determines the multiplier values from exchange and callsign in BCC-QP.
    C Scores multipliers on callsign Call areas (0-9 for example).
    U Scores unique multipliers once per log.

    Explained in the Bonus and other QSO points section.
    Code Function...
    P Scores bonus points for working each new instance of what would
    normally be the exchanged multiplier.

    Explained in the Exchange data and Extra Points section.
    Code Function...
    DZ QSO points for Different Zones - from exchanged data.
    EX Extra points are added to the QSO points by continent.
    SC QSO points for Same Continents - from exchanged data.
    SZ QSO points for Same Zones - from exchanged data.
    X Multiply QSO points times the X value.
    $ Extra points based on non-blank fields.
    X Extra points based on a blank field.

    Explained in the QSO Points by Cont/Band section.
    Code Function...
    Z Sets the QSO point value to zero, instead of turning off the function.

    Explained in the QSO points by Mode section.
    Code Function...
    M In the `Mobile` points field, M# sets the value for maritime mobile QSOs.

    These codes used in the From File QSO points routine.
    Code  Function...
    $1010 Determines QSO points from 10-10 club numbers lookup file.
    $log Reads the QSO points to be summed directly from the Cabrillo data.
    $Calls Reads a specific formatted file to determine bonus points from Callsigns.
    $Calls-QP Reads a specific formatted file to determine QSO points from Callsigns.
    $dxcc Determines QSO points from DXCC callsign areas.
    $port QSO points are based on /P and /M callsigns worked.
    S#D# Scores member QSO points per continent - {S}ame - {D}ifferent.
    $qsos  Determines QSO points from Band and Mode.

    Used in the Multipliers are: section:
    $NL Scores Number Letter prefix multipliers - ex: HA5AB = 5A, HG2007PAX = 7P

    Used in the Extra Multipliers section:
    $prefix Scores multipliers for QSOs worked with the DXCC prefix to the right of the $ character.

    Explained in the Sponsor/log checkers section.
    Code Function...
    $ Hard coded functions for `Home/Away` auto batch runs.
    X `Home` Ini file loaded during Batch run based on a continent (XEU = Europe).

    Scoring mults and points not covered using special functions or the normal setup options can be handled by hard-coded functions.

    Sponsor/Log checker setup

    Back-up the submitted logs to a folder not used by CabEval.

    Important Note: CabEval writes a `results` file named callsign.txt. For this reason, CabEval will not allow *.txt log files in the default files listbox - so the Cabrillo logs don`t get overwritten. Use 2 separate optional folders - one where the Cabrillo logs are saved and the other for the *.txt `results` files.

    Batch Evaluations
    Cross Checking
    Preferred file paths
    2 Ini file setup to score `home` and `non-home/DX` logs.
    Exceptions for `Home` auto load
    Re-formatting Cabrillo files

    Use the File, Sponsor Setup menu to open the Sponsor setup. Be sure to re-save the contest profile Ini file after you change the setup below - otherwise when you re-load the Ini later it will be the previous setup. The main setup File menu can be access without closing the Sponsor setup form.

    Read about my check-box programming.

    1. Select {Setup for Sponsor} to activate the Batch function.

    2. Select whether or not to check the Cabrillo log for a valid ARRL section.

    3. N-QSO rule: Used mainly in HF contests, select whether or not to use the `N-QSO rule`. N is normally 2 or 3. Callsigns in Cabrillo logs submitted are checked to see if they are in N different logs. If a callsign is not in at least N different logs, that station is considered not in the contest and 0 QSO points and 0 mults will be scored for working them.
    Note: If the callsign being checked is the callsign of one of the submitted logs, the station is obviously in the contest and the `N-QSO rule` does not apply.

    A lookup file named {LessThan(n)QSOs.txt} is saved during the log evaluation. If a `batch` run is done, the file is erased and a new one written. This file is not erased when a `partial batch` is run or when just re-scoring an individual log.

    In later software versions a file named {LessThan(n)QSOs-Full.txt} or {LessThan(n)QSOs-Full.txt} is written, depending on N.

    4. Select whether or not to penalize the evaluated Cabrillo log based on Cross Checking (CC) results. If checked, all NIL QSOs and incorrectly logged exchanges will be considered invalid QSOs and score 0 QSO points and 0 multipliers. CabEvaluator does not and will not reduce scores based on a percentage of errors in the submitted log.

    5.To save time when scoring lots of logs, you may want to first do CC only without scoring. Select this option in the Sponsor/Log checker setup. Check the results in the CC Summary file.

    Although it is advisable for contesters to sync their PC clocks to WWV, many do not. But there should not be a penalty for slightly inaccurate PC clocks. Because dupes can be in the log without score penalty, QSOs that are the same must be found in the 2 logs before CC can take place. Therefore an acceptable QSO time delta must be calculated. The CC software uses a default 5-minute rule for UTC time difference between QSOs - more than 5 minutes, the QSO will be NIL. Change the default UTC delta in the optional Ini setup. If you as a sponsor do not care that the station`s clock wasn`t set, or the UTC offset was wrong, you can use a long QSO time delta.

    If you un-check #3 and #4, the calculated score is usually the same as the claimed score, since contester logging software cannot score based on the logs received. If Cross Checking is being done, with #3 and #4 checked, the callsign.crs and callsign.txt `results` files will show the details.

    Below the check boxes is the file path setup. By default the Application folder is the file path. All files are loaded from and written to the default folder, which is c:\CabEvaluator (or the path where the software was installed).

    Change folder paths:
    Contest sponsors/log checkers must change the path for Cabrillo files and results files. CabEval uses the *.txt extension for `results` files. To prevent over-writing .txt logs, when the default path is used for Cabrillo logs, only *.log and *.cbr are visible in the default folder.

    When you select an optional folder for the submitted Cabrillo logs, then callsign.txt logs will be visible. Select a 2nd optional folder where the *.txt `results` files are written.

    When you make a folder for the Cabrillo logs, a sub folder named \results will also be created, and the folder path is set to the `results` combo-box.

    This eliminates the steps required to make a second folder for the results files. You can certainly make your own `results` folder. Remove the default \results folder if you don`t want it.

    For information, the path to the Cabrillo logs is shown in the program`s title bar.


    If you save a folder/path to the contest Ini file - as above, and later delete that folder, the next time that contest Ini file is loaded, the path is re-set to the Application folder by default - as below.

    This will affect the path/folder to the `results` files as well.

    Files that must be in the default Application folder are:
    All *.ini files --> Contest profile Ini files and `Extra` scoring Ini files.
    All *.dat file --> Scoring, look-up and multiplier datafiles.
    Any *.txt files that are used for lookup.

    The path change setup is in 2 sections. The first is for Cabrillo logs only.
    Files that can be loaded from this preferred folder are:
    The Cabrillo log files --> with *.log, *.cbr and *.txt extensions.

    Section 2 is for `Results` files and summary files.
    Files that can be loaded from and written to this preferred folder are:
    The eval `results` files --> callsign.txt
    The Cross Check `results` files --> callsign.crs
    All summary files --> filename.sum
    The n-QSO rule callsigns list --> LessThan(n)QSOs.txt
    The n-QSO rule full QSO line --> LessThan(n)QSOs-Full.txt
    The NIL QSOs list --> NIL_QSOs.txt
    The DXCC mults to check file --> DXCC-Mults-2Check.txt
    The soap box summary file --> All-SoapBox.txt

    2 Ini files setup:
    The use of 2 separate contest Ini files allows the SW to score logs from two different locations - `home` and `non-home` - either by country/continent or by US state/section or by Canadian section/province. The different Ini files are automatically loaded during the `Batch` scoring (or when a single log is scored).

    If you are using 2 Ini files to score the contest, then save the optional folder paths and other setup information in the lower part of the setup form - to both contest profile Ini files. Actually other than the points/mults scoring differences, all else should be the same. The SW keys on the following:
    1. In DX contests - the DXCC prefix of the Cabrillo filename.
    2. In state QSO parties - either the LOCATION: or the ARRL-SECTION: tags.
    3. If neither 1 or 2 can be used, differentiating data can manually be added to the LOCATION: tag. In the Canadian Prairies QSO Party, there is no differentiating data in the Cabrillo LOCATION: tag. Add a tag to each `Home` station log, in this case LOCATION: VE4-5-6 was added to all `Home` logs operating as VA/VE4,5 or 6 stations.

    Do Summary Write Cabrillo Files list and verify the identity of each log.

    If the `home` Ini file is not loaded automatically when a known `home` station log is scored, verify that the LOCATION: or ARRL-SECTION: tags identify the log properly. Sometimes a non-printable character - like a block character - will cause a problem. This could be a TAB character or an ASCII 160 character. Delete any characters and spaces after the `home` identifier. If nothing is visible, arrow the cursor past the text to `see` what`s there. A new function was added to the re-formatter to remove some non-printable characters and TABs at the end of each header line.

    If you are sponsor/log checker that judges more than 1 contest, you can copy the contents of the c:\CabEvaluator folder to a new startup folder where you can have the second contest setup. Change the 2 folder paths that point to the Cabrillo logs and results files in the new Ini file(s). This will reduce time needed to setup and verify the SW before running `batch` scoring. Make a valid shortcut to run the SW from the new location. When you update the software, don`t forget to also put the update files in the new startup folder being used.

    The 2 Ini files setup has two separate criteria for `Home` and `non-Home` logs.

    Country or Continent is `Home`:

    1. When scoring `Home` logs and `DX` logs, use the 2 Ini files setup and uncheck the {DX Contest} check-box. Read about how the checkbox text is applied. The DXCC prefix of the submitted log filename is used to determine which Ini file is loaded. DXCC prefixes are entered into the `Home` prefix combo-box using the {<-- Add ...} button. If you make a mistake, just `Clear` all entries and re-enter them. Contesters would load the correct Ini file for their situation.

    Instead of entering dozens of DXCC prefixes into the `Home` combo-box when a continent is `Home`, the specific function code X is used with the continent, ie: XEU = Europe. The X code is used to differentiate between EU (Belarus) and the European continent. In this example, the `Home` Ini file will be loaded when evaluating Europe logs.

    `Home` is a US state (or states):

    2. When scoring `Home state` and `non-Home state` logs, use the 2 Ini files setup and check the {State QSO Party} check-box. The ARRL Section of the submitted log is used to determine which Ini file is loaded. If a state has more than 1 section, then each section is added to the combo-box list for that `Home State`. PA QSO Party: EPA and WPA would be entered. PA is also entered, as some logs might have LOCATION: PA in the header. Obviously ARRL-SECTION: or LOCATION: must be one of the fields in the Cabrillo header, and the correct sections must be in this field.

    In multi-state QSO Parties - 7QP for example, enter the ARRL sections for all the states (AZ, ID, MO, NV, OR, UT, EWA, WWA and WY). All logs must have the ARRL-SECTION: tag, or the LOCATION: tag, and all logs must have the correct section in this field. Do Summary, Write Cabrillo Files list and verify the identity of each log.

    Separate profile Ini files must be used for the 2 groups of logs - In-State and Out-of-State. In State QSO Parties where mobiles/rovers submit a separate log from each county, this may cause problems. In this configuration, cross checking of logs is not possible. Cross checking can only be done when all log files are in the same folder - one log per station. CabEval also cannot score multiple logs from the same station as one log, nor create one scoring result file, nor calculate a total score from 2 or more logs.

    UK DX RTTY example:
    The DXCC prefixes for UK (Home) stations are entered into the `Home` prefix combo-box. DXCC prefixes must come from the file {dxcc_pre.dat} and are located at the end of the data line. The DXCC prefix for Scotland is GM, taken from the data: GM.GS.MM.MS.2A.2M.2S.2T[Scotland]<EU>27  GM
    The Ini file associated with UK stations is entered into `Home` Ini file box using the `Set` button. As in the main setup form, clicking the `Set` button opens a file load dialog box. Right-mouse click opens that file in your editor.

    All non-UK station logs are considered as DX. Enter the associated Ini file (with the `Set` button) used to score DX stations. Re-save your work - the main setup menu is visible without closing the Sponsor setup window.

    `Home` station exceptions are handled by using an exceptions look-up datafile.
    Example: EU PSK Contest - old rules.

    In this example, 9 Areas are physically located in Europe and must be scored using the `Home` Europe Ini file setup. When CabEval finds an entry in the exceptions look-up file that matches the Cabrillo column 49 [4 char] field, the `Home` Ini setup file is loaded, not the DX Ini file.

    The exceptions file has the look-up data saved - one item to a line.

    Summary outputs

    Contest sponsors use the following summary file options to summarize all the contest logs received. The text files are saved to the preferred `Results` folder and opened automatically for viewing in your editor - same as other ASCII files written by the Evaluator.

    The information for these summaries comes from Cabrillo logs and results files.

    See the
    Check Invalid DXCC/State mults tool below.
    See the Write QSO Party Stats below.

    Several options are provided in the Summary Generic menu.
    These summaries are rarely used now that the preferred user defined summaries are available.
    Turn off this menu item using the Options Ini setup.

    Write Full Summary file outputs the full summary of all `results` files.
    filename = [SummaryFile.sum]

    Write by Alpha Scores Summary outputs just the score summary of all results files in callsign alphabetical order.
    filename = [ScoreSummaryFile.sum]

    Write by Value Scores Summary outputs just the score summary of all results files in order of descending scores.

    In the Summary Preferred Table1 menu:
    Select the Table1 Preferences to setup the summary printout.
    Select the Write Table1 Summary menu to print the summary. A second options setup allows outputting the summary in six sections - High, Low and QRP power sorted in each of the 2 locations - Home and DX. The filename is:
    While in the setup, the write function menu is available.

    In the Summary Preferred Table2 menu:
    Select the Table2 Preferences to setup the text file sorting and output filenames.
    Select the Write Table2 Files menu to write the output text files.
    While in the setup, the write function menu is available.

    In the Summary menu:
    A very useful summary for State QSO Party log checkers is the Write Cabrillo Files list to output a list of all Cabrillo logs, to see that all logs have a State or an ARRL section listed. QSO parties use this information to determine `Home` state - to load the `home` ini files. Also the Categories are listed as some contests have scoring based on HIGH, LOW and QRP.

    The LOCATION: or ARRL-SECTION: tags are used to determine ARRL/DX information. If many logs are missing this information, you can use the semi-automatic `fill in the blanks` function. Use the File  Sponsor Setup Modify Logs Fill in Cabrillo State/Prov menus. The address fields are displayed and you are prompted to enter the State or Prov abbreviation. `DX` is filled in automatically. Do this before scoring logs - as this information is required for many contests.

    Write Cross Check Summary outputs the summary of all the *.crs files.
    Check some of the larger cross check files - larger in bytes - as these large files may show an error in the log file.
    1). In Explorer, select the |Type| column and scroll down the list of *.crs files and open the larger sized cross checking files. Look for errors like QSO dates not on the contest weekend, all UTC times 0000, different exchange data (RST instead of serial number) etc.
    2). Use the Write Overall Summary of Results output file {OverallSummary.sum} and look for a line with lots of errors. View that station`s *.crs file.

    Write Ini Files list outputs the list of all Ini profile filenames.

    Write Overall Summary of Results
    If cross-checking was done, this output is a summary of all logs scored. This includes total number of QSOs judged, total NILs, total <N-QSOs, total mult errors etc.

    Write DXCC/Other Mults outputs the list of DXCC and `Other` multipliers and totals. The sorted output comes from `results` text files. When the pop-up dialog window is displayed, double-click the results file from the list.

    Write SoapBox summary to output all the SoapBox comments, taken from the Cabrillo log files.

    Write this Contest Ini Summary to output the contest Ini summary - filename will be [ContestName-Ini-Summary.dat] and will be written to the Cab Eval application folder.
    This file can:
    (1) show what `extra` setups were used (if any) and their filenames.
    (2) display any differences in the `2 Ini files` used during a `Batch` run.
    (3) show the sponsor preferred folder names used.
    (4) be used to check the setup after loading it.

    Note: Save changes made to the setup screen to have them show up in the Ini Summary.

    Write WPX Summary outputs the total WPX prefix multipliers by SA and NA continent for the CWJF-MM Contest - and WPX only for others. In the case of non-sponsor setups, the software compares the Cabrillo Contest name to the CONTEST: field in the header of the results files so WPX data is gathered only from the intended results file.

    Write UBN summaries: see below.

    Write all QSOs with station lists all QSOs for the entered callsign based on the submitted logs in the Cabrillo folder. Two files are written. [All-QSOs-callsign.sum] and [All-QSOs-callsign-Reversed-Fields.sum]. The Reversed-Fields file is a partial Cabrillo for the selected callsign.

    Write Validated Calls sorts the list of callsigns worked that did not submit a log and outputs those callsigns (and number of times worked). At the prompt, enter the number of QSOs each station is to be worked to be validated. This can be related to the N-QSO rule if used - ex: N=3, then enter 3. Callsigns that were worked at least N times are written to the output file. [Validated_Calls.sum]

    This output produces interesting results. Example - Contest with 200 logs submitted: Using N=1: 1140 different callsigns are reported. N=2=530. N=3=423 and so on. To see stations that worked >100 QSOs, enter N=100. The output is selectable: by QSO totals or by alphabet. When the list is alphabetized, you can see some mis-copied callsigns.

    The output also shows the most worked station and QSO total. It is a shame that stations that make hundreds of QSOs do not submit a log !

    List of all callsigns in logs:
    All callsigns = submitted + worked.
    Do Summary Write Cabrillo Files list for submitted callsigns. Then do Summary Write Validated Calls, N=1, for worked callsigns.

    Write QSO Party Stats outputs 2 files. 1) the submitted Cabrillo callsigns and 2) a list of unique callsigns that did not submit a log. If you have difficulty setting up these outputs, let me know and I can give you the setup for your contest. Both lists can have 2 exchanges - name/County/State. Each list will have the multiple counties activated by in-state mobile/rovers. The columns of data are setup in the Stats setup form and saved in the [Stats-Columns.ini] file. To output just the sent and received County/QTH exchanges, for example, set the unused fields to 0 or blank. Options to output the files in comma-delimited format and sort by home-state are available.

    The Summary Write QSO Party Stats menu is only activated when a `home` State QSO Party log is scored.

    [CabrilloUniqueCalls.sum] = submitted Cabrillo callsigns.
    [UniqueCalls.sum] = unique callsigns of stations that did not submit a log.

    This example outputs Name (up to 10 characters) and County/State (3 characters) in each file:

    This example outputs just the County/State in each file:

    Write in-State county totals outputs the total unique counties worked in the home-state logs. This menu is activated when the contest is a QSO Party and the Sponsor setup is selected.
    Note: Answer the prompt to produce the correct home-state stations` output. If counties are counted as multipliers for home-state stations, select <Yes>, otherwise select <No> if only States/Provinces are mults. In both cases, additional counties lookup and column ID numbers are read from both the home-State and non-home-State Ini files.
    A secondary output lists the activated counties and the number of QSOs from each county. The counties not activated are listed as well.

    Write Certificate summary:
    The menu is activated by the sponsor setup. This function outputs a text file sorted by score with pertinent information for certificates - Call, Category, Score, Continent, DXCC, Name, address and e-mail address.
    The software looks for e-mail: type tags. But logs do not always follow the Cabrillo rules, the software must also look for the @ character. Note that when the @ character is found, all text after the tag`s colon (:) character is captured. So, this function can also catch the OPERATOR: tag instead if the text is OPERATOR: @ON4UN for example.

    Since e-mail addresses are not always provided in the Cabrillo log, the e-mail address of the top scoring stations can be edited manually if necessary before sending the file to the Contest certificate person.

    If you desire to have an E-mail address in each log file, my ExtractCBR software can insert the E-mail tag and address into each Cabrillo log. The E-mail address is taken from a text or EML lookup file - generated by the mail software.

    If your log submissions robot inserts the sender`s e-mail address in the Cabrillo header and you want CabEvaluator to output these e-mail addresses, you can set this up in the Options Ini Setup form. Use the File, Sponsor Setup, Ini options menus.

    Write Mode Summary: in State QSO Parties, this summary outputs QSO points by mode as well as other standard information. If special scoring is used for the contest, this summary will probably not produce the expected totals.

    Detailed UBN report:
    Write selected UBN summary: outputs the UBN totals and details for the selected callsign. When the pop-up dialog window is displayed, double-click the results file from the list. Depending on the type of cross-checking being used, there are up to 7 sections that can be reported. Dupes, NILs, Uniques, Mult/Num errors, RST errors, Number errors and Invalid QSOs. The UBN text is taken from the Cabrillo log, the cross-check file, [LessThan(n)QSOs.txt] and the Overall summary file. All these files need to be written first.
    filename = [callsign__UBN.txt].

    Write all UBN summaries: outputs all the UBN files and writes them in a sub-directory of the `results` folder - C:\CabEvaluator\EPC-WW\results\all_UBN - for example. If a results file or cross-check file is missing, an error prompt is displayed. This can happen if you stop scoring a log before completion. Try scoring the error log and write the overall summary again. Then try the Write all UBN again.

    Both QSOs are shown in the UBN dupe detail.

    If a QSO is NIL because the UTC time delta is >5 minutes (or whatever delta you selected), that QSO is displayed.

    If a QSO is found in one of the submitted logs that might be the intended callsign, then the QSO is displayed.

    The number is incorrect.

    Selected sponsor and option being used: If a QSO had an invalid sent or received multiplier/number, that QSO is displayed. The QSO scored 0 points.

    When viewing cross check files and UBN, select a text editor font that displays the difference between O and 0. In EditPad for example you can switch between Fixed Font width

    and Variable Font width.

    Select the Export to Excel menu to export the {ScoreSummaryFile.sum} text file to Excel. You can then sort on the Country or Continent column - if you used Country or Continent as one of the sort criterial when Writing the Table1 summary.

    Note: If you are going to do math on columns of data (scores, QSOs for example), you should use the standard Microsoft Excel text import rather than using the Export function in this software. The spreadsheet exported function used by CabEval is a third-party older version of Excel and does not allow changing the cell formats to accommodate math functions.

    Also - the older version of Excel written by the Export function may not open in newer versions of MS Office Excel or Open Office for that matter. Use the standard Microsoft Excel text import and select `Delimited`, by `Space` at the prompts.

    The export function loads space de-limited text files into an Excel worksheet, so other columnar summaries can also be exported - not just the Table1 summary. If you want fields in the text file to appear in a single cell in Excel, remove spaces before export.

    With spaces.

    Spaces in text file edited out.

    A summary of all NIL QSOs is saved when Cross Checking is done. The file is deleted each time the `batch` is run and the NIL data appended during cross checking.

    Generic full summary shows the pertinent information for each results text file.

    The header identifies the different columns of information. The Xmult column is the multiplication factor that was applied to the raw score. In this NAQCC example, the multiplication factor is 2 for using a Straight Key.

    A Cross Check summary:

    Not in the Summary menu:
    Accessed in the File Tools Check Invalid DXCC/State mults menu, an information summary file is available for State QSO Parties only - that score DXCC as mults. The output file lists possible DXCC/State/Prov multiplier errors - from:
    1) mis-copied callsigns - resulting in a DXCC mult for a State or Prov - uses the {states_plus14ve.dat} look-up file.
    2) invalid callsign formats - portable callsigns.
    3) DX callsigns assigned to state-side stations by the FCC - NP3C, AL7AA.
    4) State/Prov and DXCC mults scored for the same QSO

    due to the exchange being both a State/Prov and a DXCC prefix. example: Netherlands-PA and Pennsylvania-PA. The DXCC prefixes for countries like this are listed in the {DXCC_pre.dat} file as prefix! for just this reason. A new function separates the State/province exchanges from the DXCC prefix exchanges, so #4 is not an issue.

    The output file for this tool is {DXCC-Mults-2Check.txt}, which gets the data from the results files - callsign.txt. Any changes that need to be made as a result of this output file, are made manually to the results file {callsign.txt} of the listed callsign - including removing MULT: lines and editing the total score. As mentioned above, the new function separates the State/province exchanges from the DXCC prefix exchanges, so actual QSO party scoring problems are minimal.

    Any `DX type` callsigns that you find - that are state-side stations - or stations that are not operating from the `home country` - should be added to the {DXCC_Exceptions.dat} exceptions datafile. Expired exceptions should be removed from the file.

    Selected sponsor outputs:
    Some contest sponsors have requested a Write Category Summary - sorted by operator-category. The sponsors have submitted a list of categories, which have been written to a text file. During the write function, the Cabrillo operator-category is compared to this look-up file. However, some editing of the logs is usually required to insure that all have a valid category in the header.

    Swap columns

    Accessed in the Sponsor/Log checker`s setup form under the Modify Logs menu or while in the other log modifier screens.

    See the column modifier.

    The Swap Column setup is used to reverse 2 fields (columns) of log data - the log has the serial number and QTH reversed for example.

    Like in the Column Modify setup, you can easily view the QSOs format of each log - first click a log, then use the arrow keys.

    Start by selecting the log file from the list. As in all other screens, right-mouse clicking a selected log file will open that file in the text editor. Use EditPad to display the cursor position, otherwise you will need to manually count over from the left. Find the position of the first column and enter that value in the `swap column` box. Find the position of the second column and enter the value in the `with column` box. Enter the larger of the 2 column widths.

    Keep in mind that you need to have the required number of spaces after each column to be swapped, otherwise the data can be trashed. Use the Modify Columns form to insert spaces before doing the swap. You can copy the original log from your back-up folder if you save a trashed log by mistake.

    Drag the lower right-corner of the form to resize it to fit the log data. Adjusting the form height by moving the bottom will allow changes to the font size as well. Use upper-right-X to save screen settings.

    You must have at least 1 space between columns of log data after the swap function for the re-formatter to key on. You can add a space in the column modifier section - if you saved a `swap function` by mistake. Just don`t swap columns that chop off exchange characters. That`s why you have all the logs backed-up, right?

    Reverse columns 45 and 50 and use 3 as the swap width.
    Click `Swap columns`.

    If the columns were swapped correctly, then `Save` the file - or re-do it. You can re-load the log and re-do the swap at any time. Do not be concerned with the exact column positions. To swap 2 other columns, go to Start above.

    When done swapping fields, go to the re-format screen and re-format the log.

    Select `Show tic-marks at re-format columns` to place tic-marks in the log window.
    Select `Show column values` to place the column values in the log window.
    The marks and values are set to the columns identified in the re-format form and offer a quick visual of the log columns. Click the first log, then use the `down arrow` to look at the format of each log.

    Table1 Setup

    In the Summary menu there a few generic summary output formats, from the first version of CabEval. Table1 format summaries a much more useful and are user defined. Use the Preferred Table1 Summary setup form. Or - make a table format that is sorted and saved to text files using the Table2 setup.

    The Table1 summary output uses the results files (call.txt) created when the logs were scored. Since most of the data comes from the scored QSOs, select the Include, Multiplier QSOs in Eval text file and QSO points in Eval file menus before scoring logs.

    Op Time
    Scoring for one mode
    See scoring for one band (SOSB) below.

    Independent summaries: Several summaries can be called using the Table1 setup. These headings are put at the bottom of the list, and don`t require an output column number.
    N-QSO totals
    State QSO Party
    Mode Summary
    Sponsor Specific Table outputs
    The [Sort Table by QTH and Power Category] in the right part of Table1 setup was for specific sponsors, and probably will not work for you.

    Using the heading "Category-Mode" without the output column ID is another mode summary.

    The Table1 summary file is written using the Summary menu - or - using the Write... menu while in the Table1 Preferences setup.

    Only specific heading data is available from the `results` files - selected from combo-box.
    Ex: The ARRL/DX data comes from the ARRL-SECTION: and LOCATION: tags in Cabrillo.

    Select the data and the Tab column for each. In the example: The callsign would be in <Tab> column 7 of the output file and QSOs would be in column 18.

    Typical output is like this:

    If you want the summary data in close spaced columns, set the columns you want and ignore the heading overlap.
    However, since the heading row is not space-delimited, export to Excel will not be correct - not space-delimited.

    The Table1 Files write function uses the CATEGORY: and other data in the results files {call.txt} for lookup. Before batch scoring, you should edit the Cabrillo CATEGORY: field of the offending logs so the sorting routine will find a match - according to what you set up in the Table1 Files setup screen. Printing the list of Cabrillo logs evaluated will help locate logs that need to be edited or check off the logs that do not. Use Summary, Write Cabrillo files list.

    If the Table is blank when you start a new contest profile, select the Fill with defaults menu to show you the format, then edit the table to your liking.

    Or at any time, use the Fill State QSO Party menu to setup the Table1 output with the most common QSO Party summary information. You can always re-load your Ini file to go back to the original setup.

    When the `County` heading is used, the software reads both in-state and out-of-state Ini files to determine the sent and received exchange columns. If you make a change to the setup, re-save the Ini file(s) before writing the summary.

    If you intend to keep the Table1 changes, re-save the contest Ini file.

    If your contest uses 2 Ini files (State QSO Parties and Home/DX Ini files) and the expected Table1 summary is not written, check the 2 Table1 setups. Different setups may have been saved to the 2 Ini files.

    This selectable options setup is used to output the contest summary in 6 sections - sorted by HIGH, LOW and QRP categories.

    Used in conjunction with the Home Country/Continent and DX Countries 2-Ini files setup, the six output sections are HIGH, LOW and QRP power for each of the 2 QTHs. This option is hard coded except for some text that you want in the header of each section - as below.

    From the above setup, the 6 sections are labled as:
    Europe Stations - High Power
    Europe Stations - Low Power
    Europe Stations - QRP <=5W
    DX Stations - High Power
    DX Stations - Low Power
    DX Stations - QRP <=5W

    Select sort by Single-Band(MHz) or Single-Band(Meters) to write the single-band field to the `results` file.

    In contests with more categories than can be supported by CabEval - SOAB HIGH, SOAB LOW, 80M HIGH, 80M LOW, 80M QRP etc. you must manually sort the summary to your liking - see Excel export below.

    Sorting the score results into HIGH, LOW and QRP categories is done using data in the CATEGORY: field of the Cabrillo log. The text HIGH, LOW or QRP must be in the category field. ex: CATEGORY: SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH

    If the category does not have a power level (ex: CATEGORY: SOAB or Single-Op), unselect the {Sort by QTH and Power Category} check-box and use a setup like this:

    for an output like this:

    Cabrillo v3.0 uses the Category-Operator tag, which can be used to capture the category as well.

    If the logs are a mixture of v2.0 and v3.0, try using both the Category and Category-Operator headings.

    Or use the new heading Category-v3 that will capture the following v3.0 tags in most cases:

    Another new heading State QSO Party runs a totally different summary. The State QSO Party heading is put at the bottom of the list and does not require a column #, since the heading calls the special summary routine.

    If the State QSO Party heading is in the list, only this summary will be written. This makes it easy to go back to your initial summary output without changing the entire list. If you like the new summary, re-save the Ini file.
    Output file = [State-QSO-Party-Summary.sum]
    Mode Summary is also an independent summary that is added at the bottom of the list without a column #. You can output your normal Table1 summary that is saved to the contest Ini file, then simply add `Mode Summary` at the bottom to write just the mode summary. Remove it when done.

    Created-By heading:
    Add this heading to the bottom of the table list, without a column #. It outputs the list of popular logging programs used in the contest being scored. The output file is {Logging-Programs.sum}.
    The Created-By data comes from the results text files.

    Logging Program heading:
    Adding this heading with a column # outputs the logging program versions, by Callsign.{Target=NQSOs}

    N-QSO totals heading:
    Add this heading at the bottom of the table list, without a column #. It outputs the summary of N-QSO totals for each log.
    Of course, N-QSO = N must be selected in the Sponsor Setup before scoring logs.
    See N-QSO rule: in the Sponsor Setup.
    Data comes from the results text files. Output file is [N-QSO-totals.sum].

    Op Time heading:
    Selecting the `Op Time` heading will output the total hours operated. UTC times between QSOs of <30 minutes are considered ON-TIMEs, and are counted in the total.
    Note: If the Op time displayed is a negative value, the log file could be in reverse date/time order - or a date/time sequence is out of order. Manually edited logs (including QSOs added out of order) may produce negative values and possibly a program error. Use the Modify Logs, Log Tools, Log Date/Time sort menus to sort the log in date/time order.

    Sponsors can output more than 1 Table1 summary easily by saving (and re-loading) different Ini files. Using "Table1-A" text in the filename for example will identify the Ini file as a special setup to write various Table1 summaries. Be sure to re-load the actual scoring Ini file before scoring logs.

    Sponsor specific headings:

    Sponsor specific Table1 outputs are like the above State QSO Party summary and do not require a column #. It is easiest to select the heading as the last one in the setup. If one of these sponsor headings is selected, then only that table summary is written. Some sponsors want their output to be similar to their web page summaries, for ease of use.
    Output file = [ARCI-QRP-Summary.sum]

    Another sponsor specific Table1 summary output.
    Output file = [SCR-Summary.sum]

    When VHF/UHF Rover logs are scored using the {ARRL method}, the number of multipliers displayed in the Table1 output will be higher by the number of activated grids, as shown in this Sprint summary output. In the example, K1DS/R worked 13 grids and activated 2 grids while roving.

    CabEval can also score VHF/UHF Rover logs in the {Classic Rover} method, where the multiplier total is only the total mults worked.

    WPX multiplier summary:
    This summary selection writes the {WPX_Multiplier.sum} file, which is the total number of unique WPX prefixes for SA and NA stations.

    Show score for one band - SOSB Category:

    Note: Contesters do not always use the correct Category, so if the Category is ... 80M ... and 95% of the log is 20M for example, obviously the 80M SOSB score will be very low. Therefore the use of the {Calculate SOSB score} function needs some thought - or maybe even an e-mail to the contester.

    CWJF Manchester Mineira contest example.

    Select the {Calculate SOSB scores} check box to display the single-band score declared in the CATEGORY: or CATEGORY-BAND: field. The categories would be SOSB 80m, SOSB 15m etc. The actual lookup text is in the format designated in the contest rules, and is stored in the {SOSB_Categories.dat} look-up file. My generic category file has 3 formats for each band - so the lookup will work for most Cabrillo category formats: SOSB 15M, Single-Op 15M and Single Op 15M as examples. Edit this file to suit your contest.

    Since the exact wording of Categories can be different, it is easiest to just put bands (in meters) in the lookup file. For example: the word "40M" will be found in any 40M mode category.

    The software uses the results files (callsign.txt) for scoring data and loops thru all the categories in the {SOSB_Categories.dat} file and writes the single-band score based on the CATEGORY: or CATEGORY-BAND: tag of the log.

    First, check for logs that are multi-band, but the category is single-band:
    1. Use the Write Cabrillo Files list menu to display the categories - some categories will be missing, some may not follow the convention outlined in the rules.
    2. Use the Check Categories, Check SOSB Categories menu to check the logs that have the wrong category.

    To see the new SOSB scores, first write the normal score summary. Do `Save As` and rename it with "-initial" in the filename, for example. Select the {Calculate SOSB score} function and write the summary again. Compare the log scores. If you use EditPad, you can have both files open in the same editor, in a tabbed interface.

    This option can be used with the {Sort by QTH and Power} option explained above. The summary display below is for SA Station, SOSB 15m, QRP.

    The single-band score is taken from the results text file of a previously scored log. This single-band score can only be calculated in the Table1 output. In this example, the 15m score 14 * 4 = 56.

    Hint: Use the Write Cabrillo Files list menu to see the different category formats of the submitted logs, as some may not follow the convention outlined in the rules.

    Note: Since the log may be used for cross-checking and CabEval needs the whole log scored, the non-15m QSOs cannot be discarded prior to log scoring.

    Show score for one mode - SO Mode Category:

    Select the {Calculate SO Mode scores} check box to display the single-mode score declared in the CATEGORY: or CATEGORY-MODE: fields. As with the SOSB function, the Single Mode score calculation function uses a lookup file - {SOMode_Categories.dat}. Edit this file to suit your contest.

    Since contesters do not always use the categories in the rules, use just the modes in the lookup function - CW, SSB, PSK. Put your contest modes in the {SOMode_Categories.dat} file, one mode to a line.

    The software uses the results files (callsign.txt) for scoring data. Since the QSO points are read from the results files, the [QSO points are:] setup must be set to [by Mode] or [by Continent] for the mode calculation to work. The points per QSO are not written to the results files when [QSO points are:] [All the same] is used.

    In the {Include} menu, you must select {Multiplier QSOs in Eval text file} and {QSO points in Eval file} before doing the actual log scoring, otherwise there won`t be any data in the results files to count Mults and Q-points. Verify that these menu items are check-marked.

    The function loops thru the categories in the {SOMode_Categories.dat} file and writes the single-mode score based on the mode in the CATEGORY: or CATEGORY-MODE: tag of the log being summarized.

    First, check for logs that are mixed-mode, but the category is single-mode:
    1. Use the Write Cabrillo Files list menu to display the categories - some categories will be missing, some may not follow the convention outlined in the rules.
    2. Use the Check Categories, Check SO Mode Categories menu to check the logs that have the wrong category.

    To see the new SO mode scores, first write a normal score summary. Do `Save As` and rename it with "-initial" in the filename, for example. Select the {Calculate SO Mode scores} function and write the summary again. Compare the log scores. If you use EditPad, you can have both files open in the same editor, in a tabbed interface.

    The results of the re-calculation based on Single Mode should be checked. The CATEGORY: mode that the contester used may be incorrect, resulting in a score for 5 SSB QSOs, when 95% of the log is CW.

    Excel export:
    If the contest results are published with more categories than can be sorted by CabEval, then you may want to sort the summary file in Excel. In the Table1 setup, select Country or Continent (or both) to write those fields to the {ScoreSummaryFile.sum} file. The export function loads space de-limited text files into an Excel worksheet, so other tabular summaries (or any ASCII file) can also be exported - not just the Table1 summary.

    Then select the Summary Export to Excel menu.
         Sort by Country or Continent                                       or by both.

    In the Table1 setup when you select Country, you can select Country-Text to have the Country name (Italy, Poland etc.) included in the output file.

    Hint: If you use the Category field, put it last in the setup, since the category text can be long, which takes up more than one cell when exported to Excel.

    The Excel export is a space delimited function - so 2 word country names will be separated into 2 columns - F & G in this example.
    Rows F and G can be concatenated (combined) - column H.
    Then the references from F and G are removed to use just column H.

    To combine columns F and G starting on row 2 for example: click row 2 of column H. Enter the formula  =F2&" "&G2  which will add F and G as text with a space between them. Drag the formula from the first row to the last row to be combined. To remove the reference columns F and G from the speadsheet, select all the items in column H and do right-mouse `Copy`. Click row 2 in column H and do right-mouse `Paste Special, Values`. Delete columns F and G.

    The filename of the .sum file selected for export will be used as the filename for the Excel output file - with the extension .xls.The Excel file will be written to the {Results} folder - where the {ScoreSummaryFile.sum} file resides.

    Excel auto open:
    To have the file opened in Excel after it is written - like text files that open in your editor - use the Options Ini Setup to set the path to Excel.exe. If not, you can always open the file in Explorer.

    Table2 Files setup

    In the Summary menu, a second preferred table setup is available - used to write sorted score text files. Select the Preferred Table2 Table2 Preferences menus.  Or - use the Table1 setup to make a table that can be exported to Excel for more sort flexability.

    The text files can be written using the Summary menu - or - using the Write... menu while in the Table2 Preferences setup.

    See file write setup for contests not using 2-Ini files below.

    Sorting can be setup for one of two ways - strictly `by Category only` for single location contests or used in conjunction with the Home and DX stations (or Home and Away state) 2-Ini files setup in the Sponsor`s setup form. There are 7 different output text files that can be written. If some of the 7 files are not required, the fields are left blank.

    If the Table is blank when you start a new contest profile, select the Fill Table with defaults menu to show you the format, then edit the table to your liking. Re-save the contest Ini file(s) when you make changes to this setup.

    The Table2 Files write function uses the CATEGORY: in the results files {call.txt} for lookup. The CATEGORY: field in the Cabrillo logs must be checked (and possibly edited) for the files sort function to work properly. You can be assured that not all submitted logs will have the correct CATEGORY: information.
    Before batch scoring, you should edit the Cabrillo CATEGORY: field of the offending logs so the sorting routine will find a match - according to what you set up in the Table2 Files setup screen. Printing the list of Cabrillo logs evaluated will help locate logs that need to be edited or check off the logs that do not - Do Summary Write Cabrillo files list. Partial output shown.

    These 5 logs have different categories (with/without dash), but a match is found and the 5 scores were written to text files. The 2 main categories in the Table2 Files setup were:

    Matches are found in the above example due to the expanded lookup matching - which to a certain extent disregards the exact placement of these categories using the {dash -} in the text.

    This `by Category only` sample is for the Spring Microwave Sprint and the selector check-box is checked.

    This example is for the UK-DX RTTY Contest - the check-box is not selected - the default setting. The `location` sorting comes from the 2-Ini files setup - UK and non-UK stations.

    In this setup, you enter the CATEGORY: information for each group. ie: SOAB-HP in the first position. All logs that are UK stations and SOAB high power are sorted and the score summary for each is written to the { UK-SOAB-HP.txt } file. These output files are written to the application startup folder, not to the `results` folder if one is selected - because these sorted output files would conflict with summary functions using the *.txt results files.

    The number of log results and the number of files written are displayed in a dialog message at the end of the write function. If the number of logs does not agree with your total, check the CATEGORY: data in the `results` and Cabrillo files. Printing the list of Cabrillo logs evaluated will help locate the missing log(s) - Do Summary Write Cabrillo files list.

    The data for the output files comes from the `results` text files { logfilename.txt }.
    Contest Ini file: UKDX_RTTY_UK.ini
    Totals   18      47       19
    Actual Score: 893  *********

    Contesters should follow the rules as far as their CATEGORY: in the Cabrillo logs, but do not always do so. Also, the sponsor`s contest rules should dictate what the categories are if they want to use the Table Files function.

    Write the Cabrillo files list first to see what the majority of categories are. This will reduce the number of CATEGORY: edits.

    If you finished batch scoring lots of logs and the category fields need editing, you must edit the {call.txt} results files, not the original Cabrillo files. You can edit the Cabrillo logs, but you must re-do the batch run to update the category field in the results files.

    Setup for contests not using 2 Ini files for `Home` and `DX` for scoring.

    In this 10-10 Open Season 10m PSK Contest example, the 2 catgories Low and QRP are sorted based on the ARRL-Section: field in the Cabrillo. `DX` and `Home/non-DX` stations.

    UTC Date and Time

    The UTC Start Date and UTC Start Time fields are use to verify the first QSO in the log.

    If you do not care whether the log times are valid, or whether times are local time or UTC and want to turn off this function, select this option at the top of the Options Ini Setup.

    The year of the first QSO is also checked to verify that the log file is a current file for the contest being checked. A station may submit an old Cabrillo file - ie: the wrong file was sent to the contest sponsor.

    No UTC End Date or End Time fields are provided. CabEval does not check the date and times of QSOs to be within a specified range.

    UTC delta more than 5 minutes:
    There should not be a penalty for slightly inaccurate PC clocks. By default, the CC software uses a 5-minute rule for UTC time difference between QSOs - more than 5 minutes, the QSO will be NIL. The default UTC delta can be changed in the optional Ini setup, accessed in the main screen using the Ini Options menu or using File, Sponsor Setup, Ini options menus.

    Where in the Cabrillo

    This field identifies what column of the QSO line in the Cabrillo file that is used for the search/look-up - and the length of the look-up string in the file.

    Some log checker software may use <Space> parsing of the space delimited data, CabEval does not - software was written in 2000 when contests used column ID templates at http://wwrof.org/cabrillo/. A simple solution is included in the SW - run all submitted logs in a re-formatting function that uses the space delimited format to put the Cabrillo data in the proper columns used by the software.

    The above setup is for the {DXCC} look-up. The callsign from column 56 of the Cabrillo file is used to look-up the DXCC prefix and the string is 12 characters long. The software does the trim( ) function to remove the blank spaces after a callsign.

    Even if the DXCC mult look-up function is not used, you need to identify the column and width of the received callsign in the Cabrillo file. The evaluator uses this data when determining the station`s country origin - plus the {by Continent} QSO points, {by Callsign} QSO points, {by callsign} WPX multipliers - etc.

    Below the DXCC field are the settings for the {Other} look-up. The multiplier in column 74 of the Cabrillo file is used to look-up the state, section, prov, club number, etc and the length of the string is 4 characters. The software does the trim( ) function to remove the blank spaces.

    In contests where multipliers are counted, but a multiplier look-up file is not used, the filename {none.dat} is used. For example: different 4-digit Grid Squares are used as one type of multiplier in the `Low Power Sprint` contest. You need to define the column and width in {Where in Cabrillo} for the multiplier data to be evaluated. The 4-digit locators in this example are at column 76 and width 4 characters in the Cabrillo file.

    --- End of file ---