ares decal  Orange County – Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®)



The Orange Co. Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®)

meets the first Friday of the month at 6:30PM at the

Orange American Red Cross facility located at 3901 IH-10 East in Orange, Texas.

All Hams are invited.


There is an ARES training Net each Monday at 6:30PM on the 147.180(+) repeater.

All Hams are invited.



Click here for information for Contacts, Emergencies, Nets and questions.








 ARES Net and Emergency Frequencies

BD14830_   VHF Primary Repeater - 147.180 mHz +600 w/PL 103.5Hz (W5ND) Orange, TX

      Weekly ARES net is each Monday at 6:30PM on 147.180 repeater.

               BD14830_   VHF Secondary (backup) Repeater - 147.060 mHz  +600 w/PL 210.7Hz   (AA5P)

                     Orange, TX @ Vidor Tower in Vidor, Texas

BD14830_     VHF Primary Simplex - 147.420 mHz   no tone

BD14830_     VHF Secondary (backup) Simplex - 147.440 mHz   no tone