Station of G0BYH

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After obtaining license (G6PRF) back in the 1980's I was a keen VHF - UHF DX chaser, had great fun using quite a modest antenna system consisting of a 9 element Tonna for VHF and a 13 element for UHF. Never ran more than 30 watts and managed to work most of UK and Europe during a two year period.

After obtaining an HF (A) license VHF/UHF tended to take a back seat, I started to enjoy building and experimenting with HF antennas.

Over the years  I have tried many different types of antenna, unfortunately have always been hampered by relatively small gardens so HF has always been a challenge.

My antenna set up now is a Co-linear for VHF & UHF, and the following for HF..

80 - 10 Mtr Shortened Doublet

This antenna is supported  by a 30 ft fibre glass mast at the rear of the bungalow and is in an Inverted V configuration

Using a remote Auto-Tuner it tunes up on all bands from 80 to 10 mtrs.

SteppIR (Short) Vertical

This antenna is ground mounted with an extensive radial system buried in lawn.

Covers 6 to 20mtrs

Last update

1 May, 2020

Remote controlled tuner at base of mast