

Contacts may be made any mode, any band with NZWARO Member who are financial at the time of the contact. No QSLs required. Send full log details certifying that the contacts have been made to the Award Manager
  Lynnette McDonald ZL1LL
  25 John Street,
  Pukekohe 2120,
  New Zealand.
With sufficient postage for the return of the award.


1. ZL and VK stations work 10 WARO members resident in New Zealand. DX stations work 5.

2. Endorsement seals available to ZL and VK stations for each additional 10 contacts. DX stations 5.

3. Contacts with DX members of WARO qualify for endorsements but endorsement applications must contain at least 3 ZL contacts.


1. Stations work 10 WARO members on VHF or UHF. (Repeater contacts allowed.)

2. Endorsements for each additional 5 stations worked.

NZWARO Century Award.

1. Applications to contain full log details of contacts with 100 NZWARO members. DX members included.

2. Contacts may be any mode, any band, and each member claimed must be a financial member of NZWARO at the time of contact and may be counted once only.

NZWARO Mountain Buttercup Award. (revised 17 Nov 2017)

1. For contacts with financial members of NZWARO (including DX) resident or mobile in a city, suburb, or town. The same WARO member may be contacted in any number of towns but must only be logged once. 'Town' means any named community.

2. Fifteen contacts are required and can be on any mode or band.

3. This version of the award will date from September 2014 and no QSLS are required.

Send applications containing full log details including the name of the WARO member, her call sign and town given together with $5.00 to:-
  Lynnette McDonald ZL1LL
  25 John Street,
  Pukekohe 2120,
  New Zealand.

Myrtle Earland WARO Achievement Award

History Behind the Myrtle Earland WARO Achievement Award and the Presentation of it 2017.

Myrtle Earland was the first licenced YL Amateur Radio operator, passing her exam on the 6th February 1936. The one time fashion model became interested in Radio in the 1920's when courting Fred Earland. To quote her: 'He wasn't interested in girls at all. He was interested in his blessed radio. So I thought the only way to get in with him was to learn the Morse and get my ticket and get my man. So that is what I did.'

One of WARO's first members, Myrtle died in 1986. Her OM Noel then donated the Myrtle Earland Memorial Rose Bowl which was to be presented to the YL Amateur of the Year, later to be named the Myrtle Earland WARO Achievement Award.

It is not presented every year but is awarded to the WARO member who has achieved at a high level, to represent Amateur Radio and the spirit of it, to the enhancement of our hobby to both OMs and YLs.

This year the Myrtle Earland Achievement Award has been awarded to Ngaire Jury ZL2UJT.

Ngaire has been a member of WARO since 1989. She is the co-editor of the WARO Break In page and is one of our Monday night net controllers, who is also happy to stand in for others when they are not available. Along with this Ngaire has organized several YL get togethers in the Taranaki region, and is one of the organisers of the very popular Taranaki Award. She participates fully in the Thelma Souper Memorial Contest each year winning it once and being highly placed in other years. She along with Graham her OM, are regular attendees of NZART Conferences, and are part of the Branch 27 Field Day teams. She also enjoys participating in the ALARA contest and was 1st ZL YL recently. Ngaire contributes often to the Australian Ladies magazine, and enjoys being in contact with a lot of the YL girls on the Echolink net. She has been a keen supporter of the YL activity week. Ngaire enjoys construction activities with this hobby and works hard to encourage new and younger members of her Branch to give things a try.

We congratulate Ngaire on being the receiver of this award.

Cathy Purdie ZL2ADK
Past President WARO.
Last updated 7 Mar 2018