Club Repeater: 145.170 out, 144.570 in, 114.8 tone

Field Day, 2020

Set up was in the space in front of The Well Thrift Store on Oskaloosa Street in Pella.  We had good exposure and plenty of space for antennas and operating.

Field DayFD Overview

Operating 1Operate 02

We used a fiberglass center pole about 30 feet high, holding an off-center-fed dipole on 20 meters.  The radio was the Club's ICOM 706 MK II running off the Club's Honda inverter generator.  

One Club member operated on 15 meters from his car with his own Kenwood TS-440S into a top loaded vertical for an hour and a half.  Another member used FT8 on six meters from his pickup into a three element beam about 18 feet off the ground.

While we operated for only five hours or so, 173 contacts were made and a good time was had by all.  We are already thinking about Field Day - 2021!