The Pella Amateur Radio Club is an
organization comprised of members from all walks of life, with the
common bond of interest in communications and electronics.
They join together for learning more about their hobby, gain more
experience in these areas and use their skiils in public service.
Some examples are Field Day, assistance in public service activities, and fox
hunts (locating a hidden transmitter.)
Club meetings are held monthly on the third Sunday of each month at
1:30 PM at the Liberty Evangelical Free Church, located on Iowa
Highway 163 just west of Pella.
An informal "Ham for Breakfast" time is also held monthly, on the
first Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM at the Chick-Fil-A In Pella You don't have to be licensed operator or club member to attend and
enjoy some face-to-face time.
The Club also meets on the air weekly,
on Monday evenings at 8:00 PM, using the Repeater. All are
welcome to join in, members or not. Check the "Calendar"
page for other activities, local and not local.
In addition, a group meets more informally from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM
using 146.490 Simplex, on Saturdays for "radio fun", talking about anything relating to the
Club members in action: