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3Y0 - Bouvet Island 9J2LA - Kamilonga, Zambia JW0W - Prins Karls Forland S9OK - Sao Tome TO9W - Saint Martin (NA-105) TT8RR, TT8XX - Chad VK5KI - Kangaroo Island
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With VA3RJ

One of the most exciting segments of amateur radio operating is talking to someone in a different country of the world, or even a long distance VHF QSO. I get a great deal of enjoyment out of every DX contact I make, at this QTH, as I am apartment bound and only run low power to a mobile whip antenna mounted on my balcony railing.

Try QRP (low power) for more excitement and challenge. I have worked European amateurs with my set-up and only 5 watts output power! You do not need a kilowatt and beam antennas to work DX. Just a little patience and you will be able to break the big pile-ups and get the DX station you are chasing.

DX Callbooks
DXpedition Web Sites -
3D2CCC – Conway Reef DXpedition (OC-112)  QRT May 8, 2024
3D2Z Rotuma Island DXpedition (OC-060)  November 15 - December 4, 2024
3G0YA – Easter Island DXpedition (SA-001)  QRT May 6, 2024
3Y0K - Bouvet Island DXpedition (AN-002)  November 2025 - March 2026
3Y0L - Peter I Island DXpedition (AN-004)  February 2027
5H1WX - Mafia Island (AF-054)  September 18 - October 6, 2024
5K0LR - Isla Gorgona DXpedition (SA-017)  QRT June 11, 2024
5P5LI - Lolland Island DXpedition (EU-029)  QRT May 6, 2024
6O3T - Somaliland DXpedition 2024  Dates T.B.A.
7E4K & 7E4C - Ketawai Island (OC-144)  July 25-29, 2004  On Air!
8J1RL - Syowa Station [NIPR] (JPN-03)  On Air!
9M1Z - Semporna Islands DXpedition (OC-133)  September 1-15, 2024
A52CI & A52P – Dochula Eco Retreat, Bhutan  QRT May 4, 2024
CP7DX - Tarija, Bolivia DXpedition  QRT May 19, 2024
CY9C - St. Paul Island (NA-094)  August 26 - September 5, 2024
DP1POL - Neumayer III Antarctic Research Station  On Air!
FP/KV1J - Miquelon Island DXpedition (NA-032)  QRT July 16, 2024
FT4GL - Grande Glorieuse, Glorioso Islands (AF-011)  QRT June 18, 2024
FT4YM - Base Dumont d'Urville / FT4YM/P - Base Concordia  mid-October 2024 - end of February 2025
HD8G - Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos (SA-004)  April 18-27, 2025
J88PI - Palm (aka Prune) Island (NA-025)  September 12-21, 2024
JA1XGI/6 - Minami Daito Island (AS-047)  QRT July 23, 2024
JD1BMH - Chichijima, Ogasawara (AS-031)  QRT May 4, 2024
K8K - Pago Pago, Tutuila Island, American Samoa (OC-045)  QRT July 09, 2024
KC4AAA - Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station (USA-36)  On Air!
KC4AAC - Palmer Station, Anvers Island (USA-23)  On Air!
KH8T - Pago Pago, Tutuila Island, American Samoa (OC-045)  September 2-16, 2024
N5J - Jarvis Island NWR DXpedition (OC-081)  August 5-17, 2024
OJ0T - Market Reef DXpedition (EU-053)  QRT May 4, 2024
RI1ANE - Progress II Station (RUS-11)  December 14 2023 - May 2025  On Air!
RI1ANL - Novolazarevskaya Station (RUS-09)  On Air!
S21DX - Dhal Char Island, Bangladesh (AS-140)  December 13-19, 2024
S9Z - Sao Tome & Principe (AF-023)  November 11-20, 2024
TM24U - Ile Saint-Nicolas DXpedition (EU-094)  QRT May 10, 2024
V7 – Marshall Islands (RMI) 2025  February, 2025
VK2/W7BRS - Lord Howe Island (OC-004)  July 14 - August 1, 2024  On Air!
VK9CV – Cocos-Keeling island (OC-003)  November 1-15, 2024
VK9LA - Lord Howe Island (OC-004)  QRT June 24, 2024
VP6WR – Pitcairn Island (OC-044)  September 5-15, 2024
VP8CMH/MM - R.R.S. Sir David Attenborough  On Air!
VP8LP - Stanley, E. Falkland Island (GBR-25)  On Air!
VP8NO - Stanley, E. Falkland Island (GBR-25)  On Air!
VU4X - South Andaman Island (AS-001)  March 10-25, 2025
XT2MD - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso  October 31 - November 11, 2024
YJ0VV - Efate Island, Vanuatu (OC-035)  October 16-30, 2024

21st Edition - Antarctic Activity Week 2024
February 18 - 25, 2024

Latest News - Antarctic Activity and Updates  Info, QSL routes and more

French Polar Team Website
Polar DX Challenge  Application Form and Handbook
Polar DX Group Facebook Page
WAO - Work Arctic Ocean 2023  .pdf file
WAP - Worldwide Antarctic Program  Awards, bulletins, information and much more
WAP Award Rules
WAP-WADA & WAP-WACA Directories
WAP Antarctic & Sub-Antarctic Light Houses
Useful Antarctic Links

Argentine Antarctic Stations
International Polar Year (2007 - 2009)
50 Years Scott Base 1957 - 2007
Antarctic Net 16:00z every Monday 21.275 Mhz by Dom DL5EBE
Antarctic DX Net 23:00z every Saturday and Sunday on 7.078MHz
by LU4DXU. Also check 14.160MHz, 14.188MHz
and 14203MHz from 16:00z and ahead.
China DX Net 13:00z every Saturday on 21.410 Mhz
FCG Net 22:00z every day on 21.365 Mhz by JA stations
Russian Antarctic Polar Net 15:00z every day on 14.160 Mhz by Vlad UA1BJ
South Pole Polar Net 00:00z every day on 14.243 Mhz by Larry K1IED

The New DX Summit by the Arcala Extremes, OH8X in cooperation with Yasme Foundation Inc.

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