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Industry Canada - Amateur Radio Service
Industry Canada Amateur Radio Exam Generator  Learning aid for prospective amateurs and administrative tool for examiners.
RAC ExHAMiner v2.5  Self-test exam generator (Question Bank) for Canadian Amateur Radio certification.
Amateur Radio - What is it?? - How to get started & General information:
Canadian Amateur Radio Courses  by Radio Amateurs of Canada
Getting Started  by Radio Amateurs of Canada
Ham Radio, a Teacher's Guide
Ham Radio In the 21st Century  Doug Grant, K1DG
Ham Radio Resource Guide
Meeting People with Ham Radios  Thanks go to Abby for this link!

Canadian Clubs and Organizations:
Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio Club
RAC - Radio Amateurs of Canada
U_VE Club  Canadian Russian Speaking Hams

Canadian Nets:
ONTARS (Ontario Amateur Radio Service) Net  Daily 7am-6pm ET on 3.755 MHz
Sandbox Roundtable Net  Daily at 2300 UTC on 7.063 MHz (+/- QRM)
Sanderson Hour  Daily 9:00 pm on 3.762.5 MHz
Trans Canada Net  Sat & Sun 18:00 to 20:00 UTC 14.140 MHz
Trans Provincial Net  Daily 7:00am to 5:00pm on 7.055 MHz LSB

Clubs and Organizations:
American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
Antique Wireless Association
Brave Radio Friends  No fee international club for DXer's, SWL's and award hunters
Delaware-Lehigh Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club  VK3ER - Mitcham, VIC, Australia
FISTS - The International Morse Preservation Society
GARS - The Guernsey Amateur Radio Society
IARU - International Amateur Radio Union
IRA - Icelandic Radio Amateurs
ITU - International Telecommunication Union  Geneva, Switzerland HQ
NAQCC - North American QRP CW Club  Free lifetime membership!
Nittany ARC   Home of the Pennsylvania QSO Party
NOAA  National Oceania and Atmospheric Administration
QCWA - Quarter Century Wireless Association
Radio Club de Honduras
RSGB - Radio Society of Great Britain
SARL - South African Radio League
SOC - Second Class Operators Club
SOWP - Society of Wireless Pioneers
SPAR Home Page  Society for the Preservation of Amateur Radio
The World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and Listeners
10-10 International Club  For the 10 meter enthusiast

Conventions & Hamfests:
Hamilton A.R.C. Hamfest  September 28, 2024 - Ancaster Fairgounds, 630 Trinity Road, Ancaster, ON
Montreal South Shore Hamfest  October 19, 2024 - Bingo Longeuil, 1591, blvd Roland-Therrien Longueuil, QC
York Region Hamfest  October 26, 2024 - Aurora Legion, 105 Industrial Parkway North, Aurora, ON

Digital & Internet Communications:
DMR-MARC Worldwide Network
EchoLink  Communicate over the Internet worldwide
IRLP - Internet Radio Linking Project

Emergency Communications:
CANWARN - Canadian Weather Amateur Radio Network
CFARS - Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System
ECOA - Emergency Communications Ontario Association
Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG)  Ottawa ARES
GDACS - Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System
IRESC - International Radio Emergency Support Coalition
RACES - Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
SATERN Home Page  Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network
SKYWARN National Home Page

Forums & Email Reflectors:
Ham Swap Net  Yahoo! group - sell, trade and general ham info (Tnx Lewis VE3QJ).

Frequency Allocation and Band Plans:
Radio Allocation Charts  by WA2JXE

Personal Ham Radio Websites:
4Z5AX (4X3DIG) Home Page
9A6AA  Emir - Islands of Croatia Award official web site
Amateur Radio Hamworld Links & Info  by Ric DL2VFR
Brazilian Islands, Lighthouses and Forts - PP5SZ
DL2VFR's Home Page
DL3BZZ  CW based web site by Lutz from Frankenberg, Germany
EA1EWY / EA1MR  Nice web site by Julio from Lugo (Galicia), Spain
I1WQR Link Radio  Over 10000 ham radio links
IZ8DMZ  Dony's FB web site from Caivano, Italy
Internet Ham Atlas  by Darek, SP6NVK
K3KY's DX Toolbar
K3WWP's Ham Radio Activities  A close ham radio friend of over 40 years
K4HB  I recommend you visit Hal's site
K8YSE  "Devoted to the Pursuit of Excellence in DXing"
KC8AON's QRP World  Rick - Ironton, OH
LZ3HI  LZ3HI's Gold QSL Print Service
Mike's Amateur Radio Page
N3NVA's Homepage  Great Frequency database, links, and more
NG3K Amateur Radio Contest / DX Page  DX and contest information
OE8CIQ  Chris's operations as OEM8CIQ, IL3/OE8CIQ/P (EU-130), with infos/photos
PE2PE  Freek's web site - Home of "The Famous Funny QSL Gallery"
SP9JPA Blog   A wealth of award info by Henryk, SP9JPA
SV1CNS  Excellent site with lots of DX & QSL Info, ham software, and more
SV2AEL  Visit Savas at his very informative website - lots of good information
VE2EK - 9Q1EK - ZS1II  Georges FB Blog site!
VE6MIM  Good info on ham satellites

Websites of Interest:
Arecibo Observatory Amateur Radio Club - KP4AO
Brazilian Amateur Radio Historical Archive
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Canadian Private Radio Stations
Canadian Private Television Stations
Canadian Radio-Television Commission (CRTC)
FCC Amateur Radio Practice Pages  Technician, General, Extra Class Exams, plus CW
Hammond Museum of Radio
History of Canadian Broadcasting
Museum of Radio & Technology
National Capital Radio & Television Museum  Dedicated to the preservation of radio and television history
Nikola Tesla Museum
Pavek Museum of Broadcasting
United States Early Radio History
World Harvest Radio International
World Radio Network - QRN

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