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To reduce bandwidth, operations with QSL home call direct or Bureau will not be shown.
Example: VP2M/DL7CF QSL HC (d/B). However, if the QSL manager is other than DL7CF
the information will appear in this list.
Listing is by Calendar Date of operation (Day/Month).
QSL: H/c = Home Call (d/B) = Direct
or Bureau (d) = Direct Only (B) = Bureau Preferred
01/01-07/01 3D2GE: Viti Levu - Island L-0055 QSL OE3GEA (d/B)
01/01-31/01 8J1Z: Honshu L-2376 QSL JARL Bureau
01/01-05/01 9H/DM9EE: Malta Island L-1113 QSL H/c (d/B)
01/01-14/01 9Y4/WA3DX: Trinidad - Island L-0563 QSL H/c (d)
01/01-31/01 CQ3WWA: Ilha Da Madeira L-0053 QSL LoTW Only
01/01-07/01 DU3/F4EBK: Luzon Island L-0081 QSL F4EUO (d/B)
01/01-08/01 FR/F5PLC: La Reunion Island L-1812 QSL H/c (d/B)
01/01-31/01 GB0IRN: Scotland - Main Island L-1234 QSL
01/01-31/01 GB2WWA: England - Main Island L-1841 QSL LoTW Only
01/01-31/01 GB4WWA: Scotland - Main Island L-1234 QSL LoTW Only
01/01-31/01 GB6WWA: Wales - Main Island L-0453 QSL LoTW Only
01/01-31/01 GB8WWA: Northern Ireland - Island L-1439 QSL LoTW Only
01/01-03/01 HD8FG: Santa Cruz - Island L-1667 QSL HC2FG (d)
01/01-31/01 IR0WWA: Sardinia Island L-1608 QSL LoTW Only
01/01-04/01 J75K: Dominica Republic Island (Main) L-2649 QSL IV3JVJ (d)
01/01-03/01 JD1BMH: Chichi-Jima - Island L-2269 QSL JD1BMH (B), JG7PSJ (d)
01/01-04/01 JI3DST/6: Miyako-Jima - Island L-0249 QSL
01/01-04/01 JI3DST/P: Miyako-Jima - Island L-0249 QSL
01/01-03/01 KH0/AJ6VJ: Saipan - Island L-1333 QSL LoTW, - email for paper QSL
01/01-06/01 V4/G4DVB: Saint Christopher - Island L-1164 QSL GW4DVB (d)
01/01-16/01 VP5/KJ5CMP: Providenciales Island L-2003 QSL H/c (d)
01/01-16/01 VP5/N5VOF: Providenciales Island L-2003 QSL H/c (d)
01/01-16/01 VP5/WD5JR: Providenciales Island L-2003 QSL H/c (d)
01/01-31/01 W4I: Puerto Rico - Island L-2802 QSL LoTW Only
01/01-31/01 W8YCM/6Y: Jamaica - Island L-0214 QSL H/c (d)
01/01-01/01 YB8QT: Sangihe - Island L-2486 QSL IK2DUW, LoTW
01/01-06/02 YB9/ON6HX: Lombok - Island L-2637 QSL H/c (d/B)
02/01-06/01 ZF2/VE7ADA: Grand Cayman - Island L-1042 QSL H/c (d/B)
04/01-31/01 GB200LB: Scotland - Main Island L-1234 QSL M0OXO (d, OQRS)
05/01-05/01 FO/DL8JDX: Tahiti Island L-0885 QSL H/c (d/B)
05/01-12/01 K6VHF/HR9: Roatan - Island L-1671 QSL H/c (d/B), ClubLog
05/01-16/01 VI2025AJ: Australia - Main Island L-1520 QSL
05/01-17/01 ZF2BJ: Grand Cayman - Island L-1042 QSL K0BJ (d)
06/01-25/01 VE3VSM/HR9: Roatan - Island L-1671 QSL H/c (d/B), LoTW
07/01-21/02 OX3LX: Greenland - Island L-0072 QSL OZ0J (d)
07/01-14/01 V4/K5TU: Saint Christopher - Island L-1164 QSL H/c (d)
09/01-12/01 5W0GE: Upolu - Island L-1944 QSL OE3GEA (d/B)
09/01-26/01 FG/VA3QSL: Guadeloupe Grande terre Island only - Island L-3035 QSL H/c (d/B)
10/01-18/01 AU2WBRC: Sagar island L-2262 QSL VU2WB (see
11/01-25/01 C6APS: Great Abaco - Island L-1903 QSL LoTW preferred
11/01-18/01 VP9/AA1AC: Hamilton / Parish (Main Island Only) - Island L-0201 QSL H/c (d)
13/01-20/01 PJ4JA: Bonaire Island L-1279 QSL JA3AVO (d)
14/01-21/01 CT9/HA2KF: Ilha Da Madeira L-0053 QSL H/c (d/B), LoTW
14/01-21/01 CT9/HA2KMR: Ilha Da Madeira L-0053 QSL H/c (d/B), LoTW
14/01-21/01 CT9/HA4FF: Ilha Da Madeira L-0053 QSL H/c (d/B), LoTW
14/01-21/01 CT9/OE6JOZ: Ilha Da Madeira L-0053 QSL H/c (d/B), LoTW
14/01-04/02 PJ2/PD1DRE: Curacao - Island L-0942 QSL only
15/01-22/01 KH6/NY6G: Oahu - Island L-1227 QSL H/c (d)
16/01-20/01 ZF2PG: Grand Cayman - Island L-1042 QSL K8PGJ (d)
17/01-25/01 HI59UD: Dominican Republic (Main) - Island L-2974 QSL LoTW,
17/01-28/01 P4/DL4MM: Aruba - Island L-0033 QSL H/c (d/B), ClubLog
18/01-19/01 CR3HA: Ilha Da Madeira L-0053 QSL Hungarian QSL Bureau,
18/01-20/01 MW1GRY: Wales - Main Island L-0453 QSL M1GRY (d)
19/01-27/01 FM/F4IFF: Martinique - Island L-1041 QSL EB7DX (d, OQRS)
21/01-28/01 VK2/F5LIT: Australia - Main Island L-1520 QSL H/c (d)
21/01-03/02 ZD7DPX: Saint Helena Island L-1488 QSL IK2DUW (d, OQRS), ClubLog
22/01-01/02 HQ9Y: Roatan - Island L-1671 QSL H/c E73Y (see
23/01-30/01 PJ7TM: Saint Martin Island - Netherlands Part Only L-0711 QSL K2GSJ (d-SASE)
23/01-26/01 VP5/OE3GEA: Providenciales Island L-2003 QSL H/c (d/B)
24/01-26/01 JW/LB5SH: Spitsbergen - Island L-0125 QSL LoTW only
24/01-26/01 JW2T: Spitsbergen - Island L-0125 QSL EA5GL
24/01-26/01 P40AA: Aruba - Island L-0033 QSL DL4MM (d/B), ClubLog
26/01-30/01 A9100IARU: Bahrain Island L-1936 QSL EC6DX (d) - No Bureau
26/01-28/01 IG9/S51V: Di Lampedusa Island L-2312 QSL S51V (d)
26/01-05/02 V47JA: Saint Christopher - Island L-1164 QSL W5JON (d)
27/01-06/02 FG/F5HRY: Marie Galante Island (Main) L-2655 QSL H/c (d/B)
28/01-02/02 VP5/KD8RTT: Providenciales Island L-2003 QSL H/c (d)
31/01-31/01 VP8TIA: East Falkland - Island L-1479 QSL LoTW Only
04/02-08/02 JH2EHP/6: Miyako-Jima - Island L-0249 QSL LoTW, - No paper cards
04/02-08/02 JH2EHP/P: Miyako-Jima - Island L-0249 QSL LoTW, - No paper cards
05/02-07/02 JW8AJA: Spitsbergen - Island L-0125 QSL LA8AJA (d/B)
05/02-12/02 P49X: Aruba - Island L-0033 QSL W0YK (d)
06/02-10/02 A975IARU: Bahrain Island L-1936 QSL EC6DX (d)
06/02-06/02 IQ9MY/P: Carrozziere Porto Grande WAIL SI-010, WLOL ITA-049, L-1362 QSL IT9CAR (d/B)
07/02-13/02 HI7/SP9LR: Dominican Republic (Main) - Island L-2974 QSL H/c (d/B)
08/02-09/02 OH0/SE2QRP: Aland - Main Island L-1373 QSL SA2SAA (d/B)
09/02-09/02 IQ9MY/P: Caderini Porto Grande WAIL SI-009, L-1362, ITA-003 QSL IT9CAR (d/B)
11/02-11/02 IQ9MY/P: Dromo Giggia WAIL SI-008, L-1362, ITA-062 QSL IT9CAR (d/B)