Runs on XP and later OS, with post contest log entry.
Logs ARRL VHF/UHF `big 4` and other contests and logs WSJT QSOs.
° Logs Rover QSOs as Call/R. Logging without the mouse.
DVK - Plays wave files w/repeat and PTT control.
· Call the working station in your voice. · DVK over-ride functions.
CW keyer - Memory and keyboard CW, w/repeat and PTT.
· Software swap of DTR and RTS.
· Supports Real COM ports, USB and USB to serial converters.
° Displays US grid maps and distance/bearing/recip from 6-digit calculations.
· Use the WG7J GridMapper post contest! Awesome App.
Works with PstRotator to control your rotator - from typed in callsign.
Transverter offsets, IF frequency and dial calibration delta is displayed.
Interfaces with a band decoder
or N3FTI's 10-band interface - the
decoder board pix.
· Win7 and Win8 band switching is supported using a USB I/O controller board.
Writes ASCII, ADIF and Cabrillo.
° Displays your favorite
beacon frequencies.
° UTC offset from system clock. Use Dimension 4 or other clock updating software.
New: The history file supplied contains Calls, Op`s names, bands used and 6-digits primarily from the NE U.S. Also supports the new partial callsign check function. VHF LOG can be setup using data from your own activity area. Use a different filename with the same format.