W3KM - GenLog Revision History
   GenLog Revision History     To find text, use <F3>

** Rename you current working version .exe for BU.
** Microsoft doesn`t ship WinHelp32 with new OS. Download it.
   Otherwise, select the HTML version in the HELP menu.
** This is the FAQ page.

° The 1990`s VB Windows Installer was replace by JGS DeployMaster.
° Note -- The install folder and update folder is set to c:\genlog32, unless
  you change it, which you can do by clicking [Advanced Options Installation],
  but you must remember to change it each time you get an update.

09/2024 v8.52
° Updated WI POTA contest to new Park IDs - US#### instead of K-####
° Edits to the ADIF and Cabrillo outputs.
° Removed support for YO DX Contest. Visual Basic `out of memory` errors.

08/2024 v8.51
° Updated the CWOpsClub-Mems.dat file.
° Updated Help files.
° Added RAC VE3RHQ = 20 Q-points.

06/2024 v8.51
° Modified the Maryland QSO Party for new exchange. Since Category is not sent,
   the score cannot be calculated per the rules. The sponsor will score logs.

05/2024 v8.50
° Fixed NEQP counties lists and scoring again.

03/2024 v8.50
° Fixed the Cabrillo header on YOTA Contest.
° Updated NCQP. Updates New England QSO Party - mults are formatted
  as StateCounty, instead of CountyState

02/2024 v8.50
° `Out of memory` issues addressed.

01/2024 v8.49
° Medium Speed CW Test: Swapped position of Name and Serial# input boxes to follow
  the rules.
° Added 'check DXCC' to the 'check ARRL section' routine in ADIF write routine.
° Rules for Croatia CW changed. No longer supported. Use N1MM+ or other logger.
° Added Op Name to the CW Ops Mini Contest members' lookup.
° Changed ARRL 10m Contest for new rules.

11/2023 v8.48
° Updated SEQP and others for rules changes. 
° Edited the title bar to be the correct version text.

08/2023 v8.47
° Updated POTA and WI POTA ADIF file. 
° Updated CQ WW RTTY Cabrillo Category tags.
° Updated MDQP for Q-points. 
° Updated the CAQP multiplier files.
° Updated ARRL FD for 1D to 1D rules change.
° Fixed more Cabrillo headers.

05/2023 v8.46
° Fixed Canadian Prairies scoring to include mult total.
° Updated several contests for dupe rules changes.
° Updated Arkansas QP QSO points for rules changes.
° Updated MARAC County Hunter QSO points changes and name change.
° Updated Texas State Parks OTA and LAQP Cabrillo header for changes.
° Updated SP DX Contest
° Updated VAQP Cabrillo header for changes.

03/2023 v8.45
° Updated New Mexico QSO Party - exchange RST instead of NAME.
° Updated SC QSO Party QSO points.
° Added MST Medium Speed Test and K1USN Slow Speed Test events.
° New membership file for CW OPs Mini and CW OPs Open.

v8.41 - v8.44         -2022-
Added MX to Winter Field Day sections [sections-WFD.dat] for Mexico ops.
Updated several Cabrillo log headers.
Updated CQ-WW_RTTY and other contests Cabrillo logs.
Updated NYQP data files and Washington Salmon Run Cabrillo name.
Added KY POTA and Youngsters on the Air Contests.
Updated MDQP and WVQP for bonus points.
Added ARRL Digital Contest and Canadian Prairies QSO Party.
Updated Cabrillo and ADIF files for several contests.
Updated the ARQP counties data files to be 3-characters per the rules change.
Updated MIQP for rules, no serial# exchanged.
Fixed the Write Summary routine. Lately, many contests did not write correctly.
Changed Cabrillo contest name for a few rules changes.
Fixed XE RTTY Cabrillo and QSO points.
Fixed OMISS - reads member numbers >9999 from lookup file.
Updated Cabrillo for a few contests.
Updated the Ontario QSO Party for rules changes.
Updated the Quebec QSO Party for rules changes.

v8.37 - v8.41         -2021-
Changed Cabrillo contest name for FT8 Roundup to FT8-RU. However we use WSJT-X to log
and write the Cabrillo.
In the Log Editor screen, since you hit <Enter> to accept an edited change,
hitting <Enter> again saves the change and takes you back to the logging screen.
Added scoring to NA Srint.
More ADIF change updates.
More changes to WSJT logging.
Changed Help file default format to HTML.
Removed Novice Rig Roundup from support.
Changes for POTA and CANADA DAY.
Changes to the Options setup.
Updated contest names.
Added YB DX RTTY Contest.
Fixed the OMISS and ARRL DX ADIF files.
Cabrillo change for AZQP.
Changed the NAQCC member data file to 5 digits.
Added logging for 60m from the WSJT log.
Added Cabrillo output to W/VE Island QSO Party.
Other fine tuning of WSJT-X logging.

v8.34 - v8.36         -2020-
Added WSJT mode FST4 to ADIF output.
Fixed the PAQP summary write for non-US county stations.
NJQRP Skeeter Contest not up-to-date, but you can still log QSOs. Only a
summary is required - no logs. See their web site.
ARRL FD can import WSJT QSOs.
Fixed several contest ADIFs for FT4 - <MODE:4>MFSK <SUBMODE:3>FT4 
The easiest way to update contests is to get the latest version of GenLog.
As always, you can always get the latest data files in the Zipped archive.
Sort the archive for the latest date at the top.
For 2020 ARRL FD, 1D to 1D QSOs score Q-points.
Added Cosack's Honor VHF/UHF Contest.
Updated State QSO Party ADIF files.
Changed duping to allow working dupes. They are not tagged as 0-pointers.
You can edit them to 0-pointers, or the sponsor will score your log.
There is no penalty for dupes in your log, since the other station may
not have previously logged you.
More work on the log editor - last QSO should remain highlighted.
Updated State QSO Party ADIF files and REF Contest multiplier counting.
Updates to WSJT-X logging, FT8 RoundUp.
Updated the ARRL 10GHz and Up Cabrillo log.
Updated Alabama QSO Party for rules change. All QSO points = 2.
Added the FT8 DX Contest and FT4 mode.
Fixed ARI International DX Contest multiplier counter.

v8.32                 -2019-
Fixed various contest ADIF files; changed <qth:nn> tag to <my_state:nn>.
Added AGCW Happy New Year Contest.
Added more tooltips on labels and buttons. 
Added Cabrillo to several contests.
Disabled the log editor in CNPOTA - use NotePad.
Updated Gedebage DX Contest for new rules.

v8.28 - v8.31         -2018-
Added WSJT modes to the mode combo-box selector.
Added TRC DIGI Contest. More Cabrillo additions.
Added Canadian National Parks OTA activity.
Cabrillo logs are now v3.0 by default.
ARRL 10-GHz [Edit/Change Log] Change TX grid: Double-click a QSO, edit the
sent TX 6-digit and hit <Enter>. The distance is re-calculated.
Updated PAQP QSO points and Cabrillo. RTTY and PSK QSOs are "RY" in Cabrillo.
For in-state stations in state QSO Parties: [Edit/Change Log] adds the
STATE field to selected QSOs to count 2 mults (county and state).
Updated the Contest HELP files regarding these multiplier changes.
Added setup screen [Help] about address not in [City, ST Zip] format.
Added Wisconsin Parks OTA and Collegiate QSO Party - no scoring..
Rules changes to the Arizon QSO Party, Alabama QSO Party and Nevada QSO Party.
Rules changes for New Jersey QSO Party and South Dakota QSO Party.. 
Rules changes to the Maryland-DC QSO Party and 10-10 Open Season PSK Contest.
Rules changes to the Ohio State Parks OTA and Florida State Parks OTA.
ADIF output changes for SOTA, POTA and SPOTA.
Several changes and fixes to ARRL FD.
Added POTA activity and updated KYQP for 2018 rules.
Updated several contests ADIF file writes.
Added SOTA Activity. Added the WWFF Activity, then added dupe pop-up.
Corrected some of the WFD Cabrillo header. Do manual edit for the rest.
Added a font size change to the partials windows. Right-clicking on
the window increases the font size, then resets back to original size.
Updated NVQP for 2018 rules changes (exchange is serial and location).
Added date modified to yellow [Contest name] label click procedure.
Updates to LZ DX Contest rules.
Added ARRL International Grid Chase.
Changed Cabrillo serial format 0001 TRC to 0001TRC.

v8.24 - v8.27         -2017-
Updates to WSJT-X logging and 2 some for ADIF write.
Updated the TRC DX Contest for new rules; Q-points, mults and duping. Member
lookup file fills in "TRC".
Edited the OSPOTA park files - 1 deleted, 1 added.
Added error trap for missing comma delimiter in the setup screen, which causes
the Cabrillo write to fail. Format = City, ST (or Province) Zip (or Postal Code).
Added Scottish DX Contest, WAL Contest and 070 Club High Band Challenge.
Updated the Marconi Memorial Contest for current rules; Q-points and Cabrillo output.
Added "No pop-up to exit program" option. Save it in the GenLog_Control.ini file.
Updated keyboard shortcut documentation and Help files.
Updated Portugal Day Contest for rules changes - Q-points, modes and multipliers.
Novice Rig Roundup rules have changed - do not use.
Grid count and grid map tweaks.
Added the default filenames for the ADIF grid square lookup.
Updated Hawaii QP for rules changes - Q-points, modes and multipliers.
Count US contiguous grids - 50-MHz FFMA for example.
Now the position of a minimized logging screen will not be stored on program exit.
Updated Indiana QP for new rules. Exchange is a 5-character statecounty, ex: INADA.
Updated YU-DX Contest for rules changes.
Added Club QSO Party, Texas State Parks OTA and Florida State Parks OTA.
Users wanted more keyboard shortcuts.
Added the South America 10m Contest.
Fixed/changed several contests ADIF files.
More sub-forms are now re-sizable. You may need to re-size them for first time use
by dragging the lower-right corner. Upper-right-X or [Done] saves the size/position.
Added the Cupa Moldovei Contest - YO stations only contest.
Added Solar Eclipse QSO Party contest.
Added tooltip to the [City, ST Zip] label and the input field in the setup form.
Mouse roller scroll on the log window works again, changed by mistake.
Added WSJT-X log form to add QSOs to General logs. Added WSJT-X mode identifiers to the
log and to the Grid total and DXCC total files - (#,&,:,@ and $).
Added shortcuts to select the grid map type, which is the same as selecting with the
{Grids} menu. Read more about the maps in the Grid Squares Help, like re-sizing and
auto opening maps with the shortcuts. Changes to several Grid map lookup files.
Added an Options Setup form to configure the new options and some that were entered
manually in the control.ini file. Use the File Open Options setup menus.
Added a path selector to write all ADIF files to a different folder.
Added Cabrillo write to FMRE RTTY contest (Mexico International RTTY).
The FindDXCC App was not being included with the update file. It is now.
When a keyer file is not specified in the Auto Keyer setup table, the current keyer
file is used.
Although the main screen re-sizing does not work correctly, some screens are re-sizable
now. You can re-size these forms for first time use by dragging the lower-right corner.
Upper-right-X saves the size and position.
CW setup now shows the keyer filename when used as the F-key cheat sheet and you are
operating in multiple contests. Added On/Off switch to the Auto Keyer file form.

v8.19 - v8.23         -2016-
Preliminary new rules for WFDA Winter Field Day for beta testing.
Updated Helvetia Contest for rules changes.
Modified the PAQP to support county line counties, both sent and received.
Added the Auto CW keyer file loading function. It loads the associated keyer file
at new contest start or when a contest log file is clicked.
Moved the Back-up folder path setup to the {Log} menu.
Fixed the mult counter in Ukrainian DX Contest, was using previous rules log format.
Added HA-QRP Contest, N-SSTV 20M Contest and 15-Meter SSTV Dash Contest.
Fixed more contests for ADIF export, state/prov fixes where DXCC prefixes were
the same as state/prov abbreviations (CT, PA, ON etc).
Updated some Cabrillo logs where the CATEGORY-POWER: was blank.
ARRL School Club Roundup: Unique Clubs and Schools also count as mults.
Two changes for visually impaired users with screen readers: Minor change to the
contest selector for easier selection. Added right-mouse click on the LOG files
list-box that opens a Windows "LOG Load" dialog form.
Write Summary and Write/Export ADIF can be done in the Log menu.
Changed {GName.dat} personal data file to a newer Windows format.
Updated NJQP for rules changes.
Added an Email entry field in the setup screen, for Cabrillo.
ARRL 10-GHz: Changed the "worked before" window to include the sent and received
grids. Changed the dupe QSO text to include both grids.
Updated SA Sprint for 2017 rules changes; DXCC added as mults.
Updated W/VE Island QSO Party for current rules, ie: Multipliers are States/Prov/Terr
and Islands - by mode. Updated the island data files.
Partial check file now selectable from a Windows File Open dialog. The right output
window width was expanded. Added the partials {KM-VHF-Partials.dta} lookup file
for VHF/UHF users in NE US.
Added CVA DX Contest and Serbian CW Club Contest.
Added use of a second VHF/UHF grid square lookup file; {VHF-History.txt} or your
own file with a different filename can be used, in the same format.
Ohio State Parks OTA data files changed from 75 mults to 74.
PAQP RAC/VE sections changed to the ARRL list.
Changed WAE and WAG submission logs from STF to Cabrillo.
Changed ADIF VHF+ frequencies to v3.0, now in frequency and meters.
Changed ARRL Field Day - # Sections and States worked always displayed.
Added SA Sprint contest. Bands are limited to 20m and 40m only.
Updated the ARRL Rookie Roundup mult scoring to the current rules.
Updated OK-OM DX for Q-points changes and added DXCC mults. Fixed mults
routine; was counting serial numbers. Fixed editor form for Q-points editing.
Added RSGB RoLo Contest - replaced the RSGB RoPoCo Contest.
Added ARLC VHF-UHF Contest. Writes Cabrillo logs per band.
Changed ARAM Concurso VHF-UHF - writes Cabrillo logs per band.
Updated the PREFIXES, SQUARES, GEN_TIME and COUNTIES apps for Win8/10.
Updated SCQP Cabrillo header for submission requirements.
CQ WW 160m rules changes. DX sends RST and CQ zone. Zones are not mults.
Updated NC QSO Party and NH QSO Party for rules changes.
Updated Wisconsin QSO Party for mode rules change - DIG=CW in Cabrillo. 
Delaware QSO Party county abbreviations are now: KDE, NDE and SDE. They
were changed to reduce conflicts with other contests on the same weekend.
Updated NJQRP Skeeter Hunt for basic scoring. Fixed member filename typo.
Added Russian WW MultiMode Contest, Gedebage DX Contest, Black Sea Cup
International, WFDA Winter Field Day (new sponsor) and UK/EI DX contests.

v8.14 - v8.18         -2015-
In HSC Contest, modified the HSC member file format.
Added `ARRL National Parks on the Air` event.
Updated SC QSO Party scoring and county outputs for rules changes.
SBMS 2GHz & Up Contest distance points changed to X a band multiplier.
In the ARRL 10GHz & Up and SBMS 2GHz & Up, modified the worked B4 display
to include the sent and worked grids. Modified the editor to re-calculate
the distance when the worked grid is changed.
South Carolina QP rules changes: mults per mode, QSO points and 3 modes now.
Updated some QSO parties for in-state mobile QSOs, different QTH is not a dupe.
Indiana QP rules changes: mults per mode.
Arkansas QP rules changes, 3 modes-QSO points, mults per log.
TNQP rules changes for Q-points and mults/band.
NA Sprint rules changes for multiplier list.
Added QRZ.com callsign lookup.
When using the VHF/UHF {vhf4k.adi} lookup, a different filename can be selected.
Ohio QP rules changes; send RST instead of serial numbers.
Added NJQP Skeeter Hunt, FM Nasaud Cup and Flight of the Bumble Bees.
Updated King of Spain Contest, Volta RTTY and Illinois QSO Party Contests
for rules/Cabrillo/scoring changes.
General Logging (option 09) {Other input} field length changed to 12 characters
and spaces allowed.
Changed School Club Roundup per new rules.
Updated SPAR Winter Field Day
CQMM DX (CWJF): Changed the startup menu item to `CQMM DX Contest` and fixed the
contest option selector. Changed scoring to follow new rules for Q-points and mults.
WPX (SA QSOs) are per band and DXCC mults are once per log.
Updated Missouri QSO Party and Louisiana QSO Party for scoring changes.
Some WPX multipliers from long special events calls will not score properly since
the `new multiplier` field is length limited in the log.
Updated VTQP for scoring change; Club call multipliers by mode.
Updated DEQP rules for QSO points, multipliers (by band).
Added OK QRP Contest (Czech).

v8.12 - v8.13         -2014-
Updated IAQP for scoring changes and updated the county abbreviation files to
follow the new rules.
Updated many Cabrillo headers; updated Maine QP for rules changes.
Updated the RDAC Cabrillo file for column order and format per the rules. Updated
the look-up file {RDA_Dist.dat}.
Changed most Cabrillo outputs to have default CATEGORY-BAND: and CATEGORY-MODE: tags.
Contesters should follow the contest rules and edit the Cabrillo header as required.
Updated All Asian DX Contest to output a Cabrillo log instead of the JARL AA file.
Updated Peanut Power categories. Setup screen [Op Status] field = CATEGORY: field
in Cabrillo. Use the pull-down list or enter a category (all contests).
General Log: fixed grid square over-type after finding a grid in the look-up file.
Updated the ARI DX Contest for Q-point rules changes.
Removed access to the NA Sprint log editor since it is a specially formatted log.
Use NotePad, but maintain the same columns and <Space> delimited format.
Added ARRL Centennial QSO Party, Peanut Power QRP Sprint and WAPC DX Contest.
Added 13 Colonies Special Event and Tesla Memorial HF contest.
Updated Great Colorado Snowshoe Contest for rules changes.
ARRL EME contest `Report` label changed to `Exch` - report, grid etc.
ARRL 10M Cabrillo header changes for mode.
Added SMIRKmems.dat lookup file to SMIRK Contest.
UTC time formatting changes for Linux/Wine users; leading zero issue.
Trapped error for `File` `Display log/datafiles` use, when no log was loaded.
Changed the contest selector for the Ukrainian DX and Ukrainian DX Digi contests.
Updated Arizona QP for new exchange rules; serial number plus AZ+county or SPC.
Modified the CQ WW DX RTTY multiplier counter. Updated CQ WW DX RTTY Cabrillo output;
non-W/VE QTH in the log is "DX".

v8.0 - v8.1                 -2013-
Added an option in the `View` menu to change the `Score` to a no-comma format.
See the FAQ for more information.
Changed Washington Salmon Run; CW and DIG=3 points.
Changed 10-10 contests Cabrillo format to follow the new rules.
Changed SMIRK Cabrillo log format, placeholder "0" = no SMIRK number.
Changed MIQRP log submission output file to Cabrillo.
Changed All-Asian CW Contest .ALL submissions file for QSOs > 999 (4-digits).
Fixed VOLTA RTTY log; wasn`t saving the received serial number.
In CQ-M Cabrillo file; reversed sent RST and Exch columns.
Updated IOTA rules for QSO points.
Changed the counters for ARRL sections to 83.
01/2013 v8.0   ***  Windows 8   Windows 8   Windows 8  ***
Major revision supports Win8 and earlier OS. Requires a Windows installation
regardless of OS. Installs in the same default folder as earlier versions.
Rules changes for Hawaii QSO Party.

v7.49 - v7.51         -2012-
Modified SKCC contest for 5 digit member numbers.
Added WSJT Winter Rally support. Cabrillo log accepted for log submission.
Added <pfx:> field to ADIF outputs, for UBA International Prefix Hunt.
Changed CQ WW DX zone input, field was cleared when entered before the callsign.
Updated School Club Roundup Cabrillo.
New comma delimited 070 Club members` lookup file for numbers and names.
Sections.dat file: Ontario section is now 4 sections.
Rules changes for South Carolina and New Jersey QSO Parties.
Updated Alabama QSO Party for Canadian multiplier changes (8 to 13).
Changed points scoring for Washington Salmon Run and MARAC US Counties QSO Party.
Changed FLQP Orange county abbreviation from ORG to ORA.
Updated CWJF (CQMMDX) rules; Q-points, mults, sent exchange, Cabrillo format.
Changed the QRP ARCI contests: If you don`t enter a number with the `W` or `MW` suffix,
the QSO is scored as a 5-point member QSO. Read `Help` `About this Contest`.
Updated UKSMG for rules changes and Cabrillo format.
New function sorts the General Contest log by chronological date/time.
Updated OMISS Contest for 5-digit member numbers >9999.
Added (VE) British Columbia QSO Party.

v7.45 - v7.48         -2011-
Modified the use of vhf4k.adi file for 4 or 6-digit grid lookup.
Updated QRP To The Field for rules changes (this is not QRP Afield).
Updated Arizona QP for rules changes; exchange is totally different.
Arkansas QP new rules; changed mults from per band to per log.
Updated Counties.txt and all_coun.dat; for Arkansas QSO Party 4-character county changes.
Updated R1 VHF+ contests to do rover duping (on call/R entries).
Updated KSQP for rules changes.
Updated CIS QPSK63 DX Contest; exchange has changed from area to DXDA territory
number for all stations.
The MARAC County Hunters Contest is now the U.S Counties QSO Party.
Updated Portugal Day Contest to output a Cabrillo log.
Added CWops Open Contest, FM Simplex Challenge and CIS QPSK63 DX Contest.
Updated SDQP for Q-point rules changes.
Updated EU PSK DX Contest; EU areas have changed to 6-characters; new datafile.
Added QCWA QSO Party and updated Elecraft QP for Q-point changes.
Added option to change the UTC time display format to hh:mm to eliminate video flicker
in Win7 and newer monitors. Double-click the time display label to change the option.
Modified the Contests Help indexing and added CW setup F-key help.
Updated NDQP, MOQP, FISTS and MNQP for rules changes. 
Fixed end of CW transmission error in Vista, Win7. Microsoft VB function `SendKeys`
not supported in new OS.
COM port setup upper-right-X disabled; forces use of the `OK` button.
Updated OHQP and FLQP data files per rules changes.
Added OK DX RTTY Contest and 070 Club Jamboree.
USB interfaces and USB to serial COM port adapters supported.

v7.40 - v7.44         -2010-
Added ZeroLand QSO Party, NAQCC European Sprint, GridLoc HELL, SYLRA Contest,
CWops Mini-Test, EPC Ukraine DX Contest and Maritimes QSO Party.
Updated ARRL 10m, DEQP, PACC and WQF contests for rules changes.
W/VE Islands Contest now called W/VE QSO Party, plus rules update. 070 Club KA3X
Memorial Sprint now called 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial Sprint.
Changed Tara Rumble to fill-in the operator`s name field from a previous QSO.
Changed Washington Salmon Run mults in log editor to `by log` for 2011.
Updated MTQP, MIQP and Ohio Parks On The Air for rules changes.
Modified the `Add this log` for DXCC and Grid totals in General logs.
Updated TNQP and Hawaii QP for rules changes. Modified the contest selector for
VHF/Microwave Sprints.
Updated the UBA DX Contest Cabrillo format.
Added 10-10 Spirit of 76 QSO Party, ARRL Rookie Roundup and TRC DX Contest.
Changes to FISTS and SKCC Sprints to allow inputting a different rcvd/sent RST
instead of writing the default 599/599 to the log file.
Changes to Cabrillo output for portable operation. When operating portable, use
VE-F5LEN or VE_F5LEN for example in the setup screen. After writing the Cabrillo,
change the OPERATOR: field if necessary. GenLog changes the dash (or underscore)
to a slash in the log.
Added QSO summary to 10-10 contests Cabrillo header.
Changed Tara Skirmish to fill-in the operator`s name field from a previous QSO.
Updated MARAC, VTQP, COQP, MIQP, PAQP and Yuri Gagarin contests for rules, scoring
and datafile changes.
Updated 070 Valentine Sprint, NMQP, NDQP and SDQP for rules changes.
States worked map capture of `own state` multiplier when counties are exchanged.
Changed CW for easier use of memories F1-F3. See `CW <F1> thru <F3> setup` help.
Added [SN-] keyword = QSO serial, space, precedence (ex: 266 A in Nov SS).
Added 2 serial number leading zero format keywords (macro).
[L0SN] = `leading zero`: 1 sent as 001
[LTSN] = `leading T`: 1 sent as TT1.
Added keyword <TX> = correspondent number in LZ Open. As above, the number can
be formatted using <L0TX> and <LTTX>.
Added `PC` (previous calls) function to display the last 5 calls typed in.
Fixed stuff that did not work correctly:
Changed cursor placement after sending CW; goes to same field as before CW.
The `previous call` should be stored even when the call is not duped; when
working CW stations at a fast pace for example. Use `L` to recall last still works.
PAQP: Removed non-applicable menus and labels for non-PA stations. QSOs between
non-PA stations now scored as 0-point QSOs. Added PA to the PAQP states worked map
when PA stations work a PA county.
STF-file: PH mode should be listed as SSB in STF.

v6.67 - v7.3          -2009-
Updated Ontario QP, CTQP, IARU HF, CQVHF and OHQP for rules and datafile changes.
Added NDQP, ARAM Concurso, NYQP, AZQP, VK Shires, John Moyle and Rememberence Day.
Added UN DX Contest, Ohio State Parks OTA and Run For The Bacon.
Added menu for CIS DX QPSK63 Contest; same as CIS DX (new CISDX.dat file).
Added Iowa QSO Party, JLRS Party, 070 Club KA3X Memorial Sprint, BARTG RTTY and CDX
Independence Day Brasil contests. New general logging routine. 
Updated Tara Grid Dip: allow `dupes`; /R in different grids for example.
Added TX Grid to log file (rovers change grids).
Modified 070 Three Day Weekend: when station worked B4, op`s name is recalled.
Updated SMIRK 6M Contest to 4 or 6-digit grid exchange.
Added option to write ARRL FD log as Cabrillo, in addition to standard ASCII.
Added a selectable option in the {Help} menu to select HTML help.
Added selectable option to auto-load the last log file used.
Spring Sprints: re-worked the distance & heading calculator for 4/6-digit exchange.
SP DX: non-SP to non-SP = 0 points. Added prov lookup for users who want it.
Updated YODX, NYQP, KYQP, VK Shires, KSQP, NMQP and MDQP for rules changes. 

v6.60 - v6.66         -2008-
Updated ALQP and GAQP, DEQP, MSQP, COQP, MDXC Members Trophy, TARA PSK Rumble and
070 Club PSK for rules changes.
PAQP PA stns: scores EPA & WPA sections as mults when EPA and WPA counties are worked.
Changed log editor in 7QP. It does not re-number the new mults column. Edit in NotePad.
Added 070 Club 31 Flavors, Montana QP, NNY Section QP, Motorola QP, 070 PSK Valentine,
SPAR Winter FD, KDR Activity Weekend, Russian Digital + SSTV, 10-10 Open Season PSK,
EPC WW DX, SCC RTTY Championship, CQ World-Wide WPX RTTY and QRP ARCI Pet Rock Sprint.
Updated ARRL FD rules: Replaced Demo Mode bonus with Educational Activity bonus.
Added central South America, Alaska and Canada grid square menus and datafiles.
Added US Prefix Awards option to import ADIF logs and converts calls to WPX prefixes.

v6.56 - v6.59         -2007-
Changed WAE and WAG STF output filename to .stf extension.
Updated IARU R1 VHF (EDI), DEQP, 7QP and NHQP for new rules.
Added the lookup file {DXCC_Exceptions.dat}; file is searched before {dxcc_pre.dat}.
Changed NAQCC ASCII log output format per sponsor.
Added SKCC Sprint, LoTW Contest, eXtreme CW WW Challenge, 10m NRAU Activity, JARTS WW
RTTY, UKSMG 6m, FELD HELL and new Spring VHF/UHF/Microwave Sprints (5).
Changed JARL All Asian submission log to the sponsor`s preferred format.
Changed Mexico RTTY Contest; non-XE serial number entry field was missing.

v6.47 - v6.55         -2006-
Added the DARC STF log output to WAG and WAE contests.
Updated EU PSK and CIS DX (no dash), Croatia CW, Elecraft QP, IARU FD QP, MIQP,
HA-DX, NRAU-Baltic, QRP ARCI, Ontario QP, MARAC, VAQP and NCQP for rules changes.
Modified the default RS(T) for all modes in General logging {options 09 & 19}.
Added CWJF, Summer FSK-441 MS Contest, Digital Pentathlon, DARC 10m, Volta RTTY DX,
ANARTS WW RTTY, 7th Call Area QP, RSGB 1.8 MHz, DXpedition Mode, TARA Skirmish, 
QRP TAC Sprint, EPC PSK63 QSO Party, DL DX RTTY and Idaho QP contests.
v6.37 - v6.46         -2005-
County Hunting: Added selection to allow spaces to be entered for the county name -
hitting <Space> normally accepts this field.
Updated Bill Windle and FOC Marathon to read a new {foc_mems.dat} format. 
Updated Helvetia, ARI della Sezioni, King of Spain, HA-DX, FLQP, GAQP, OKQP, KYQP, NEQP,
Washington Salmon Run, ALQP & LAQP for rules changes.
Modified the DVK in the RIGblaster mode to work with older 16-bit sound cards.
Added DX Colombia, ARI Contest delle Sezioni, TARA RTTY Melee, Tesla Cup, CQ-M DX, BARTG
RTTY, NAQCC 80-Meter Sprint, NMQP, Colorado Snowshoe Run, FOC Marathon, All Austrian 160m
and basic WAE DX (no QTC or score).
v6.27 - v6.36         -2004-
Updated 070 Club PSKFEST, ARRL EME, SCQP, QRP ARCI and MNQP for rules changes.
Added Central America grid map (w/Caribbean). Long-filenames for LOGs can be used.
Quebec dropped from Great Lakes QSO Party. Updated Spartan Sprint, ORQP rules.
Added 4 FISTS Sprints, KCJ TopBand, QRP ARCI Newcomer`s, Mississippi QP, US Counties QP,
Asia-Pacific Sprint, Elecraft QP, Quebec QP, Low Power Spring Sprint, UK DX, REF 160m,
Mid-Atlantic QP, CISDX, EU PSK DX, Wake-Up! QRP Sprint, WQF QRP Party and Scottish-Russian
Marathon, Anatolian WW RTTY, OMISS QP, Mexico RTTY, Kids Roundup, GEM Net World Wide,
GACW DX and SEANET Contests. CW keying now available on LPT1-17.
New option adds state QSO Party QSOs to County Hunting logs, for US counties worked total.
Added option that swaps DTR and RTS ports for CW/PTT. Added DVK over-ride mode that cancels
a playing wave file at any time. RIGblaster supported.
v6.10 - v6.26         -2003-
Added REF, 3-AGCW QRP contests, Russian District, Arkansas QP, All Asian, NRAU Baltic,
Tara Grid Dip, Japan International DX, NA Meteor Scatter, Missouri QP, Russian PSK WW
and Russian RTTY WW contests.
Changed NWT section to NT for Northern Territories. (NTX=North Texas).
Updated the NJQP, SPDX, 9K Contest, MDXA Death Match and WVQP per rules.
Use my software at your own risk. I write software for Amateur Radio as a fun hobby.