To find a topic on this page, use <F3>

GenLog Hints / FAQs review:
A reviewer thinks the logger should do exchange data error checking - NO !
He believes that my logger should catch mistakes entered by the contester (and maybe fix them? I don't know). Why would I write software that did that? For the most part, GenLog will let you enter most anything in the exchange fields. It does not check to see if you are following the contest rules, doesn`t check for valid exchanges, doesn`t check spelling, and certainly does not work properly if you don`t use <Enter> or <Space> to input data.

You are operating in a contest, so do not expect GenLog to fix something or even tell you if you mis-spelled something. It is impossible to always have the current multiplier list available, or follow all current rules, so invalid entries are on you, after all you are following the contest rules, are you not? Read the Help About this Contest for logging tips and do your best to <Enter> what the station transmits, without typos.


GenLog v8.0 and newer support Win8/10/11 and require a new installation regardless of your OS.
After installing v8.0 or newer, you can get the latest revision at any time.
--- To log new or no longer supported contests, use the free N1MM+ logger ---

A detailed GenLog installation is HERE.

The Windows install and the update file are both set to the default folder to "C:\genlog32".

Browser issue: No download hand pointer !!
Chrome and Edge browser users might have difficulty downloading software - the mouse pointer doesn't change to a hand pointer.
If so, try a different browser - Firefox or IE for example.
If you don't like Firefox, just use it for web downloads, don't set it to your default browser.
Or - right-click a link and select {Save Link As...} or {Save Target as...}.
Save the Install file to your HD (probably to your "Downloads" folder), then run it `As an Administrator`

If an error occurs when you run the program you get a ...ocx or other file missing or not correctly registered... or run-time error 50003... right-click the GenLog shortcut icon and select "Run as administrator".

Important: The Microsoft WinHelp32 Help file may not open in new OS. Select the use of the HTML version. Read this.

Q: Why do I have the wrong date in some of my QSOs ?
A: Win 11 users report that the Win 11 system clock default format is set to YYYY-MM-DD. It must be either DD-MM-YY or MM-DD-YY for GenLog. Go here to fix this - or Google it.

Q: Why does the new Windows installer use the c:\genlog32 folder by default?
A: The JGS DeployMaster software is set to install in the default folder used by GenLog for decades.
1) This prevents browsers from setting the install folder to the User`s desktop, which is a disaster.
2) Shortcuts are created by the installer which eliminates the confusion about `where the software is`.
3) All future GenLog updates are to set the same default folder, by default.
4) Or - you can select the `Advanced Options Installation` button to install the software and updates to a different folder, but you need to select this folder each time you get an update.

Q: Can I import WSJT QSOs into GenLog?
A: Yes, read this Help file section to find out how.

Q: Can new digital contests using WSJT be added to GenLog?
A: No. WSJT is setup to log some digital contests and more will be added. Do File, Settings, Advanced Tab, Select the Special operating activity check-box. Select a contest radio button that sends the appropriate exchange. Hit [OK] and proceed to the main screen. A red highlighted label is displayed. A log screen will be displayed that shows stations worked. Post contest do File, Export Cabrillo file. Name it urCall.cbr. It will be saved in the Log directory. Do File, Open log directory. Keep a record of any QSOs that were not logged. Edit them into the Cabrillo file using NotePad. This is easily done by copying and inserting a previous QSO into the file, then edit the pertinent information. Upload the Cabrillo to the contest sponsor.

Or - use N1MM+ to log the contest, it writes a Cabrillo as well.

Q: Why can`t I re-size the screens to fill the video display?
A: Sorry, the third party re-sizing control doesn`t work like in my other software. The log inputs, output windows, controls and labels are re-sized and re-positioned (left/right & up/down) for each contest selected. The third party VB re-sizing control does not work properly - input boxes and labels are not sized and not located properly.

1) In newer PCs you can right-mouse click on the desktop, select `Screen Resolution`, `Make text and other items larger or smaller`. Select 1 size larger. However, this may change the size of desktop icons and program screens. Once all Apps are resized for the the new resolution, all is well. The larger screens make reading text easier, like on my large monitor.

I use #1 and it works good, since all your other apps can be re-sized smaller as needed using the standard Windows lower-right-corner drag.

2) You can run the logger in a lower resolution, larger-screen mode by changing the properties of the executable. I would close all other software when I do this. In MyComputer, find GenLog326.exe in the c:\genlog32 folder. Right-mouse click on GenLog326.exe and select Properties and the Compatibility Tab. Select `Run in 640 X 480 screen resolution`. Apply. When you run the logger, it changes the screen resolution to 640 X 480. When you exit the logger, the video resolution returns to normal. But, depending on your video interface, the logger might be bigger than the screen.

3) Using the standard video resolution change option works well. Right-mouse click on the desktop and select Screen Resolution. Select 1280 x 720 for example.

Q: As an in-state state QSO Party station, why don`t 2 multipliers get scored for my first in-state QSO (county and state)?
A: New: You can edit your log so they will. Read.

Q: I downloaded the latest GenLog revision file and extracted the files, but why do I still have an earlier version?
A: The logger installation AND updates are installed to the default folder c:\genlog32. If you changed the folder when you first installed the logger, this could be the problem. You certainly can install the logger and updates to a different folder, but you will need to remember to do this each time. Select the `Advanced Options Installation` button to install the software and updates to that folder.

Read this to make a proper shortcut.

Q: When I start a new contest, my TX Exchange isn`t displayed correctly. Why?
A: The TX Exchange comes from your information in the setup screen. You might need to change a field depending on the contest rules. The TX Exchange information displayed in the `TX Exch` combo-box could be your section, province, area code, department, district, grid square etc. In the logging screen, you may enter or edit the information in the pull-down combo boxes if necessary, so the correct information appears in your log file. Or exit the logger and change it in the appropriate field in the set-up screen. If in doubt, try this in a dummy log before the contest.

Q: Why is the score text in the logging screen truncated to a few digits?
A: If your non-US PC`s system number setup is configured for decimal separators - that is, instead of 11,500 your computer displays numbers with a decimal separator, 11.500 in this example - the score text can be truncated and displayed as 11 - the integer value. Rather than changing the number separators to be commas in your system, just change the option in the logger`s View menu. Re-load your log file to see the change.

Q: I want to enter QSO information that is sent. What do I do if I don`t want member names or numbers displayed when a callsign is entered?
A: Rename the lookup file, but be aware that GenLog`s updates will update many lookup files.

Q: The logger doesn`t dupe every callsign. Sometimes the logger does not flag some dupes. Why?
A: If you do not use <Enter> or <Space> to input all exchanged fields, duping will not be done. In the initial setup form, the flashing yellow window instructs to use only <Enter> or <Space>.

If you <Tab> to the next field without properly entering calls, no duping will be done. Other problems can show up as well - miscalculated QSO points, skipped lookups from files, mis-tagged multipliers and an improperly formatted log file - which can result in an improperly formatted Cabrillo as well. You need a way to move between fields without using the mouse - use the <Tab> key.

Check your log, here`s the tip-off -- If you type the callsigns in lower case (which you can certainly do) and they show up in the log as lower case, then you did not use <Enter> or <Space> to input the call.

Q: Why doesn`t the <Tab> key work to input/enter callsigns and exchange data?
A: As mentioned in the above question, the <Tab> key is used to move between fields without using the mouse. GenLog logs more than 400 contests, many of which require special function code to handle the QTH based received and sent exchange data. Contests can also score points and count multipliers based on QTH. The GenLog log file and the Cabrillo log formats are based on the code that is run when <Enter> or <Space> keys are used. I cannot program the <Tab> key because if you used <Tab> to move between fields the special function code will be initiated out of sequence.

Q: How does the logger work on both ends of the QSO?
A: Your Call Sign, State/Prov and DXCC prefix (from the dxcc_pre.dat file) are fields that setup the various contests from either end of the QSO. Other information is used to setup the TX message for that contest. When you continue to the logging screen, the setup form data is saved. As mentioned in the above question, many contests use special function code to handle the QTH based received/sent exchange data, log formatting and scoring when QSOs are entered.

Q: Sometimes I will log in different CW contests at one sitting, plus log non-contesting DX in a general log as well. Is it possible to load the associated CW keyer file with each log file?
A: In v8.23 and later you can. Since the logger was setup based on the new contest started or a re-loaded log file from day 1, it made sense to also load an associated keyer file. An Auto CW keyer file loading function loads the keyer file associated with the loaded log.

Q: Why do I get a `Run-time error 70 - Permission denied` error when I enter a QSO?
A: Is your log file set to `Read Only`? Right-mouse the log file in Explorer/MyComputer and Select Properties and change it. If you burned a CD to copy the software to another PC, the folders and files can be set to `Read only`.

Q: When I continue from the setup screen, why do I get an `Error 50003` or similar?
A: Typically an error 50003 is an installation problem with dll/ocx files. If you have a new Win8/Win10 PC you need the new installation to install versions 8.0 and newer. It installs by default to the c:\genlog32 folder, so your setup and logs can be used as before. After the new install, the updates can be downloaded at any time, and are installed by default to the same folder.

Q: Why does LOTW upload reject my ADIF log?
A: Probably mode related: Modes in ADIF and Cabrillo logs may not match the TQSL default modes.
In the TQSL preferences, select the ADIF tab and set the mode names to be mapped to those accepted by LOTW. Now when a file is processed by TQSL, it will automatically map the mode names. Tnx WA5TKU. Read the LOTW FAQ for more.

Never just accept default exchange data that GenLog inserts when logging. Always accept (or re-enter) and QSL only what the station transmits - unless the station sends abbreviated CW - like zone `AT` for zone 10 as an example - which should not be allowed. Who the hell knows what they are sending if you are new to contesting?

Read the Cabrillo log Hints.

Rig control and QRG:
Genlog does not support QRG.

Don`t forget to log the QSO:
Forgetting to enter a QSO can cause NIL for the other station ! You can set the logger to accept the QSO into the log after you enter the last exchanged data. Don`t <Enter> the last input until you hear QSL from the other station. This option is purposely not saved to the Ini file.

Duping issues:
Duping and mode selection in various contests can be a problem. Don`t forget to read the `About this Contest` Help and the sponsor`s contest rules before you start the contest.

1. If the software won`t let you enter a dupe QSO, but you want to enter a dupe QSO (he says he didn`t work you yet), consider doing this while logging. Add "_2" for example to the callsign. Make a paper note of this QSO and remove the "_2" in the log post contest. Maintain the <Space> delimited file format.

2. Many contests allow working the same station again if the QTH exchange is different (QSO Parties). Most contests in GenLog are setup correctly and allow a different exchange to be entered for home state stations that are mobiling thru different counties = not a dupe QSO. Let me know if you find a contest that needs to allow entering different QTHs and I`ll update that contest.

3. Some contests allow working stations on any mode, but only PH, CW and Digital are used for duping. Unless specified in the sponsor`s rules, AM, FM and SSB would be logged as PH. For the digital QSOs, you should probably select the RTY or DIG logging mode. The digital mode will most likely be converted to RY in Cabrillo.

4. For multi-mode digital contests, hopefully the sponsor`s rules are explicitly documented so logger authors can code the software to dupe properly based on the digital modes and write the proper mode IDs to Cabrillo. Users must not forget to change digital modes in the logger when they change TX modes.

5. Always an issue: Not all QSOs are duped properly because the user is not inputting the exchange data with <Enter> or <Space>. This should never be an issue because it is documented in the `yellow flashing window` in the setup form, plus in the Help files and in this FAQ.

VHF/UHF/Microwave Sprints:
The various supported VHF+ Sprint Contests change sponsors and rules frequently. Some use 1 point per QSO, as they all did back in the day. Some of them score 1 point for each kM distance between the QSO 6-digits. Multipliers are another issue. Try the Sprint in question before the day of the contest to see if it logs based on the current rules. If not, try another (Spring, Fall, SVHFS, ETDXA, Generic etc). If using a different contest, edit the Cabrillo header to follow the rules; Contest name, category etc.

Logging screen setup, QTH specific contests, etc:
Rather than using a config file for each contest, GenLog uses your DXCC prefix, section/province, county, State, contest option number, Zone, power level etc. to setup the logging screen. For example, your state is the key to setting up the State QSO Parties. Many contests have different message sequences and exchanged data that is sent and received based on your QTH.

Before operating in a contest, run a dummy contest first to make sure it is setup properly from your QTH. You can delete the dummy file later in Explorer. See the question on temp/dummy files below. An important setup key is your DXCC prefix: W, PA, G, LU .... The DXCC prefix for your country can be looked-up in the {dxcc_pre.dat} file.

Post contest logging:
After selecting the contest and naming the log file, the expected date format is displayed in the [QSO UTC Date] box. The date format, either mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy is initially selected in the setup screen. This setup follows what your PC`s system clock format is set to. Select the {After contest} radio button and enter the date of the first QSO. Then enter the UTC time of the first QSO and continue entering all exchange data from left to right, hitting <Enter> or <Space> to input each field. When the UTC date changes, edit the new date and continue entering QSOs.

Power level/Power Class:
While in the setup screen, read about the power level/power class abbreviations used in a contest by clicking the blue `Contests HELP` label in the setup screen and search the `Index` for that contest. In the logging screen, select a contest and make sure your TX exchange follows the current rules on the contest web page. Change the TX exchange combo-box before logging if necessary. See the contest hints and basic rules for the loaded contest - {Help}{About this Contest}.

Entering data into the log:
All of my loggers use the <Enter> and <Space> keys to accept QSO data in all fields. <Tab> is only used to move between fields. Special routines that are called when the <Enter> and <Space> keys are used will not be done when the <Tab> key is used. This can show up as the dupe function not working, miscalculated points, errors in multiplier tags and counts, incorrectly formatted ASCII log and incorrectly formatted Cabrillo log, plus other unknown errors. Using <Tab> to enter data just won`t work !

Changing the last QSO in the log:
If you just <Entered> a QSO into the log on the wrong band for example, take note of the exchange, <Enter> `DL` to delete the last QSO. Change to the correct band. <Enter> `L` for last callsign, and continue. `DL` and `L` are commands you will use often.

To open the HELP files in newer OS:
Microsoft no longer ships WinHelp with newer OS - so my help file may not open from the Help menu.
1. You can get the WinHlp32.exe file from Microsoft`s WinHlp32 page. The -x86 file is for 32-bit OS and -x64 is for 64-bit OS. My older WinHelp file looks nicer, but the internet links may not work in newer OS.

2. Or - select the HTML help format from the Help menu. The internet links will work from this help file. On newer OS, this .chm version may not open. This is a Microsoft security issue. Do right-mouse, Properties on the GEN_LOG.chm file and select `unblock`. Unfortunately, you may need to `unblock` the .chm file after downloading an updated version.

3. Or - read the HTML General help file here and the Contests help file here. Search for a topic or contest using <Ctrl> + F.

Mode in contests:
Use PH for all voice modes in contests (unless specified otherwise in the rules). Why? The Cabrillo log is fielded for 2 characters only and all voice contacts must be identified using one mode so duping can be accomplished. Also, since the Cabrillo uses a 2 character mode, contest sponsors use RY for PSK, RTTY and other non-CW digital QSOs for the same reason.

Don`t forget to change bands (and mode) in the logger when you change radio bands. I usually make a note of band change times so I can check this post contest - which also reminds me to change bands in the logger.

Displaying the total summary and score can be done at any time, so you can see the results of each band during a contest. Use the Log Write summary menus. GenLog writes an ASCII file, then opens the file in NotePad or EditPad. Either NotePad or EditPad must reside in your logging folder. For contest sponsors requiring a summary, this file can be edited to contain your entry class, power levels or QTH before E-mailing it along with your ASCII log file [urCall.log].

In contests with Bonus points, click the [Mult/Bonus] button to enter bonus points, bonus mults, etc. Then re-load the log file to update the score. A log file can be re-loaded at anytime. The log `re-load` can be used as a reset, if something isn`t quite right when you initially start a contest. Make a few contacts, then re-load the file.

Using GenLog`s default exchanges / mults / files:
GenLog uses several data files to display default exchanges like ITU or CQ zones, DXCC countries, etc. No one knows what zone a station may be located in until that station sends the message (in particular US stations). It is up to you to <Enter> the correct exchange information. When you QSL a message, it is understood that you received the correct info. Same with the signal report. If you were sent 559, then you must change the report to 559, not just hit <Enter>.

Since many contest sponsors use the Cabrillo format file for log submissions, using GenLog`s default QSO points is a non-issue. The contest sponsor uses the Cabrillo to calculate the points per QSO and your score. The points values do not appear in the Cabrillo file. So - if points are wrong due to rules changes or calculation error, this does not affect your log submission.

UTC offset:
My loggers have an auto UTC offset function that looks at the PC`s system clock. In the system clock setup, sychronize your PC`s clock to the correct time automatically using the Dimension4 free software. Or set the Internet Time setup to auto update from `` or ``.

GenLog checks the system clock at program start-up for the UTC hour and changes the UTC offset for you. Verify the UTC time and UTC offset each time you run the logger.

If necessary, use the supplied application `Gen Time` post contest to adjust the log by X hours, either plus or minus. Sorry only the hour can be changed (and NOT THE DATES around UTC midnight - requires manual edit in NotePad).

Standard Time/Daylight Saving Time changes:
When your local time changes twice a year and you are logging, the UTC offset will not change. The selected and/or loaded UTC offset at program start will be wrong when your local time changes. You must exit the logger and restart the program to update the UTC offset. If you made QSOs right after the hour change before you re-start the logger, you need to adjust the time in your log for those QSOs.

Q: The logging screen flickers every second when the UTC time hh:mm:ss label is updated. What can I do?
A: Double-click the UTC time display label mid-screen to change the format to hh:mm format. The 1-minute time update will go un-noticed.

Q: When a grid square map is displayed, why is it empty?
A: Grid map datafiles are used for US, East US, EU, SA, SA2, Alaska-BC, Eastern-Canada and Central America maps - these files must be in the logging folder. Filenames are,,,,, and respectively. All files used by GenLog are available - get this zipped data file and extract the files you want.

Q: Instead of the {vhf4k.adi} file, can I use my own 6-digit ADIF lookup file?
A: Yes, as long as it is in the same ADIF format. To use a different filename, change it in the File Options setup form.

Q: Why not have GenLog check the spelling of multiplier exchange text that I enter?
A: This would require accurate up-to-date datafiles for >400 contests - and why would I do that? When you enter an exchange, you enter what the other station transmits. The logger may suggest exchange text based on the contest and callsign entered - always enter what you receive from the other station (except abbreviated CW as mentioned above).

Contest sponsors do cross-checking of logs, so it is a bad practice to simply accept the logger lookup text. After all, you QSL`d the message - it IS correct in your log- right?

Q: How can I back-up my LOG files during a contest?
A: There is no reason why you should ever lose contest LOG data. You can have several files available that contain your QSOs.

The auto-saved file [filename.LOG] is written to the drive/path you selected in the set-up screen before starting to log - or in the View menu while logging. Using a USB drive is recommended. If a glitch erases or corrupts your normal LOG file, you should have no problem using the back-up file for re-load into GenLog.

If you want the backup USB device to have a persistant drive letter:
1. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu.
2. Select Disk Management.
3. Right-click the USB drive on the list and select Change Drive Letter and Paths.
4. Click the Change button.
5. Use the drop-down menu and select the drive letter you want to use. Choosing a letter from M to Z will insure it will not conflict with other devices.

[filename.LOG] is the normal logging file that you name when starting a contest. Each QSO saved immediately after entering it.
[filename.BAK] is the manually saved BU file - but may not be up-to-date. Rename to [filename.log] to re-load.
[filename.BU1] is the logging file saved before editing in GenLog. This file only has the QSOs up to that point however! Re-name to re-load.
[urCall.LOG] is a manually saved file, either in standard ASCII or in the Cabrillo format.
An ADIF file can also be saved at any time. These files are saved to your logging folder.

If you associate the .bu1 .bak .adi .log and .cbr extensions with NotePad, you can easily view or edit them. Back-up files with .bak and .bu1 extensions can be deleted from the logging folder after you are finished with that contest.

Q: Why not allow the user to add a contest?
A: A `new contest setup` would only be limited to a few fields, like the General Logging function, no scoring, no Cabrillo. I can add new contests, send me the rules link. I will no longer add new contests to GenLog. Use N1MM+ Logger or N3FJP Logger.

Q: How do I set or change the Category for a contest submission?
A: I can`t list all the correct Categories in the setup screen for more than 400 contests. You can:
1. Select the Category from the pull-down list in the setup screen if it exists.
2. Find the correct Category listed in the Sponsor`s rules and type it into the setup screen combo-box.
3. Write the Cabrillo log and then edit the Category while you are reading the Cabrillo header to insure it follows the Sponsor`s rules.
4. If after submitting the Cabrillo, the robot may give you a Category error, edit the Cabrillo header and re-submit the log as needed.

Q: Can I use GenLog in the Multi-Op Category?
A: GenLog does not have networking capability, but you can merge several log files (from other PCs) post contest and submit a Multi-Op Cabrillo log to the contest sponsor. Read the `Multi-op` section in the HELP file to make one log file and edit it for submission.

Q: Why don`t the special events callsigns with many numerals score WPX multipliers properly?
A: The multiplier field in logs is length limited from day 1. The sponsor will score your log.

Q: Why doesn`t GenLog receive and transmit RTTY or PSK?
A: I do not have time (and the knowledge) to add and support the digital engines to the logger. There are software packages out there that support RTTY/PSK - with built-in loggers. I use MixW. Others use the N1MM+ logger.

Q: Is there a VHF/UHF version of GenLog?
A: Yes. Use VHFLOG to log in ARRL VHF/UHF/microwave contests and Sprints.

Q: Is there a VHF/UHF rover version of your logger?
A: Use KM Rover to log these contests as a rover. Enter your call as urcall-R or urcall_R in the setup screen.

Q: Do you have log scoring software for contest sponsors?
A: Cabrillo Evaluator scores Cabrillo logs for most contests.

Q: Will GenLog run in Linux?
A: Yes. GenLog runs in Linux using the Wine application. But - make sure times saved to the log are in correct format. The time format can have suppressed zeros. ex: GenLog`s clock shows 01:23 as 1:23. I don`t know if this is a Linux time format setup issue or Wine. While in GenLog, set the system clock to an hour after midnight and check the clock display. Save a QSO to the log at 0123 for example to verify that it is working correctly.

Wine may have used the .winedotnet directory:
If an older version of GenLog runs after getting an update, check the .winedotnet directory to see if the new version was saved there. If so, copy the GenLog326.exe and paste it in the directory specified in your shortcut. The folder c:\genlog32 is the default.

Q: How can I enter an HF frequency instead of the band in meters?
A: No. I would have to re-write the logger (and supporting software) to add this field in contest logs. But - if you use the SWL log option, you can enter any frequency text, plus the op`s name, qth, grid or whatever. Plus my loggers do not support QRG, like some that do using CAT radio control.

Q: A message is displayed that the callsign is a dupe. How do I log dupe calls in a different County/Exchange?
A: Most contests allow you to log a dupe call by simply continuing after the dupe pop-up message and entering a different QTH/Exchange. This is how you log stations that are Roving/Mobile in different counties for example.

Q: Why does the logger allow me to enter a dupe QSO?
A: Dupe QSOs in the log are just 0-pointers when the sponsor scores the log. With the increased use of sponsor log cross-checking, it is advisable to work a dupe station when requested. Also, it is easier to just continue and work that station. Do not remove dupe QSOs from your log. The claimed score does not affect your log submission. If you want an accurate claimed score, you can change the Q-points to 0 before entering the dupe QSO into the log.

Q: How do I view/edit the Log and summary files?
A: For most contests, you can edit the log by clicking the [Edit/Change Log] button. This function is disabled in some contests because of non-normal log formatting. In GenLog, use the File Display log/data files menus to view/edit files. Double-click the log file name to open it in NotePad. Note: NotePad.exe must reside in the logging folder. Before editing, save a back-up copy just in case, and after saving the current log to a BU file, open the current log file again from the list so you are not editing the BU file. Maintain the space de-limited column format when editing. After editing a current log file, re-save it, then click that log filename in the files list-box to re-load it.

Or - In Explorer {My Computer}, log files have the extension .log and summary files have the .sum extension. Double-click the file in Explorer. If the file extension is associated with NotePad (or other editor), it will open. If not, select an editor application from the [Open with] dialog box. The log files are in space delimited column format and must be in the same format after editing/saving the file.

Note: If after editing your log and re-loading it, you get an error message [ No such band ] or other:
Be sure that there are no empty lines after the last QSO. If the [ No such band ] error is because of a blank line at the end of the log - as indicated when you have the `End` check-box selected, you can delete the blank line by entering `DL` in the callsign field.

Or - when viewing the file in an editor, the cursor should flash on the line just below the last QSO, at column 1, with nothing to the right of it and nothing below it. The file is Space delimited, not Tab delimited, which means you must use spaces when editing the file.

Note: To view/open HELP files, Cabrillo or ASCII data files in your logging folder in Explorer, you need to uncheck the `Hide file extensions` checkbox - Tools, Folder options, View menu. Then you can see the filename and extension, since many files can start with the same name but are different file types. Ex: {urCall.log} {urCall.sum} {urCall.mlt} and {urCall.txt}.

Q: How do you alpha sort the lookup files and the outputs?
A: Lookup files are sorted using EditPad Lite or KM Alpha Sort. Output files written by the logger are bubble sorted in VB6.

Q: Why not use the cty files that CT and other loggers use?
A: I use my {dxcc_pre.dat} DXCC lookup file that I developed for my first DOS logger in the 80`s - before CT? GenLog, Cabrillo Evaluator, Prefixes and sponsor specific applications use this file and I don`t want to re-write software that I developed years ago. It is easy to keep updated and the {DXCC_Exceptions.dat} file allows lookup for stations not operating from their `home` DXCC country. If you work an exception station not in the file - add it yourself. If an exception expires, remove it from the file. Each entry has the same format as the {dxcc_pre.dat} file - except a space is required after the callsign and one callsign per line. Copy and paste an existing country exception to add a new one, and edit it. Ex: AH8I [ALASKA]01 KL7

Q: How can I delete the temporary/dummy log files that I don`t want?
A: As with any applications software, file maintenance is best done in the MS file manager Explorer (My Computer). Use Tools, Folder options, View tab, and uncheck `Hide file extensions` so you can view the .LOG file extensions. Select [Apply] and [OK]. You can also delete the log files with .bu1 .bu2 and .bak extensions when you are finished with them. Deleted files are put in the Recycle Bin. To get deleted files back, open the Recycle Bin, click the files you want restored and do `Undo Delete` or `Restore`.

Q: When I edited my log file and tried to re-load it, I got an error: [ Input past the end ] [ No such band ] or other. Why?
A: When editing your log file, be careful not to disturb the columnar format of the data file. The file is Space delimited, not Tab delimited, which means you must use spaces when editing the file, not tabs. Also be sure that there are no empty lines after the last QSO.

If there are blank QSO lines at the bottom of the log file, you can delete them by <Entering> DL at the callsign input prompt. Use the File Display log/data files menus to view/edit files. When viewing the file in an editor, the cursor should flash on the line just below the last QSO, at column 1, with nothing to the right of it and nothing below it.

Q: Can I use long log filenames?
A: Yes, but keep them simple so the text fits in the existing display fields. Using names that identify the contest is helpful {2017cqww_cw.log} {2017paqp.log}.

Q: When I operate portable in a contest, what callsign format do I use in GenLog`s setup and in my Cabrillo log?
A: You cannot enter a slash in your callsign in the setup form. Using VE/F5LEN for example: The callsign is used to name files written by the logger and VE/F5LEN.log is an illegal Windows filename. Use VE-F5LEN or VE_F5LEN in the setup screen. Keep in mind that you cannot use CW macros that send <yourCall> - enter your portable call into a CW memory text instead. After writing the Cabrillo, verify the log. GenLog usually changes the OPERATOR: field. GenLog changes the dash (or underscore) to a slash in the rest of the log.

Q: What is a Cabrillo file and when is it used?
A: Most contest sponsors require that computer generated LOGs to be submitted electronically instead of on paper. The Cabrillo file format contains both a summary and the log file. GenLog writes the Cabrillo file for selected contests and uses {urCall.log} as the filename - or {urCall.cbr}. If the pull-down menu does not say `Write Cabrillo...`, the Cabrillo output may not be supported in that contest. Re-load the log file to reset the menu to double-check.

Read the Cabrillo log

Q: My Cabrillo file output has the wrong date format. What caused this?
A: If your PC system date format is set to DDMMYY, you must select the same format in GenLog`s setup screen, otherwise the month and day in your Cabrillo file will be reversed and could be rejected by the sponsor`s server. Unfortunately, you cannot just change GenLog`s format and expect the Cabrillo file to be correct, since your contest LOG file was written in the previous date format.

You can fix your current GenLog format LOG file by using the `Find & Replace` function in your text editor. For example: find 30/07/04 and replace with 07/30/04. After you select the correct date formats in the PC`s time setup - and in GenLog - and re-load the LOG, the Cabrillo file you write now will be correct.

Q: Is there an automatic partial callsign search in GenLog?
A: Yes, this is a selectable function. You make your own master datafiles using GenSort.exe and select the file to be used during logging in the View menu. After 2 or more characters are entered into the callsign field, the matching calls from the current log and the master datafile are displayed. You may click a callsign in either output window to insert that call into the callsign field. I use the left window to see dupes when I type in a call.


Q: Can I select a different sound card when using the DVK?
A: The logger doesn`t have a sound card setup. To select a different sound card, use the Windows device selector. Right-mouse on the Speaker/volume control in the taskbar and select Properties, Audio, Default device.

COM port wiring connections:
The logger uses RTS and DTR for CW/PTT. You may select the option that swaps the CW and PTT lines (required for RIGblaster interfaces).

On initial setup, don't forget to do a CW Calibration first. The default Speed constant is 1000 and works on my PC.

If not using PTT or if your interface doesn't support PTT, turn it Off in the CW setup.

DLPORTIO driver may not be supported in new OS !!
The VB MSComm control is used for USB CW/PTT, which comes with the logger and is setup in the lower `USB` section. For now, the third party DLPORTIO driver is still used for real COM ports. If you must use the upper setup, the DLPORTIO driver software [port95nt.exe] is here.

Q: Why is the CW irratic and garbled?
A: 1) Other applications and firewalls can cause timing problems. I disconnect from the Internet and turn off other programs when necessary.
2) Do you have the keying weight set near 1.00 - it does not need to be set too far from 1.00 to work correctly. I use 1.10.
3) RF can get into the PC and keyboard via the connecting cables, which will trash the CW keying. Turn the power output all the way down and try CW keying to prove this.
4) Some USB to serial adapters do not work properly. Known to work are interfaces with FTDI chips like the VScom serial adapters.

Q: Why the `divide by zero` error in CW Cal or Test?
A: A blank [Cal Constant] value in the CW setup will cause a `divide-by-zero` error. Use 1000 and do the Calibration. The constant is from the old days when PC processor speeds were a lot slower.

Interface ports:
1) Use a USB port for USB CW/PTT interfaces.
2) Use a USB to serial port interface with FTDI chips like the VScom adapters.
3) If using an older PC with a real COM port, standard serial interfaces still work.

COM port DB9 pin-out:
CW - Pin 7
PTT - Pin 4
Ground/Common - Pin 5
CW/PTT connections are software reversible in the COM port setup.

Questions, comments or problems: w3km at verizon dot net